Plus sized in the second trimester!

I know it is possible to change the title but I have no idea how to!
I don't know how to change the title, but I know it can he done as I've seen people do it...not that it helps you any though lol

Mcwhmm it sucks that your us place is so far away! Ours is only 20 minutes, but we live in Fort Worth so quite the populated area.

Dini does your us place offer different packages? Our has packages ranging from $60-$200.

I also have my dr appt this Friday. Don't get to see Peanut this time though.
I know. I live in a well populated area here too, not nearly as much as you though! Lol they have a place closer here but they only do 20 weeks and on and they are actually double the price of the place I went to!

We did the cheapest package, 10 min long, 2d, full DVD and 5 printed pictures and she actually did a lot of our scan in 3d and even 4d and gave us a free cd for printing pictures as well! Which was supposed to be the next price level up! She was super nice though!

Even though you won't get to see peanut, each appointment is still a milestone!:)
Yes the place I'm going offers lots of different packages, and they are close by but we really just wanted to find out the gender, but I don't know that I'll go back anytime after this or not. I kind of like the mystery of seeing baby when it comes instead of on ultrasound in the late stages. I still have my 20 week scan to do sometimes in December, so I'll get this private one in just over 2 weeks and then about 2-3 weeks later I'll have the 20 week scan. I guess we will see, I probably won't be able to wait 20 weeks to see baby again though lol.

Gonna have to try to find out how to change the title!

Cleaned my living room carpet this morning, had just planned to do one section that my cat started peeing on last week, but did the whole thing. Didn't move furniture(I won't do that alone) just did the open areas. I'm so mad at my cat, I can't figure it out. She went there again this morning but I'd put a pee pad down and she did use that. I wonder if she's acting out. DH does a terrible time cleaning the boxes so I thought it was that but he cleaned them really well yesterday and put all new litter in them. I really don't want to get rid of her but I obviously can't have her peeing on the floor when baby comes! We want to put laminate down anyway but I don't know that we will have the money to do this room before baby starts crawling.

Think I'm going to do our spare/junk room carpet as well as it hasn't been done in forever and needs a good cleaning. I have so much junk in there that needs to go to goodwill or somewhere and stuff to go into our attic. I want to make it back into a guest room, not that anyone ever stays and if they do, like DH's brother, they sleep on the couch.
AHA!! I figured it out, the thread has been officially changed. Hope that doesn't mess you girls up any.
Dini, you're a genius! I could never figure out how to change my titles! lol That's how I feel too. I don't know how I will go 20 weeks without seeing LO, but I don't want to drive there again and it's another unneeded expense.. we just wanted to find out the gender and make sure all is okay.. even though in 3 weeks I will be getting my 20 week scan which they check everything as well. Impatience I guess :p

You go girl for cleaning like crazy! Hmm.. has anything changed that could make your cat act out? Also, like you mentioned DH might not be as thorough as you with the cleaning of the box. My dog acted out when me and DH started living together because my dog was used to sleeping in bed with me and then when DH started sleeping with me, my dog was peeing on his side of the bed! He did it about 4 times and then stopped. I was so frustrated and tired of washing my bedding! Sometimes pets notice change more than we realize!

Side note girls, we decided on a name :) Kennedy. No middle name yet though .. gotta start somewhere :p
I absolutely love the name Kennedy!! So neat!!

I do know that DH has been terrible about cleaning the boxes but after they were clean she still did it. It could be that she knows I'm pregnant and that things are changing. I guess we will just play it by ear for now.
Kennedy is super cute!

Dini my cat (now my parents cat) did this a couple times too. Sometimes it was the box not being clean enough but once it was that she had a uti. And like mcwhmm said, pets pick up on more than we think. I can tell when I haven't been paying enough attention to my dog because he starts chewing up things he shouldn't, and he knows better.
I guess I'll just have to hope she stops soon. I paid extra attention to her today and did some reading and it appears that lots of cats act out like that. The other two don't seem to care but she's been so clingy and now this. At least she goes on the pee pad if it's down.
Awww poor kitty feels neglected. At least she doesn't avoid the pad!
Sorry guys, but I need to vent here:

Dh and I had a disagreement about people being at the hospital before baby is born. Here's my situation: I moves down to Texas last June so dh could stay close to his daughter. My family lives in Wisconsin. His family drives me absolutely nuts! Especially his mom! My god she's the worst. She never shuts up-literally has to be talking all the time, even if its just to herself- and she'll go on and on about the stupidest things. She's overbearing and and all up in your business. His whole family is like that, just not to her extreme. So I told dh that I don't want anyone at the hospital until AFTER the baby is born. He disagrees completely. He is on my side that when baby comes it will be just him in the room, but I do not want his family there beforehand! They stress me out when there's nothing going on, and I ant imagine how bad it could be with me lying on a bed in pain, already stressed, and people coming in sticking their fingers up my crotch! No! I do not want them there. When I was in the hospital last time for my last ectopic surgery I was fine, I mean I was sad a and disappointed and a little worried by not knowing if it was my good tube or bad tube, but ultimately I was expecting it from the start so mentally I was prepared for the procedure...that is until his mom showed up. Said all the wrong things, and I sat there crying for three hours until they came and took me because she wouldn't shut her trap! After they took me I was fine again. I'm stressed out about it just typing this so I can't imagine how bad it will be! Is it too much to ask I have an hour with my first born before everyone comes in and snatches him/her away from me? I feel very strongly about this and so does dh.
Mod that is so tough!! Family is so important but you and the baby come first!! I personally think whatever will make you have the easiest delivery is what's best- and if that means not having his family there, then so be it. But maybe they could just stay in the waiting room?
That is tough mod. With DD I had a crazy friend that insisted that she needed to be in the room when she was born and I got so annoyed with her so when she came up to the hospital I had the nurses lock her out of my room and they wouldn't even tell her what room I was in and made her sit in the waiting room.

The way I look at it, you're the one going through the labor and you should ultimately get to be the one with the say and DH will have to understand that. He should want you to be as comfortable as possible. Quite honestly, there's no reason for them to be in the room before the baby is born unless they are going to be comforting you. It will especially make it hard for you to have that initial bonding time with your baby if everyone is crowding in your room.

Even if DH and his family are mad about it at the moment, I bet when they see that beautiful baby, they will forget about the disagreements. The baby becomes the focus.
Aww mod I'm sorry you are stressing about that. I hope DH comes around. It is your choice who is there and who is not. And like mcwhmm said you can have the nurses tell them they can't be there. They are very good at mediating family.

I get along with DH's family and will probably have his mom and grandma there at least until it gets close and maybe even then. They are very respectful and comforting. I wouldn't want my step mom there though so I hope she doesn't come. I know my dad won't because the hospital is 35 min away and he's mad I'm not delivering at the one closer but my doctor goes to this one and I work there and know they have a great staff. It's my dads loss if he doesn't come visit even after baby is born.
Your dad should def make it out to see you! 35 min is not that bad and he will get to see his grand baby!!
Thanks guys. I posted this in the third tri section asking what they think and are all on my side giving me so much ammo for when the conversation comes up again.

Dini, its absolutely ridiculous that your dad is mad about a 35 min drive. That's nothing! My parents will be flying down here after baby is born, and that's a 1400 mile trip. If he's really hung up on a half hour drive his priorities are in the wrong place. I'm sorry but they are.
No you are totally right mod and bselck. My dad is weird, he never leaves our town and if he doesn't want to come, it's his loss. I used to get mad about this kind of stuff but realized it's his loss not mine. He will regret it and that's not my problem.

Mod I'm glad they gave you good ammo and I hope you tell your mil to stuff it lol.

I was so lazy today. Sat around in bed with DH till almost noon and then did get a few things done, laundry and dishes and sweeping etc but sat down to watch some tv and that's all I did the rest of the day. Kinda felt good!
Lazy days are the best. Hands down. During football Sunday is our lazy day. We wake up, watch pregame shows till kickoff then flip from game to game, unless the Packers are on, then there's no changing the channel!

On a side note, I found baby's heartbeat today for the first time! I've only tried a few times but took Dinis advice and probed around after I heard the "wooshing" sound and I found it! It was only for about 10 seconds or so before baby swam away but I was so excited!
I'm so glad you found it!! What a great feeling!!

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