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Pots of Gold, Four Leaf Clovers and Shamrock BFPs-March Testing Thread!!!

Oh Redclaire-That is SOO upsetting. Why do they say no BD? I would go for it, but if something bad would happen then I would not, but what could be bad? Those three follies sound like they're ready to go.

If you have triplets, so be it. If three end up two, so be it. I say it's not worth it to waste the opportunity, but see what your husband says and make the decision from there. :hugs:

Blues-Sometimes it's nice taking a weekend off from temping (you can sleep in!). At least you've ovulated, so there's no worry there as far as not knowing whether you've ovulated. Now we just wait..hee hee. fx fx. Oh, and charts are fun to look at, but they are all different and there's no telling whether one is better than the other. Something is always different about mine every month, and I get excited and then let down. :shrug: It's just life.
Awww no Redclaire :hugs:. I don't know much about IUI, so I've no advice, but surely it's fairly common to have 3 follies whereas triplets are fairly rare? So BD shouldn't hurt? I have no idea really, but it seems a shame to waste those follies!!
Thanks Terripeachy!
yeah the more I think about it I think we should take the chance...tho convincing the OH might be problematic (he already has 4 other kids all grown up from a previous marriage, plus our DS) I think we would both deal with twins following panic stations but the risk to the babies for triplets:nope::nope:
I've just spoken to my sister. She had IVF twins following triple embryo transfer, twins are now 12!! She reckons we should BD like rabbits and take the chance as the follies are all at different development levels...2 at 15 and one at 18 so maybe the others will collapse...the nurse did mention this but that they have to follow the clinics protocol rules. So I guess I'll have to see what himself says later:wacko::wacko::wacko:
Not to be deceptive, but I wouldn't even tell hubs about the chance of triplets/twins. Does he know all the details re: how many follicles and what it means? If not, I would just say that 'the IUI was cancelled b/c you have three follicles, which is too many. You need consoling...' And then take your clothes off. :rofl:

Then, you find out oh, we're having twins. Woohoo! I agree with your sister though. The follies are different sizes, and if there are no adverse health reasons as to why you should not BD, just do it.
Love all of the lessons ladies. "Out on the batter" and everything else. Keep em coming! :)

Red - I'm so sorry. Did they give an reasons for not BDing? Any way you could speak with the doctor and ask? It definitely seems like a missed opportunity to me.
The risk with 3 follicles are triplets and there is poor outcomes with 3. What they refer to is the really high risk to miscarriage and very premature birth, early trips don't do well and many have problems like cerebral palsy even if they make it.My OH already has a daughter with severe CP who is very disabled. Now I know any pregnancy can have premature delivery but triplet pregnacy rarely goes even near full term....plus as the doc pointed out this morn, 50% divorce rate after triplets!! LOL! But to waste 3 lovely eggs!!! That part is killing me!! And yes you're right 3 are common with clomid and some clinics don't monitor you as closely...soooo i'm leaning towards risk it for a biscuit!!
Well cos I was so upset i rang himself earlier so he knows everything. He doesn't understand alot of female reproduction to be fair lol! We'll have a good talk tonight. And yeah I could always unleash the mammaries...that usually has the desired effect hahaha!!
Just spoke to him there and i think he's happy enough to do whatever i feel is best. He knows there is a risk of 3 but we have been trying for like 4 years...TTC very hard, and only had littleman with IUI...there were 2 follies that cycle!
ooh me nerves!!!
Sorry your IUI was cancelled! If it were me, I'd be BDing assuming that it would help the odds and if nothing's happened so far naturally, it was unlikely that triplets would happen! Though I want twins... :oneofeach:
Redclaire - I know if it were me I would bust out the mammaries!!! and whatever else is needed - english , irish, bring it all out!!! :rofl:
but he sounds like he won't need an arm twisting!!!

Blues i purposefully didn't temp Sunday - and then I felt guilty so ridiculous!!!

well ladies it's Wednesday!!! ... and snowing again - it was 70 yesterday...:shrug::shrug::shrug:
thanks ladies for all the help..i love this site, everyone is just soooo nice and supportive even when dealing with their own worries!:flower:
The weather here in Dublin is just fab, sun is shining, still a bit chilly at 12 degree C, but lovely and fresh, the daffodils are in full bloom, all ready for the big St. Paddy's celebrations, It never rains on the actual day, the 17th! I'm going to walk home to clear my head after work today, It's about 4 miles along the seafront of Dublin Bay, lovely!!
I always respond with 3 follies even with 100mg Clomid and never a BFP with 3 follies. The time we got a BFP was with 2 follies and it was only one that was a blighted ovum. I would be in trouble if they cancelled for 3 follies here.
Redclaire-I agree with everyone else to go ahead and BD anyways. The chances of catching one egg is actually pretty small, catching all three is even smaller. I'm a twin, and I was born a little early. We have had no issues at all from it. We have a lot of twins in the family and we were all born a little early with no issues.

Wish-I felt so guilty not testing this weekend!
Redclaire-I agree with everyone else to go ahead and BD anyways. The chances of catching one egg is actually pretty small, catching all three is even smaller. I'm a twin, and I was born a little early. We have had no issues at all from it. We have a lot of twins in the family and we were all born a little early with no issues.

Wish-I felt so guilty not testing this weekend!
Thanks Blue...I've spent a 'productive' day at work researching 3 follies cancelled iui etc etc... really depends on the clinic. Mine is just very very conservative, probably due to the fact that 'selective reduction' is illegal in Ireland.
So if the OH agrees we'll go for it, no trigger will cut the odds of triplets (cos not all 3 will ovulate, and not all at the same time), no iui will cut the odds some more but hopefully with 3 follicles hopefully one will catch!!:thumbup:I'd love love love a lime frozen margarita right now...it's been a very stressful day!!:wacko:
I would do the wild thing also. 3 follies is better than none.

Good luck hun xx

Afm - I have a terrible cold and its making my temps all over the place. According to opk about to ovulate so hubby has been lucky the last few nights. About to hit the dreaded 2ww....
Ladies I have been MIA. I just caught up.
I have been so busy I am not even thinking about my TWW.
The baby I babysit has a cold and is super clingy (which is fine) but now my husband and I have a cold. THEN I got a call from my sons school today - he was vomiting!
I picked him up, called his Dr who called in Zofran. My husband went to get it and he puked 6 more times! Ugh.
Now he has a fever!
Baby is still coming tomorrow, because they've both been exposed to what the other has, so why not.
House full of sick people - quick tww!
Kayotic-I was wondering what was going on...sorry to hear that your whole family has been sick. That's miserable. Hopefully it is getting out of everyone's system by now and you can go back to your normal, healthy lives.
Well ladies, no turning back now!!
My OH basically said whatever i want he wants....soooo :sex: has commenced :wohoo:and will continue this weekend, my sister is even taking our little fella to allow for quality time:haha::blush:

Tis the season for bugs..we had an outbreak of plague in our house last month, uurrrgghh it was awful. I'm a nurse and never catch anything but this bug caught me, and OH and Seán and then everyone in my sister's house!:sick:
Hope you feel better soon:flower:
Great news, Redclaire!! I hope you can catch those eggs. One, two or three of them! One will do! hee hee.
Redclaire - what are you doing on here then!! Go away and get busy :sex:!!

AFM, I *think* AF might be here. On CD44 :shrug:. V light so far but hopefully that's the end of the longest cycle ever. Never been so glad to see her in my life!! (well, not since I got married anyway :winkwink::blush:)
Kayotic - Hope everyone starts to feel better soon!

Red - Glad you and your husband are on the same page! I think you made a good decision!

Nothing new over here. FF is telling me to start testing on Sunday but I think I'm going to start a bit earlier since my cycle was so short this month. Can't hurt I guess.
Redclaire - what are you doing on here then!! Go away and get busy :sex:!!

AFM, I *think* AF might be here. On CD44 :shrug:. V light so far but hopefully that's the end of the longest cycle ever. Never been so glad to see her in my life!! (well, not since I got married anyway :winkwink::blush:)
Ah Conina i hear ya...all those years thinking pregnancy would be like a total disaster and that my mam would kill me !!! My mam used to say when we were younger 'don't come crying to me thinking i'm going to mind the baby..the shutters are coming down on this house- closed for business'!! Put the fear of the bejaney-mac into us she did!!

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