Post-mc follow-up scans..?

Chorley? The in-laws are in Horwich!! Guess it's a northern meet-up!

Symptom spotting at 1dpo is impressive! I was irritated by ff today after being bumped from 6dpo to 3dpo, so I had a play. I told ff to ignore one single temp from a week or so ago - and it decided I was 9dpo! So I have no idea where I'm at if a single temp makes almost a week's difference. A couple of days ago I had what felt like mild period pain for a few days and got my hopes up, but I've no idea now!

Have either of you used the tests that guesstimate how many weeks along you are? Think they're Clear Blue... Maybe I'll cave and try one in a week or so if AF hasn't shown up...
Yeah I don't think it's really a symptom lol, think I'm just trying to convince myself that I can feel something happening lol!

I used a clear blue when I was pg at 3 days after AF was due and it said 3+ weeks. Now I read the box and it claims that the number of weeks means weeks since conception, not weeks you are pregnant coz obviously 1 week pregnant isnt really pregnant at all, just the week following menses. But I calculated that with my cycle being 28 days I couldn't have conceived 3 weeks before that, so I don't think they are very accurate. I must have had high hcg.

Also they aren't as sensitive as other tests, so are only best used when AF is due or late. But I'd give it a go if you aren't sure where you are! Can't believe that changing one temp change your dpo to 9dpo! Doesn't sound very convincing to me, might give you peace of mind to test.
I. Am. Going. Stir. Crazy.

I have never been this impatient! I asked one of the chart-expert-type-people on FF to look at my chart, hoping that she'd say it was being silly and I wasn't just a couple of days past o...but unfortunately she thinks I o'd at either cd20 or cd24, so to go with cd24 in terms of testing etc. Sooo I'm 5dpo. Just 5. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiive.

Before I went on the pill I had such normal-length, regular cycles! Bah.

I'm going to try and wait 10 days. I think I can manage that. Maybe. Must not buy tests. Must not buy tests.

I think I've cracked.....

Lol, well I am feeling the same! According to my positive opk I am only 2dpo!!! Just 2, it's driving me bonkers coz I know its fairly impossible to have symptoms yet!! But I still keep thinking I can feel things happening! I'm getting a weir pulling feeling behind my belly button and twinges in my ovary and uterus area. But they are probably just related to the fact that I just ovulated! I was thinking it might be the Fallopian tube pushing the egg down to the uterus but I don't know if that would mean fertilisation or not.
And then I think it's all in my head!!
I have IBS and when I was pregnant it stopped, I was constantly constipated when I was pg (sorry tmi) and all of a sudden my IBS has stopped again!
But it could just be because of hormones in general, not that I'm pregnant!
I wish it was next week already!!!
So are you still testing Monday after next..? I'm getting mixed up with the days, but it looks like we'll be testing around the same time...

I'm kind of trying *not* to feel things..I'm just assuming that if I feel anything right now it's AF on the way. I don't know why I'm so wound up this cycle, I was much calmer last time!
Well if my cycle is normal then AF will be due a week on Sunday, but as I only O'd on tues/weds then it might be due a bit later. I think I'm going to test a week today....if I can hold out that long!! Coz then I'll be 9dpo according to when I got a positive opk. I'm hoping that might be early enough to get a faint BFP.
How's the 2ww going cherry? Or should I say the 3ww?! I'm going bonkers! I am feeling so many twinges! I am dying to test?

And how's the pregnancy going pebbles? Hope the symptoms aren't treating you too badly!!
well OH thinks I've lost it (my mind, not a baby) - I think it's the pent up anxiety, it's got me acting like a two-year old! And I'm waking up ridiculously early because I'm worried what my temp will be - which ironically buggers up the temp!! Found out another person I know is pregnant yesterday, which isn't helping.

If I'm honest with myself, I've not had any symptoms. I keep thinking I can feel an ache, but I think I'm just nervous about AF coming. No twinges this time. Last time I had really sharp twinges that I thought were o pain, but I didn't get that this time. I had a couple of days with a really sore tum last time - it felt like trapped wind but just wouldn't go. Haven't had that either. At some point (prob a bit later) I was overheating at night and having really vivid dreams - none of that either. A small bit of me is rationalising it by saying my body was freaked out and over-reacting last time, and it's more chilled about it this time. But I know I'm just trying to convince myself and the only answer I'll really get is from that flipping stick that's still over a week away!!!

I'm really torn about when to test though - last time i got a bfn at 13dpo, bfp at 18dpo. If I test at 13dpo this time and get bfn, a small bit of me will still be hoping that the same thing will happen. At least if I test at 18dpo I'll know the test is right (probably). But I might have utterly lost my marbles by then...! Ugh. Nightmare.
Lol, I know how you feel, I tested today coz I really am feeling tightening and pains that are making me think I'm pregnant!! But it was bfn, I knew if would be though coz I'm somewhere between 4 and 7dpo, so waaaaaay too early lol!!

I would just test at 13dpo anyway hun, better to know as early as you can and get into the doctors is what I think.

It's sooooo frustrating waiting!!! I think I'm gonna go insane!
Yeah I'm beginning to think you're right...I keep spending ages playing on FF, telling it to ignore this temp, or that puts me right up to 11dpo depending on how much I cook the books :) I don't know if you've used FF before, but it has this 'pregnancy indicator' thing that uses some algorithm or other to tot up all the symptoms you enter, and those who tot up more than 80 points are 70-90% more likely to be pregnant...or something like that anyway. Again, more silly tools for me to try and fiddle with to try and get something to just say 'YOU'RE PREGNANT'.

Maybe I'll go for next Sunday morning (you're testing Friday, right?). That'll be 14dpo. Maybe I'll be lucky. I'll buy a twin pack just in case... Whatever it says I'm going to burst into tears. I almost started blubbing today because I was stressing about it so much - and then of course thought ' that a symptom??'

I'm a lost cause...insanity will reign for the next 7 days at least (unless AF shows and brings me back down to earth). Time to embrace the bonkers I think... :tease:

I do use ff but I don't temp I just enter my symptoms but I've never seen where it says whether I'm likely to be pg?

Well Friday will be 2 days before AF due, and about 11dpo if my opk was when I ovulated. But I have no doubt I'll test before that too lol!! I tested today haha, I knew it would be bfn so I don't know why I did it lol.
ah I think it's one of the VIP features if you pay. It rates your chances based on when you dtd, does the pg points things, and tracks a few other bits for you to obsess over...

I would totally test earlier if I hadn't got the bfn at 13dpo last time...but then again, I'm only giving myself til 14dpo now! Ah well, we'll see I guess. Fingers crossed for us both!
TEST TEST TEST!! I got mine at 12dpo, I bet I would have got 11dpo as well but I tested on 12 dpo as we were going wine tasting that day and there was no way I was missing out if I wasnt preggers!

I am in a major panic here was I am 6 weeks on Wednesday but yesterday and this morning I had a tiny tiny amount of pale brown/orangey tinged mucus - a bit when I wipe and a couple of small faint smears on a panty liner. It appears to have stopped now.

I wanted an early scan at EPU but hubby wants to wait and see - it was quite invasive last time we thought and because its so early it might just panic us more. They told us it was frigging triplets at the last 6 week scan and it wasnt at all! I think I'm going to see what happens.

I think I over did it at the weekend - wedding on saturday with dance floor action and then vacuuming/cleaning on sunday. How did your first bleeds with your mc's start?
Hi Pebbles,

I'd take it as a good sign that it's stopped. Loads of people get a bit of discharge and it's absolutely fine - I know you must be freaking out, but try and keep the panic in check. If it gets worse or looks more bloody, maybe call the GP/EPU. I was 6 weeks (8 weeks since LMP) when I went - anything under 8 weeks and they do an internal scan I think, so yup a bit more invasive....

Mine started off after we BDd for the first time since I got my bfp - I thought it might be related to that to begin with, but it went from brownish discharge to something more blood-like. I also had a weird pain on one side, kind of level with my tummy button. I went through the entire panic on the boards here if you really want the gritty detail, and most people said not to worry - they'd be right, as that stat keeps telling us: 3 out of 4 will be absolutely fine. And unless it's bright red blood, you probably don't need to worry.

A good friend of mine went through exactly the same as me - bleeding, EPU, A&E - she didn't mc and she's due a baby boy in August.

I'm sending you positive vibes - try and distract yourself this evening if you can. If nothing happens between this morning and tomorrow morning I'd think you're probably fine :)

Keep us posted hun, I'll be thinking of you xxxx
Hey ladies,

Pebbles I would try (and I know it's hard) not to worry, like cherry said it can be perfectly normal, sometimes it's caused by a blood clot from the uterus lining that forms during inplantation, nothing serious. I am praying for you it's ok, but if you really are worried/in pain/bleeding gets heavy or goes red I would go to a & e.

As for the start of my mc, my body wasnt aware the baby died so I had to have mine medically induced. I never had any bleeding/spotting or pain until I took the tablets that induce labour so I can't really help you there. All I can say is mine was more of a gush of blood and strong contraction like pains.

Really hope it's all fine though, and I'm sure it is xxxxxxx

Cherry - any symptoms yet? How many dpo are you now? I'm only 5dpo but I am having really strong aches and twinges now! It seems to happen more in the evening and it makes me feel like my trousers are too tight or something. Besides that nothing else. Really wish I could test already!!!
I'm 9dpo - but a bit confused. My temp dropped yesterday and usually that mean AF will land that day, but nothing happened. No AF, no cramps. I slept with the window open so explained away the temp that way. But this morning it was still low - but exactly the same temp (to 2 decimal places) which is bizarre, and I'm trying to explain it away...but can't. Still no cramps but I'm expecting AF today/tomorrow now :(

Fingers still crossed for you bailey! Any news pebbles?

Apparently it's common for a temp drop with inplantation.....don't know where I read that lol!!
hmm I hadn't thought about implantation...maybe! I just googled and it's not common for it to be more than a one-day dip from the look of it. I was trying to think if I might have pushed the buttons on the thermometer wrong and it displayed the most recent temp rather than taking my temp. I guess I'll see tomorrow...

Hmm, I just checked ff and it's moved my coverline - the low temps from today/yest were below it originally, and now they're just above. I honestly don't understand how that thing works. Maybe it's because a pre-AF drop wouldn't hold steady but would keep dropping..?

Still don't think I've got any cramps...I'm so focused on any feeling that's not 'nothing' that I've no idea any more! My appetite's a bit odd though...I don't feel hungry, but you know that feeling when you've not eaten and you need to? A bit like your tummy's turning? I feel like that. Not queasey or nauseous, just a bit...odd. That could be AF though I guess. I didn't get any sickness last time - except the day my mc started.

Are all your twinges and aches unusual for you this early? Sounds like a good sign...! I really, really hope we both get bfps when we test - how amazing would that be??!

Yeah I get what feeling you mean....I tend to get that if I'm overly tired. Not sure on the temp drop though if inplantation temp drop would just be for a day.....hopefully tomorrow your temp will go up again!!

I don't know if the twinges are usual as I didn't realise I was pg until I missed AF last time.
Bugger. Got pains this afternoon and now it looks like AF has got me after all. Bugger bugger bugger.

Focusing all my vibes on you now Bailey!! Time for a second bcp on this thread!

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