Post-mc follow-up scans..?

Well you are only 8dpo cherry, that's about the time of implantation, it's a bit early for AF I think so you never know!!

AFM, I thought AF would have been here by now. The last hpt I did was Sunday and it was bfn but today the need to pee has been unbelievable!!!! It's painful, feels like my bladder could burst but then very little pee (sorry tmi lol).I think I'm going to test in the morning, I should have got my AF by now and the tiredness and peeing are driving me nuts!!

Pebbles, are you in 2ww yet??
Tested with my digi this morning and another bfn, still no sign of AF and still needing to pee all the time!!! So frustrated!!!!

And I'm in an angry mood and sick of babies everywhere!!! There are so many pregnant women at work and now I'm covering someone's maternity, then I'm going to be moved in August to cover someone else's maternity!!! It's like rubbing salt in the wound, I can cover everyone else maternity coz I'm not pregnant and don't have my baby :cry:
Aw'll happen, really it will. A bit insensitive of your work to keep making you cover other people's mat leave though.

It looks like we've both got messed up cycles this time round :( Pretty sure mine's AF - I was worried before that I had a short LP, and it looks like I might. I got vit B6 to try, so will start taking it once AF is in full flow.

I know it seems like every day is such a nightmarishly long time to wait before we can ttc, then have to wait, then try again. But we'll be able to look back and know how much we wanted our babies and there's not a chance we'll take them for granted. Time's a bitch - flies when you want it to linger and drags when you want it to f*ck off. I'm resigned to the fact it's going to take some time - I don't like it, and it upsets me, but there's only so much we can do. I like to think that in a few years' time we'll have a littler toddler running around, and I'm going to try to focus on that rather than the next few months of frustration. Emphasis on the 'try' there, of course....

*hugs* xxxxxxxx
Aw thanks cherry, and I think for my work it's probably just that they've forgotten, if you know what I mean, so I just don't think they realise that it might upset me that I'm covering maternity.

I keep telling myself the same thing about how much we will appreciate and know how lucky we are to have our babies when we get them. I see people and hear people complain about pregnancy and children and see bad mothers or mothers who just take their children for granted but I know that will never be me. And my baby will know how wanted and loved they are.

I am a big fan of Neil Young, my oh introduced me to his music, and I get tweets of his song lyrics everyday, and today was just amazing and I felt it was meant just for me;

"When you chase the sun, chase it half way around the world,
The rainbow comes when you least expect it to."

How weird is it that was today's tweet when I'm feeling this way?! And he is of course right, our rainbows will come when we least expect them.
Hi girls, hope you are well. Haven't been on here for a while.
Well, guess what.... I am preggers again! Got my bfp on hols last week at 12 dpo. Was quite a faint line so I did it again at 16 dpo and gotta nice dark line. I'm very excited and I do feel positive about it but obv I am worried and scared that I'll mc again.

Got pregnant 2nd cycle after mc. I didn't have my usual post ov symptoms of sore boobs straight after and spots on my neck so I suspected something was up. I also had quite a big implantation bleed at 5dpo! It was pale pink blood. I showed my hubby and he thought I was pg but didn't say anything.

If all goes well I will be due valentines day 2013!!

Any news from you ladies???? Would love a bump buddy! X
Aww Pebbles! Congratulations! That's just brilliant news, I'm really happy for you!! :)

It must be a strange feeling, given what happened, and I totally understand why you're nervous. But don't let that spoil it - focus on the excitement!! In my head I'm thinking of the mc almost as a practice run, so that I'm more prepared next time around. You're more 'ready'.

No luck here yet, cycle's still long so I've only had one cycle since mc - should be ovulating any day though. I'd really, really love to be your bump buddy - fingers firmly crossed!

Huge congratulations, hopefully bailey and I won't be too far behind you....

Wow congratulations pebbles!!! That's amazing news!! I bet you are excited, and it's totally normal to be scared. I think when I get pg I won't be happy until that baby is in my arms lol!! So happy for you!

Well I finally got AF on my birthday, of all days! And think I either have just ovulated or about to, I've been using opk's but they are always negative, I don't even get a faint line with them so I'm thinking they don't work for me. But I did have O pains for the past few days and didn't have them today. Been trying to dtd every other day do hopefully I will have caught the eggy, and if you are due to O soon too cherry then FX'd we could all be bump buddies!!
Yay I finally got a positive opk!!! Grabbed the oh and :sex: immediately haha!! FX'd I catch that egg!! Now for the 2ww and all the symptom spotting!
oooo fingers crossed Bailey!

FF thinks I ovulated a few days ago so fingers crossed. It's a bit confusing because it also thinks I have a short luteal phase (which means inevitable miscarriage) so I've been taking vitamin B6 to try and lengthen it a bit....but when I got pregnant before I got a bfn at 13 dpo (bfp at 18dpo) which suggests my lp is longer than 13 days (and therefore fine)....sigh. So many bloody things buzzing round my head! Overthinking? Hell yes.

And as for symptom spotting - I'm all over it! Which is terrible because I know I'm doing it and I know I'm going to be so upset when AF shows up. Bah! Why can't we have it easy? Seriously, how do some people get pregnant by mistake??!!

Ok, rant over.....
Lol I know it's all so confusing isn't it?! I was busy panicking that we hadnt had sex in the right day before, being ridiculous!!

At the moment I swear I am feeling O pains on both sides!! But I've been feeling them for a week so I have no idea what goes on in my body!
FX'd we can all be bump buddies too! When will you be testing cherry?

I'll be testing a week on Friday if I can last that long!!
I felt what I thought were o pains on both sides last time - sort of sharp twangs.

Anyway, because my cycles have been up the spout, FF suggests waiting til 18dpo before that takes me to June 25 - Monday after next, the Monday after you test Bailey! To be honest if I manage to get that far without AF turning up I'll be very surprised! If I can get through another week without coming on at least I'll know my lp is a reasonable length...and then I'll start really hoping and getting impatient!

Thinking back, when i got my bfp last time at 18dpo it was with a First Response test, and a normal Boots one came back I'm totally confused!! I'm going to hang on for as long as I can but it's going to feel like a contest between me and AF....
Well fingers crossed for us both!! I'm telling you, bump buddies all 3 of us!
I won't be due for AF til Sunday 23rd so I will actually be testing 2 days before she's due, but I tested as early as 5 days before AF last month lol, so I bet I will have given in by next Tuesday haha!! I've got 5 IC's and 5 Asdas own hpt's anyway so it wont matter if I waste a few!
I will no doubt be inundating you guys with symptoms in the next week or so lol!!
I love that you have a stash of tests! I've not got any - I'm sort of scared to buy them ahead of time! I don't want to tempt AF (I'm not usually superstitious but I'm all over the place with this TTC lark....)

I would love it if we were all bump buddies together - we'd have to meet up next year when we're all Mums :)

Lol, I'm taking the opposite superstition to yours, I'm thinking if I buy loads of hpt's, opk's, tampons and pads then it will be sods law I won't need them lol (or perhaps that's just wishful thinking!)

And that would be great wouldn't it, if all of us are on this crazy pregnancy journey at the same time and then meet up when we have all finally got our rainbow babies
Sigh...well it'll be a bit longer to wait for me! I put this morning's temp in and FF moved my o date!! I'm not surprised really - temps for the last 3 days were much higher. Anyway, our BD pattern has been sporadic really (so frustrating cos I'm trying not to push but oh is more of the 'let it happen' frame of mind..) but we managed a couple of times in the' fertile window' so fingers crossed. Means I'm not testing til the 29th tho!!! I hate having such a long cycle!!!
Hiya, don't lose hope Cherry - you never know! We only bd'd 4 times in May as hubby as away a lot. I never got a positive OPK and my post ovulation temps were all over the place plus I had a terrible cold/flu, yet it appears I still managed to conceive!

Ov pain is a great sign, I had it last month and it was almost like mild period pain. I worked out that on our BFP cycles only doing it on the day before and the day of does the trick. I dont think my hubby's sperm has a good shelf life!

Regarding preg test brands- I'm a First Response girl, I think they're the best ones. Last week's BFP was at 12 dpo (instant but faint) with a strong one at 16dpo.

Where are you in Surrey Cherry? I lived in Guildford for a bit many years ago and also in Bracknell for a year.
I work in Guildford! More or less on the university campus. Live in Woking though - we move out of London last year but I still barely know the area! The in-laws are a *bit* more in your part of the world though, near Bolton.

Where are you, bailey? Don't worry if you'd prefer not to say! :)
I am actually near Bolton lol! I live in Chorley at the moment. Have lived all over the North West really, and lived in York for 3 years when I was at uni. I'm a bit of a nomad lol! I never really stay in one place long!

And I agree with pebbles, temps and opk's don't necessarily mean anything especially after mc so don't give up hope cherry! It's so hard waiting though isn't it? I have to say I've become a bit of a poas addict! Even though I got a positive opk yesterday I still did one today, which is kinda pointless really lol!

And the symptom spotting has begun, at just 1dpo lol! I'm getting odd cramping pains, that are sharp but they could just be related to ovulation. It's so weird as before I got pregnant I never noticed any of this, I was only ntnp when I got pg so had no clue about O pains, opk's and cycle tracking! Now I feel every twinge haha! I'm wondering if it's just coz I notice more or whether being pg and the mc have made them stronger?

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