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Post-mc follow-up scans..?

Hi guys,

Sorry I've been a bit quiet, it's been a busy week!

EPAU was ok, they said it was all done, and as of the last few days there's been no sign - which is really nice because it was a bit of a constant reminder!

I started temping in December, but only really got one full cycle before I got pregnant. I found it kind of helpful because it felt like I was 'doing' something every day towards getting pregnant. I started temping again a few days ago but it's a little bit up and down still. If you're going to start, you'll need to get a proper basal thermometer - they go to two decimal points (sometimes the temp change you're looking for is only about half a degree, so other thermometers aren't sensitive enough). You need to take your temp at the same time every morning - I think you have about a ten minute window. And you need to do it before you even shift from bed - I keep my thermometer on the bedside table and every morning I smack my alarm off and shove the thermometer in my mouth...almost fell back asleep with it in the other day!

The thing about temping is that is only shows ovulation after the fact, it can't tell you you're about to O - keeping track of your CM is prob better for that. I tried using OPKs (bought a heap of cheap ones on Amazon) but I never got a positive and kind of gave up on them, but I probably wasn't using them at the right time of day....

I logged it all on FertilityFriend and got the app on my phone so I could just plug it in and it would all sync up.

Anyway, once I got pregnant my chart definitely showed it - my temp kicked up when I ovulated, and then again about a week later I think. So it was a 'triphasic' chart. The only bad thing is that when it's clear you've ovulated, you're constantly scared of seeing that temp drop (i.e. not pregnant). Or I was at least!

According to my last cycle etc, I should be coming up to O in the next few days but I think it might be a little delayed. But oh and I aren't taking any chances, we're back on ttc and really hoping to catch it this time round! How are you guys doing..? Pebbles I don't know how you can do acupuncture! It would totally freak me out having loads of needles in me!! Is it helping?

How are things with you bailey? I'd really hope that if there were likely to be any problems with not waiting for AF they'd have told you - lord knows they rabbited on enough about when we could start ttc again!

ILuvBabies - I'm sorry you've been through this, it's really awful... The worst is behind you now, but I hope you're beginning to feel a bit better xxx
Hi cherry,

Glad everything went ok for you at EPAU.

I'm just frustrated really. I took the misoprostol again last week and I thought the last bits had passed last Tues after I took the tablets. I stopped bleeding by Saturday and was soooo happy. I even did a hpt and it showed bfn so my hcg levels must be so low now that it's stopping! But then Sunday the spotting came back, which was ok not a problem and to be expected, but yesterday morning it was light bleeding again :cry: so I have to go back again for another scan on Thursday. I really really don't want the d & c now and I just want to be able to start ttc again. I know it's a good thing that my body is getting everything clear properly, but I wish I had just had the d & c from the start. I have read in loads of articles that misoprostol is used up to 9 weeks fetal size.....my baby was 11 weeks and apparenly it's common for misoprostol to fail to clear properly if you are further along. Also I took a hpt again this morning to check my hcg levels hadn't gone up again but still bfn. So I've no idea what's going on with my body!!!

You live and learn I guess! I just want this to be over now! But on a cheerier note, I started at my new position at work and I really like it!! I've only done 1 day but it seems really great and I'm looking forward to being here for the next few months :) xxxxx
Hi Bailey,

I'm so sorry this is dragging out for you...I hope you get good news tomorrow. I only did a quick search but it looked like misoprostol does seem to be used up to 12 weeks..? I don't really know anything about medically managed mc, but we had a bit of a panic when we BD'd a week or two ago and it seemed to cause more bleeding - but I asked about it at the EPAU and then said it might just have 'dislodged' some that had been a bit caught up somewhere. Maybe that's what's happened, some of it's just coming free now..? How's it been today?

Fertility Friend thinks I'm going to O in the next day or so, if my cycle is similar to my last full one. I've had some pangs today that I am desperately trying not to think of as O pains. Might try and dig out those old OPKs and see what I get from them later...

ooo and I'm glad you're enjoying the new job Bailey!! That's really good news :) Definitely nice to have something to smile about! xx
Today has definitely been bleeding not spotting :nope: but I have also had period-like pains!! So now I'm really confused, and if I consider the first day of my miscarriahe to be cd1 I would currently be on cd33 so I was wondering if it's actually AF? I know it's not considered to be proper AF until there has been 2 weeks at least of no bleeding after mc but not sure if that's true.....if I am getting BFN's on hpt's then maybe it's possible? I guess I'll find out tomorrow! Just want to get back to normal, I'm sick of EPAU lol!

And the job is working out great so that's definitely helping me stay positive!

I've bought some opk's so hopefully I can start testing too once Im back to normal! I've never really felt O pain before myself as I had been in the pill for 10 years then got pg straight away and didn't notice O pain. I did think I felt it a week or so ago.....which might actually tie in with this being AF.....who knows?! Is O pain like a stitch on one side above your pelvis? Xxxxx
Hi again!

I do have retained tissue, which could be the remains of the baby as its a 2cm lump behind my cervix that can't get through. It's not actually stuck to the womb lining and so my hcg levels are back at zero and the scan showed that my right ovary is trying to ovulate....hence the period type pains!! So luckily my scan was done by a senior doctor who has said if I am willing she will find another doctor who will manually dilate my cervix so she can pull the lump out tomorrow. Sounds painful but it's better than having to have the d&c as she says the rest of my womb is clear and ready to start my new cycle! So cross all your fingers for me that they can get it tomorrow!! I hope and then finally this will be over!!!
Oh my....well I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! When's your appointment?
Does it affect your ovulation at all then? Once it's out can you ttc straight away?? Though I'd imagine you may not be in the mood....bless you it's dragged out so much, I really hope you can draw a line under it all tomorrow.

I was on the pill for 8 years before coming off in Oct, and the last 3 years I never had a period - so I had no idea about ovulation pains until I started ttc and all the charting...to be honest I'm probably just reading too much into it, it was probably just trapped wind or something! It was little twinges sort of level with my tummy button. I tried an OPK this evening and it was negative though, so probably wasn't anything.

I really, really hope it goes ok tomorrow; take care of yourself and fingers crossed it'll all be done and dusted this time tomorrow. *hugs*
I'm in at 9am which is good, get it over with! I'm pretty much guessing I'll ovulate over the next couple of days if it's all sorted but after all the bleeding for so long I'm going to give my poor uterus a months break to recover lol! I don't really want to as I'm impatient and I could really ttc straight away as long as tomorrow is successful but I think it's been a long 5 weeks for me and I'm gonna rest a bit. But as soon as AF comes I'll be back at it!! Xxx
I had my follow up scan on Tuesday to be told it was now a complete mc and there was only a little lining left so bleeding should stop soon.
Other then that they didnt tell me much.
Part of me was just glad to have it all over with, I had a 4 week long mc where I was constantly bleeding and my body was rejecting the baby but all the scans over that 4 weeks showed a heart beat and good growth giving me false hope (was pretty much waiting for babys heart to stop while my body was rejecting it) 4 weeks of waiting for your baby to die so you can pass it is heart breaking, he held on till the last second.

For some reason I have been realy horny the last few days so maybe my body is telling me to get on with it, just wish this last little bit of spotting would end now.
Aww I'm so sorry you had to go through that smokey, that must have been awful. I knew my baby had no heartbeat but my body just didn't want to let go :-(
I just hope tomorrow goes ok and I can finally get back ttc. I have also been quite horny, which is no surprise as my right ovary is trying to release an egg but the bleeding is still ongoing! Fingers crossed this time next week we will be putting it all in the past and dtd again lol xxxxxx
Smokey that sounds like pure hell...I can't imagine going through that. I hope you're doing ok now? With what you and Baileybubs have been through it really makes me realise how grateful I should be be for my straightforward mc.

That was a very odd sentence to write...

Bailey, how did it go this morning? Are you feeling ok? I hope the doc got it all out and it wasn't too painful xxx
Hi cherry,

I'm doing ok thanks, it was a bit painful and strange! It's not something they normally do, it was the colposcopy clinic and they usually deal with removing abnormal cells from the cervix so they were soooo lovely and sympathetic with me about having a miscarriage! It caused me to start having strong contractions for a few minutes but he managed to get lots out, more than expected apparently and he said he got all he could see so hopefully that's it! If not I have to go back next week and have a d&c but (touch wood) since I got back from hospital the bleeding has just suddenly stopped!! Nothing, not even spotting! So i'm cautiously happy that I think it's all over yay!

Hope you are ok today smokey xxxxx
Hi, welcome Smokey! Sounds like its been a tough week Bailey. I am very glad of my "easy" MC too, would have been better to not have one eve but that's life....hopefully onwards and upwards from here.

Anyway so we've been baby-dancing, not loads and loads but prob about 5 times since the mc. I "think" I have ovulated and I might jinx things..... But I feel a bit pregnant! I had pale brown spotting (and it really was just a few little spots) on Wednesday just the same as last time and I also have strangely sore & swollen boobs which is uncommon for me when non pregnant even just before my period but also something i had last time. So fingers crossed although now I am panicking that IF I get a bfp it will be too soon. I'm going to try to hold off testing for one more week unless Af shows up.

Cherry- you asked about the acupuncture.... It is weird and I have only had 2 sessions so far, however the second was much more relaxing, the first one freaked me out as for some reason I didn't picture actually having a needle in the top of my frikking head!!!! Weirdly o never get much ewcm, and I got home and later that day.... Lots of ewcm! I hav heard reflexology is good too, and no needles!
Ooooooh how exciting pebbles!! How long ago do you think you ovulated? I'm going to wait until first AF shows up to try, especially seen as I think I may ovulate in next couple of days if this bleeding has finally stopped, seen as my right ovary was ready and waiting to release my egg when I had the scan yesterday, but I don't fancy dtd just yet (worried about mh cervix being sore after the procedure this morning).

But I have my opk's ready for next month!! It's my birthday at the end of may so if AF shows up in next three weeks I could be dtd as I am ovulating around the time of my birthday!!! Now that would be a great birthday pressie!!
Urgh, the bleeding has come back this morning!! All day yesterday there was nothing, but this morning there was a clot and bleeding again :cry:

They did say I could keep bleeding for another week but I just hoped that as it suddenly stopped yesterday that meant it was all done. Its just like another blow, everytime I go to the toilet I am checking that its gone sigh, yet another week of waiting to see.....
Hi everyone,

I'm glad they managed to get lots out Bailey, has the bleeding been any better? Is it new blood or old stuff still working its way out? Do you have to go back for any scans again after this or do they think they got as much as possible? I'm glad they were so nice at the clinic - it's weird (but understandable) how all the people who deal with mc every day seem to get immune to it and don't seem to really click what an emotional smack it is for the people going through it.

And Pebbles, we've been BDing as well! If I counted my cycle from the mc, I should've been due to ovulate a couple of days ago and I've had a few pangs that maybe/possibly/might be O pains. I've been keeping an eye on my temps and I think I might have o'd on Friday. Irritatingly, oh went to meet a friend of ours on Thurs eve and came home a little worse for wear, and my demands for BD didn't exactly work out too successfully, and oh got a little 'damaged' in the attempt...which took him out of action on Friday as well! So if that was O Day, then we missed the most important BD days!! Grrrr. But we'll see, if my temps fall a bit over the next couple of days it would suggest that I haven't o'd yet and it was a couple of rogue temps...

Amazing that you feel a bit pregnant though! That would be just great, I've got all my fingers crossed for you! So you're going to test at the end of this week?

Bailey, it's oh's birthday at the end of May too! *IF* we happened to catch this cycle, we'd be looking at a positive test around that time, which would be a lovely pressie :)
Hi Cherry,

I'm doing ok thanks, I'm trying really hard not to get too excited because I think it might finally be over. I had no bleeding the day of the procedure, but it started again yesterday just a bit in the morning, by night it had stopped again. But this morning a bit of bleeding again, but its new blood, very bright pink almost (sorry tmi) so I am thinking its just residual and because my cervix is still open (or at least thats what I'm hoping!!).

Are both you and pebbles in the 2ww now then? How exciting!! I bet you cant wait to test, I would have to force myself to wait but I wouldnt want to be disappointed. Fingers crossed for you both!!

Smokey - how are you feeling now? Hope everything is going ok for you xxxxx
sigh...nope, not in 2ww after all I don't think. My temp dipped again today so it doesn't look like I've ovulated yet after all...I think it should happen within the next week though...hopefully...

How's the bleeding today bailey? any better?

I'm not gonna get too excited but there has been very little bleeding today yay!! But I'm still not allowing myself to believe it might be over. And I also felt what I'm sure was ovulation pains on my right side again so things may be looking up!!

Sorry you arent in 2ww yet cherry, just keep dtd as I'm sure it will be any day now!!

I'm getting really excited about being able to ttc again! I'm just afraid of how worried and scared I will be as soon as I do see that BFP. I will be petrified for the whole pregnancy, especially when it comes to the scans. But I keep telling myself that if there is a problem then the only way to find out is to keep trying and if I want my baby I have to carry on and it will all be worth it eventually. I just don't know how I will cope if I miscarry again xxxx
Hi, Bailey I am exactly the same. One MC I can deal with, two and I think I'll need to go into a mental asylum. I am so worried about how I'll be in the 1st tri but as you say it's the only way!!!
Ok so I have no blood at all since about 10 days after mc. If I was following my normal 32 day cycle counting day 1 as the day i passed the embryo, then AF should arrive on Friday this week. Today I have had some brown cm type blood, not very much but enough to show on my knickers. This is either an early AF, which may be possible considering the mc, OR could be implantation bleed. I had an implantation bleed last time on this exact day of my cycle..... No prego symptoms at the moment though. I will be surprised if its bfp as I debt think we have bd'd enough this cyle as I wasn't sure about ovulation. Fingers crossed ladies.

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