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Post-mc follow-up scans..?

Yay for Pre-seed! I love that slippery stuff!

All seems to be okay here. I am still constantly on a knife edge. I had a right wobble at the weekend as on Saturday I was 7.4 weeks which was then my other baby died....then I got a tummy bug on Sunday/Monday so I was nervous I would throw up so much that it died or get too hot with a tempertaure and kill it.

Hopefully all is okay. I am worried my symptoms are not bad enough though..everyone on here is always throwing up at work, boobs gone up 5 sizes etc etc, whereas Im kind of the same but a bit more tired, slightly tender/full boobs, feel ever so slightly sick when I get too hot and eating a bit more but not too bad really. Do you think symptoms are a reliable indicator?
Aw bless you Pebbles, I totally understand you feeling panicked but try to put it to the back of your mind. Sod's law you'd get a tummy bug to freak you out!

Right, your sickness (or lack there of). According to the NHS, around half of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting, and around 3 in 10 women experience nausea without vomiting. So try not to look too much into it - remember some people don't even realise they're preggers for months so presumably have zilch sickness. I think I mentioned in another post about my friend's sister who miscarried at Xmas, she's about 15 weeks now and all fine - all she has is the odd quease and doesn't much feel like drinking tea.

One of the sites I looked at (patient.co.uk) said sickness seems to be more common if you're having a girl...so maybe you've got a boy :)

Hi ladies!

Pebbles - I really don't think symptoms indicate anything coz its all based on hcg levels, mine were absolutely fine last time, I had a mmc and my body was still producing hcg at a ridiculous rate but I never once had ms. And I did get tender boobs but not really sore and now I get that all the time anyway! Every woman and every pregnancy is different. I know it's hard not to worry but I'm sure it's all fine.

I'm cd10 (as of half and hour ago lol) so testing in the morning with a digi opk. Feeling good about July and think all three of us will be bump buddies (with pebbles just a bit ahead lol).

Hope you are both ok and can't wait to see your scan pebbles!!
Well both yesterday and today I did a digi opk and they both came up with an error sign! Think I know what the problem is though, need to take the cap of before inserting the stick into the handle! But I did a cheapy opk this afternoon as well and it's negative. But there was at least a line this time, last month there were no lines at all until i got my positive. I was beginning to worry that my general levels of LH were low and that it would be a problem.

Anyways we tested the preseed last night, it was on but I do think I used too much (sorry tmi!) very slippery lol!!

How are you both doing? Xxx
evening all,

Ages ago I bought a pack of about 25 cheapy opks from Amazon - I've never, ever had a positive! But I've never tried the proper digital ones - they seemed quite expensive when I saw them in Boots?

Have to say we definitely didn't use the full amount of preseed - without tmi, it was rather a hurried incident and I didn't use the applicator either, just a small dollop of the stuff and it did the job nicely!

18dpo here - there's a chance I o'd yesterday, but past months it's been day 20. Either way, we've been trying to cover the possibility of o since 13dpo so fingers are tightly crossed for this month, we'll see what the temps say for the next few days....
Lol! Love that story hun!

Fingers crossed you caught that egg then hun! And now the dreaded 2ww lol!! How long is your luteal phase cherry? I got AF 15 days after I O'd last month so mines exactly 2 weeks which I guess makes me 'average'.
I'm not really sure...I worried it was only 9 days, but I think that was FF being unhelpful. When I got pregnant before, I got a bfn at 13dpo before a bfp at 18dpo, both with First Response tests. So I think I'll have to leave it at least 2 weeks, more if I can manage it (and assuming AF stays away).

So some time in early August - I guess that'll be around the same time as you bailey..?
Yeah if AF stays away and I O at about the same time as last month then AF will be due 28th July so I'll wait another 2 days (coz that will be all I'll be able to manage if AF doesn't show!!) and I'll be testing on July 30th!! Only 23 days to go lol!!! Hopefully your LP will be longer than 9 days but not too long cherry!

It's such a pain that I work one weekend in, then one weekend off and O time just happens to be around my weekend in and I'm doing 12 hour shifts!! Oh well, I guess tired or not it will be worth if we catch that egg! I actually don't expect to O until possibly Wednesday but don't want to miss it so making sure we bd every other day. OH is loving it lol! He won't be loving it when I get the BFP and I'm too scared to bd for the first trimester lol!!
Oh fingers crossed for both of you! Hated the TWW, not as much as I'm hating first tri though! So worrying. Just so you know I have NEVER had a positive OPK, I just don't think those things work. Last time I know I ovulated as I had ov pain ( and I got preggers lol) but still a negative OPK. I wouldn't bother spending money on them.

Just woken up from a little nap, was knackered but can't say it's a preg thing, I've always loved a nap! Starving now though. I'll be 9 week this weds, I know I shouldn't wish for more symptoms but I'd kind of like a new one for reassurance!
I love naps too pebbles!! Was tempted to have one today after work but I think I would have ended up sleeping straight through and I need to be awake when oh gets home to dtd lol!!

Ooooh not long til your scan pebbles! Bet you are excited and nervous! I wouldn't worry about not many symptoms though, every pregnancy is different and isn't a bad thing. But I know what you mean. Last month when AF was late I was praying to feel queasy hoping that it was morning sickness :haha:

How's things going cherry? I'm on cd12 and have some O pains but opk's are saying no! Stupid things are driving me bonkers, im definatley not using them next month! I dont even need them, me and oh dtd from cd8 every other day anyway so it doesn't matter when I O. I just want to know when I should test coz my cycle was longer than usual last month.
Hi both,

Hope you're both doing well!

A teensy bit disheartened here tbh - today is cd21 and I'm pretty sure I haven't ovulated yet. OH and I have been at it like bunnies to since cd12 or so just in case I o'd at a 'normal' time, so it's all getting a bit tiring now. As much as I hate the tww at least I'd have a vague idea whether we'd got the timing right, at the moment I've no idea what's going on. And I messed up my temp chart by having a couple of glasses of wine the other night for a friend's 30th, which made my temp rocket the next morning. AND there's been no sign of any CM at all so far this cycle which is just rubbish.

So I'm in a bit of a grump. But we'll have to keep at it until my temp looks like I've o'd or I'll be in a much bigger grump as I wait for AF!

Just noticed your due date Pebbles! valentines baby :) If you're a little bit late your bub could be born on my birthday (22nd Feb) - a good day to be born :) Have you got your scan all booked in?

If you're not getting positive opks, how long are you going to keep dtd bailey? I've never ever had a positive opk - I rely on the temping, but I'm getting a bit worried about how long the battery lasts and whether I could be getting dud readings... My cycles seem to be somewhere between 32 and 35 days at the moment so I guess we should keep dtd til at least the end of the week (when I'll be about cd27) to be safe.
Well I'm feeling O pains cherry but i looke back at my ttc diary and I got them from cd12 last month too and didn't get a positive opk until cd17 so hopefully by Friday I will have O'd. It's so hard to keep hoping and waiting on O, next month I am just doing whatever, me and oh are agreed that of it happens it happens, it's too upsetting to try and not get that BFP. I know that the statistics say only 20% of the time you get pg even when you do everything right but you just concince yourself that it's going to happen.
I am feeling very disheartened too, which is silly as its not really been that long that I've been ttc since mc but it feels so hard.

I almost feel like I'm already out for this month even though I haven't even O'd yet!! How can I be convinced that I won't get a BFP this month when I'm not even in 2ww yet!! Think I'm just feeling down coz I'm tired from working such long shifts.

I hope O comes soon for you cherry!!

And pebbles you are our beacon of hope! Can't wait to see your scan pic! Hope you are feeling well xxxx
Btw sorry for bad spelling mistakes, I'm on my iPhone and typing fast so mistakes are inevitable!!
[In Geordie accent:]

Day 22 in the BD house. The housemates are beginning to lose the plot.


Well my temp had a bit of a hop this morning, so there's a chance I o'd yesterday. FF is giving me NOTHING because I've been a bit eratic with the time I've been taking my temps so it's a tad unreliable. But - in today's exciting news - I HAVE A SORE BOOB. I don't generally get sore boobs, though I did when I was pregnant. I know it can't really mean anything at this stage, but y'know...I'll take anything I can get! It's only one boob though so on Planet Sanity I probably just slept in an odd position.

Bailey I've decided to ignore that 20% stat because because, frankly, it's just too depressing. I'm going to hope that with the excessive, bunny-like BDing we should have caught it. If/when AF comes I'll be absolutely broken, but at least I might feel a bit better during the 2/3ww. Maybe, anyway.

Until then we'll keep doing our bunny impression and counting the days.....
Lol, that's bd house made me laugh cherry!!

It does drive you crazy all this doesn't it?? I don't think I'd have the patience to do my temp. Plus I get up at such different times of the day so it would all be messed up! And these opk's are a waste of time!

Ttc is so much fun isn't it?! All this charting and keeping track, and dtd inevitably on days when you are knackered lol!! Think after this month I'm just gonna go for a ntnp method.....but I'm probably just saying that coz I'm a bit disheartened at the moment. There are so many other people getting pregnant. I'm on a thread called "lucky thread" and it is lucky for loads of people, about 20 BFPs!! But not me!! There's only 8 of us out of about 30 that are still ttc and it makes me feel I will be last one standing (without a bump lol!).

Have you seen finding nemo? I keep singing "just keep swimming" coz I keep thinking just keep plodding along, and also for spermies to just keep swimming to that egg lol!!

Hope all is ok for you pebbles!!
Well your lucky thread is definitely poo-pooing the 20% figure!!

If I had a lovely regular cycle that behaved itself I'd just crack on and not do the temping, opks and all that jazz. But the old body isn't cooperating so it's at least some way of knowing what's going on. Or I'm a massive control freak (oh would prob go with option 2, there). If we don't catch this month I'll think we'll just go off the boil a bit and just see what happens. It's too knackering and stressful to keep this up every month!

I say that, I'm pretty sure I'll still be obsessing about it...

I've seen Finding Nemo but can't remember the song. I'm going to look it up when I get home and it'll become the Official Song of TTC 2012.
Hi both,

How are things? Pebbles you've gone abit quiet....I hope everything's ok xx

How about you Bailey? Think you said you'd be o'ing sometime soon? Finally seem to have o'd here, think I'm 3dpo now. I'll be testing around 28th July if AF hasn't shown up. It's a Saturday - and the day the in-laws are coming to visit for the weekend so that'll be interesting...last time I got my bfp on the day we went to visit them!

Hope you're both well xxx
Oooh I should be testing Saturday 28th July!! That's when I'm guessing AF is due but that depends if I actually do get my positive opk tomorrow. My opk was lighter today but I didn't do it at the same time as yesterday. And my digi opk was negative again. Bet I never see that smiley face lol!!

If I do catch the egg this month my edd will be April 5th which would be lovely as there are no April birthdays in mine or oh family! Plus our baby would then be 5 months old at our wedding!
awww fingers crossed Bailey! FF tells me my edd would be April 1st - hopefully it'll be a bit off and we wouldn't get an April fool! Not that I'd really care at this point :) My sister and my Gramps were both early April babies so ours wouldn't be the first April baby, but it would be kind of nice if our bub was born on my Gramps' birthday - he passed away a year or so ago and I miss him terribly. And I was born on my Gran's birthday so it would be nice to continue to tradition! That's if we've caught this time of course......

I'm much calmer than I was last month, partly because we dtd much better this time so I'm not in a grump that we 'wasted' a month. Pretty sure I'm a bit hormonal though - only 4dpo and had a ranty weepy strop this evening before passing out and sleeping for an hour. After which I went to apologise to oh for being a tit. Symptom spotting already.....
I've said I'm not going to symptom spot this month (yeah right lol!!). Wish I could actually O already!! Its gotta be tomorrow, feeling the pains and opk's keep getting darker. Fingers crossed we both catch those eggs!

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