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Plus Size & TTC. Who's With Me?

Hello Elizabeth and educating mom!

Expectingtc: I'm so sorry about your loss :( . Hopefully your journey will be short!

I know it's been a while since the thread has been active but I hope we can support each other.

I just had an 160 day cycle and restarted my period by losing two stone and now nearly a stone extra.

Hello Elizabeth and educating mom!

Expectingtc: I'm so sorry about your loss :( . Hopefully your journey will be short!

I know it's been a while since the thread has been active but I hope we can support each other.

I just had an 160 day cycle and restarted my period by losing two stone and now nearly a stone extra.


Thanks and I hope so too! This TWW is going to kill me. LOL

Congrat on losing the 2 stone!!! :)
Hello Elizabeth and educating mom!

Expectingtc: I'm so sorry about your loss :( . Hopefully your journey will be short!

I know it's been a while since the thread has been active but I hope we can support each other.

I just had an 160 day cycle and restarted my period by losing two stone and now nearly a stone extra.


Thanks SO MUCH! Hubstir and I took a break for a while to re-evaluate and seek help for our grief. We are activity trying now! I am so glad you passed your stones. That must have been painful!!!:(:(

To everyone!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::
Expectingtc: congratulations on your 125lbs loss... that is so inspiring! I'm just now ending af so waiting to ovulate!

Educatingmom: sorry no it's wasn't kidney stones. It was 26lbs but over in the UK we call 14lbs one stone. Different measuring system haha!
Sorry you had a loss too. Glad you both are back on track to conceiving!

Expectingtc: congratulations on your 125lbs loss... that is so inspiring! I'm just now ending af so waiting to ovulate!

Educatingmom: sorry no it's wasn't kidney stones. It was 26lbs but over in the UK we call 14lbs one stone. Different measuring system haha!
Sorry you had a loss too. Glad you both are back on track to conceiving!


LOL!!!!!! Thanks for telling me that! I think I will call lbs stones now!! :haha::haha::haha::haha: I am much better now thanks!
Haha! That's okay! Where are you in your cycle? X

Right now I am cycle day 11 and I have been tracking. I am slowly seeing the little faint line appear. So my Ovuline app is on target. I have been taking fertiliCM and OvaBoost with Fertilitea. I think I have a hostile cervix so I am going to try using some pre-seed this go around. I went to an RE before and he said I didn't have any issues when I went for my HSG so I am glad about that. I have been seeing some CM that looks okay but now great yet for me to get excited over. I am praying that this will be my last time.:blush::dance:
I'm just going to jump right in here with my fellow plus sisters! Hahaha. My wonderful husband and I have been ttc for just over 10 months now. Ugh! During that time I had a cycle over 80 days! At least I think so, I had spotting almost regularly once a month during that 80 + cycle. Strange, but I'm going to blame that on stress since it has never happened before.

This last year has been so full of ups and downs but I think I'm finally back to having some fun with ttc...for now. :) Baby dust to all!!
Educatingmom: close to ovulation then, fingers crossed for you!

Karmic: hello and welcome! The spotting each month between your 80 day cycle is very unusual. I had an 160 day one but no spotting at all. I actually restarted my period myself by losing weight, so hoping this is a normal cycle!
Hoping that you don't have to stick around for long and your bfp is right around the corner!

You ladies with these long cycles - I don't know how you do it. My God! I've always been a 28day cycle. When I had the D&C after the MMC my first cycle was 30 days and then my 2nd was 34 days. I was infuriated with my body for not hopping right back on that 28 day cycle. LOL

This time my OD was on day 14, so I *think * I'm back to 28 day.

Today is 5DPO and I'm going nuts waiting. I'm mildly crampy and highly cranky. Poor DH.
Educatingmom: close to ovulation then, fingers crossed for you!

Karmic: hello and welcome! The spotting each month between your 80 day cycle is very unusual. I had an 160 day one but no spotting at all. I actually restarted my period myself by losing weight, so hoping this is a normal cycle!
Hoping that you don't have to stick around for long and your bfp is right around the corner!


Thanks so much! I am so excited! I am trying not to get crazy but I can't help it. I have been listening to Zita West CD. It helps SOMETIMES.
Educatingmom: close to ovulation then, fingers crossed for you!

Karmic: hello and welcome! The spotting each month between your 80 day cycle is very unusual. I had an 160 day one but no spotting at all. I actually restarted my period myself by losing weight, so hoping this is a normal cycle!
Hoping that you don't have to stick around for long and your bfp is right around the corner!


Thanks so much comet! I feel like a bit of a stalker since I've been reading this thread and another you are on as well! HA! I'm hoping your bfp is here soon!

Also, I went back and checked the app I log everything in and saw that I was wrong about how long that strange cycle was...it was 193 day cycle with the spotting every month. Wow, that's a huge difference. I guess that's what planning a wedding and dealing with my mother's lymphoma does to my memory. :-/

I say last year was just preparation for us! This is our year! :happydance::dust::dust:
Hi Girls,

It's been a long time since I posted... took a break for awhile from even visiting the site as I was making myself a little crazy...lol... I am now late for AF by 2 days if you go by my normal 26 day cycle or as of today if you go by the "normal" 28 day cycle. I also normally spot for 2 day prior to AF and so far no sign of her yet. I also feel this heaviness/fullness in my pelvic region. But took an HPT this morning with FMU and BFN... any thoughts or suggestions???

Comet I am so happy for you that your cycle has finally restarted... GL this cycle!
Educating mom: never heard of zita west, is it a singer/band?

Karmic: haha that's okay, should of commented sooner :) I'm very chatty! Gosh that is a very long cycle, I know how much torture it can be so feel for you. Hope your mum is okay! Hope this really is our year.

Trying 4first: welcome back! As for the bfn, wait a while longerr and test again. With my first mc I didn't get a positive until a week late. Fingers tightly crossed for you. Would be nice to have some happy news on this thread

Try googling her. She does meditations for women that want to conceive! I think she is good!
I am 6dpo now and definitely having random cramping, totally emotional moments (cried during the opening of American Idol last night...wtf?), vivid dreams and total exhaustion. I might just cave and test on Sunday (9dpo).

When does everyone else test?
Hi expectingtc I'm 7 do and am not trying but not preventing this month..and had small spotting on 6 dpo with a temp dip..so I think I will test then too
Technically I'm overweight because my BMI is 34(pants size 12), I know I've got high blood pressure too but I've changed my diet and switched to drinking only water. I always worry that those things are going to effect my chances, but sometimes when I see women who are bigger than me pregnant I have hope.
Expecting tc: I don't test until really late as I don't like seeing bfns!

Fingers crossed for you and mrs lsc!

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