Plus sized in the second trimester!

I'm guessing I'll be at that 10lb mark by my next appointment. I was at about 6-7 my last appointment.. I feel like a whale:( they didn't seem concerned at my office ether though! I know what you mean though... I have been snacking on junk and the holidays are always hard! Everyone always has cookies or some type of sweet sitting out!

Also, I know how to lose the weight since I have done it before, I'll just have to motivate myself to do it after baby!
Here is my 10,15,18,21 weeks bumps. I definitely think it's gotten higher! I have yet to take one this week but look at that whale lol


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Oh goodness you are not a whale! You are pregnant! And you've had one before so you're of course going to show sooner silly girl.

Agree Amazon is a great idea! After I read that I made one and started adding stuff to it. I'll probably do that and Target then. You guys are just full if great of great ideas.

It is sad that all the exciting appts are over, although I still get another peak at my next one. Good job on not cooperating lil girl lol. Is the glucose test that lo g one where they test for gd? I'm not looking forward to it. My sis developed gd and she's smaller than me. Oh the joys.

Lol thanks mod! That last pic was thanksgiving though so I'm blaming most of it on my feast! Hahah

I need to look into Amazon!

Yes, the glucose one is for gd and you cannot eat or drink before your appointment and then have to drink this orange stuff that tastes like flat orange soda and then wait an hour for your blood to be drawn.. It's really not as bad as people make it seems, it's the not eating and waiting part that sucks. I think that test is done at 27-28 weeks if I remember right!? lol yay for your little girl for not cooperating!

My nurse told me last one to always bring the dvd that they have been putting pictures on for the ultrasounds because you never know when the doctor might decide to order one.. I didn't get another one with DD though, but I had a different doctor then so who knows
I think my sis said its like a 4 hr appt? Or is that if you test positive? Either way I'm sure I'll get stuck with it. Oh well.

You're lucky that the Dr has been putting all your pics on a DVD. When I go in the ultrasound techs just print out copys for us. Which is better then nothing so I won't complain.

I'm starting to comprise a list of questions to as about getting closer to delivery. I feel it would be out of place to ask them at 24 weeks though. Is it standard to get a tour of the l&d ward? Or do you have to ask for one. Babies r us also provides lots of free classes for various aspects and after new years I'm considering signing up for the breastfeeding and labor classes. Dh doesn't want to go but I'm going to drag him. First time momma here and I'm clueless when it comes to that kind of stuff.
Mcwhmm you look lovely! You look pregnant, not like a whale silly girl. I would love to look pregnant but that is not in the cards for me, I'm too flabby around the middle. A girl I work with is similar in build but taller and a bit bigger and didn't show at all until 30-32 weeks.

In regards to the glucose test, usually they have you do the 1hr first at around 26-28 weeks, if you fail the one hour or if you are at a risk for GD you have to do the 3hr one. Some offices just go straight to the 3 hour because it's possible to pass the 1 hr but fail the 3hr. My MW is going to let me do some testing at home on my own because I have a glucometer, so I can skip the 1hr test. I just have to do some random fasting and then 2hr after eating and write them down. That's really awesome of her to let me do that. I'll just show her at my next appt and if the numbers are off we will adjust my diet and if they are good then she will still schedule the 3 hr for 28 weeks.

I don't know why but I feel like this pregnancy is going to drag even more after the Holdiay's and I'm kinda bummed Christmas is almost here. I guess we will have getting his room ready and the registry and the shower to keep us occupied for a bit. Mod when are you having your shower? Have you thought about it?
I question whether I look pregnant or just huge! lol I haven't had that stranger confirmation yet. You know, when a stranger asks when you are due? lol, that's when you know you truly look pregnant :p unless people are just too scared? My mom once asked someone who wasn't pregnant... ooooops

I will have the lovely glucose test at my appointment after my next

Mod, I think its a great idea to start jotting down questions as they come to mind!
I have no clue when the baby shower will happen. My sis in law also asked to throw one, but as I dread being the center if attention I told her only one. And my friend that's throwing it is moving this week so I'm sure its the last thing on her mind. I'm hoping for mid February/early March.

Dini that is awesome that you get to do part of the test at home. How lucky is that. And I'm with you, I'm too flabby around the middle to look pregnant yet.
I was thinking about mid February, around 32 weeks or so, that way if we don't get things we need we have time to get them. But I'm afraid maybe that will be too soon. What do you all think?
I think 32 weeks would be okay. You would still have time to get things. And just a word of advice too, although it is nice to have everything ahead of time (I stress myself out about this too, but, newborns don't REALLY need much. :) with DD I had my baby shower at 28 weeks and that felt like it was almost too early because then I had all of this stuff just sitting around lol.. But you never know when baby swill decide to make an appearance!
Yeah 28 weeks would probably be too early for me. I'll be 32 -33 weeks by the beginning of March so I think thatd be a good time. Haven't really don't much shopping recently. I'm afraid I'll buy everything before the shower if I do!
We went to look at things today at Babies R Us, a bit overwhelming when it came to travel systems, but now I know we have to have one with an adjustable handle because I'm short and DH is tall. That really limits our options though. I also looked at baby sleeper like the Rock N Play sleeper I think I want and swings and play yards. Found a play yard I like, and I'd like it before he comes so we can use it as the changing/storage area. Anyone have any opinions on these items?? I'm kinda lost lol. I know I want the sleeper so we can use that beside the bed instead of a bassinet.

Baby boy has been pretty active today, we were sitting at a traffic light and I jumped because it felt like he punched my bladder lol. I'm so happy to be feeling him some more now.
Well I don't have advice on any baby items as I'm new to this all. We got a pack in play for next to the bed as it will last longer than a bassinett, but just got a clearanced one at Target. Its and Eddie Bauer one that has a removable changing table and a stupid toy bar that I see myself throwing away.

And this little girl loves my bladder. I can tell whenever she's kicking or punching it, and makes me have to pee! She's really active too and its amazing. I mean its weird, but so cool at the same time!
Yay! So happy we all have active bladder kicking babies;) lol

I had a rock and play sleeper with DD and will definitely be getting another one! It was the ONLY place that DD would sleep for about the first 6 months or so. I had never even heard of what they were until I got one that a friend recommended! Definitely recccomend! I had a pack and play but I returned it because I never used it. When it comes to swings, it depends on what you have room for. I had a travel one for DD and it played music, had 4 different speed settings and a timer. I highly recommend all of those settings.
Mod, I agree, it's cool but weird!

Thanks for the recommendation mcwhmm, I think I'm definitely getting the rock n play. May even use it beside the bed depending on how he likes it. I think we can make room for a regular swing although I saw a space saving one that looks nice too. I know we will use the pack n play so it's a must but if we don't get the expensive one (it's totally washable) we will just get whatever we can afford. My issue is the travel system so far but we have a little time yet.

Baby boy is active today again, which I love. Tried to get DH to feel him today but of course he stopped.
Just a quick update on me, I had my appointment yesterday and I am upset with my weight gain :( I have been very careless with my eating lately (holiday treats) but the nurse and doc assured me that between 15-20ish weeks is when baby goes through a major growth spurt and also my ankles have been really swollen. Made me feel better that they weren't concerned! It was only 4 pounds but I was doing so good :p

Baby girl is active as ever and kicked he Doppler yesterday for the nurse lol.

My next appointment is January 12th and that's when I have my glucose test and then doctor said after that appointment I will be coming every 2 weeks! I can hardly believe it... We are already getting close to being out of the second trimester ladies!
So what will you be when you start going every two weeks? I thought it was like 30-32 weeks. My next alot will be January 5th and my glucose test will be the one after that unless I have issues with my numbers at home. Is third trimester 27weeks?

I gained the most in a month at my last appt too. It was 4lbs in one month for a total of 10 but I haven't gained anything since. I've also been so careless with my eating. Of course almost all fruits i eat and some veggies are making my reflux worse. I made myself eat some pineapple today and it was so good.
Oh my you're so close to 3rd tri! That's crazy. I gained weight at my last appt too, but I'm still below pre pregnancy weight. They nurse nor the doc said anything about it though. Now that I think of it, they've never once mentioned my weight. But then again, I've seen women in there that have well over 100lbs on me so maybe they just pick and choose who to relay weight info to. I'm pretty excited I get anither scan when I go in at 24 weeks, but it's sad to know that it'll probably be the last one till she's born.

So I completely freaked out today cuz I lost my 20 week scan pictures. Hormones came out and I was crying that I lost them. Dh and I looked for a good hour...they were in an envelope on the fridge. I'm such a dork. I'm starting to get things ready to go home for Xmas and want to take all my scan pics so my dad could see them. I've emailed a couple to my mom but not sure if she's shown my dad or not.

So quick question: my whole pregnancy sugary things have made me feel like absolute crap. I feel sluggish and hungover the rest of the day if I do ear something. I had whole grain cereal with whole milk yesterday for breakfast and even that was too much sugar. And it was organic cereal and milk so nothing artificial in it either. Do you guys think its an early warning sign of gd? I never even thought about it till today. Now that nausea is pretty much gone, the sugar feeling doesn't make sense anymore.
Dini, I will be 1 day shy of 27 weeks I think I counted earlier but I forgot lol. My doc starts every 2 weeks at 28 weeks which is according to them, the start of the third trimester and then I will go every two weeks until like 36 weeks I think and then go every week. I am never sure with the trimesters and weeks lol.. Just like with the second trimester.. Is it 12 or 14 weeks. I think on here according to the boards it says that 26 weeks is the end of the second trimester and 27 weeks is the beginning of third trimester.

I'm guessing we must have all but that point where the baby has gone through a growth spurt. I also came across a link this week that broke down pregnancy weight and it had a list of things such as larger breasts adds 2-5 pounds, amniotic fluid 2-3 pounds, placenta 3ish pounds, enlarged uterus 2-3 pounds and then other things such as increased blood flow and fluid. It was kind of interesting to see it all broken down. Some people freak out when they gain 25 pounds and the baby is only 7ish pounds, but they forget about all the extra stuff;) also, according to my babycenter, our babies could very we'll be over a pound by now!

Mod, I'm not sure about indications of gd. I know that I feel sluggish when I don't have sugar! I'm like dini right now and anything healthy really isn't appealing except for apples and peanut butter.. Yummy:)

Last night DH and I were laying in bed watching tv and I kept feeling baby girl and I took his hand and put it where I was feeling her and she had hiccups! Lol Dd had them alllll the time when I was pregnant with her. Then baby girl did some big flip or something and it was the first time that DH has felt her
That's so cool that he felt her! My dh has yet to. She's only had really strong kicks/movements one day so far and it was such a busy day we didn't have a time to lay around with his hand on my abdomen.

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