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Pots of Gold, Four Leaf Clovers and Shamrock BFPs-March Testing Thread!!!

My pee is bright yellow too!

I had my first AF when I was 11. It was really heavy and long when I first started, and I had a couple accidents at school which was the worst thing I could imagine happening, though no one knew but the teacher and the school nurse. My mom had to bring in new jeans for me once. :blush:

Today is my official testing day - not only did I test NEGATIVE but FFOE has taken away my cross hairs:cry:

So yesterday I was 12DPO and now........................................

Please don't let this be an annovulatory cycle - I only have till August and then I'm done I can't afford for my body to throw a curve ball like this:wacko:

So I guess I am back in limbo land:growlmad:


Good luck, garfie :hugs: I hope you ovulated!
Milty-Wow...your pee is bright! Maybe it's not such a bad thing, though. hee hee. Thanks for the morning laugh.

garfie-Have you tried removing that super low temperature? :hugs: I hate those anovulatory cycles when I get them, and make my own line so I feel better. I hope your crosshairs comes back tomorrow.
Terri - No need to worry if I did or didn't she has one foot in the door - but and this is the confusing bit :haha: on another site it said take an O test so I did and it's positive :wacko:

Good luck ladies testing :dust::dust::dust:


Thanks Milty. I hhugs:pe we get a natural BFP, but I doubt it. We have been trying for 2 years and my LP is so out of whack. Sometimes it is 12 days, some 5-7, and this time it is freaking 28 days so far. Grrr..

We talked about maybe doing a Clomid cycle or 2 because we don't need to be in town for monitoring or IU , BUT I am not too sure. I hated Clomid, it is Evil.

Garfie, :hugs:
So I was definitely sick the last couple of days - not sure if this hurts the chances of the IUI. Feeling better today and my temp is back down - even FF didn't count yesterdays temp (99.1)
Oh I hope not, moni. Glad you're feeling better, though.

garfie-I love that you do lots of experiments (po stuff experiments!) hee hee. Sorry for the witch. :hugs: I'll update the front page in a few. At least Ffoe says that you might have ovulated now, which is a little bit of a relief, right?
Well AF arrived early today.

Since this was my first O after coming off meds I guess it wasn't strong enough for my normal LP but 10 days isn't to bad.
So...I tested the trigger and saw my very first positive! I know it is just the trigger but it was neat to see it. I figure I will test it out every 2 days. (boy are those wondfo's small compared to FRERs.!)
Milty-Sorry, babe. :hugs: I guess there is always a bright side, right?

moni-Woohoo..How exciting. One of these days I'd like to see a positive.
Sorry for AF Nikki, Garfie, and Milty. Huge bummer. :hugs:

Galvan - I'm sorry that you've been so stressed out. I think a short break sounds like a good idea. Although, I know that must have been a tough decision to make. :hugs:

Terri - I think we might be testing buddies for April (well, if things progress according to FF predictions at least...)

Hi to everyone else!

Nothing new to report here. Super-tired today because of daylight savings.
Well, CD39/ 27DPO. Grrr! I have an appt today with my RE so hopefully we will get some answers. As for taking a break, I am thinking about doing 1 more IUI first. This has been bothering me since I decided it so I talked to OH and he said whatever I want to do. I am going to talk to the RE today to see what he thinks about this coming IUI's success. Then, we will go from there.
Yay Galvan! Give it one more try...and stay off the mad medicine (just kidding-it's a necessity!).

Nikki-Ugh...so sorry. :hugs:

kfs1-I guess it depends on ovulation, but that'll be cool. I'm going to be out of town, and I'm debating whether I want to take my thermometer. I do want to know what my body is doing though, so i'll take it. HA!!HA!! Problem solved.
I am officially out ladies... She arrived through the night with a vengence... :cry:

this was an especially tough one as I tested after church - I did an OPK and PG test because as you know I was lost this cycle...well the PG test had a pink line - it must have been an evap - anyway... my daughter could see it as well as the DH... but when I retested 4 hours later - negative and this morning was confirmation...

I wish I hadn't said anything to anyone and just retested... I hate to get my husband's hopes up - since he has never had a child... I cried and cried on his shoulder and just kept apologizing...

now i have to go to the OB/GYN this morning and I am not feeling it at all... I really thought we were gonna have our miracle... :cry::cry::cry:
Don't forget to take your list of questions for the doctor, Wish. Make sure you ask him/her everything you need/want to know. If you have your list, you can cry and get back to getting your questions answered. :friends:

Report back, please, oh and double :hugs: for AF. She can bite it.
Hi All,
Sorry so many ladies are out for this month:cry::nope: we hate that wicked old witch!!
So my scan on saturday showed one follicle on the left at 12mm and loads of little ones on the right but nothing that will probably mature for IUI.
Bit disappointed really... I ovulate every month anyway so the fact that even with injections theres still only one is annoying, at least with 2 follies the odds of one taking are doubled:nope:
But they are really strict in the clinic, more than 2 follicles means cancelled IUI that cycle due to risk of triplets and 'poor outcome'
So i suppose i should be happy...and my poor OH has lost over a stone since christmas, has quit sociable pints and goes running every evening, underpant free...he's doing his bit and more for team baba...i just hope my bits and bobs do their natural job!!:happydance::haha:
Anyhoo repeat tracking scan tomoz and probably IUI on thursday:happydance:
it only takes one sperm and one egg doing a tango to make our wishes come true!!:cloud9:
Wow they only allow 2? I would be in trouble. I always have 3+. You're right though, all we need is 1 egg abd 1 sperm!! Fx!!
Wow they only allow 2? I would be in trouble. I always have 3+. You're right though, all we need is 1 egg abd 1 sperm!! Fx!!
Yup if you have 3 follies maturing they cancel the IUI..high risk of M/c on 3 or more fertilised plus we don't have abortion in Ireland to 'selectively reduce' like they do in other countries.
When I did the 2 cycles in 2011 I had 2 follies ready to pop for iui...bit worried with only one egg in my basket!!

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