A bit of both really! It's weird being back in this place again... CD1 for me today so bring it on. If it takes a little while it's ok we're not in any great hurry. I say this now anyway ha ha! Work is fine, I don't hate the place now, 3 days is great & I actually enjoy working Saturdays as they're so relaxed

My mam has penny over night on a wed & all day thurs as they live too far to drop her off on a morning then in laws have her on a Friday, & daddy daughter day sat of course! Exciting stuff not long now til the big day! Hope your DH wears his wedding ring as mine won't! He said it gets on his nerves, mostly because he bought it too small & you can't resize it! But never mind, I'm used to it after coming up 8 years! OMG where is the time going!!! Glad to hear you're enjoying your fitness, I defo feel better now I'm back to work so if you're a SAHM then you need to get out & about!
Oh DG I'm sorry I'm not following your journal, I'm rarely on bnb these days (though am trying hard to come back more regularly!) so I just tend to stick with the threads as I've made such great friends on them - that's you guys lol! I don't remember when I last looked at rach's journal either! Sorry rach!
Sorry you've had to postpone to IUI til you get more money, that's a bummer. I have to admit I did wonder why you didn't try home insemination before the IUI? Sorry you're not sleeping & so tired

stress definitely plays a big part in TTC so hopefully once you're settled & rested things will start to happen