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Plus Size & TTC. Who's With Me?

Ashnamber: good luck, sounds like a good plan!

Mrslsc: how did yesterday go?

We didn't get to AI last night.. donor had to work late :(.. My temp dipped today so I'm really hoping it dips another day before the rise but it looks like O will be in the next day or so going to get an AI in tonight and poss tomorrow.. keeping my FX that I didn't miss this little eggy
my follicles went from Right: 13 to 16, and Left: 15 to 14..... not sure why that is happening... but not looking good this cycle.. waiting for them to call back with my blood work..if estrogen is rising as it should be, then I will just have to go back in on Friday to check the follicle sizing and see when we can IUI..if not rising, then this cycle will be a bust and we will either have to up the dosage of clomid..ughhh.. or move on to injectables which my insurance doesn't cover and they are $3-500 a pop, not to mention the two HCG shots I will need at $90 a shot.. so not a very good day in Fertility land for me.. :(
i'm sorry LCS :hugs: I hope you get a good call so you dont have to go through all that :(
me too, thank you.. I don't know why its so hard, like, what am I doing wrong?
Your not doing anything wrong love... We always seem to think what we do wrong.. I must go over everything I've done every cycle over and over and I read and re read every article I can find to try and make it better.. I wish I knew what to say to make it better.. Just know your not alone in feeling that way :hugs:
I did my AI today.. I used 1ml of per-seed left it in for 15-20min while my hips were elevated we did AI and I stayed with hips elevated for 30min.. DW said it looked like some of the :spermy: was coming.. I just tried to elevate myself as much as I could.. My OPK I think really really close to positive if it wasn't positive so I counted it as it was and EWCM showed up but not a whole lot so hope the per-seed helps.. Going to try and do it again tomorrow if donor can
Sounds good!! Lots of luck!!!

my doc called me and let me know estrogen was rising so I go back Friday to check size ...hoping they get larger.

I think a few of us will be testing around Christmas and nee year!!
Mrs lsc: I second everything ashnamber said :)! Hoping that Friday goes well and the follicles are late bloomers!

Ashnamber: Fingers crossed the ai worked last night or if not the next few times. I have heard pre seed is a miracle worker :)

Good luck to you both, let's hope it's Christmas babies x
Well pre seed better be because we only got to AI once this cycle :( I had a + OPK yesterday and then had lots of EWCM while at work then got home 4 hours later and had creamy cm with - OPK and donor had to work late again so no AI... So I'm guessing I Od today some time.. Will know when I wake up if my temp raised or not.. Kinda sad :( was so excited for this cycle
Well it only takes once..my friend is now 10weeks after ttc for a year with pcos..she got off gumetza (metformin) and all other drugs and stopped trying..and had sex once..boom. So u never know!!! Anxious to see your chart in am!

also anxious to see mine too...not sure what's goin on there...looks like I'm going to O! But RE told me to come back in Friday to check follies and decide when to trigger and then iui.. Sooo..hows that work..what if I missed it...lol
Well, AF just showed up uninvited. No Christmas baby. I'm sad but not all that surprised this time.

Damn. Think I'll curl up in bed with some chocolate. Ugh :(

Hope all is going well with the rest of you lovely ladies.
ashnamber: by the look of your chart you still havent ovulated so you still have time :)!

mrs lsc: how did your scan go?

tirimisu: sorry af arrived :( the duvet and chocolate idea sounds lovely!

as for me still no af :( :(!! x
Hcg tonight iui Monday:) follicle was 20 on Friday and 16.
So confusing.. So I "fixed" my chart.. I missed one day of temping.. Well I didn't miss it.. I jumped out of bed to get ready for work and after I got to the dryer realized I forgot to temp so I went lay back down and temped but didn't count like I normally do (I sleep with my mouth open so I temp :shy: in the lower region.. can't hear it beep :haha: ) So I decided to just take that temp out because it wasn;t going to be right either way and I really didn't want to throw my chart off.. So yesterdays temp was pretty much where it has been the last few days.. Got home to do my OPK to make sure it was white as snow to let me know I O'd and the dang thing was + :wacko: around noon So I called donor and got another AI in FINALLY around 5pm (Hope I didn't miss anything) I didn't have any EWCM but it did look watery so I used Pre-Seed to help those little guys on their way.. Woke up this morning and temp has jumped up... Soo I wonder if I caught it after all

I'm sorry about AF tiramisu87 :hugs: I hope next cycle is the one!!
I'm sure its fine..i believe egg hangs around 12-24 hrs after O whereas sperm hang for days. FX!!also when opk is positive means you are going to o within 24-48hrs.
Yeah.. I'll know more once I get home from work in 2 hours to take another OPK.. I think if today is + ill throw that bottle away :wacko:
OMG!! I'm losing my mind!!! I had the darkest OPK yesterday that I think I ever have had along with a crap ton of EWCM and of course my DW didn't want to do another AI.. I'm so happy I did it the night before.. But what the hell is going on!!!! My temp dropped again this morning.. I'm so freakin confused.. In all the months that i'v been trying I'v NEVER had this happen!!!

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