Plus sized in the second trimester!

Man you guys suck. I made a TV dinner. But in my defense both the and I worked ot today.
I eat TV dinners all the time! I was off today so had the time.

Man those quesadilla burgers sound lovely. I love pineapple too.
I've been craving pineapple for a few weeks now. Just keep forgetting to go get some! Cold canned pineapple is so good.
Whenever we grill burgers or make any kind of burger, pineapple is a must! Same with pizza! Plus we all just love eating it, even just out of the can, even DD! There's always some in our fridge lol.

Good for you for working out! I can't bring myself to do that! However, I work one on one with adults with mental illnesses and a lot of them have exercise goals so we do a lot of walking and stuff like that so it's better than nothing!:)
Oh also ladies, we have got a middle name! For now at least :p ... Kennedy Grace:) we haven't discussed spellings yet, but I kinda like the traditional Kennedy spelling and DH isn't s fan of crazy spellings either.

Also, I was just thinking this morning as I was watching the news and they said that there are 6 Monday's until Christmas and I went into a mini panic! Thanksgiving is two weeks away and then after that, Christmas season will be in full swing, then January is my birthday, my dads birthday, and my grandmas birthday, so that month always goes pretty fast. February may drag on, but then March is busy with DDs birthday and then comes Easter and then BAM! DUE DATE TIME! I know this may seem a little ridiculous, but it freaked me out a bit lol
Kennedy Grace is a great name. I like how you have the middle being nice and feminine.

Now you're starting to freak me out! Lol. I'm sure February will go by fast too cuz you'll be busy getting ready for her! You know, washing clothes, shopping, putting things in their place...

November is definitely going by fast. Its almost half way through already! Then I'll be going home for a week and a half for Christmas. Yay for time flying by. Wait, no, its going to fast lol.
Thats A beautiful name!!

I agree November has gone so fast but if it makes any sense, I feel like the pregnancy is taking forever. I am hoping the holidays help with that. February will fly for me as mine and DH's bd's are in feb and his dad's and his best friends and I think the baby shower will be then as well.

1 week till my gender scan. I can't wait to know what to call this little jellybean!
Dini have you guys been talking names at all?

We decided to do a gender reveal next Tuesday. We just sent out an invite on fb and whoever comes comes. Its at chili's though as my place is way to small to accommodate that many people. After I sent it out though I freaked out about not knowing before everyone else. I really think I'm going to be disappointed if its not a boy and not sure how I'll react if we cut into a pink cake. I dunno. Maybe dh and I will know first to prepare myself. Is it bad that I feel that way?
Hey ladies I just caught up on the thread and wanted to say mcwhmm i love Kennedy grace! Dini I can't wait for you and mod to find out the gender!! Mod it's up to you but I think if youre doing the cake idea you should stay surprised with everyone else! I bet your shocked face would over rule any face of disappointment because you will just be so excited!!

As for me, my baby is the size of an avocado today!! I have an appt today at 3pm mountain time and I'm hoping to convince them to do a scan rather than just a check up. Remember I had the gastric sleeve surgery so I just want to check that the growth of my baby is on track! I'm not gaining weight yet but I can definitely notice a belly bump now! I just don't think anyone else can tell lol. That's ok, I'm opposite some women on this site- I can't wait for the day strangers can come up to me and say wow how far along are you!!

Talk to you ladies soon!! :hugs:
Omg, I didn't even think about a baby shower lol, that's another thing to throw in the mix!

Mod, It's completely up to you, but I think it would be fun to find out with everyone else. However, my friend just did a gender reveal that she already knew the gender, but nobody else, including DH did, so it was still a surprise and fun. I had doubts going into my gender ultrasound as well that I was going to be disappointed or DH would and I wasn't sure how I was going to take it. I just prepared myself for either way and I have seen a lot of ladies on here say that they really wanted a boy and ended up with a girl and vice versa and seems like once they get over the initial shock and maybe a bit of disappointment, they are happy to be having a healthy baby despite the gender.

Bselck, Good luck at your appointment today!

I've got a busy day ahead of me today! I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off :p I'm trying to finish up my homework for the week, plus my paper work for my job, clean and pack for our trip this weekend!

We are headed tomorrow to the Mall of America for a weekend of some shopping and relaxing :p :)
Bsleck congrats on being an avacado today. Its weird how sources differ on comparison size. I have the ovia app and last week was an avacado; this week a dill pickle. Hope you get your scan! I won't be getting another one till December.

Mcwhmm mall of america sounds like so much fun! A great time to get all those clothes you'll be needing. I definitely am not forgetting about the baby shower. I didn't want one at first, but as I'm buying things here and there I realize that we sort of need one. I just hate the thought of sitting in front of a group of people that are taking pictures of me and opening gifts. Ugh I hate it so much. Im going to make dh be there though so he'll be up there with me.

As for the gender, bsleck you're right. I really just need to psych myself up for a girl and be pleasantly surprises if its a boy. I'm pretty convinced its a boy, but that's just cuz its what I want so bad. I know I'll love a girl either way just as much, but my sisters and I were all raised tom boys. Sports and cars. I just feel like I would be lost with a girl. Plus I want a little boy dh can go practice baseball with. His daughter is so uncoordinated she can't even mini golf, so his sports dreams for his child were crushed there.
Hi ladies. Been a busy few days for me.

Mod I think you should just go with your gut on the reveal. Tuesday is so soon!

Bselck I hope your appt went well!

Mcwhmm, have a great time this weekend!!

Afm, DH decided we'd start the flooring in the nursery today. Wasn't expecting that. They didn't have the floor in stock we wanted, it was cheap but looked decent. He wanted to do it this weekend so we went with a different kind and it was twice the price but it's really pretty. It's almost done, but as we've never done flooring before it took a long time to get started and now we are at the point of tight edges and the saw we borrowed from my dad isn't good for those and our miter saw isn't either so we called it a night and will start fresh tomorrow. It really does look nice though. I'll post before and after pics when it's done.

18 weeks today! Baby is a sweet potato!! I felt baby a lot the last few days but not today and my belly seems smaller like baby is hiding in the back lol. The rest of me is getting bigger though, no doubt there! I think my uterus is pushing my upper belly fat upwards and making me look like I've gained ten pounds.
Hey Dini congrats on your sweet potato!! That's exciting to start working on your nursery!! My appointment went well! Baby boy was moving around and she said he had long legs! :baby: I loved seeing him! And his heartbeat was 154 bpm :)

I did get the flu shot they recommended because it was a dead virus that was mercury free and my. Dr explained how horrible it would be for baby if I got the flu.

My arm hurt a bit but that was it.

Can't wait for my 20 week appt next!!! :happydance: have a good wknd ladies!!
How exciting to start on the nursery! Very cool. We don't have room in this apartment so I don't get to set one up yet, but maybe after baby us about 6 months or so.

Bsleck glad you got your scan! Very cool! I see my Peanut again the beginning of December so maybe another 3 weeks I think.

We did see baby today, and although we didn't look at the gender yet I think its a girl. Bought some pink booties today just to psych myself up for it.
Mod I'm so jealous you saw baby again today! If you have a girl you will love her to pieces and she will be very spoiled!

Well he got the floor done. Still need to put the trim around it and the room still needs baseboards and trim and the closet needs painted but so far it looks beautiful.

I kinda hope it's a girl because the room is a brightish green and pink would be an adorable accent color. Not sure how blue would look, maybe yellow.

Gender scan is Wednesday so just less than three more days! Midwife appt Tuesday and I so don't want to get on the scale. I know I've gained at least 5-8lbs since my last visit and it makes me want to cry. I need to get some more exercise in and stop eating junk!
Mod, are you waiting to find out at your gender reveal then? Sorry if I missed something :x

Dini, that's awesome you're getting things done!

Bsleck, congrats on being an avocado!

I had a good weekend. Got Christmas shopping done for DD. We got her an American Girl doll and a ton of accessories. I'm so in love with it lol, mostly because I always wanted one and never got one! I'm going to have a hard time keeping it until Christmas! It's all in my closet now. We also got a few outfits for baby girl. We got three long-sleeved, short-sleeved, pant outfits and two sleepers. Not much, but its a start! :)

I have my 20 wk scan tomorrow (I'll be 19 weeks though) and Dini, I know what you mean! I'm closing my eyes when I get on the scale for sure! :(

Side Note, when I'm sitting still, I can really feel baby girl now. Some days not as much, but as I'm sitting here typing this, I can feel her moving all around!
Hey guys!

Awesome on the nursery being almost done! If you accent green with yellow it will be packers colors :)

Mcwhmm I ways wanted an American Girl doll too and never got one. So I got one for my stepdaughter but all s turned into an unhealthy obsession and will not be getting her anything else American Girl doll related. Plus, the thing is already trashed. So no way I'm spending hundreds more on the thing.

Yes we are waiting till the gender reveal to find out. So tomorrow night. The wait is killing me though. We have the envelope. And its open. I want to know so bad! I'm leaning girl but will know for sure tomorrow. My mom knows since there's no way she can make it for the reveal being across the country, and one coworker that I had email my mom for me. I'm so jealous they know and I don't.

Dini its just you and me left to find out!
Oh today was such an emotional roller coaster. First off at my appt I swear everyone in there smoked because it smelled so bad, and a kid was playing a game behind me and it was very loud. So I was annoyed. When my midwife tried to listen for the heartbeat she couldn't find it, she tried for a really long time. Couldn't even hear baby moving. The ultrasound was down but was being worked on so I had to wait for it to be fixed. I was a basket case. I was so scared baby had died overnight.

Ultrasound tech found babies heart rate right away. It was asleep and had its butt positioned at the front so must've been why she couldnt hear it.

Heart rate was 162 and baby looked just fine. And although I have to hide it from DH till tomorrow I found out its a :blue:! It seemed pretty obvious but I am still excited for tomorrow for DH to find out. I guess we could save the money and I could just show him the pic but that would take the experience away from him.

I was leaning towards girl and always wanted one but I'm still so thrilled it's a boy! Mod, now it's just you who needs to find out. Can't wait to hear!!

Mcwhmm, I want an American girl doll, always did but I guess I won't be buying one for this baby lol.
So glad baby was ok after all that! Lol little bugger stuck his butt out at you. And congrats on a little boy! I think you should still go and let dh see him again too. Oh that's so exciting!
Yay so exciting dini! I think that sometimes people get impatient! There's this one nurse who is super rude at my OB and she will nt even try and she freaked me out but time at my first appointment! I had me 20 wk scan today and baby girl looked great! Got some awesome pictures too! She had her little mouth a moving trying to get her hands in there. It was so cute! She also most definitely has DH nose! I'll post pics later :)

Mod, it's almost time!!

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