Post-mc follow-up scans..?

Oooh how is it going now pebbles? Any pg symptoms? How many dpo are you now? So many questions lol!!

I think I may have O'd at the weekend just after my procedure!! The bleeding is gone yay!!! I think it's finally safe to say I have been through my mc now and my cycle is beginning again!! But me and oh have been dtd since Sunday as the bleeding had stopped and now I have no idea where I am in my cycle!! I did an opk yesterday and today and both definitely negative but have no idea if I did already O.

And to confuse me even more, another amazing job has come up that I want, and my oh has just got a new job and will have a 3 month probationary period and I am now panicking that maybe we shouldn't be trying for a baby at this time!!! I want a baby so much but I'm scared that if my oh ends up jobless and I go for this new job too what are we gonna do.....I'm driving myself mad!! But then I think that we will cope somehow.....what do you think ladies?! Oh and then I panic about whether I will mc again, I'm over thinking everything! Help lol!! Xxxxx
eee gads bailey! I felt exhausted just reading your post!

Hurrah that the bleeding has stopped though :) Do you think oh's new job really might not last beyond the probationary period, or is it more of a formality? And as for the other new job that's come up for you, what's the downside in going for it? You don't have maternity cover tying you to the current one, right? Is the new one a contract or permanent - would getting pg and having to go on maternity leave in X months cause a big problem...?

Still got my fingers crossed for you Pebbles! The last nurse I saw at the EPAU said that AF would come around 4 weeks after the last day of proper bleeding, so that's counting from a bit later? I have no idea how long my cycle is these days...the one before I fell pg was 33 days, but the previous 2 were 42 - before that I was on the pill for 9 years, I didn't have any AF at all for the last 3 years!! I really hope I'm not back on a 6 week's such a long time! If I count from the last proper day of bleeding, I think I'm on around cd 25 and still no sign of O judging by my temps (last time I o'd around cd 20). And given that the luteal phase should be at least 10 days, it looks like I'm heading for a long one...sigh. The pressure to keeping dtd'ing so much when we don't know when to aim for really isn't helping things...scared to miss one in case, but then I might not o for weeks...think oh wants me to o just so he can have a break!!

I really, really, really want to get pregnant again soon. But I have the same mc fear as you guys. There's a small part of me that just assumes I'll mc now - i think it's a self-preservation thing: if I expect it then it won't be so much of a shock/be so upsetting when it happens. But I know that wouldn't be the case if I did mc again.

Did either of you start temping in the end? Have to say it's helping me keep sane at the moment, knowing (as much as I can..) that I haven't o'd yet at least means I won't get excited that I'm pregnant when it's just an irritatingly long cycle! Did you get told that your first AF after mc could be heavier than usual?
Hi cherry,

Well I've stopped flapping about it now lol, and just decided to go with whatever happens. I don't want to put off having a baby just to find out I have problems carrying babies and it may take several attempts when I'm older and it might be too late.....if that makes sense. And my concern with oh's job is that he is a chef and sometimes the catering industry can be a bit fickle, if the restaurant he works at doesn't get business he could be asked to leave of he's not been there 3 months. But oh has said if he lost his job he'd just get a job doing anything he could to provide money, Asda, painting anything lol, so I've been reassured.

As for the job I've seen I've decided to apply and see if I even get an interview.....really it would be better I do get this job as the hours are more 'normal', I currently do shiftwork until 10pm at night and have on call duties so I wouldn't be able to return to this job after maternity leave anyway!!!

Ok rambling over!! I didn't temp no, I was considering buying a basal thermometer and starting but I got pg really easy last time so I'm gonna wait and see how next few months go before getting more serious about charting my ovulation I think.

I've started getting O pains on my left side now!! No idea what's going in with my body lol.

How are you both getting along, any signs of O yet? Xxxx
Hi!! Bailey I think that is th right decision over your job and also the ttc. I have put my career first and now I regret it a bit, although I'm only 30 so it's not a disaster! You'll have to see what happens - c'est la vie. It's good that you may have ov'd though, great news.

Glad to hear you've been Doing the deed Cherry, that bfp will be here before you know it! Exciting!!!

Do either of you keep having weepy moments for no reason? I honestly don't think about the mc very often however I was in the car and tht song 'thank you for the days' by Kirsty McColl Cameron and I was in BITS!!!

Anyway talking of BFPs I literally have no idea what is happening with me. So I'm expecting AF any day but since Tuesday all I've had is brown blood - not loads, not enough for a mini tampon even, and it's got less over the past 24 hrs. If it was AF it would get heavier not lighter wouldn't it? I'm going to test on Saturday. I don't feel pg at all. What do you think? X
Ooh and in answer to your question I'm not quite sure when I ov'd so not sure how many dpo but I think I'm 12 or 13 tomorrow. I've bought a FR test in anticipation!!
I think you should test soon then pebbles, I would lol!! I can't wait til I can test. I have no idea but it's possible I am in 2ww so I will be testing in about 10 days time eek!!

And yeah I do have weepy moments like that, usually completely unrelated to babies and pregnancy too! In fact I was at work and corrie was on on Monday with the miscarriage/false pregnancy storyline and workmates thought that would bother me but I was fine. But then will cry at something completely normal like an advert on tv!!!
Ooooh!!! The job I applied for me have replied and I have got an interview!! Which is awesome as the last two times I applied for the same job with the same charity there were over 70 applications and only 10 people got interviews!! So happy!! But there's a problem (as there always is with my life!!) I am on a very important training course for my current job on that day until 1pm, so I have had to ring them up and see if they will reschedule but the woman didn't sound too happy about it!!
What else could I do though? Just hope it doesn't ruin my chances at the interview *sigh*

And as for the baby-making, I'm still getting negative opk's but also getting O pains on both sides?? And feeling hungry all the time and's all making my brain hurt lol!!

How are you two today?! Xxxxx
Hi both,

Sorry it's been a while since I was on here!

Bailey that's great news about the interview, congrats! Fingers crossed it all goes well - when's the interview?

How are things with you Pebbles, any news yet..?

Fertility Friend thinks I finally ovulated 3 or 4 days ago...though it keeps changing its mind so we're just going to assume I haven't for now, just to be on the safe side. I had an achey stomach last night that felt a lot like AF pains, so I'm suspicious that I haven't actually ovulated this cycle and AF might show up any time. When I got pregnant before I didn't get a bfp until 18dpo, and even then it was with one of those first response early tests (the standard Boots one came up negative).

So it looks like I'm in a 3ww for now...maybe, anyway. BD timing wasn't too bad if I did ovulate, so fingers crossed.....
Hi cherry,

Ooooh fingers crossed, if you bd'd at the right time then our little thread may get its first BFP lol! I'm feeling similar, I am not sure if I did O but after seeing my ovary preparing to O on my scan a nearly 2 weeks ago I am guessing that I have O'd at some point, and we have also been bd'ing pretty much every other day, except the last 2 days as both shattered from work. The problem now is when should we test if we don't know what dpo we might be?? I only tested after I missed my AF last time, approx 18dpo as well cherry but i wasn't actually testing for O last time so I can't be sure. I did a digi tho and it said 3+ weeks so I'm guessing I could have tested earlier and got a BFP.

Sorry I'm rambling lol, when do you think you will test cherry?

How are things with you pebbles? Did you test??
Great news about the interview Bailey! A 3WW Cherry> OMG! I am soooo impatient in a 2ww, I couldnt deal with 3. But it may be worth it if you get a BFP.

I have had a 'mare this weekend. Still brown spotting on Friday but I didnt feel PG at all. I tested saturday morning - it was the starkest white BFN you've ever seen. Boo hoo. Anyway had my acupuncture on saturday morning, by saturday evening started to feel mild AF pains and then all day sunday I had really heavy bleeding. The strange thing was that even though it was really heavy and clotty (I think I even found some left over grey tissue from the MC :cry: ) it wasnt at all painful.

Anyway so its pretty much stopped now so I'm onto cycle 2 after mc....however i'm ok about it, i think I probably needed the 'clear out' after the mc as I didnt have a d&c. The other good thing was my cycle is pretty much the same as before. MAY IS THE MONTH! Annoyingly my hubby is away on a stag do in Las Vegas for a week from this week, which means he will be back in time for ovulation but god knows what state his swimmers will be in after constant alcohol for a week. I think I'll ovulate around 20th May, which would give a Valentines 2013 due date which would be lovely I think!
Aw pebbles I'm sorry the witch got you, but I'm glad you are feeling so positive about it!! Hopefully your dh's swimmers will be ok to catch that egg!! I keep complaining to my oh about how I am being healthy and not drinking etc but he's not so much so he'd better not have lazy/bad swimmers!!

I am having second thoughts about the job interview, it's next weds but the job is only 25 hours a week, but it's with the Alzheimer's society and I really want to work for them, but it's also miles away from where I live. I knew all if this when I applied I just never thought I'd get an interview so wasn't too hung up on it! I guess if its 25 hours over just 3 or 4 days though I could get a part time job too to bump up my wages. I'll still go to the interview but there's a lot to think about financially assuming I get the job!!!

I really want to test but as I only think that I'm 10dpo I'm forcing myself to wait. I thought I had some slight pg symptoms last week like extreme hunger, tiredness and increased peeing! But now think it was all my imagination! I don't feel pg at all. But if I'm not it's ok I can then enjoy a drink on my birthday and actually be able to know where I am in my cycle if AF does show up. There's always a bright side lol!!! Xxxx
Hi guys,

How are you both today?

Really sorry AF arrived Pebbles - if it helps, you'll be O'ing before I can even take a test for THIS cycle!! Stupid bloody long cycles... But it looks like I've definitely ovulated now - my temps have hopped up the last two mornings so I think we're going to give the BDing a bit of a break. Though CM has suddenly started up again which is a bit weird... Anyway, my planned test day is somewhere around the 22nd. Fingers tightly crossed....

Bailey I think you're right to go for the interview - no decisions to make until there's a decision to make, I say! If you didn't go you'd always wonder... And if nothing else it gets your face in front of them and you have an opportunity to make an impression! If the competition is so fierce, I reckon just being a familiar face could stand you in good stead for the future if it doesn't work out this time. I don't know what kind of work it would be (for some reason I have in my head you work in a that right..??), but if they like you maybe they could be flexible on where/when you work...?

How many dpo are you now - 12..? Are you hanging on until 18?

And the 'no booze' thing - the amount of booze I have consumed since October would struggle to fill a single wine bottle, and I only have caffeine once every week or so! I'm not a coffee drinker anyway, but it's amazing how much a single cup of caffeinated tea can wake you up when you've been cold turkey...

OH on the other hand....he got into a bad habit of almost single-handedly polishing off a bottle of wine to himself every night a while ago - I gently suggested that it wasn't terribly healthy to be doing that! He's done really well in cutting back though - think he was terrified that he had dodgy swimmers anyway so that was a reasonable incentive. The fact that we managed to get pg last time has somewhat dealt with that concern now though! Luckily he still stuck to the reduced booze intake...but I still think he drinks a tad more than ideal! Maybe I'm just jealous :)
Hi cherry,

You are close, it's not a hospital I work in, it's a nursing/residential home for adults with learning disabilities. But the job I'm going for is more of an advisor/support worker but I have no clue what the shift patterns will be! And to complicate things more I've now got another interview for a homeless housing officer, which I would also like to get but again it's whether the money is worth it! But I'll go for that interview too and see how it goes!

Yeah I'm 12dpo now and I tested and got bfn yesterday on an Asda cheapie but I'm going to test with a digi on Sunday, I'm really not sure how I'm feeling at the moment. I have been peeing or feeling like I need to pee a lot over the last few days, but maybe I'm just getting my hopes up!!
And fingers crossed for when you test, keep me updated on whether you get any symptoms, we can compare lol!

I have also given up the caffeine completely! I used to drink coffee all the time so decided it was easier just to cut it all out so I bought decaff. What else are you doing? I'm already taking pregnacare, trying my hardest to eat healthier and avoiding the usual foods pg ladies shouldn't eat xx
Hi both,

I hope you both get this - i kept getting weird 'page not found' message when i tried to click the link in the email alert.

As I suspected, Fertility Friend shifted my estimated O day after I put in this morning's temp. So while I thought I'd be 8dpo by now, I'm actually only 3dpo!! Which is a bit frustrating...but the temps make it look like 3dpo is much more likely, and because we were suspicious of what it said originally and kept BDing, there's still a chance we coud have caught it. So I'll now be testing around May 26, which will be CD55, and 2 days before oh's birthday. Fingers crossed...If we don't catch this time I really, really hope my cycle shrinks back down...I can't be doing with only having 6 cycles a year!!

Aww Bailey you work in one of those jobs that Makes a Difference..wish I did one of those! Fingers crossed about the jobs, I hope you can work it out so you get the best of both worlds!

I'm trying to be healthy - I quit the caffeine and booze (though keep falling off the wagon with chocolate...I kind of 'forget' it has caffeine in...). I try to eat healthily - I'm vegetarian so tend to eat a lot of fruit and veg, but struggle with protein and omega 3. I've been taking preg vitamins for months though!!

I try to go to the gym a couple of times a week but not do anything too strenuous - I wasn't a massive gym-goer by we started TTC and the advice all seemed to say not to go mad on the exercise if you didn't before. I also walk 4-5 miles a day as part of my commute to work, so i like to think that counts towards something! xx
helllo ladys!!! sorry for everyones losses. i hope everyones spirits r up today!! mine r doing ok..miscarried sunday n passed that night.thinking about trying again soon
Welcome Kristina!! So sorry for your loss hun, I hope you are doing ok xxxx

I am driving myself insane at the moment girls!!! Why didn't I just wait for AF so I would at least know where I was in my cycle!!! I'm somewhere between 11 and 14 dpo and got another bfn yesterday but have sore bbs, had what felt like O pains on both sides (negative opk though) very tired and major backache as well as peeing a lot!! So I'm either pg or AF is due and I just wish I knew which one!!!!

Ok rant over! Hope everyone else is ok today. Pebbles, what cycle day are you on now?

And cherry you will be testing the day before my birthday lol!! I have worked out though that if AF does show up I will be ovulating around about my birthday yay!! Which would be nice and appropriate I think lol xxxxx
thank u for the welcome ladys! just started last night...hehe....its been about a weeks,tomorrow,on mothers day :( buuut im trying to keep my head up!!
Hey all,

How's everyone doing? 8dpo here and desperately hoping AF doesn't show. I met up with a friend of mine this week who's about 6 months pregnant. She's the only person outside immediate family that I've told about the mc, and I was a little bit anxious about how things would go, but it was absolutely fine. She wasn't cloyingly sympathetic, but enough to make it clear that she realised it was a big deal for us. Turned out she'd had a really similar experience when she was early in her pregnancy - but hers turned out ok :) She also has lots of work friends who seem to be in similar/worse situations, so that made me count my blessings a bit.

It was also really nice to talk to her about pregnancy! I mean, it's pretty obvious we're still trying and we'd kept the whole thing secret before, so it was kind of nice to chat to someone about it in person (no offence, virtual buddies:) )

How are you guys doing? Any developments this week? Hope you're all well xxx

Not minutes after I wrote that last message I went to the loo and what do I see? You guessed it.

Sigh. Well I think so anyway. It's definitely something, but I don't have aches (very unusual) and it's not heavy, just a little bit really. A bit of me is screaming 'implantation bleed!' but we'll see what appears over the next 24hrs and if it gets heavier, which I think will happen. I didn't get an implantation bleed before and I've never had random spotting in my life, but I guess this cycle is a bit unusual.

Oh well, next time!!


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