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Pots of Gold, Four Leaf Clovers and Shamrock BFPs-March Testing Thread!!!

Fx you catch that egg!

I am off to the RE, will update when I get back.
redclaire - going to ask a dumb question here - how much is a stone? im here in good ole USA contemplating this... big stones, little stones....

and I hope that one follie is all you need for your BFP!!!

AFM: back from the OB/GYN - he looked over all my records before I got there... knew all my tests results from the FE... and sat down and just talked to me... He thinks I am ovulating (yes he was impressed with my LP knowledge and temping and OPKs) and he is willing to put me on clomid... he doesn't think I am menopausal at all...
here's the BUT - he wants my DH to have another SA and see the fertility urologist - since his last SA showed 0% Morph - the doc said no reason to make sure I am ovulating every month if my DH can't feritlize the egg -
so - the doc is scheduling my HSG and the hubby an appointment and SA with fertility urologist...
the doc said - 80% sure the clomid will work if we can get hubby to have some normal spermies...without IUI...since I have already carried two babies to term... and he said there are options for hubby too - maybe surgery if needed and clomid for him too... so still lots of options - we just can't be slow about it... :)
Good luck at your appointment Galvan.

Wish - so sorry that you had such a bad morning but it sounds like things went well at the doctor and that you at least have some new things to move on at this point. Still - sending :hugs: your way.
Hi ladies,

Sorry to those who were visited by AF.

Galvan, hope your RE appointment went well.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Spring looks like it is trying very hard to come here in CT but we have snow showing up in 5 of the 10 day forecast in some way or form. I'm just ready for spring!

AFM, I am having the weirdest cycle ever. My temps are all over the place. I O'd early but it wasn't a very strong line on the OPK so it could have been a false positive. Today is 6DPO if it was correct and my temp was way below coverline. Just a weird cycle.

AF is due on the 20th if my normal 29 day cycle holds.
Bookwrmgal-Can you put your chart in your signature? We love :ninja:. hee hee. Sorry you are having such a weird cycle. I sure hope you O'd. I usually have a temperature dip around 5-6DPO. It's nothing serious. It's the one at the end of the month that'll get ya!

Galvan-I hope the BCP gets rid of the cyst, and sorry it's still there. Why is it hanging around? Forward progress needs to be made1

Wish-I'm so glad your doctor reviewed all of your information, and now has you two on a plan. :wohoo: He's right though. If your hubs really has 0 morphology, it may catch that egg, but nothing good can come of it. Ahh...and an HSG. It can't hurt to know that your tubes are open, but make sure you take an Advil prior to the exam. I'm feeling pretty good about your visit. <3
Hi Galvan :hi: and sorry the cyst is still there. :hugs: Sorry but what is BCP?

Hi to everyone else, we are out this month but here to cheer you all on!
Wish, sounds like the Dr appt was optimistic. I like having a plan. It's the free for all I am in this cycle that is driving me crazy.

Galvan, sorry about the cyst :(

I linked my chart. hope it worked! :coffee:
wow lots of AF arriving...lets change this around...
Wish-It's about time you had a caring doctor!!!
Galvan- Sorry the cyst is still hanging around.
Galvan sorry about the cyst and sorry for those who AF arrived.

Trying to get back in the swing of things after my chemical last month. CD 9 today so will start testing with OPK's in the next couple days. Not feeling to hopeful as I just seem to get chemicals and it is frustrating :( Good luck everyone who still is in it!
Good Morning :coffee:

Temp spike this morning and a bit of nausea. Crazy weird dreams for the 3rd time in a week involving my ex boyfriend and my DH in the same dream.
So random and bizarre!

Having issues with DH and low sex drive. Anyone have advice on how to boost it?
Hope-Have you talked to anyone about getting progesterone in order to try to sustain your pregnancies? I don't know if that will help, but maybe. I've never even had a positive HPT, so I don't know what you're going through, but I hope you can find a way to help those beans stick!

Bookwrmgal-Yay! I see your chart. That is a crazy dream....Looks like you haven't ovulated yet, so hopefully with your temperature spike, it's coming soon. It's tough "pressuring" our DH's. Someone will come along with advice as far as supplements/medicine. I just try to keep the mood light, and not get upset if he doesn't want to BD on certain times. I just try to time it so that we can do like every other day close to O day. It does get frustrating sometimes, so I totally get that.
terripeachy, :flower:
in answer to the question a 'stone' in weight is 14 lb, uk and ireland still go by the stone and pound system for body wgt only, mostly pounds for food weights but moving to metric kg and grams fairly quickly now. Most people of our age would know their wgt in stones and/or kg but older people call that 'new money'!! Crazy complicated!!
My OH was a fabulous hunk of manflesh at nearly 17 stone (235 lbs but 6 foot 3inches tall)... but i have to admit his new toned physique is well nice:thumbup::haha:

So I had another scan this morning and I now have 2 follicles maturing nicely, one at 14mm and the other 16mm. Happier bunny!! Another scan tomoz and then the nurse reckoned IUI Fri or Sat...which is good cos it's the long St. Paddy's weekend woo hoo and it might be good luck...paddy's day 2 years ago i was in labour in the same hospital on Seánipops as the parade went by...sureal!!:happydance:
Grateful - sorry for AF.

Hopeful - It must be so emotionally painful to keep getting chemicals. I hope things turn around for you soon.

Galvan - so sorry about the cyst.

Bookwrmgal - ugh. It can be so difficult to keep things romantic when you're TTC. I like Terri's advice. Try to keep things light and try not to get upset if the timing doesn't ALWAYS work out. I know that's easier said than done though.
Redclaire-That would be awesome if you get your IUI during the St. Paddy's festivities! It's funny, we always write Patty with a t, instead of a d. Hmmm. I'm going to change it since someone Irish wrote it with a D. After all, he's your saint. HA!!HA!!
Redclaire-That would be awesome if you get your IUI during the St. Paddy's festivities! It's funny, we always write Patty with a t, instead of a d. Hmmm. I'm going to change it since someone Irish wrote it with a D. After all, he's your saint. HA!!HA!!
Oh do...it's most definately St. Paddy's Day here in Ireland cos Patty is a girl's name, short for patricia. In Irish language, Gaelige, Patrick is Páidraic or Pádraig so we say
Lá fhéile Pádraig shona duit! Happy St. Patrick's Day...followed swiftly by Sláinte (your health or cheers!!) looks like another sober one for me!!
Definitely Paddy!!

Redclaire do you watch Moone Boy? I don't know how anyone who's not Irish and in their 30's gets it at all, but I think it's hilarious!
Thanks for the educational lesson! It all makes sense now. Hmmm..I will not be sober on St. Patty's day (oops, St. Paddy's day). We are flying to the Bahamas that morning.

I guess I better find something to do on Saturday, the 15th. The bar I usually go to has the best kanekolon (sp?). I will probably go there and get that and corned beef, a non-green beer and call it a day. I do have a green shirt ready, so I just hope the weather is nice so I can wear it.

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