*** Positive Mental Attitude TTC - Anyone joining us? ***

Hugs disco ria xxx

Congrats magic. U git ur bfp on my bday ;-) xx congrats
Sorry for my absence!! Accidentally hit the 'unsubscribe' button last time I tried to check this thread then couldn't find it again! :dohh: Thanks for sending me the link lilesmom - and happy belated birthday! :flower:

Magicwhisper - congratulations! Such great news for you and your OH :thumbup:

Discoria - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I was so so very sad to read your post, am so sorry. I can see why you'd maybe prefer to delay testing next time but the wait is agony I doubt I'd be able to wait either. It's just a very personal decision and one I doubt you can really make now, you just have to see how you're feeling the next cycle you TTC. I will be sending you lots and lots of love and :dust:

AFM am sad to say we ended up switching from breastfeeding to formula :( I always said I wasn't bothered how my baby fed just as long as he was fed, loved and cared for but now I'm in this position I do feel awful about it to the point of crying nearly every day over it! I keep reminding myself of the positives, and the fact that I was bottle fed and I've got the best immune system of anyone I know!! (I'll get ill now, you watch lol) But it got to a point where he was feeding every hour for 5 days and I was just exhausted so I cracked and asked DH to give him some ready made stuff. He took to the bottle immediately and slept the longest he'd slept for ages, so I think he was exhausted by it all too. Now he sleeps better and although still windy etc after a feed, he gets over it a lot faster than he did when BFing. I feel I gave up on it a little too easily and should've tried harder but DH keeps reminding me how ill I was after the birth and how I'm still not 100% so maybe he just wasn't getting enough :shrug:
Smiler hugs and snap ;-) the way I had to look at it was a happy healthy baby and mom aremuch better than fulfilling my wish to bf xxx
I cried over giving up too. But honestly I thunk some babies are just too hungry to bf. Xx
Simon was much happier on bottle and could eat his fill.
He is taller than 99% of babies his age and heavier than 95% but doesnt look too far.
So I think I made the right choice.
I couldn't see him hungry and unhappy anymore.
U have made the right choice for ur family honey . Hugs xx
Thank you so much Lilesmom, that makes me feel much better, so great to know am not alone :flower: it is surprisingly hard to stop BFing I really thought I wouldn't mind either way but obviously isn't that simple! Gosh Simon sounds like a strapping lad :) Patrick is also big bonny boy! I think you're right some babies just have big appetites, and it's nice for us to know how much he's eating.
I was the same before I had him. Kept saying I would try nt but no pressure. Wad foolingmmyself. I def dfound It hard to stop xx mommy's guilt ;-)
All the docs we see can't get over how tall Simon is for his age. It took um ages to believe he had silent reflux cos he is growing away.

Hi and hugs to all
my little man had his first food today , he loved it.
he also picked up his ball without my help fir first time hurray
great day, im ridic proud


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Tooooooo cuuuuuuteee! What a sweetie you have every right to be so proud :) xx
Thanks smiler xxx
How r ye getting on? X

Hi and hugs to all
my little man had his first food today , he loved it.
he also picked up his ball without my help fir first time hurray
great day, im ridic proud

Awwww..thats so cute...he is adorable... u shud be proud of ur little boy Lilesmom.... hugs to him :) :)
yay happy 3rd tri withlov!!!

Hope everyone is doing well! :)
Withlovemom thanks xx
Wow third tri. U won't muss it now till cuddles xx
Once u get to 30 weeks I think time just speeds by xx

Hi and hugs to all.

Amy hope ur not washed away. I saw flooding on news. Terrible. Xx
thanks Laura! We are ok :) Seemed to have happened all around us so some roads were closed. DH was sent home Thurs and couldnt get in fri, I was sent home fri from work but other than that, we were fine :)
this group is what I need,,,, trying for my first baby... boy its harder than I thought
Amy glad ye r ok xx

Hi sheyan. Welcome xx
How long hve u been trying hon.
Yes, very relieved to hear you are okay mommylov!

Woop woop for 3rd tri withlovemom :happydance: how exciting! How are you feeling?

Hello sheyan :hi: how has your ttc journey been? We've all been through the mill a little bit but PMA really helps :)

AFM things are ok ta. Had an odd day as he's been a bit snuffly and it's thrown our routine a little bit. But I also don't know if it's just him growing and wanting to be awake more in the day, I can't tell!
Hey all. Still on vacation now but wanted to stop in and say hi.
So sorry to hear about your loss Discoria. I can see why you want to hold out on testing again. I go through that every now and then because loss seems to be more when expectations are higher.

This cycle my AF is late. Looked online and it says that gelatin can pause your flow from coming. Have had jello this cycle so not sure if it could be the cause of my delay. My AF usually comes around cd 27-29. Had some light cramping around day 28 and no AF. Took a test and it was BFN. Figured AF was just going to be delayed so held off for a few more days and tested again but it was still a BFN. Now I am on day 34 and still no AF. Not even a hint of spotting which I always have by now. Checked back over the last year and the longest I have gone is starting on cd 32. Had a day of nausea a while back and have had a few days of feeling tired which could be expected since I am in the sun. Either way I have my fingers crossed. At times I feel like it has started but then there is nothing there.

Have been continuing with taking my walks although they are on the beach now. Also trying to watch how many calories I take in...which is hard while on vacation:) If anything at least I know how many calories I eat.

Have to pick up some more tests which is a little harder since we are on vacay with DH family. I keep wanting to hold out in case AF is to show it is not a wasted test. Though I did add two pregnancy aps on my phone and baby would be the size of mustard seed and I would be due May 22.

I will keep you posted.
Oh fingers crossed for u.honey. I so.hope this us bfp xxx

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