Post-mc follow-up scans..?

Oh no cherry!! Are you sure AF has arrived?! Bugger if it has!!
Pretty sure really. It was only a little but I expect it'll pick up this evening. The only I hope I have now is that it might be implantation bleeding, but I'd be kidding myself really. Wish my o day had been clearer though - if it was only 9 days ago that's not good :(
Aw that's a shame hun, Im feeling doubtful myself now. Feels more like O pains than anything else and not dtd for 4 days and I'm away tonight. Oh well c'est la vie xxx
Bugger. Got pains this afternoon and now it looks like AF has got me after all. Bugger bugger bugger.

Focusing all my vibes on you now Bailey!! Time for a second bcp on this thread!

Hi , thats annoying about AF! Although with my first preg I actually got AF for one day then it stopped! Proper cramps and everything.

Talking of blood..... Things not looking too good here. Hardly had anything yesterday as I said so was feeling pretty okay especially when my sis who is a midwife said that 6 weeks is the most common time to have a little blood. Last night my friend came round to borrow a dress and as I was chatting to her I felt this warm-ness in my knickers!! It was a little gush of browny red blood, made a spot about the size of a £2 coin in my pants! No cramps or clots. So I put a towel on thinking the mc was coming on but then there was nothing all night. Put a pant liner on at work today and there were a few little smears of brown mainly from first thing today. I have a very sight tinge on the loo roll now. But that's it.

So we're going to EPU at 10 in the morning.... Really wanted to avoid that. It will be inconclusive as I'm only 6 weeks but at least I can check its not ectopic. We've agreed that if it's mc we're having a private testing and consultation. It can't b just chance when we are young (ish) and healthy plus I conceive so easily!
Aw Pebbles I'm sorry you're having to go through the angst of this. I think it's good you're going to the EPU and you've got an early appointment. I hope they tell you good news.

OH and I said the same thing about going private if it happens again - we're willing to pay to find out if there's a problem rather than put ourselves through it a third time.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, I really hope it's stuck and it just some blood clearing our from somewhere...

PHEW!!! Things looking okay! I am measuring bang on 6 weeks which is what I thought plus there is a heartbeat!!!!!! It looks much 'neater' than the last one, although we saw a heartbeat last time so I'm not getting my hopes up too much. It looked like I had swallowed a diamond ring on the scan this time, and it's 4mm!

There is a patch of blood higher up than the baby so that will be the bleeding and I may see more of it. All looked good though!

So relieved but we are still not telling anyone!
Awww Pebbles that is EPIC news!! I'm really happy for you :) Right, you've had the scare for this pregnancy, now you're allowed to enjoy it and look forward to having a wee bub! Did they print you out a pic?
Pebbles that's amazing hun!! So happy for you and your little sticky bean!!
Yeah bfn again yesterday, but in still only 9dpo today so I'm not giving up!!

And today I felt queasy, which I never ever do unless I'm hungover!! But this was more like seasickness. I didn't get ms when I was pg before, how would you ladies describe it??
And now I've got a weird pain in my lower pelvis area that feels like I'm being pricked with lots of needles......I think personally I've gone bonkers and I'm imagining all this!! Either that or this is AF getting ready to arrive!
Ooooo sounds promising! I didn't get ms either so can' help I'm afraid. Friend of mine never threw up but just felt generally really crappy for weeks, another friend spent the first couple of months with her head over the toilet bowl - think it varies!

It's funny, I feel better now AF is here. Looking forward to really trying to catch that egg in a couple of weeks. But I'm still hyper aware of every twinge and niggle - makes me realise I'll just have to ignore them next time! When I got pregnant before I had a whole load of symptoms that I didn't know we're symptoms at the time - if I get them again I'll freak out! Fingers crossed for that bfp in a few days bailey, hope you're doing well pebbles!xx
don't worry that you told people or feel like a "failure" you most certainly are not....and I didn't tell anyone but after the devastating loss had to tell people beacuse I needed the support (and to justifty why I had made up lots of white lies to get out of drinking events friends thought that I had been giving them the cold shoulder)!
Hey ladies how's it going?

How's that little bean pebbles?

Any news yet cherry? I got bfn again yesterday at 12dpo but AF is now 2 days late so got a frer to use tomorrow. Don't feel anything though now so I'm thinking it was just that I O'd late and so AF is due a little later. Oh well, all I can do is wait and try again next month if this isn't my month!
Bean seems to be going okay so far....I should be 7 weeks today. I'm pretty hungry and tired, occasional heartburn. I have escaped MS so far but this morning I nearly puked when feeding the cat but then cat food has always turned my stomach anyway! Most importantly I have had no further bleeding. I still don't want to get my hopes up, I don't think anyone who's had an mc can let themselves hope until the baby is actually here.

You'll probably think I'm a huge bitch for this comment but there's this girl I know on facebook who's been bragging about how easy and brill her pregnancy has been plus how she can't see why anyone would find pregnancy a challenge. When i miscarried she allegedly said to one of my other friends " well she got pregnant too quickly anyway"...... Like that makes any difference.
Anyway, she had her baby on Monday after a 3 day labour, ending in emergency c section with all sorts of medical intervention. Plus she is really short ( less than 5foot) but the baby was nearly 10lb! Obviously I'm pleased that both are okay but I did feel a little bit smug that it hasnt all been smooth sailing after all her bragging !

No AF Bailey...., that's news!!! TEST!
No I don't think you're a bitch, I'd feel exactly the same hun! Some people don't realise how lucky they are!

An I spoke too soon, AF came this morning, my cycle must be longer now coz of mc but Nevermind! I've ordered digi opk's, some Frers and cb digi tests for this month! Cd1 and ready to try again! July will be my month lol! PMA!
Ah bugger!! Still I would rather be on a period than waiting for one. Have you been using preseed? I bloody love that stuff and am going to continue using it even when not ttc! Not that any sex is on the agenda for me at the moment.... I am following traditional Chinese medicine to get me thru this trimester including weekly acupuncture and daily herbs. Sex is banned in first tri as is any form of exercise, eating cold foods, swimming or getting wet in cold water and random food like pears of all things. I love pears as well! So hubby is a right miserable bugger at the moment!
No I've not used preseed, is it supposed to help the spermies get to the egg? Might have to invest in it for this month, going all out now lol!!!
No I've not used preseed, is it supposed to help the spermies get to the egg? Might have to invest in it for this month, going all out now lol!!!

Yes! Get some, I got mine from amazon. It acts like ewcm and helps the sperm to live a bit longer and swim better. We used it both times.
Hi both,

Glad lil bean is settling well Pebbles! Aw sorry bailey...I was really hoping for you! Let's focus all our energy on July :)

And Pebbles I totally don't think you're being bitchy - I think the girl is clueless. Really bothers me when people say things like that, like they must know what it's like for everyone else. And what the frig does she mean, got pregnant 'too quickly'?? I do not like this girl and I've never even met her!

On another note, my best mate called last night to tell me her sister is 14 weeks pregnant - she had an unpleasant mc (as if there's any other kind...) at Xmas so I'm really happy for her :) Actually really happy for her, rather than just trying not to be upset that someone else is preggers! She's due on boxing day, which is really nice because they'll associate that time of year with good news rather than linking it with her mc. Apparently she's got icky ms though... Anyway, another positive post-mc story to add to the positive vibes pile :)

Cor Pebbles, sounds like Chinese medicine is harsh!! Stick with it if it works though! I bought a beefed up vitamin B complex today in the hope that it'll help stretch out my luteal phase a bit - I can't work out if it's all old wives' tales or not but it doesn't look like it does any harm so I'm cracking on with it.

I've not used preseed either - I mentioned it once to oh and he didn't seem too keen on the idea...maybe I'll bring it up again. Do you think it actually helped you get pg..?


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