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Plus Size & TTC. Who's With Me?

I'm going nuts. I tested all weekend and got all BFNs. :(

However - yesterday I had one drop of blood/tiny clot when I went to the bathroom and maybe an hour later when I wiped - pink. Last night? Nada. Today? Nada. And still AT LEAST 3 or 4 days away from AF. I'm hoping it was implantation bleeding.
Expecting tc: it's still early to test especially if what you had was implantation it will take a few days to get a positive. Good luck!! X
I'm going nuts. I tested all weekend and got all BFNs. :(

However - yesterday I had one drop of blood/tiny clot when I went to the bathroom and maybe an hour later when I wiped - pink. Last night? Nada. Today? Nada. And still AT LEAST 3 or 4 days away from AF. I'm hoping it was implantation bleeding.

hah me too..spotted a few times only when wiped..now nothing..cramps though but high temps...I'm just waiting..but this is about the time af should come
Good luck..fyi..my first preg I didn't get a positive til 8 days after missed period
Comet: I was actually pretty shocked to see the spot of blood. I was 10dpo and super crampy at 6dpo - I thought I implanted then. Who knows?! This may all be for nothing and I keep getting BFNs. lol

LCS: I've had pretty nasty cramps all morning now with some very very pale pink CM. So...I dont know. I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

My first preg (ended in MMC) I tested positive the day after my missed period. I tested because I hadn't been late on a period in 10 years. I was on a 28 day cycle. We weren't even TTC and it was a totally unexpected, but very welcomed surprise. I had just had my IUD taken out and we thought it'd take a couple of months to get pregnant. Boy were we wrong. But ever since the MMC and D&C I'm sorta all over the place. My first period was 30 days, then 34 days and now I'm "waiting." Ugh. I did do the OPK so at least I hit that. This is just so frustrating.

Wishing you much baby dust. <3 xoxo
Same exact situation for me..we found out 4 days before our open bar wedding lol.. lost at 13wks. Been trying since..now cycles are not 28 anymore either
LCS: Yeah, we found out 4 days before I turned 30. My DH had a huge secret bday blowout planned and had rented a cabin with all of my friends and everything. He had to tell me at the doctors because they were scheduling the D&C and he wanted to know what I wanted to do. I had the D&C and went to the cabin two days later. I immersed myself in friends, family, booze and good food.

:hugs: I can only imagine what it was like to find out before the wedding.

I'm over this process already and we just started trying. lol
Yea it's no fun doing all this month after month let down after letdown.. I just keep my eye on the prize. We weren't preventing this cycle since we're finally taking a honeymoon in February. . So I didn't obsess but did still temp..
Sounds about right with the booze and friends lol. Keep your fingers crossed.. When is af due for you? A 13 day LP is my max..and that will be tomorrow..so I'm just waiting as usual
I just saw you are due Jan 24th lol..sorry..
Yeah, I don't know how much more of my craziness DH can take. LOL. I decided to really commit to the nutjobness of it all this month and if I get a BFN to just "let it be" since that happened last time. This whole constant obsession for me is not healthy. It's SO consuming. Ever since I lost the baby I just haven't really felt "whole" again. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Does this mean you test tomorrow?
I totally understand..my dh and I feel the same..We've been trying for 12 months and lost loads of money on iui and fertility specialists..
I've tested a few times but only have Internet cheapies..I refuse to buy another good brand one until I'm sure I need it.. I will see what happens today and temp tomorrow.. try to hang in there..It's hard..we fought a lot about it..but just came to the conclusion that it will and can happen naturally as it did before. I've been majorly cutting carbs and already lost 20 lbs in 3 months with working out and quitting smoking so I'm determined :)
I cannot even imagine 12 months. :hugs: I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hope you get your BFP this month!!!
I both know how you feel, I had a mc and have been trying for a year now too :hugs:
Uhhh I just got a BFP... very faint...I left message for my dr...wtf...we weren't even trying rrally
OMG! LCS!!! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! :happydance: :happydance:

(It'd help if I had hit refresh on my browser before my last message. lol!)
lol! thanks everyone.. im not getting too psyched yet until i get a blood test..
dh told me the other day my breath smelled like metal. i was like, what the heck are you talking about lol..gee...now i know.
I missed you ladies so much.. I guess I am in my feelings right now. I am 6-7dpo and I really don't know what is going on with me.. I can't understand these temps I am having or these stupid charts.

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