Thanks lilesmom

yeah he is still so young it feels wrong to put him upstairs on his own, but I can see that keeping him downstairs with us is disturbing his sleep a little bit. During the day he naps quite happily in the lounge and I get on with housework or have the TV on etc and he doesn't mind at all. But once it gets dark, the lights and the TV are a bit much for him. I cover him with a shade to block the lights out but I don't think he sleeps that deeply. If we turn off the TV and sit there with the lights dimmed he seems to sleep better, but that's no fun for us! So the obvious solution is to put him upstairs but it does make me very very nervous!! I think one night we are going to try putting him upstairs, but DH is going to stay upstairs in the study as he likes to play on his computer a lot, and that will make me feel a little better, but I'll go up every 20 mins or so to check he is ok.
Sleep isn't too bad, it could be a lot worse! He is such a good baby, we're so lucky. He only really cries if he has to wait too long for his bottle. He has started with the 'witching hour', where he just goes mental at about 6-7pm but calms down after a feed. I read this is really normal at this age and should only last til about 12 weeks so it's not stressful as we know it is ok and not forever! But yeah he is very good, he's quite chilled out most of the time, quite content just sitting there waching the world go by, and isn't bad at getting himself off to sleep. It's just that he still wants feeding every 3 hours or so, and it can be hard. We try to arrange it so I sleep alone 9pm - 1am, then DH brings him into the bedroom so from then on I just end up dozing, then have to be up 3am - 5am doing the bottle, feeding, changing, settling etc. If he can, DH will do the early morning feed before work, but sometimes he can't, so some days are better than others
How about you, are you in a nice routine now he's a bit older?