Plus sized in the second trimester!

I need to get on that then! Lol

We did find a stroller that we really liked and we think will work well. We are going with the city mini double gt. I actually just ordered it today lol

Ugh.. It's comething pelvic going on lol.. My doctor just basically said yeah that will last from now until labor.. Cool! Lol

But.. I passed my glucose!
Yay for passing! Dud they let you know while you were still there? And for finally finding a stroller lol.

We scheduled a 3d/4d ultrasound for the 7th, so that should be cool. Dh wanted his daughter to come but I'm not comfortable having my body exposed like that for audiences so that's not going to happen.

So since I've become pg 3 other people at work have as well. It's crazy. Ones been struggling with infertility and told me today that she tested positive yesterday! I'm so excited for them all. One found out today they're having a girl after trying for 8 years after her last son, so happy for her as well that she got her girl. And there aren't very many employees here. I'd say about 18.
Yeah, they just take a sample of the blood that they draw and stick it in this little machine thingy and in a few seconds it tells your reading. The number has to be under 140 and mine was 125 :)

Omg, I know! I'm so excited! Lol, we got the stroller, swing, and rock and play all ordered today. The rock and play was actually free too because we buy so much stuff at Target and they always have the "buy 2 get a $10 gift card" and so on and I had a stack of 4 of them that I hadn't used :) I think we are pretty much set now except for organizing and little things.

oooo! That's so exciting! I can't wait to see pictures! :) I want another ultrasound so bad, but I'd rather just save that money I suppose.. especially since DH found out today that he will be laid off starting April 2nd (right before baby) .... Stupid John Deere and all of their layoffs! They just announced 900+ layoffs today. Don't even get me started on that though! :p

That's so exciting for all of your employees! Good thing you won't all be on maternity leave at the same time! Lol. I know what you mean though.. it seems like everybody that I went to high school with is pregnant already or just finding out.. must be something in the water :p
Man I'm sorry about your dh job. That's rough. Did they offer any sort if severance?

I've just now started shopping at target since Wal-Mart royally missed me off. Got about $200 worth of gift cards for Xmas so I'm just waiting till after the shower to get what else we need.

I'm definitely excited for the 3d scan. I'll actually be having 2 scans that week. One on the 4th at my appt to check on the amniotic fluid level since it was low last time and then the 3d one on the 7th.

Definitely must be something in the water! It's crazy. But at least now I have people to talk to about all the weird pregnancy stuff, even if I am quite farther along then them.

So dh wants us to start selling AdvoCare products. I'm nit going to go back to my job that I have now as I can't stand so many things about it. So we will see how it goes. Hopefully well. Dh doesn't want me to go back to work either but we need a second income, so I'm hopeful. Skeptical but I do a lot on eBay anyways and that's where I plan on selling it.
They get to keep their insurance for 6 months and can collect unemployment plus subpay since he worked for the union, so he will basically be making about the same as if he was still working, but it's still shitty and stressful :( he's currently searching for jobs online. At least he will likely be able to be home with me and the baby for a couple weeks or so maybe.

I used to love Walmart, but ours seems to have gone downhill and just seems dirty.. I love Target now:) Sooo much nicer and I have done a lot of price comparisons and Target is actually cheaper or the same on a lot of items, especially if you have the Cartwheel app and get coupons! Plus, whenever there's the option to buy so many and get a gift card, I do so :p The other day I bought four chapsticks because if you bought four then you got a $10 gift card.. plus we always are running out of/losing chapsticks!

Also, a poster on another thread said that she heard that Target is going to have a big baby sale like "end of season" starting this weekend? Could just be her local store though, but idk.. Seems like mine just did one recently

I know people here that sell AdvoCare and it seems to be a big hit. I've actually looked into it and considered buying some after baby is born. I have seen a lot of things recently in my town for AdvoCare meetings and what not. I suppose it's just like selling anything else such as Scentsy where you just have to get your name out there and let people know that you are selling
Man I'm always losing chapstick too! Wonder if that's still going on. A big baby sale would be sweet. What I still haven't bought yet is any detergent or fabric softener to wash her things in. I know that you can use the free and clear stuff but I think the cartwheel has 20% off dreft right now or something like that, so I need to get there and get some before it ends.
It should still be going on!:) I LOVE cartwheel. I think I did see something for dreft on there if I remember right.

This morning we just ordered the two outfits for newborn pictures and I'm so excited :) They are soooo adorable!

And my diaper bag came in the mail today and I am in love!
Which diaper bag did you get? I got a skip hop one that's gray and white. I live it it's so classy looking and not too feminine or anything. I really didn't want one of those cheap plastic ones from Wal-Mart.
I got the Ju ju be bff in the First Lady print. I love it! I debated for a while about it but in glad that I got it
Hey ladies glad you are all doing well! Just hearing you guys talking about Target makes me want to go shopping! It's weird because even though my baby is here- he still won't be home from the NICU for a few months so I'm still buying little things here and there!

My DH and I just moved into a larger place this wknd so we are starting on decorating baby Zackarys room and its just what my body has been craving!

I'm still pumping and Zackary is still digesting my breast milk great so that is good news!! We've had a couple of rough days and now a couple of good days so it's just taking it slow and letting him develop and get healthier every day!

Can't believe you guys are getting close to being 30+ weeks along!! Woo hoo!
Bselck I'm so glad he is still doing good. I'm sure there will still be rough days but as long as there are good ones and he's making progress that's all that matters!!

I don't know yet if I passed my glucose test. Hoping to know tomorrow. I did find out my hemoglobin is a bit low so I'm a little anemic but I'm not shocked by it. I'm trying to eat better and drink a ton of water because I've gained too much weight. The office scale is different and they are counting the weight I lost and gained back so they have me at 27lbs gained. I have me at 20 but I know some of its from swelling. My legs have been swollen forba few weeks and lately I'm even waking up with it.

We are working on the baseboards and trim is the nursery right now and it's stressing me out and my husband and his brother are going to tear our carpet up tomorrow and start laying down new floor. I'm thrilled about it but stressed at the same time as I know it won't get done on time. I was hoping it'd be done by Tuesday night as I go back to work Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Bselck, its so great to hear that he's doing so good! I know it's crazy that we are going to be 30 weeks!! It's also crazy that your little boy is almost a month old already!

Dini, I thought I was doing so well the last two weeks and I have upped my water intake BIG TIME. I started carrying a huge water bottle with me and drink about three of them a day, about 100 oz, as they recommended. I also felt like my appetite was WAY down, except for a few bad days. However, in the last two weeks I hag gained almost 4 pounds! I was very upset by this.. that brings my total to 24lbs :( They didn't seem concerned though. I'm just upset that I was doing better and STILL gained that much in such a short time and it also makes me nervous because I still have about 11ish weeks left. I can't keep up that amount of weight gain each two weeks! I think mine may have SOME to do with swelling and probably baby gaining weight too, but man this sucks :( I don't want to pass the weight that I was at with DD when I went into labor, but right now I'm only about 15 pounds away from that.. that's too close!

also Dini, sounds like we both have started "nesting" Lol. I made a list a few weeks ago of everything that I want to get done such as clean out and organize ALL closets, clean out and get rid of broken dresser, get new dresser for DD, and other organizing and cleaning. I started this weekend and cleaned out and organized my walk in closet. It took about 3 hours and I was pooped afterwards! We are going to try to get one task or so (depending on how big) don't between now and baby and plan on setting up the crib next month. It's actually scary when you look at how many weekends are left between now and then!
Mcwhmm, I'm so hoping that our rapid weight gain is just baby having a growth spurt. One of my apps did say that around 28 weeks there would be a "scale shock" with possibly a large gain so I'm praying at my next appt in 2 weeks I will have gained no more than 2lbs. I'm doing better with eating but DH is going to get donuts this morning for him and his brother since they are tearing our house apart today and they are both skinny!

Um...yeah, not many weekends between now and then huh? It still seems far away yet so close. I was looking at my work schedule yesterday and realized that the next time I sign up on the schedule I will be signing up through that makes things real. I just keep praying we all continue to do well and our babies come healthy and Bselck's just keeps growing and gets to come home around the time we have ours!

I should go, I have way too much to do today to be sitting on the computer!!
Mod, target does have quite the big baby sale going on right now! Tons of things are on sale! Even a 25$ gift card on some items! I'm actually here right now lol.

Dini, it is very scary! Lol yeah.. I'm trying to stay calm about my weight.. But man.. Just when I think I was doing good :/
How are you ladies doing? I miss chatting with you.

Bselck how is your miracle baby?
I was just about to post on here! Well you know my story lol. We got the baby shower invites sent out today for March 8th. AND my mom emailed me today that she's flying in for the shower. Beyond excited! I wasn't expecting it at all but she got a round trip ticket for only $68, so she couldn't pass it up. How have you been? Anything New? Pick a name yet?
I've missed you ladies too! How'd your glucose test go dini?

Mod, that's so exciting!!

Has anybody else been doing any crazy nesting like me? Lol. I went crazy the weekend before last and organized, rearranged, got rid of stuff, etc. DH just laid back and put headphones in and let me do my thing except for when I needed his help moving furniture. We also got DD a dresser in her room. I'm so impressed with how everything is turning out to fit into place and so happy we decided to stay in our place!

I have an appointment today at 115pm. I'm worried about my weight but I stepped on the scale this morning so that I wasn't so shocked at the doctor and I've gained 1.5lbs in the last two weeks... But those dr scales... Who knows! Lol. I'm also hoping that my dr can give me some advice on this insane pelvic pain! At my last appointment he just said it'll be like that. Although I've talked to ladies on here on threads with similar pain and there isn't really anything that can be done, just deal.. Oh pregnancy joys:

Bselck, how's your little boy doing!?
Mod that's great news about your mom!! I'm sure it will be so nice to have her there. we did settle on a name, his name is Blaze Dale. I don't like the middle name but it's DH's grandfathers name. Blaze was my great great grandfathers name.

Mcwhmm, I was so shocked at my appt yesterday that I hadn't gained anything in two weeks since my last appt. Of course the appt before i was told I was gaining too fast but I honestly didn't change anything, I think it was a growth spurt.

The nesting is kicking in a bit but I think my back pain and carpal tunnel is keeping me from getting into it. I did go get some little cloth cube things to use as drawer organizers today. At the dollar tree! We still have so much work to do in his room I'm just putting whatever little things we've gotten in his drawers. I'll organize after the shower I think.

My glucose test didn't go so well, I failed by 3 points but they use a lower threshold than most places. They are letting me monitor my sugars for two weeks and if all is good then I won't need to anymore, but If they are bad they will give me the GD diagnosis. I think they will fine. The last two days have been perfect!
Cute name! I like it. My nesting was in full force till my appointment yesterday. Still don't know about the glucose test but that's not what they're focused on right now. I have an appt tomorrow at 9:30 to meet with a high risk dr due to low amniotic fluid. I'm really hoping the fluids they gave me helped and it will look better than it did yesterday, but who knows. I'm freaking out about it. Dh understands why I'm scared but people at my job have a tendency to overreact and they freaked me out even more than I already was. Hopefully I go in and they say it's nothing to worry about, but I'm only 2cm away from them taking her out and that scares me.
I was following the other thread you posted and I really hope all is well tomorrow. I would be worried myself but I hear so many positive stories about low fluid. I'll never know if mine is good since they won't do another scan unless in develop any issues. Please keep us posted on how tomorrow goes!

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