Pregnancy buddies needed due September 2009 :)

I had pethedine in at 8am with my daughter and was still feeling slighly drugged up 4 hours later but it didnt make me feel sick, I was sick about 10 minutes before I actually gave birth and they gave me a stemetil injection which stopped the nausea immediatly, but I didnt really like the gas and air, it helps you concentrate on pushing but it makes you mouth and throat really dry.
I work in accounts for a big furniture company, but Im starting my maternity leave at the end of this month and can't wait!
How about you?
Wow bet u cant wait to finish I couldnt have worked any longer, this is my 2 week off although I dont officially start Mat leave till the 31st Aug. I work as nurse so it can be quite a heavy job. R u going to go back to work? Im hoping to drop my hours but will need to wait and see xoxo
Hiya girls!

And welcome to the new comers! :happydance:

Havent been on much due to the fact i have no internet at my place and i'm still coming to my mums lol :dohh:.

Been having alot of pains down below recently, ever held a wee in for ages? Thats what it feels like, i go to the toilet and its a dribble, not even that!!!

So excited to start the nursery from Monday onwards and get everything arranged! I even got Chris to paint my toe nails last night :rofl:!

Hope your all ok :hugs: xxx
The weird thing is Vicki, he offered LOL!!!!! :rofl:
Shall i be worried?!

I know dead exciting and scary at the same time!!! xxx
:rofl: No I think thats dead sweet doll, i ll need to get my OH to do the same coz I cant get down to mine either.

Glad im not the only one thats scared!!! :hugs:
Hiya girls,

Well update, i've been put into bed and breaksfast, they have said i will only be in there a couple weeks as they hope to house me before i have hollie, the place isnt that bad actually, i've got ym own bathroom and kitchen bit in my room, i've got 2 beds in there, but not allowed anyone to stay with me, im allowed visitors between 9am and 10pm

My birth plan is to have a water birth, i cant have aepi, i've heard pathadine can make you sick and as i got weak stomach anyone they have said propbably will make me sick, so gas and air it is!!! MY mum and bestmate are coming to be my birth partners

I've got everything packed and ready to go!!!

Hope your all weel, and amy lol getting chrs to do your nails and well done on the last box, im really worrying now!!! lol bit late now, shes gotta come out!!!
Oh so i wont be online much, as wont have access and when my mum moves shes haing the net but its not top thing, so will hear more from me by txt xxx
Lol I dont think my OH would paint my toe nails, but to be fair I dont think I'd want him to Id end up with nail varnish up my cankles too. He's put my socks on for me a few times but insists on telling all our friends about it lol. Im counting the days till I finish but at least Im in a desk job so its not too physically demanding. Im planning on going back after 9 months cos I think we'd struggle a bit on just one wage, I stayed at home for a year with my daughter before I went back to college full time, but I'll see how I feel nearer the time.
Do you find that every twinge you get your hoping its the start of a contraction? I feel like Ive been pregnant forever!
If im being honest I feel the total opposite Jodee I really dont feel ready yet lol, this pregnancy has went into fast and my brain hasnt had a chance to catch up yet. I felt a bit more ready last night once my bag was nearly all packed... just a few things to get. I even wrote my birth plan!! I would like to get my antenatal classes over and done with before I go into labour and they dont start till Monday and last 4 weeks lol. So yeah I dont want to go before my due date!!

Its such a surreal experience, im terrified but at the same time every now and then I get wee pangs of excitement. I cant wait to see my baby and I cant wait to make my OH a daddy. How did u feel with ure first, I know u went early but did u feel these things? Or am I just weird :haha:
Well the b&b is really quite nice, i got my own bathroom and kitchen in my room, which you dont normally get, but cos i am pregnant and have to get up to go loo so many times, my caseworker got me that room.

I keep getting all excited and then think shite, i cant do this, i finished my NCT classes now and feel i am more ready but i think im gonna forget it all and be like oh my god now what haha xxx
Well I was only 17 when I had my daughter and I didnt find out I was pregnant till I was 24 weeks gone, my gp had insisted it was a water infection and I was still having my monthly cycle, then my waters broke 2 weeks later so I only knew I was pregnant for 2 weeks, hence I didnt have any antenatal classes or anything and I've opted not to have any this time either. I found out at 5 weeks gone this time so it does seem to be dragging now, plus the thought of a full size baby rather than a 2lb one is really terrifying! Im nervous but Im also feeling really impatient, ive had spd since I was about 18 weeks gone and sciatica every night in bed so Im ready for it to be over now : )
Hi girls hows everyone doing? Hope all the bumps are behaving thereselves :haha:

Went to my first NHS antenatal class last night and it was actually really good. We got a tour of the ward we are going to be in (each ward is set a geographical area) and got to see the birth pool. I think ive finally decided I want to give it a go so I need to go out hunting for a tankini now lol. Also had an hour with the physiotherapist which was fairly informative so all in all I was pleasantly suprised :thumbup:

When we were walking through the wards you got to see some of the newborn babies, OMG some of them are so tiny!!!!

Also had the breastfeeding workshop yesterday morning and I was quite dissapointed, I felt I could have learned more reading it out of a book!!! Im still in two minds whether or not to BF and now my B12 levels have dropped too (and nobody seems to be giving a shit) and from what ive read the baby can end up with a deficency too as I wouldnt have enough in my milk for him. Going to try and get an appt at the docs tom and see if they can increase my meds as by the time bubs gets here am going to knackered and not going to be any use to my newborn :cry:

Anyways girls sorry it was so long, speak to use soon. Hope everyone is ok xoxo
Sorry cant update ya, will tomorrow, but had to say i am on the last box now as well!!! xxx
Way hey both on the last boxes now girlies! :happydance::happydance:

Me and OH went for a tour of the labour ward, and WOW. I love it, its like a hotel! I plan on staying overnight because I plan to breastfeed and don't wanna rush home and have problems, so OH can stay with me as they have an actual double bed for him to stay in with me :). The room is huge that I get to stay in after giving birth, has on-suite loads of chairs for visitors etc.

Checked out the rooms in which I will give birth, and I have decided I'm going to the use the pool, they aren't how I pictured at all and they have 3 of them so shouldn't be a problem! So at the moment I'm currently excited about giving birth LOL. Sure that will change!

Also had my midwife appointment on Friday - Baby is already 4/5 down, so nearly engaged!! Alot of people are starting to think I'm going to go early... so never know!

Also the babys room is nearly fully done, uploaded pics on Facebook :)

Hope you lot are ok :hugs: xxxx
Wow ure labour ward sounds amazing doll, im jealous lol. Have u decided what u are wearing in the birthing pool yet? Ive got a tankini, hopefully the pool is free when I go into labour!!

Had a look at ure pics on facebook, ure nursery is cracking, :baby: will love it. Its crazy ive got the same bath and changing mat as you, weird lol.

I ve got my growth scan on monday so will update on here and let use know how I get on, slighly nervous, hope bubs is ok. Ive not got my next MW appt till 38 weeks so I dont know whether the wee man is engaged or not, he still feels quite high up at my ribs, maybe they will be able to tell at the scan.

Take care girlies xoxo
It is! I will take photos or get OH to when I go in :D

Yeah I'm wearing a tankini and bottoms, then taking the bottoms off when I go in lol. And thanks hun! I'd love to add photos on the walls but as we are there temp don't see the point :(

Good luck hun, sure all is fine :hugs: Text me to let me know how it all goes xxx
Hiya girls,

Sorry havent been online much, still in b&b seems to be getting bit noisey there though, so when i go council tomorrow will make a compliant, might move me quicker then, heres hoping

loving ya pics amy rooms looks good, i wanna get hollies room all sorted now, parents moving on saturday and there setting up the spare room for her, for just incase.

I saw dr for my 36 weeks and he sid that hollie is 4/5 engaged so she can come any time soon, oooo hope we all have them soon, im getting so annoyed and bored at not being able to sleep comfy, i would prefer to be not sleeping cos shes here, i no i'll probably miss her not being in me, but just so wanna scream all the time!!!!

Hope your all well xxx
Aww hun, i know where your coming from... i hated staying at the hostel!

Thanks hun! :D Aww wicked, you should be priority cus your pregnant so shouldnt be too long till you have your place :hugs:

Sleeping is getting bad for me, i sleep on my sides... and my legs go dead after a while so im always moving lol. So annoying!

How are you getting on the net hun? xxx

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