2 cms is great hon, things r slowly on their way so chick

todays sweep could help speed things up for u now., . fx

she tried to do a sweep on me at just over 38 weeks, i had some bloody mucus but nothing happened but i was early . u r full term and had already gone 2 cms ur self so could work for u, exciting

hope it does hon. so close to cuddles
my boobs arent that sore actually . id say i caught it early .
i feel more fluey than sore. yest eve they were really sore for few hours, i was even crying it was so sore but only for a little bit. was weird.
thank god it went with pain killers

u can still feed with mastisis , its encouraged.
but bf didnt work for us, i switched to expressing after few days.
then at 2 months i switched him to all comfort formula cos he got colicky.
he was gettin comfort formula and my milk. but cos comfort formula is thicker he started choking on my milk so i just give him formula now.
im weaning, hence mastisis

nearly done with pumping altogether now thank god.
looking forward to ur good news soon

best of luck, u will do great

just remember each step of labour is step closer to LO . sounds flaky but helps to keep in mind when actually in labour