Thanks hun!
Had my midwife appointment today. Turns out he isn't fully engaged!

He's 2 or 3/5s. Took my blood pressure and it was high for me, doesn't like how much swelling I have on my ankles and legs. I got a midwife coming to see me tomorrow to take my blood pressure and a urine sample again, I could possibly have pre-clampsia or however you spell it, with the above symptoms I also have a headache and see like pieces of glass infront of me (if that makes sense lol)
So Im in bed on the laptop so I can get comfortable! xxx
Oh really, well i saw mw today, my whole mw team has changed and this mw was actually really nice!!!! Hollie is fully engaged, she said i have lost my plug and what i described to her as my pains been having, im in slow labour!!!!
Everything else is normal and she will come soon, she reckons hollie weighs about 6lb 3oz but was only a guess and she isnt very good at them, but i made her tell me what she thought!!!
Hope everything goes well for ya tomorrow and relax tonight get a chris to take care of ya big time!!! xxx