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Plus Size & TTC. Who's With Me?

How you ladies feeling?? Did we all have a good weekend?

7 DPO .. Took my temp today and it actually went up to 98.71 but i took it 2 hours earlier then normally due to my new work hours for this week so I used FF adjuster and it came up with 99.11 :wacko: so im just waiting.. Only thing I feel like it imm getting a bladder infection.. Feel like i have to go to the bathroom every 2 hours.. Craziness
Hello Ladies,

It has been so long since I posted here! So much going on!!!

-I found out I missed the grade cutoff to go onto Nursing II by 0.5points
-My OBGYN called and they found atypical cells during my pap smear
-Also my OBGYN feels after the last of my blood work and relooking at pelvic u/s I would be better off doing co-care with her and fertility specialist...PCOS is worse than she originally thought and I need more aggressive treatment
-To top it all off my Husband is really sick and has been admitted to the hospital we are going on day six of being in the hospital!
So to help pass time I decided to check in on bnb. I have missed so much!!!!

Welcome to Jservos!

Tiramsui- So sorry to hear AF came 

Comet-Still no AF so sorry!


AshnAmber-So sorry things have been crazy and rough for you…keeping my fingers crossed!

Mrs. Lcs-Ins is no fun to work with…hope things work out for you!!!

Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas!!! May the New Year make us all Mommies!!!

Blessings & Babydust,
Hope all of you ladies are doing well xoxo

Last night was our first anniversary and of course, we BD.

Today I have been having twinges/cramps on my left side ovary area. I also saw EWCM today...stretchy, thick jelly type. Is it possible to ovulate early?! My period ended a few days ago on Friday. I'm used to ovary/uterine type pain since I have endo but the EWCM is what puzzles me!
Hello everyone!
Thought I'd jump in on the bandwagon. :) I'm chunky and TTC as well. I'm a size 18 (US) and I love my food and I'm not afraid to say it! I'm 23, my OH is almost 30. This is cycle #2 of trying, and I'm in my Two Week Wait.

Hope it's okay that I crashed the party! Good luck and baby dust to all!

Im also 23 and my DH is 30! Im starting my first cycle. I felt like i could relate to you! Im starting clomid in January. Super stressed! Good luck to you2

Hi ladies! I'm right there with you! I'd like to join the group if y'all are willing! I'm also 23, husband is 29. We are newlyweds but have been together for 6 years next month.

5 years ago I miscarried at 11 weeks :cry: it was A VERY difficult time for me. The year after I gained 100 lbs in a year. It was rather drastic. I went from 140 lbs to the 241lbs I have been for the past 4 years. I'm still not use to this body and I'm not sure I ever will be.

I have baby fever like none other! It's all I can think about! My poor husband is probably sooooo tired of me talking about it!

This is our first month trying. I had the mirena taken out a year ago and before I had it my periods were like clock work every 28 days. Since getting it removed my cycles are anywhere from 32-41 days. I am just using opks and I have been charting my cycles for the past 6 months. We will see what happens this month. I'm not too confident about it. I pray baby dust for us all!
Hi everyone!Merry Christmas!

I haven't been on this thread for about 2 months,after my BFN in October and November.Hubby and I started full on TTC'ing in the beginning of October.

I used Vitex for a month and we both drank Pregnacare vitamins for the last month.My AF was due 17 Dec.The day came and went,but no AF.I tested last Friday,but it was BFN.Then yesterday,I couldn't stand the wait,and tested again,and...


I am hoping and praying you ladies all get your miracles very soon,I want lots of plus size bump buddies,so I'm not the only big momma ;)
Good Morning Ladies!! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and enjoyed spending time with Friends and Family..

I'm kinda confused.. I'm 10 DPO and having none of my normal PMS symptoms, No sore BBs, No cramps So really have No clue :shrug: The only thing I'v had so far was a sharp pain by my left ovary early yesterday morning that lasted all day I felt it the worst when I walked.. It was bad enough that my family noticed the way I was walking and started to worry.. Told them if it lasted more then a few days I'll get it checked out.. Today it feels achy but doesn't hurt as bad as yesterday.. Temp jumped today and I' catching a cold blah... So just waiting and see what goes on the rest of this week.. I really want to test but of course to scared i'm going to see a BFN..
Hello Ladies,

Mcrobinson- Welcome!! We have very similar stories I m/c at 9 weeks 6 years ago, such a hard thing to go through!


AshnAmber- Do you think it was a cyst you felt pop yesterday...my gf had one and described her pain just like you did. Hopefully your BFP comes soon!!!

So I have a question for everyone. My Dr. said to take Provera every 60 days so do I start taking it on CD 60 or on CD 48 then it takes 12 days to kick in brining me to CD 60?

Blessings & Babydust,
No clue if it was a cyst honestly.. All I know is I never felt that before.. But that pain is now gone.. Now im fighting a cold blah... 2 days till AF.. depending on how my temp looks in the am I may test
I'm not too confident I am having AF...one day of heavy bleed then barely any...not sure..
Well my temp dipped a bit today but couldn't help myself took a test BFN.. Sad and all went back to sleep woke up 6 hours later decided will take one more BFN not even a slight shadow of anything... AF due tomorrow I should start spotting today.. No cramps no soar bbs.. Nothing right now.. I just hope she shows on time... :cry:
Hello everyone!

Byhisgrace: I would say 60 only by the phrase take it every 60 days but better ring and check so you don't hold on a further 12 days for nothing.

So sorry ashnamber and Mrs lsc, I was really hoping you would both have good news x
Thx comet.. AF hasn't showed up yet.. Just waiting..
Its all good..im taking a break..thanx for the thoughts though:)
Ashnamber: did af arrive?

Mrslsc: taking a break from ttc or baby and bump? Either way I'm wishing you all the best :)

Not yet.. But my temp dropped some more today.. So I'm sure she will find her way to me some time today..
just taking a cycle or two off from trying.. we're taking our honeymoon (a year later) hahaha in feb..so after that i'll be back in business.. just need a break from the meds, money, stress..etc..
I want to scream.. I'm so confused!!! 15DPO?!?!?!? WTH!! TMI ALERT!!!!! I'v been brown spotting on and off for 3 days now.. Temp drops for 3 days then takes a small jump this morning.. go to the bathroom and it's brown only when I wipe.. I have yet to see anything pink or red AT ALL... My cycles have NEVER gone past 13DPO... I temp drop, spot, AF like clock work every month.. LP always 13 no matter what. No cramps.. Well not AF cramps just a slight whatever it is on my left side, bb's are a bit soar and I'm kinda gassy and i constantly feel wet :wacko: I keep running to the bathroom thinking I'm starting and nothing is there.. My mind is boggled right now.. :wacko: My cold symptoms had subsided the last few days and now they are back full force.. Runny nose,can't stop coughing and clearing my throat.. I just wish this damn witch would do her dame thing so I can start over already!!
Mrs lsc: wishing you lots of relaxation and fresh hope for when you come back!

Ashnamber: have you tested yet? Might be implantation as your symptoms sound promising!


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