Fngrs-Your tests definately is darker. But mines seem to not look darker at all. Im going to go buy a cheapie test right now and test and see what happens. But i would say you are defo pregnant. And i just FEEL pregnant if you know what i mean. Come on dark lines pop up already or atleasty visible enough for me to do my
AFM, im currently cd39/12dpo. DH and I had a wonderful anniversary and we dtd twice

Also, as a gift, DH and I went and bought some more fish for our fish tanks

The fish are very beautiful and love it in the tank. We also went to walmart and ever since i told dh how i been feeling and saying that I think i could be pregnant...he bought 3 pk cb digis

He wanted me to test last night saying that if i am it would be a great anniversary gift to us

but that plan went right out the window because i didnt have to pee and then we dtd and then i had to pee but he said NO because i dont want my soldiers to give you the wrong results

Gotta love him. So im going to wait it out with the digis. Im going to wait until AF due date because DH and I are both off on Tuesday

Hoping its going to come back positive...if not then i would keep testing every week with the digi until i get my answer one way or another. AF is due in 2 days so pretty nervous. And my nipples are still sensitive to the touch. Praying this is it for me.