*** Positive Mental Attitude TTC - Anyone joining us? ***

hurray all good so xxx
simon was sideways for ages nd then head down which explains why i didnt feel it xxx
always better to doc check just in case xxx

hi and hugs to all xxx
Hi ladies..

How r u all dooin today??

my appointment has got postponed as doc was not available for some personal reasons..now i have to meet him on the 30th of July....5 more days to go....i always get nervous as each scan approaches...praying that all goes well n keepin my fingers crossed...

Hugs n prayers to all u lovely ladies..
Hi Ladies,

I've officially started my summer break. I have one and a half weeks alone in the house before a friend comes to visit for a week, then 4 days in london and 4 days with friends in scotland then it's our 1 year wedding anniversary! It's going to be a busy summer :sleep:

withlovemom, I can totally understand your worry leading up to scans. It only makes sense that you want everything to be perfect, so your biggest fear rears it's ugly head! I am sure everything will be fine, after all, you're feeling the little one already! Just breathe :) Congratulations on the kicks ;) xx

Smiler, I am so happy that your midwife is on board for your homebirth! It must have been such a relief for you when she explained what happened before. Now rest up and keep eating that steak ;)

Mommylove, fingers crossed for AF (I never thought I'd ever say that!) Have you had a normal cycle otherwise? I only ask because my cm has followed it's usual pattern so I'm hoping to see AF 'on time'. Thank you for your kind words too, they mean a lot xx

I'm in the 2nd half of this cycle for sure... just waiting for my period to show up to start ttc again. Hubby has been really supportive and I just realised it's been 4 weeks since my mc. Some days I feel like my old self, others I feel like a stronger version of myself and then there are the bad days. I'm taking each day at a time and focusing on living all aspects of life, not just living for the hope of having a baby.

Thank you ALL for your beautiful words and kind thoughts. All this caring energy you give out is amazing... Thank you :) I know I can come here and moan too, that I don't have to be Mary Poppins ;) I guess when I am having a bad day, I tend to distance myself from the outside world. I write to myself rather than others and want to be quiet more than anything else. I am making sure I get what I need emotionally and spiritually though and the things I wrote to myself when I was raw with emotion have helped to get me through the darker days.

I still have bad days, like when I found out a friend of my is pregnant with dates almost identical to mine... or this weekend when I saw the inlaws for the first time since the mc and the sympathetic looks and extra affection just made me feel sad.


today is a new day and there is so much to live for right now! So don't worry, I know that I can come here and find what I need, what ever that may be. You ladies ROCK! :happydance:

Have a wonderful week xx
:hugs: :hugs: Discoria :hugs: You do whatever you need to hun, if a bad day means keeping to yourself then that's fair enough. If you want to come on here and rant about the unfairness of it all then go right ahead. It is really hard when you suffer what we have all suffered then someone you love tells you they are pregnant. That happened to me like every month for about 5 months after one of my losses and it was very hard...and I did rant a lot online!! It's a safe place so let out whatever you need. So pleased to hear you are having good days too though, every day is one step closer to your rainbow baby xx

Withlovemom FX for your scan tomorrow :hugs: Scans can be so nerve-wracking, just hope everything is looking fine and you can relax afterwards. Hope you get some good pics xx

AFM not much news, my iron levels are 0.1 away from the minimum they like them to be for a home birth, so that's a little frustrating but I still have time to get them up x

Hope everyone is ok xx
Hi girls! Hope you all are doing well! :flower:

Mommylove, fingers crossed for AF (I never thought I'd ever say that!) Have you had a normal cycle otherwise? I only ask because my cm has followed it's usual pattern so I'm hoping to see AF 'on time'. Thank you for your kind words too, they mean a lot xx

thanks hun! Im 3dpo and its been 4 weeks since my MC completed so I think Im back on track. CM seems to be following the right pattern as well :thumbup: Af should show in about 11 +/- days and she better! :trouble: As soo and she comes and goes, we will offically be bck to ttc! :happydance:
So glad that you are staying positive. You have so many wonderful things coming up this summer and I hope that you enjoy them all!

Smiler, Im hoping that your iron levels are back to where they need to be but with it being so close, maybe they will still be ok with home birth? :hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss:

Hi Laura! Hope you and yoru little milkyface are well!

:wave: to everyone and hope this finds you all well! :flower:
withlove, so sorry our apt got pushed but congrats on feeling the baby move! :)
hi guys xx

discoria u hve ve the best attitude xxxx
glad u r doin so well x
down days r so normal but it gets less and less painfull with time xx

smiler hope ur iron levels go up xxxx
its very close so it should xx

amy hoping the witch shows her ugly mug on time xx

not mucch news here, simon got his shots oday, not as awfull s i thouht.
he is sleeping um off now on top of me :)

hope everyone is well xxxx
hi and hugs to all xx
Hello ladies...

Discoria...u r such a strong hearted n motivating person even through ur tough days..
I really admire ur positivity n m glad u have some nicely planned days coming ahead as a vacation etc....hope u get AF as per the scheduled timing n u get a go ahead to TTC again..lots of hugs hon....

Smiler..how r u doin dear?? hope ur iron levels come up soon hon..

Mommylove...hope AF shows soon n u can start d TTC soon... keepin my fingers crossed for u..

Lilesmom..how r u n little Simon doin??

AFM, had my scan n check-up..n yes things are progressing well..I have also started feeling movements on the outside..a small part of my tummy jerks like getting spasms/twitches when d baby moves inside..hubby can also see that n is thrilled for the same..so all in all everything is moving along fine..& I Thank God for that..
I know i should stop worrying before every scan..but no matter how much ever i try,i end up in a little over-whelmed state of mind....hope i do better next time..have a follow up check-up in two weeks again..
After reading the past couple of posts, i just realised how supportive all u lovely ladies are..n this group is turning out to be a place where we can always share our thoughts,fears or anything that comes across our mind & always get tremendous support and comfort... I love u all for being so nice n caring..

Will always keep all u ladies in my prayers..

Lots n lots of hugs to all..
:hugs: withlovemom yes this thread has been a saviour to us all at certain times hasn't it, so great we've been able to share all our thoughts, fears etc and know someone is always there for a virtual hug :hug:

So pleased your scan went well and you've been feeling more movement, so reassuring but the nerves are always there eh! Even now I am nervous, despite me feeling him hiccup :) He hiccups literally every day, I hope it isn't too tiring for him :)

Lilesmom hope Simon is ok after his injections, so sweet and special for you two to just be cuddled up together it must be so lovely xx
hi guys xx

withlovemom soo glad ur scan went really well xx
im very gratefull for all ye girls too, xxx

we r good thanks , simon asleep on me again :)
i is nice smiler :) xx

hi and hugs to all xxx
Hi ladies! Just wanted to say hello and see how everyone is doing! :)
hiya, :)
good thanks amy, xx hope u r too xx

i went back swimming today hurray, i missed it lots. :)
im gonna go once a week now and OH is gonna mind prince milky :)
i get some me time ;)
i also bought myself some clothes.im down 24 pounds ,most of this in first 3 weeks but sure it has to slow down, so i bought myself some incentive clothes :) some fit me now, some little tight on purpose. :) not overly so just enough so il get into um soon :)
milky is still a bit sleepy from injections but his tummy is a million hundred times better from his comfort formula. thank god it worked. poor simon was in pain and i was wrecked from no sleep and stressing over him .

hope everyone is well xxx
hi an dhugs to all xxxx
Hey Ladies,

LilesMom, it must be so nice to pick up loved pasttimes again and swimming is so relaxing I find, I don't go swimming enough!

My period started today so I'm happy that we're moving on from the mc, but my flow is pretty light. Guess I just need to be patient and give my body a chance to settle back into it's own rhythm.

Apart from that I'm enjoying lovely sunny breezy weather in the Italian alps and we're about to go for a nice walk on a trail to a nearby village that we've never been to before. I can't decide whether to bring a camera to capture it or whether to try and stay present in the experience. Either way I'm excited :) now just got to get my dh off the sofa... he's nodded off!

Have a wonderful weekend lovely ladies xx
hi guys xx

disco ria did u decide on camera or no?
im veyr bad at taking pics cos do prefer to enjoy it rather than take pics but then im sorry later :) maybe combine both , limit ourselves to a few pics and then put camera away in a bag :) hope u had a lovely walk :)
my first af was very light too hon, its normal.
when u think u will feel ready for ttc? not rushing u just asking, ignore if u dont wanna answer and i wont mind :) xxxx
hope ur keeping well xxx

hi and hugs to all , no news here really , just checking in :)
simon slept for 8 hrs straight past 2 nts , now his tummy is ok again he is back to being the best baby ever :) xxx
Hi ladies..

Discoria...glad ur body is getting back on track...hope u r havin a good relaxing vacation hon..

Lilesmom..Woww..u started swimming again...i m sure it must b great feeling to get back to ur hobbies...n so happy to know that Simon's stomach is better now n he is being a good boy :) :)

Smiler hw u doin hon??

Mommylove, whats happenin at ur end...

Nothin much at my end..all going ok..just wanted 2 say hi..

Hugs n prayers 2 all..
Hello ladies :hi:

Aww lilesmom I'm so pleased Simon is better :) Can't believe you're getting 8 hours sleep a night, that's awesome! What a good little boy :)

Withlovemom glad all is going ok with you, you feeling a bit more relaxed now?

Discoria did you have a nice walk? Must be so lovely to be in such gorgeous surroundings :) Know what you mean about photos - I have a DSLR and really enjoy a bit of photography but sometimes it can totally take over the experience and sometimes is just nicer to not take snaps and concentrate on what's going on. Like I never take photos at parties in particular because I don't want to miss out on chatting and socialising :)

Mommylov how are you hun? Hopefully AF will be here in the next week or so looking at your chart? Will you be ttcing again this cycle? Hope you're doing ok sweetie :hugs:

AFM nothing new really...waiting on results on my last iron test so FX. I saw the GP yesterday and she was really not bothered about me being a little bit below the minimum, she reckons a home birth will be fine and it's just the MWs sticking to the rules. Which is understandable, I know they have to work within guidelines etc but the fuss there's been over such a small blip does seem silly. So I was pleased with what my doc said and when I speak to the MW tomorrow I will tell her.

Apart from that, am just tired. NEARLY finished work! Can't wait to be a lady of leisure...baby better not be early!!
Hi Ladies! :wave: Hoe is everyone doing?

Smiler, youre getting so close!! I hope these next results show your iron as being perfect!

Withlove, hi babe! Not much going on with me. I was sick at home yesterday so I didnt go to work and DH has Bronchitis so he is on meds :( 11DPO so just waiting for AF to show. Hoping that DH is nice and healthy by then!

Laura, how are you and prince milky doing?

:hugs: to everyone!!!

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