Plus sized in the second trimester!

Hey ladies!! I'm definitely going to have to check into the rock and play thing!! I was in Minnesota this past wknd and had my first baby shower since I won't be back there before baby is born!! Because I had to fly back to Colorado, I got a lot of gift cards, toys and clothes which was fine by me!! It was just so nice to have all of my family there to celebrate with me!

I called my doctor and asked for approval to fly and they said they approved up to 36 weeks (which I won't do) but I did book tickets for January 23rd to California to visit my parents and in laws. I grew up there so all my best friends are there as well so I wanted them to see me pregnant!! We're going to do baby shower #2 out there and then prob have one last baby shower here in Colorado in March with my co-workers and friends here.

Mcwhmm I can't believe you'll soon be in 3rd tri soon!! My doctor does the same thing... After my 28 week appt they do appts every 2 weeks and then at 36 weeks they switch to every week. I have my 24 week appt on Jan 7th but I'm still so happy we're all moving right along with our pregnancies!!

Talk to u all soon!! :happydance::baby::baby:
I'm honestly not sure when my doc does the 2 week thing, I thought it was after 30 weeks. I'll have to ask next time. My next appt is on Jan. 5th and I'll be just over 25 weeks, so if I have another at 4 weeks I'd be 29 weeks so maybe after that i'll be every 2. That is kinda crazy to think about, that I only have two more monthly appts before the bi-weekly ones. 3rd trimester still seems forever away, even though it's only about 4 weeks away.

Bselck, that is so cool you get so many showers! We are having one big one because almost everyone lives around here and we are from here, which is cool too. I think work will have a tiny one for me, but I don't want to get my hopes up. I just threw one for my friend at work yesterday and it was fun, she got quite a few gifts for a surprise shower, and the food was good. The cake I got was so cute and sooo yummy! Here is a pic

Mod, I don't know about the sugar issue either, but I bet it's just because you aren't used to eating it. When I cut it out completely and eat any I feel drunk and yucky. Whole grain stuff doesn't do it to me usually but pregnancy is weird. Like Mcwhmm said, I seem to want sweets so much right now. I had whole grain toast for breakfast but made some blueberry Grands biscuits and had a few pieces of chocolate. I have got to quit that! It's a miracle I'm not 20lbs up!

Feeling baby a bit more today but he was very quiet yesterday but I had an exhausting stressful day at work, so hopefully he was just sleeping. I always worry when I have a bad day about it affecting him.
Just stopping in to say hi to you girls. Hope everyone is doing well! Christmas is almost here, so hard to believe!

Baby boy kicked me so hard today it really caught me off guard. I think he bounced off my bladder lol.
That's such a cute cake! You did good! Been busy getting things ready to go home for Xmas.

How has everyone else been?

I'm breaking down and calling my dr tomorrow. Driving home from work today my vision started getting really blurry and ended up seeing totally doubled. Really freaked me out, so now I'm gonna be one of those people that annoy their dr. Ugh.
Girl that is what they get paid the big bucks for!! Hopefully it was nothing but could be your blood pressure was too high or low. Enjoy your holiday!!
Mod I hope you are doing okay with the blurred vision and it was just a one time thing.

I am feeling pretty down on myself today and I know I shouldn't but I got on the scale today and I've put on 6lbs in the last 3 weeks. WHOA! I know a lot of it is the holidays, and I'm going to try to be good the next week because I have a MW appt next Monday and I'd like to have lost about 2lbs by then. I can handle 4lbs in a month but honestly I know I'm going to start packing it on around 32 weeks or so and I would like to slow it down. I haven't been exercising and I'm really mad at myself for that. The first trimester I was so exhausted and then I got hit with that damn sciatica, and then the holidays. I have no real excuse now, so I am going to try something, I think I'll order a yoga DVD and maybe find a pregnancy workout dvd. I also need to get my elliptical out of my bedroom and back to somewhere I can use it, but it was in the baby's room and now it's in my room with no room to use it.
How'd everything turn out with your eyes Mod? I would definitely call my dr. Like Dini said, that's what they get paid for ;)

Dini, I know how you feel, I was up quite a bit at my last appointment. I had just eaten a huge muffin before though, so I'm blaming it on that :p Haha. I am dreading my next appointment because of the holidays. Pretty much all I did over the holidays was snack. I didn't have any real meals. Now, I have all of these left over things such as cookies, fudge, and brownies... dangit. I haven't touched any of it though! :) Also, my birthday is 3 days before my next appointment and I usually go out to eat with my mom, then go out to eat with my dad and then if just me and DH go out.. thats three times of eating out right before my appointment! YIKES...

2 weeks ago DH had a sore throat for a few days and then last week (Monday) I started to get a sore throat.. which progressed to not being able to breathe at all.. to coughing.. and pink eye.. My immune system must be gone lol.. I'm still battling this dang cold!

Now that Christmas is over, I'm starting to think more about gathering all of the items that are needed for baby and just be done with it in case baby comes early we are ready and also, by getting those expenses out of the way, then we can focus on saving money for our move too.

How was everybody's Christmas?

How's everybody doing??
Oh I hope you feel better soon how miserable you must be! Makes me not feel so bad for this weird cough I have

Also I feel better that I'm not the only one who are horrible things over the holidays. My appt is next Monday and I really really want to be down 2lbs so that would put me up 4 in 4 weeks that's not so bad.
Don't beat yourself up if you're not though! Baby is packing on the weight right about now. It's most likely that you're baby boy might have gained a pound or so and the other 3 pounds is what you've actually gained. I actually saw something last week on the today show that the average person gains about 6-10 pounds over the holidays. You've gained less than that ;)

However, like we both said, we know what we did wrong over the holidays and that will contribute to weight gain.. just throwing some other thoughts into your brain about weight gain ;)
Thanks that does make me feel better. Got in the scale today and was down a pound so that was nice

However I woke up and couldn't breathe. I tried to take a deep breath and atarted wheezing and rattling and coughing. I think I have a bad case of bronchitis and it came out of nowhere. I have an appt in the morning with my family doc. I have to work thursday and Friday and I don't want to miss work, missing a holiday is a big no no at work.
Hey guys! So aside from the was everyone's Christmas? Mine was uneventful. I have some low grade cousins living with my aunt who hosts Xmas and they kind of have been steering the family away from getting together. Even at someone else's place since no one wants them there (they disrespect her and order her around while living with her for free with their two kids and she pays for everything). My sister just had her son in November and while I was getting him situated in his car seat she came over and congratulated me on my baby and started asking me questions about him. Um...really? Mines due in April, this is Jodies kid.

Anyways...the eye thing they told me not to worry about unless it happens again, in which case they want me to go in asap and see the on call nurse. I have my next appt the 6th so only another week anyway and I'll know if it was my bp or not.

And don't worry about your weight yet ladies. If its just a couple pounds its OK...could be so much worse!
Mod I'm glad you haven't had another episode!

That sounds awful about your cousins, there are some in every family.

I just hope the weight gain slows down!
Mod, I think everybody has some "off" people like that in their families.. I know I sure do! I'm glad that you haven't had any more eye episodes!

Regarding weight, I got extremely frustrated today because my step sister (who is like maybe 19-20 weeks or so) was going on and on how she hasn't gained ANY weight, which I think is BS because she looks a lot bigger (not to be mean because I know I do too) but it just frustrated me how she was trying to go on and on about that.. like ugh idk, lol END RANT
Lol mcwhmm, some people just don't know when to hush!

At my family doctors today I was down a pound so that puts me at a total of 14.5lbs and that is more than I wanted to gain but maybe it will slow for a bit now that the holidays are over.

So turns out I have a bad case of bronchitis like I thought I did and my lungs/airway sounded congested. No surprise there. He gave me an antibiotic and an inhaler. I checked with my OB about the inhaler as its category C but they said it's safe especially since I'm out of first trimester and it's only temporary. I'm glad because I really need it. I hope I feel better tomorrow because as long as I don't have a fever I'm going to work. If they want to send me home so be it but I don't want to make up a holiday or use my hours if i can help it.
Oh I know!

I think 14-16 is where I am at too. To be honest, I really don't remember where I started at! Lol I just know the number that I'm trying not to go passed!

Oh no! I hope you feel better! In STILL battling my cold! Doesn't help that with the windchill it is -25 here today! Everybody at my office except for literally like 2 people have been off this week due to being sick!
This has already been a bad winter for illness and we have a long way to go.

I'm just hoping to get some sleep but so far everytime I lay down I'm coughing junk up.
I hope you got some rest and are feeling some better!
I wish I could say I was. I never should have gone to work yesterday but I stayed home today. I'm pretty much constantly wheezing and can't breathe well a lot of the time and the coughing is getting worse and now my sinuses are congested. I feel so terrible for my little guy as I get coughing and it's so violent I nearly throw up and i can't imagine that's comfortable for him. DH threatened that if I wasn't better today I needed to go to the er or urgent care but I'm hoping to just lay low and rest and hope for the best tomorrow. He won't be here tomorrow if I need to go but I don't really know what else they would do for me. I don't think its bacterial as the antibiotics aren't helping and if it's the flu it's too late for tamiflu at this point.

I just hope baby is okay with all of this.
You poor thing:( it must be a yucky virus that has to run its coarse.. I'm on the 15th day of my cold now! I don't have the yuckiness that you do though! If you feel the need, I would definitely take your hubbies advice and go get checked out again. Even if there's nothing else they can do, just for a piece of mind or suggestions
Man I'm sorry you guys are so sick! I've been lucky enough so far to stay healthy even with all the sick people around me. I took dh to urgent care the other day and they said he had an upper respiratory bronchial infection and gave him antibiotics and that good cough medicine that has codine in it. You poor girls though. I hope you get better soon! I'd definitely go in if it doesn't start to get better soon!

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