Plus sized in the second trimester!

It's so weird what pregnancy does to us! I haven't noticed any skin changes yet with this one, but with my daughter I had a skin tag on my back and I was so disgusted by it and as soon as she was born, it went away!
My day yesterday sounds just like yours! I snacked all day! I attempted to eat a chicken wrap, but ended up taking everything out and just rating the tortilla because that's all that I could stomach! I should start trying smoothies! That's a great idea!
It's so weird what pregnancy does to us! I haven't noticed any skin changes yet with this one, but with my daughter I had a skin tag on my back and I was so disgusted by it and as soon as she was born, it went away!
My day yesterday sounds just like yours! I snacked all day! I attempted to eat a chicken wrap, but ended up taking everything out and just rating the tortilla because that's all that I could stomach! I should start trying smoothies! That's a great idea!

Well my neck is starting to itch this afternoon and it's driving me nuts!!! I'm sure it's pregnancy related, I've read about it and I haven't started using anything new.

The smoothies are saving me! I am getting lots of nutrition and it tastes good and I don't have to drink it all at once. I can actually take an hour or two to drink it and it doesn't get gross if I don't use yogurt. I put a few ice cubes, spinach, orange juice, frozen peaches, cherries and strawberries and add a tablespoon of chia seeds and it's really good and healthy. I have frozen blueberries I'm going to use as well. You should give it a try.

Oh and I reported those stupid advertising posts, you girls should to.:growlmad:
Reds are in the same division as the Cardinals and no, you're not safe.

That said my oldest sis had horrible skin during her pregnancies. I mean breaking out, the mask of pregnancy, everything. All went back to normal about a month after.
Lol well I figured you would say that mod. Same division but not exactly rivals.

So far I haven't had bad breakouts but this weird rash/hives on my neck and face is driving me crazy.

Fatigue is so bad today! In wiped out and it's early evening and I slept late as well. I'm seriously considering going to bed at 8pm. Geesh!
By advertising posts dini, are you speaking about the ones that pop up when you first log onto the site? or is there something that I am missing? lol

I have been exhausted all weekend, but when I go to bed, I toss and turn and am awake all night. On Saturday night I actually managed to get all of the covers, sheets, and fitted sheet all the way off of my side of the bed. I then woke up at 3am and 6am to pee and then by 7am was awake because I was starving! It was the same thing last night, not so much the starving, but I tossed and turned and just could not sleep. Today for some reason I am actually wide awake. I had an hour nap earlier in the day and now I am just moving right along. I got my paperwork all done for my job (social work has SOOOO much paperwork) and I am going to get a few assignments done for school tonight too! I figured I might as well get as much done as I can while I'm not feeling tired. i THINK park of the reason why I am so wide awake right now is because I actually had caffeine today. I have not had any kind of pop to drink except for the occasional 7 up to deal with my MS and today I was craving one, so I broke down and got one and I think it really pepped me up! Now I will probably be like a little kid and not be able to sleep tonight! LOL I am definitely going to try a smoothie though! Panera Bread makes one that I LOVE with mangos in it. I'm sure I could figure out how to make my own :p

Also, some exciting news! I booked my gender scan for November 8th, but then called back to reschedule it for Oct 30th lol I am waiting for them to call me back tomorrow to confirm this. I am so excited :) Me and DH are going to make a day event out of it lol. We are going to a private 3d/4d place thats about an hour away. We plan on going out to eat and maybe some shopping (they have great shopping there) or whatever we feel like:) We don't get many kid free days and that is going to become even less when the baby comes, but we are ready for it :)
Wow October 30th is so soon! I won't get mine until the end of November. I think if they make us wait till after thanksgiving we might book an early one at a 3d/4d place because we want to announce at thanksgiving.

There were two posts on this forum advertising some baby item, I reported them, and they got erased pretty quickly, I didn't expect that!

I feel you on the not sleeping thing. I was in bed by 8pm last night and tossed and turned all night long and my back was killing me. Got up 3 times to pee and once because i was starving. We really need a new mattress ours is so old and bothered me pre-pregnancy, so it's even worse now and not gonna get any better!
Those posts must have got deleted before I even saw them!

Oh yeah! I am finding out at 16 weeks! Me and DH are going to a 3d/4d place and yeah I guess I already said that lol.. We just decided it would be a fun day for us:) plus DH works third shift and is usually passed out during the day when my appointments are and I don't blame him! This way we don't have to worry:) otherwise I wouldn't find out until like the middle of November either. I will still have my 20 week scan then though too:)

Nothing gives when it comes to sleep! I'm glad I'm not the only one! Last night I think I finally fell asleep at 1230 and then was wide awake at 3 and I was so hungry I felt sick! Then I was up till about 445 and then my alarm went off at 6! I am struggling today but I know once I go to bed.. I won't be able to sleep! Lol
Here is my ultrasound pic from last week at 11 weeks!:) If you look closely you can see the arms, hands, legs, and feet. They were waving around too much to get a clear picture lol. The ultrasound tech said, "look at that big ole belly!" lol My baby looks full!
Eek! That's so awesome!!! Definitely looks like a little person now!!! Soooo exciting! I like it that you guys are ahead of me so I can know what to expect.

As for sleep...I've never slept better in my life! I mean, it may be due to the Diclegis I've been taking every night that makes me sleepy, but I'll take it. Girls this stuff is amazing! It gets rid of stomach aches so fast.
Super cute ultrasound!!

Mod I'm glad you are sleeping and the medicine is helping!

I took a nap this evening now I can't sleep again lol. Gonna have to skip the nap tomorrow so I can sleep a little tomorrow night.

I really think we need a new mattress. I told DH we should just get a middle of the road one now and then later when we can afford it we will get a good one but I don't know how I'll manage the entire pregnancy on this one!
Uncomfortable mattresses are the worst. We got a cheap foam one and its so comfortable. It was the floor model and we got the mattress and box spring for $500 at a family owned furniture store.

Are you guys all planning on finding out the gender? I'm on the fence but more and more I'm wanting to know if I'm right and its a boy. I was looking up 3d ultrasound places tonight and we can get it done for $100. 15 minute session with 2 4x6 color pictures, a DVD of the entire sonogram and a CD of all the still pictures. Plus if you go back later in the pregnancy for more images they discount it for you. REALLY want to see my baby's face in a bad way.
Ugh I had a terrible mattress and terrible couch when I was pregnant with my daughter! I couldn't even get off of the couch without rolling to the floor! Haha it was terrible! I got a new mattress and couch then (in 2011) and I already want a new mattress! I slept like a baby last night though! Fell asleep before DH even left for work probably at like 9 and just woke up now before my alarm even went off lol. DD is still passed out! Wednesday's are our sleep in days because I don't work until 10:)

Mod- that's pretty much the same deal I'm getting at the place I'm going to as well! Plus they offer a discount for anyone traveling more than 45 min to their appointment. I'm excited! 29 more days!:p if you're specifically wanting to see the face though, I would wait! Like maybe you could go now to find out gender (not now but you know what I mean lol) and then later in pregnancy with the discount to see the face. From what I have seen on Google, the babies faces don't really look much like faces at 16 weeks. But if you go after 30 weeks for a 3d it would be spot on! One of my friends was in school for radiology when I was prefnant with my daughter and I was her classes guinea pig when I was 34 weeks and it was so cool!

I don't know why my posts are always so long.. Lol opps
Mcwhmm, your posts are not long! And I like long posts!! Oh and congrats on 12wk today!! Yay! I'll be there Saturday, just can't wait! But today I have less than 200 days to go ;)

If I have the energy today I may go to a few stores and get prices on mattresses and then this weekend take DH with me and get one. I just can't take it much longer. Also our couch is terrible and so so old. It has been passed to so many people and sat in storage and it still smells like storage even though I've cleaned it twice. We decided with income taxes we would get new furniture. We were supposed to with the wedding money last year but we put it towards a down payment on a new car because ours blew up..seemed more important lol.

We are totally going to find out the sex but only because DH wants to, I'd be fine to wait but he's dying to know. I figure it might help him bond. I'm hoping to get my scan a few days before Thanksgiving but if they can't do it we will go to a 3d/4d place at about 18 weeks and get a scan so we can announce at Thanksgiving.
Thanks dini!:) I can't believe it has come so fast. I thought I would be happy to hit the 12 week mark, but I'm still not out of th dreaded 1st trimester! Lol either a week or two more, depending on if you count 13 or 14 as being second trimester!

Don't even get me started on stinky couches! Lol my daughter had the flu a few weeks ago and she was sleeping on the couch. She threw up 6 times all over the floor and mostly all over the couch and then once, only once, in the bowl lol. I felt so bad for her though. She was so scared :( we have shampooed the couch and cleaned it with carpet cleaner about 4 times each and finally it doesn't stink lol. DH wouldn't even sit on the couch for like two weeks because he said he could smell it still. I think I just got used to it lol. Hopefully you find something!:) sometimes places have good deals on mattresses! I wish I could afford a sleep number :p
I can't believe thanksgiving is so close! That means I better start my Christmas shopping soon!
Side random note- I just got a mango smoothie for lunch (much healthier than my go to lunches have been!) and man oh man is it good! I'm going to get fruit and things after work to make smoothies at home for breakfast instead of donuts! Hahaha good call dini!
I had a strawberry smoothie at the mall today but I'm down to one more serving of spinach at home and after all the running around I did today I did not want to go to the I'll make one tomorrow, and then I'll go to the cafeteria at work and get a salad of just spinach so I have some for Friday lol.. or I'll just do fruit!

They are soo good aren't they? And I always feel good about drinking them as well.

Oh and I wish I could afford a sleep number too. But I don't see that coming anytime we will get what we can afford.
I like smoothies but my blender broke and I'm too cheap to buy another one. We have one at work but I'm too lazy to clean it cuz it has so many parts, well I guess its more like a juicer but it does both. Dilemmas.
The only thing with the smoothie was that I was hungry like 2 hours later! But yesterday I was having one of those days where I had a "hungry headache" alllll day and nothing helped!

I ALMOST bought a Doppler this morning, but I talked myself out of it, but now I'm debating! They are pretty expensive and I can't decide! I had an off day yesterday and was worried all day! I thought a Doppler would make me feel better but I think it may stress me out more? It also kind of takes away from the fun of going to the doctor and hearing the heartbeat. I keep debating it and I still have the link open on my phone... What do you ladies think?
I know dini has one but I've decided against it. Like you said I think it would stress me out more. I'd rather spend the money on something baby needs than on something I want. I just need to believe that Peanut is OK in there...and by all my sickness I believe he is.
I'm just having a down day:( being over the 12 week mark now has made me worry more :( I agree though that I could use that money for something else, especially since we are paying for a private scan. It's going to be a long 3 weeks until I hear my babies heart beat again:( I don't know why I'm such a Debbie downer today ladies! Sorry!

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