Plus sized in the second trimester!

Mod I'm glad you haven't gotten sick! That's such a blessing. And I could go for that cough syrup! But I'd rather have my little guy :)

Mcwhmm, I hope your cold eases up soon. I've heard the cough sticks around for weeks.

I finally feel a bit better. I almost went to urgent care yeaterday but decided to give it one more day. I still feel tired but better and I got about 3 straight hours of sleep which I have not had in nearly a week. The cough is still really bad and I'm still wheezing and coughing up stuff. I think the doc at work was right and it's the flu and bronchitis that turned into pneumonia. But it seems I'm on the mend.

I have a midwife appt tomorrow and I am hoping DH can go with me, he hasn't made it to the last two or three. Baby seems fine through all of this and is still moving nicely but I'll feel better after a check up. Hope you girls are doing well!
How are you feeling Dini? I am finally able to breathe! Just in time for this nasty weather! It's snowing like crazy outside right now and supposed to be -35 with wind chills the next few days!

I am having a bit of a dilemma at the moment lol. Friday is my birthday and DH and I have decided to go out of town on Saturday and spend the day together. We have been wanting to go there because they have a Buy Buy Baby there and there's a few things we want to look at.. and also they have a CHEESECAKE FACTORY! lol The place that I went to get my gender scan is also there. I have a $25 certificate to use towards another ultrasound with this pregnancy if I choose too. I would like to do the 3d/4d and it would be maybe like $100 or so to do. I thought about calling them today and see if by chance they had any openings on Saturday (which I doubt!) but I couldn't decide. We are currently in the process of purchasing the last two "big" items that we need this weekend and continuing to stock up on other things. I know this is really an unneeded expense, but am I being greedy for wanting to see baby girls face for my birthday? I'm thinking I just need to wait, but the thought keeps popping up in my head lol
I'm feeling a bit better today thanks!

What are the other two big things you need? And happy almost birthday. I haven't been to the Cheesecake Factory in years! We are also dealing with cold weather but not quite as bad as you. Wind chills tomorrow supposed to be around -20. It was -8 today when we were out. Yuck! Supposed to get several inches of snow tonight.

Had my mw appt today and I was right, I'm up 5lbs for a total of 15.4 by my scale but by theirs it's 16.8. Ugh. Gotta get it under control! Otherwise all was good and now it's time for appts every two weeks. I thought is have one more monthly one but nope. I now have them scheduled up for the next 4 appts through 33 weeks I think. I'm still don't have a noticeable enough bump to do a fundal height measurement though:-(. Makes me sad, I'm ready to look pregnant and not just fatter!

My next appt is my official GTT and tdap vaccine. My blood sugars look promising though but my gut tells me I will fail the 1hr.

I'm getting a bit nervous since we haven't bought a thing yet. We decided to wait until the shower at 33 weeks and then buy stuff but I feel like we should have something!
Good to hear! :)

I haven't been to Cheesecake Factory since I was pregnant with DD. I think that's the only time I crave it lol. I don't even like cheesecake, but they have good food :)

This weather is icky! I always get annoyed with people that complain though because we live in Iowa and it's winter and yes it sucks, but that's how it is here lol. I think we are up to probably 4 inches already in the last 3-4 hours and supposed to get another 4 before morning. It's our first "big" snow of the winter so people are panicking. The thing that I can't stand is people who think that they can just drive like the usually would in the snow.

The two "big" things that we are going to purchase this weekend, are a carseat (we have been deciding between three that are on the expensive side, but are smaller than others to fit in my car along with DD) and also we are hoping to find a double stroller that we like.

We aren't going to do a baby shower because there are two other pregnant ladies in my family having there first and they are doing showers around the time that I would have one, so I'm letting them have their moment;) Plus, since we are having another girl, we still have things (other than clothes that we got rid of) from DD. We just need really a few "big items." Although my parents and grandparents will each buy a few items because they just like to shop lol.

I had my baby shower with DD at 28 weeks and I had already bought a lot of things before my shower (little things) and I just made sure that they weren't on my registry. I also got a lot of gift cards which I loved because then I could pick out my own stuff. I think that 33 weeks is good timing though because you will still have time to get the things that you will need that you didn't get. I felt like 28 weeks was too early for me because then I had SOO much stuff and it just made me more impatient! lol

Baby is packing on the weight now;) Baby is likely up to 2 lbs by now :) I'm thinking I'm up a lot because of my terrible eating recently that I can't get under control! I refuse to step on a scale though until my appointment. I'm trying not to be hard on myself anymore about it.

Glad everything went well at your appointment! Congrats on reaching the "every two week milestone!"

I was surprised that after my next appointment (Jan 12th) that I will start going every two weeks, but then I thought about it and if they did another 4 weeks until my next checkup then I would be almost 30-31 weeks!
I thought about it too and I would be 29-30 weeks so it does make sense I guess.

It's good you aren't being hard on yourself about weight gain. I really think I am because I was actively losing when I got pregnant and also, I still don't look pregnant just fatter. I mean my belly is bigger but it's mostly my upper belly above my uterus, I'm guessing because he's pushing it and my organs up and out, so I just look like I've gained weight. My waist is wider and my hips are wider because he hasn't popped out yet, like he's growing into my hips lol. I guess I have body issues. Well I always have but it's worse now because I just want to look pregnant and I dont. I'm healthy and so is he and that is all that really matters but I do need to get my unhealthy eating in check!
I'm jealous of the snow! Its in the 30's here and no snow. We flew home yesterday from Wisconsin and got stuck in Detroit (ugh) cuz our flight out of Milwaukee was delayed cuz of the snow.

Anyways, good to hear you guys are starting to feel better!

I don't think that seeing your babies face on your birthday is too much to ask. I'd do it too. I actually had a scan on my birthday so yeah, great birthday present!

Mcwhmm good luck on finding a stroller and car seat you like. Make sure you take 20% off coupons. If you don't have any I can either forward ones I get via text or email if you want. Then, you can use two on the two big purchases and save 20% on both.

I have my scan tomorrow. It won't be the last one cuz we're going to do a 3d/4d one around 29 weeks, but probably the last one from the Dr office. When do they do the glucose test again? I'm assuming I'll need to go back in two weeks to do it since they didn't say anything to me about it for this time.

Dini you have souch restraint to not have bought anything yet! My shower still isn't being planned and I'm getting worried that she hasn't said anything to me about it.
The GTT is usually around 28 weeks. Mine is just before then.

Who is throwing your shower? My mil and her sister and mom are doing mine and my step mom is supposed to help too but we will see about that.

I think I just was so scared of something going wrong I tried not to think about buying stuff or even what we'd need but that is wearing off lol. I do want to wait as I am hoping we get some of the big stuff and get gift cards towards the big stuff. I'm going out on the 17th with my mil and her mom to do my in store registries so I might be tempted to buy something then lol.

Do post a pic tomorrow mod! So excited for your scan!!
My friend asked to throw me a shower, so I said sure! She's pretty organized so I didn't even think she'd put it off, bit there is still like 2 months before it really needs to happen. I'm sure if I text her she'll get on it lol.

I went and registered at Target when I was at home, contemplating on going to Babies r Us or buy buy Baby as well. I dunno though. Considering doing both for the free sample packs though! Target gave me a pouch with coupons and samples in it. There's a bottle, pacifier, ointment and wipes and diapers in it. I'd say its worth the free stuff lol.
Dini, Oh I know what you mean! My hips have gotten MUCH wider. I feel as if my belly is HUGE, but it looks funny because I have gotten so much wider. It may have something to do with the position that the baby is in too? I also was a little skeptical to buy a lot of items and only bought a few little things until after my 20 week scan. It almost feels as if you buy something then you'll be jinxing yourself. I completely know that feeling! Go ahead though, by something! You've got a healthy baby boy in there;)

Mod, You are so sweet! I have one coupon in my E-mail that can only be used in the store (part of the reason I really want to go) Oh wait, as I am typing this, I just got another one. Plus I signed up DH for offers too :p I might go a little crazy in that store! lol, but it's completely worth it when buying bigger items to save 20%!

I have my GD test on Monday, I'll be one day shy of 27 weeks. But as Dini said, anywhere around 28 weeks is when they do it. Yayyy for getting scan today! Be sure to post pictures! :)
Well I had my appt this morning and all looked good except the amniotic fluid is low. Googled it and of course all these horror stories came up. I get another sono next appt and have the glucose test as well. They gave the drink to me today and I just drink it an hour before my next appt. But here is my little Peanut:


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Well I had my appt this morning and all looked good except the amniotic fluid is low. Googled it and of course all these horror stories came up. I get another sono next appt and have the glucose test as well. They gave the drink to me today and I just drink it an hour before my next appt. But here is my little Peanut:

You hear horror stories all the time but mostly it is not abnormal and if they didn't do the scan you wouldn't have even known. Dr. Google is not usually a good Doctor to consult lol. My friends was a bit low and she stayed extra hydrated and at her next scan it was all good and has been since. Of course now she's overdue! Your peanut looks so sweet. Everything else was good right?

Which store do you guys have coupons from? Does Babies R Us offer coupons that you know of? I don't know if there is a Buy Buy Baby near me. I think there is a Baby Depot near Babies R Us.

I would totally buy something but my luck we will get it and it will be a waste of money, I think on the real big things I'm just going to wait till the shower because you never know. The crib is pretty cheap and on Amazon but since they offer the 10% on things you don't get I think I'll wait on that too. Haha, guess we will be waiting till almost last minute for somethings. I also just talked to my insurance company and they said that I get a breast pump covered 100%, not sure which yet because I have to contact the medical equipment company first, but the rumors were true, you can't process it until after the baby is born, so I won't get it until sometime after. Which I'm sure I won't be needing it right away however if you have it in the hospital the lactation consultant there can show you how to fit it to you and use it and give you tips, and that would just be too convienient :dohh:
I just learned today that as long as you have the physical coupon babies r us will accept competitor coupons.

But you're right. If I didn't have thevscan no one would be any the wiser. I'll definitely increase how much water I drink and hopefully next month all will be good. It's vstill scary though. I'm not as worried as I would have if I wasn't at the 24 week mark.
I'm sure it is really stressful, but like you said you are 24 weeks already and hopefully increasing your water intake will help. Did they give you any tips at the appt? What did they say the level was if they did.
What an adorable little peanut Mod! Yes, Yes, definitely stay away from google! Google can be the enemy sometimes. I would only listen to what your doctor says and increase your fluid intake and I will keep my fingers crossed :)

We get coupons for Buy Buy Baby. If you go on their website and sign up with your E-mail you will start getting offers. I'm not sure how often they send them out, but I have gotten quite a few (that I let expire oops). Ours is actually 2 hours away, but I have a few coupons saved up and going to make the trip worth it lol. Maybe we should take two cars there? Lol!

Lucky you they gave you the drink! I have to go there and then drink it and sit for an hour.. woooohooo. I'm worried about it this time, I wasn't with DD..
They didn't tell me anything and I didn't ask. I dunno it didn't really worry me at the moment but now it has me concerned.

And the actually let me pick between orange and fruit punch, so I opted for the fruit punch. But yeah I was pretty relieved they let me take it so i dont have to sit there for an hour next time. It just needs to be timed right I guess, so if its getting close to when they need to take my blood and I'm still sitting there I get to bug them.
Mcwhmm I didntgwt my drink either. Actually I think I have to go to the outpatient lab or something. She didn't say so I'm hoping they do the test there but they are weird as they have sent me to have my labs done everytime. Guess we will see. At least I don't have to fast! I'm gonna stick to protein though and not have many carbs if any prior.
Yeah they told me to watch my sugars starting a few days before the test and eat nutritious foods the day of. Just can't eat or drink after the glucose drink. I still think I'll fail lol.
Well ladies... I've had my baby!! I can now say this with a smile because my baby Zackary is doing amazing!! On jan 1st I thought I was having Braxton Hicks which came on after work around 5pm. They kept getting stronger and then I had a pink mucus come out and so at 2am my husband and I went to the hospital.

Thank goodness we did!! They put belly bands on me right away to track the babies heartbeat (which was normal) and my contractions. It turned out I was 3 cm dilated and fully effaced!! At 23 weeks 1 day!!

I was freaking out and they had a ton of doctors come in and explain to us the possible negative outcomes. They stopped the contractions and we're going to give me a cerclage to keep him from coming out but they found out I had an amniotic infection and would have to deliver that night!

I had an amniocentesis done and my glucose level was undetectable! No sugar in my body whatsoever! This is the food for infection and so they knew the infection was bad.

My water broke on its own as my body was trying to push the baby out due to the infection. Then I was given pitocin to speed up my delivery and my mom flew in from California and arrived 30 min before I delivered!
It was a vaginal delivery and he weighed 1 lb 9oz and was 11 inches long! He is such a miracle baby!
Zackary Allen Kuenz was born on 1/2/15 at 1108pm at 23 weeks 1 day. He is has been in the NICU ever since and I was discharged in Monday.

I delivered him vaginally and he has just passed his brain scan with no bleeding (which I guess is the most common in premies) and both of his lungs are clear and growing!! (The second most common issue in premies)

His blood pressure and all other stats are normal and the doctors cannot believe it!! He is the earliest baby that the doctors have ever delivered!

He is a blessing beyond belief and we have had our friends and family praying since he was born! I love him so much and he is so strong!

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