I would suggest temping to anyone..it really helps you pinpoint ovulation! I never tried OPKs but know a lot of women either love them or hate them. Good luck to you both!
well i got a pretty stronge but not quite positive OPK yesterday and todays was much lighter....hmmm should i count that as a positive and keep going to see if it gets darker??
ive been using conceive plus all week but we are using just a lil less then last month so hoping it is still alright!
how is everyone??
I'm not sure about how you should count it..never really learned the details to em! But you're definitely getting close!!! Less should be fine We didn't use much. and only BD'd 3 times in the fertile window.
thanx hun!
we are doing it for 3 days then a day off...plus we have covered days this cycle that we didnt last cycle so maybe that will make a difference....i hope haha
Alright ladies - since you asked : ) I'm two days late for my period and normal lp length and still getting BFN. What up wid dat? Aren't lp supposed to be very regular? Aren't my BFNs supposed to be BFPs? hee.
Hi girls, just wanted to let you know that I got my BFP today after first month of using conceive plus! It is very early days but just wanted to let you know.x
FairyGirl - I'm feeling quite determined not to pay attention to the BFNs or temp drop (covers eyes and plugs ears) I'm hoping against hope because AF still hasn't shown and I'm a couple of days past my normal lp length
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