Hi Ladies,
I've officially started my summer break. I have one and a half weeks alone in the house before a friend comes to visit for a week, then 4 days in london and 4 days with friends in scotland then it's our 1 year wedding anniversary! It's going to be a busy summer
withlovemom, I can totally understand your worry leading up to scans. It only makes sense that you want everything to be perfect, so your biggest fear rears it's ugly head! I am sure everything will be fine, after all, you're feeling the little one already! Just breathe

Congratulations on the kicks

Smiler, I am so happy that your midwife is on board for your homebirth! It must have been such a relief for you when she explained what happened before. Now rest up and keep eating that steak
Mommylove, fingers crossed for AF (I never thought I'd ever say that!) Have you had a normal cycle otherwise? I only ask because my cm has followed it's usual pattern so I'm hoping to see AF 'on time'. Thank you for your kind words too, they mean a lot xx
I'm in the 2nd half of this cycle for sure... just waiting for my period to show up to start ttc again. Hubby has been really supportive and I just realised it's been 4 weeks since my mc. Some days I feel like my old self, others I feel like a stronger version of myself and then there are the bad days. I'm taking each day at a time and focusing on living all aspects of life, not just living for the hope of having a baby.
Thank you ALL for your beautiful words and kind thoughts. All this caring energy you give out is amazing... Thank you

I know I can come here and moan too, that I don't have to be Mary Poppins

I guess when I am having a bad day, I tend to distance myself from the outside world. I write to myself rather than others and want to be quiet more than anything else. I am making sure I get what I need emotionally and spiritually though and the things I wrote to myself when I was raw with emotion have helped to get me through the darker days.
I still have bad days, like when I found out a friend of my is pregnant with dates almost identical to mine... or this weekend when I saw the inlaws for the first time since the mc and the sympathetic looks and extra affection just made me feel sad.
today is a new day and there is so much to live for right now! So don't worry, I know that I can come here and find what I need, what ever that may be. You ladies ROCK!
Have a wonderful week xx