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Plus Size & TTC. Who's With Me?

Yeah BFN's... Implantation think could happen this late? TMI>>>> last bathroom break had some small small brown clots..
Implantation can happen up to 12 days after ovulation so it could be delayed bleeding. I took a week after af due to test positive. Don't count yourself out just yet ! X
Comet1234,I only tested positive a week late,as well!I got so down in that week,since I always read about women getting their BFP's at as early as 8DPO or something like that.
Have any of you experienced cycle changes as you gained weight or before your body got used to being heavier? For instance, I used to be a size 0-2 when I graduated high school 2.5 years ago. But now I am a size 13. Which I realize may not seem as big to some of you or maybe this thread was for people with bigger problems, but since I started gaining weight after high school, I have had nothing but problems with my cycle. And it also started when i stopped birth control, so that's definitely a factor, but I was just wondering if being overweight, or on your journey to being plus sized, did it mess with your cycles. If so, how did you fix it?
Hi everyone, I am new here, and saw this thread. i am plus size and DH and i have decided to start TTC. Just went of BC last month.
Hi Miskas Mommy-Welcome!!! I am also from northeast, I'm a CT girl:thumbup:
i just recently started having weird cycles.. my period has been almost 10 days now.. and ive gained weight..
Marquelle: since putting on weight my periods went from 28-30 to completely gone. It does affect people differently, especially when you have other fertility issues.

Ashnamber: sorry it arrived, but here's to a new cycle!

Miskas mommy: hello and welcome, wishing you lots of luck!

Mrs lsc: gosh that is a long time. Could it be a side affect of the shots though?

Hey ya'll
I have lurked here for years and finally made an account just for this thread.

I am 5'7 and weigh 220ish. Dh and I have been trying since 2010. We tried to go the medical route but with so many issues with military doctors we kept getting the runaround. Like, I was apparently diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2010 but wasnt told til Aug 2013. After soul searching dh and I decided we didnt want to go the clomid route, at least not right now. Dh and I decided to start doing foster care and got licensed this fall. Dh leaves for a year in july and over christmas we decided to try harder. So yeah.

So...after a wakeup call, I decided it was time to stop being in denial and start getting healthier.

As much as I wish it were not true, I'm a diabetic, and I can't pretend I'm not. So I have to do this. Not only for myself, but for my husband and the sake of our future child. If I'm going to be a mom, I want to be healthy and strong and able to give my child the best of me.

I don't see myself ever being "skinny", but my goal is to be healthier. I want to be under 200lbs (right now I'm 220). Since I was diagnosed over a year ago, I have lost 25 lbs and kept it off for the most part. But then I fell off the wagon and started indulging in whatever food I wanted. I haven't gained anything back, thankfully, but my sugars were not under control and I was definitely feeling like crap all the time.

Now that I'm TTC, I realized how bad that is. I have to start thinking like a mommy. I can't be irresponsible anymore.

I've started counting calories again, doing some basic aerobics a few days a week, and I've already lost a few pounds. :)

Is anyone else here living with diabetes and TTC?
Hello Sam! I too have a military husband. I can't imagine how hard it will be him leaving for a year! The military doctors sound awful! Over here, only people in the military are seen by the doctors, so I have a regular doctor. Wishing you so much luck!

Tiramisu: I have really woken up to the fact I need to be stricter with my diet. Your weight loss so far is amazing! So keep going :). I don't have diabetes but with pcos I'm insulin resistant so I kinda have to control my blood sugar too and when I don't I feel awful for it! X
Thanks! Yeah I have been seen by military doctors all my life and most wont listen to me about medical concerns at all. Its awful. And now I have 6.5 months before he leaves and I feel desperate! Its insane.
I'm insulin resistant and weigh about 215.. I found cutting carbs is the best for IR people. Hard and it sux...but works.. My goal is to drop down under 200 by Feb 28..we were also going med route for a year now and no luck..so giving my body a break and trying to drop pounds and do it naturally.. We conceived a yr ago not ttc..so I know it can happen.. Welcome to our thread! And lots of luck..
Thanks! Yeah I have been seen by military doctors all my life and most wont listen to me about medical concerns at all. Its awful. And now I have 6.5 months before he leaves and I feel desperate! Its insane.
Sam: I can imagine, hubby is being deployed August and I feel desperate too!

How is everyone, it's very quite!
Hi ladies! I'm new to the site and this is my first month TTC. I am also pluz sized, size 16 and 5'5.

I am a plus size 290lbs Diva!

I am getting ready to start my TTC. I am overly excited and can use all the support I can get!
DH and I are TTC currently I'm in my 2 WW (4 DPO).

Our story is a little wild.

We were trying to hold off to the beginning of 2014 to get pregnant. I had my IUD taken out on August 20, thinking it'd take a couple of months to get situated before getting pregnant...well, that wasn't case. I got pregnant before I even had my period after having the IUD out.

We lost the baby at about 10 weeks, 4 days before I turned 30. We were told it stopped growing at 6 weeks. I had heard the heart beat and everything. I was devastated. I had a MMC and a D&C. We were devastated.

The Doctor told us to wait 2 cycles before TTC again. And here I am.

I am 30, 5'5" and currently about 230lbs. I'd lost 125lbs through diet and exercise and put back on about 25lbs while pregnant for 10 weeks and dealing with the MMC grief. I'm a foodie, a triathlete, and a curvy woman. My doctor assured me my weight played no role in the miscarriage.

This thread seems to have died a bit, but I'd love for it to spring back!

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