Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

Yeah I think it was his because his Mom wanted to keep it at their place so the baby would have a place to sleep, but his Dad really wanted us to have it, plus we have a portable crib/play pin that works for such occasions! I love all the hand-me-downs! They're so great for saving money, plus most have hardly even been used. My mom got this really nice baby swing for when she baby sat my cousins little boy, she hardly had it before he outgrew it and so she gave it to us, and its a really nice one! We also got that portable crib/play pin, bouncy seat, changing table, stationary play seat, some diapers, boy and girl clothes, lots of little things!

I was also surpised by the prices of the travel systems I liked! I want the travel system over a stroller because its a matching set of a baby car seat and a stroller that are compatible, but there only around $150! I feel like $100 is so easy to spend now days so I was also surpised by the prices of the 'larger' items we will need like a baby bjorn or even cribs. Babies R Us has the forever beds for $500 that staft as a crib and can convert all the way to a twin sized bed which would last for years!

Oh I know what you mean, we hardly have any awkward moments and being pregnant has made us even more comfortable which I thought was impossible, but I can imagine him helping you shave would be one of those more awkward moments! I always shave standing in the tub, I can't imagine having just a shower, that would make it incredibly difficult! A mirror is a good idea, but if all else faisl a wax will always work! I've never gotten one and worry about the pain but I definitely want to be well groomed, so it would be worth it.

Oh I know! I love being pregnant but this not being able to get comfortable thing is crazy. I've already cried so many times over not being able to be comfortable, especially since I have such terrible back pain! My boyfriend and two dogs insist on using me as a pillow so I get even more squashed! I always always struggle to get off the couch or sit up in bed or anything, and my boyfriend allways watches so I just say 'Oh my goodness you can help and not just watch me struggle!' Haha I always feel so goofy because I actually feel like a beached whale while he watches my attempts of sitting up! I can't believe I'm gonna get bigger! I'm not gonna lie, I didn't have the best posture, but now its just horrible! I can't help it though, supporting this baby makes my back all sorts of crazy! How was the flight?!

We do have our own place, when we first got pregnant we were in this tiny crappy apartment that I hated, and once we found out we were pregnant debated on moving. It was a 1 bedroom, 650sq.ft, and cramped, but it was only $550 a month! My mom kept telling us to stay until after the baby was born just to save money, but it was making my anxiety worse and putting a stress on my relationship with my boyfriend because I am a huge neat-nik and I couldn't stand being so cramped! So we found a house to rent that is 1200sq.ft and has a huge yard for the dogs, plus two bedrooms, and an extra bedroom that was converted into a formal dining room but can get changed back creating a 3rd bedroom if we need! It's double the rent $1100 a month, but we absolutely love it and have been doing really well with bills and coming out of 'debt' (owing money to replace the old apartments carpet, and my boyfriends last credit card bills), so in the end it worked out really great and our baby will get its own room! :)

I totally understand about not feeling excited to set up the baby's room since it isn't permanent. I would feel the exact same way, especially since you'll have to take it down and redo it at your new place! You don't sound ungreatful! It's nice of his mom to let you live their but that doesn't change the disappointment of not having Maddie's permanent room set up!

I feel silly because it was my boyfriends 21st birthday on Sunday and we had been so excited last year to celebrate together and being pregnant I am unable to. Plus everyone tells me once the baby is born and I am breast feeding I won't be able to drink so I was a little discouraged. Of course I would never do anything to harm my baby but I guess I was just slightly disappointed because I felt like the day we found out I was pregnant I had to stop everything harmful, even eating certain foods, and my boyfriend gets to continue as long as he would like! I didn't drink crazy or anything before being pregant but I think it was just the idea that I felt like I had to sacrifice everything while he got to continue and I feel like he doesn't understand or sympathize.

So I have a maybe awkward question that you by no means have to answer; but how's your sex life now that you are pregnant? I hadn't been planning on getting pregnant and never even thought about having a sex life while pregnant but now that I am pregnant I wonder what everyone's sex life is like since everyone's pregnancy is different!

I absoultely love the baby wipe case, soo adorable! I had seen some on a few websites I was browsing and thought they were adorable, that one is so perfect for you!
P.S. Congrats on us being in double digits! My pregnancy application doesn't show days so I don't know how many days unless I see our tickers on BnB lol our little ones will be here before we know it!
I finally gave in and got on here using my phone! That's awesome that you guys have such a great place! I can't wait for us to get in our new house once we move to Michigan! That's also really great about getting out of debt! I still have about $400 in credit card debt, but they actually just about doubled my limit, so I must be doing something right with my payments lol.
Haha when I read that about our sex life, the first thing that popped into my head was "what sex life?" we hardly everrrr have sex anymore! We've had sex one time in the last month or maybe even longer!! It's just uncomfortable bc when he's on top my tummy pushes out every time he goes in and it freaks me out! Ahhh but when I'm on top, I just look down and see my belly and start thinking of Madison. It pretty much sucks!!! I hope it gets better soon or at least once she's here! Do you two have any of these problems? Lol
I bet you're so excited to move to Michigan! I know I would be! Travis has two credit cards we still need to pay off and then we'll be done. I'm thinking it's closer to $600 though, but once we pay that we'll have no debt! :)

That's too funny! 1st trimester we literally didn't have sex at all. I just felt sick all the time, plus exhausted, so there was no way I could do anything! I could hardly go to work! I would sleep or rest all day! Most of second trimester was pretty sparse for any action between us. Maybe once or twice a month whenever he initiated it, which he tried not to do often out of respect for me. But the last few weeks or so I've been in the mood all the time! I feel ridiculous because before we were pregnant I was always too shy or felt silly to initiate anything even if I was in the mood, but now I'm always asking! But I also agree, it is so much more difficult! Even though I'm in the mood I always feel too unattractive! I suffer from a pretty low self esteem pre pregnancy, but with all this extra weight makes it worse! If he's on top it's awkward because I can feel my tummy between us and I just feel huge! Being on top is easier but then I feel like that's all he can see! So we've had to be creative! Haha I was surprise by how much I've been in the mood though, because i'd say I had a pretty low sex drive, but I think maybe its just been nice connecting with Travis again since I can never get comfortable enough to cuddle anymore! Plus the dogs sleep between us in bed! I'm sure soon we'll be back to no action at all as then I'll be really huge!

I'm getting so excited for our little ones! I love that we're in 3rd trimester now! I was packing lunch for the girl I nanny for school and it makes me excited for when my baby gets older!
Oh and my next appointment is May 5th and I can't believe that's next week! I can't believe a whole month has already gone by since my last appointment. I think my last appointment was April 8th or something like that and that is when I did my glucose test. It seems like it was just yesterday I did that and here I am 3 weeks later with my appointment coming up quickly! Plus the next day on the 6th is my 4D ultrasound! I can't believe its almost time to see my little one again! When is your next appointment and ultrasound?
I already wrote you on Facebook, but I have an hour to wait for this glucose tolerance test so I'm on here too :) my next appointment is today! My last one was only two weeks ago! I don't have an ultrasound until my 4D on May 21st and then another on May 25th! I'm so excited for your 4D!! Did you feel sick when you did your glucose tolerance test? I feel like I'm gonna puke.

Oh and from your last message, gosh I wish I was like that! I want to have sex, but I always feel fat and uncomfortable. I feed bad for Eric!! He just learned not to even try because I'm always gonna say no! Lol
Haha I would be bored waiting for an hour too! How did the test go?! Both our ultrasounds will be here soon and we'll get to see our little ones again! I can't wait! I love seeing them, whenever baby is rolling around I always wish I had my own ultrasound machine so I can peek inside! I felt a little sick, I had eaten right before (like 15 minutes before) so when I drank it, it wasn't quite as bad. I was so worried about the test though because I had a piece of cake earlier in the day, and then ate right before I started the test. They said we could eat like normal as long as we didn't eat during the hour.

Yeah, that's how it was for Travis, too. He had gotten so use to it he never asked! Which was nice because at least he was being respectful when I was feeling sick and not in the mood. But now he's so use to it I wish he would ask more! But I can see a dramatic change in the size of my tummy just these last two weeks and we haven't done soo much so I'm worried I'm gonna get body concious the next time we try! I already say how fat I look! I know I'm pregnant but that doesn't change the extra little love handles I now have which I never had before!

I went clothes shopping again yesterday! I had been living in one pair of sweatpants the last few weeks because I had grown out of everything! So my mom bought me 3 new pairs of sweats! I love them, they are so great because my old pair had gotten holes in the butt next to the pockets because I had to wear them so much! One of the sweats says 'Mommy In Training', of course I had to get them! It was just too cute. They're pretty baggy in the legs though so don't look nice to go out in but I don't really care! It was so cute this man was waiting while his wife tried on clothes and he asked how far along my bump and I told him almost 7 months and he wanted to know when it first started showing. I said pribably noticably at 5 months so he was shocked that in 2 months a tummy could pop out like that! It was so funny and cute! Then he asked if it was a boy. Which I thought was weird since he didn't ask the gender, just if it was a boy! Haha :)
I haven't got the results back yet, but hopefully I passed!! Ahhh I know what you mean when you talk about extra love handles! I have always been soooo tiny and it's so hard getting used to this new body of mine! I definitely can tell I am getting love handles, I tried on some of my old shorts and after I managed to button them I had the worst muffin top!!!! I was so embarrassed. I'm definitely sticking to sweats. The stretch marks on my boobs seem to have gotten worse. I also noticed one right under the hole from where my belly button was pierced. I took the ring out as soon as I found out I wad pregnant because I didn't want to get a big stretch mark through it, and I still did :( I might as well have kept it in!!
I want to go clothes shopping! I pretty much just wear sweat pants everyday, but it's getting waaaaaay to hot! I have a few dresses that look cute with my bump, but I want some comfy shorts or something! Those sweats that you got sound so cute!!! I would have had to get them too if I had seen them :) and it's funny how that guy was asking you that! It is crazy how fast our bellies grow to make room for these babies!
Hmmm maybe you're having a boy! I always kind of thought you were having a girl, but maybe you were putting off a boy-vibe. Lol!
I had my test on a Friday and I think I got called either Tuesday or Wednesday after! I'm sure you'll get good results!

Ugh I feel like I have love handles in everything I wear! My butt and thighs have definitely grown too so I can't fit into my size 00 anymore at all! I do always think its funny to try on my old clothes just to see what they look like now! Jeans and such I can't get on but old shorts and such I can. Luckily all the pants my mom got me are maternity sweats, so they're pretty baggy but its more comfortable because they aren't tight on my tummy. Plus they hide my love handles so I don't have muffin tops anymore!

My boob stretch marks haven't seemed to gotten worse, though today they are darker. But I got so many so quick it looks terrible! I definitely haven't gotten use to them, I hate wearing any cute shirts that have a neckline! Tank tops, v necks, even scoop necks show my stretch marks. I'm sure its because my boobs have grown so big I have huge cleavage now so it makes looking down my shirt just that much easier! I actually still have my naval ring in, and haven't noticed any stretch marks yet. Though I'm sure soon I'll have to take it out and soon I'll have a ton of stretch marks on it, I'm not too excited about that. I have a couple very tiny stretch marks on my hips more towards my butt, but they are small. My mom said she didn't get a single stretch mark until her 3rd baby! I am so jealous!

Clothes shopping is so nice, just because afterwards you feel so much more comfortable! Here it is so cold, so I definitely wear sweats 24/7. However this week its suppose to be a little bit warmer! Sunday is suppose to by sunny and 66 and here for us poor Seattlites everyone will be exposing their butt cheeks in shorts :) But since it won't get above 70 until July I can probably get away with wearing sweats for a while! But I say go splurge a little and get some comfy shorts :) I hate soending money when I know I need stuff for my LO and I know LO will be here soon, but its so worth it being comfortable in the end, especially now that we're in 3rd tri and going to get even more uncomfortable!

It was so funny because he was clueless and shocked! But its so nice having people notice and compliment my bump! My mom bought me a couple new shirts too so now I have a few that show off my bump well rather than hide it! Plus now that next week is suppose to be somewhat warm I won't have to wear jackets or sweatshirts!

I think we've decided to not find out the gender for sure, now. I just feel like the baby will be here so soon I can hold out on the ultimate surprise, but maybe I am giving off boy vibes (I always picture myself with a girl though, too)! I'll be so happy either way I just want them to be healthy! I just want to see LO already! I can't wait for our 3D ultrasound next Friday! I finally get another peek at my sweet baby!

How are baby movements going for you? My little one seems so active lately! It's constantly rolling around and poking and proding me! Oh my I even was feeling kicks but now that LO is so much bigger I can feel its limbs so much more definied! I also feel the baby while walking around quite a bit, and like I said it seems so active lately whenever I'm sitting I can feel baby jumping about. It makes my arms move when I'm resting them on my tummy!
I didn't even think my boobs were growing, so my stretch marks totally took me by surprise. I remember my bras getting tight during the first two months, so I got bigger ones. I still had a little room to grow though, so I didn't really notice that my boobies were getting bigger! I tried one one of my old bras the other day and it was seriously ridiculous! My nipple wasn't even covered haha, its not like it popped out either, I just couldn't even get them in there! Luckily my stretch marks aren't visible in any of my shirts yet, and I just bought a bandeau top swim suit so you can't see them in that either! I swear they showed up over night though.*
I wanna go clothes shopping, but I feel like since I've only got 12 more weeks and then I won't need them anymore, I don't even want to spend the money! I need to though, bc 12 weeks is kind of a long time and I need shorts!!*
I'm glad you're almost out of sweat shirt weather!! I was sooo uncomfortable in winter clothes when it was cold here and when I was in Michigan! I think summer clothes are just more flattering and comfy when you're pregnant!
I'm soo excited that you're gonna wait to find out the sex! I wanted to tell you that I thought you should wait, but I knew it wasn't my place and I didnt want to sway your opinion from doing what you wanted and I wanted to be supportive! I know that you two wanted to wait, and Omg you've come soooo far without knowing! Now I'm even more excited to have our babies so I can know what you're having! I was thinking about this earlier, and how cool would it be if we delivered on the same day!*
I could have written that word for word about my movements! Thats how I would describe it! I'm always like wow I think that's her elbow or head or butt haha. I can feel her rubbing against me trying to get comfortable. I can also feel her on both sides at once sometimes so I think its like her head on one side and feet or butt on the other. :) it's soooo exciting, they aren't always kicks now, they're just movements! She's soooo much more active now too! Whether I'm sitting, standing, laying, it doesn't matter anymore! I'll be sitting there watching my tummy bounce through my shirt and I always wonder if people are looking at it move too lol. I never knew you could actually SEE babies like that!
I think my boobs were the first things to grow! But the stretch marks still took me by surprised because I got so many that appeared literally over night! My bra's were the same way early on before I bought new ones, where my nipple wasn't even covered, it was so uncomfortable and embarassing feeling! That's good that you can't really see yours! Mine get mostly covered so I'm not too worried, I have a while before I'll need a bathing suit but maybe I'll look for a top like yours to help cover these marks!

I know what you mean about buying clothes so close to baby's due date! Seems silly to spend so much on clothes you'll wear for just a couple months! I'm still quite amazed by how much my body has grown! This is the biggest I've been in my life and that's not even including my belly! It was so nice and sunny yesterday (Sunday) and I found a pair of old shorts I actually fit into and I have to agree summer clothes are so much more comfortable and flattering! But my poor pale Seattlite body didn't handle the sun rays well, especially since I couldn't find any sunscreen since our move in January, so I got very burnt!

I'm exciting we're waiting as well. At 20 weeks when I could have found out was probably the hardest just because all the other pregnant girls were finding out and it seemed so exciting, as well as picking out all the clothes and nursery items. But now that it is two months later the feeling has warn off, especially since we only have 12 weeks until our little ones are here, it just seems silly to find out so late, and it will be so exciting to be surprised on the day of LO's birth! I just hope LO doesn't show its little baby bits to the 3D ultrasound! I'm glad you're excited we're waiting as well as everyone we tell that we're waiting say we just must find out because THEY want to know! How ridiculous, this is OUR baby! I am excited we'll be able to talk the closer we get to our due dates. It's nice having someone we've talked to throughout most of our pregnancies and then get to hear about each other's LO's births! It'll be fun to see who's is born first! I can't wait for baby pictures and not ultrasound pictures! It's going to be here before we know it!

I thought I was excited about the first kicks but these movements are just as exciting as the very first movements! I absolutely love them and just sit and watch my belly all the time! I love how active our little ones are! It's so funny feeling them and knowing their trying to get comfortable. I hope my little one is really active during my 3D ultrasound so I can get a better picture in my mind of what they look like moving all the time! Its amazing how we can feel where they are in our bellies. My boyriend thinks its crazy when I can tell him where to out his hand so he can feel. He's very jelius I get to feel these movements all the time! I feel so very lucky and since the baby is so much bigger now and I can feel the baby itself more, it's starting to feel more and more real! I totally agree about whether or not other people see our little ones moving! I was sitting at McDonalds while the nanny kids played and the baby was going crazy! I kept wondering if the other parents noticed my little one kicking and poking about!
I bet not knowing will help you get through labor too! You're gonna want him or her out so much more so you can finally know if he or she is indeed a he or she!! It's gonna be so exciting closer to our due date just waiting! I wonder who's gonna go into labor first
Your 4D is going to be amazing! By now the baby actually looks pretty close to what they're going to look like at birth! When I had mine she was still developing! I can't wait to see her again, I literally just got butterflies thinking about it! You should make it very clear that you don't want to find out, that would suck if they were like "here's HER leg" or something! Or if they showed you a potty shot and you just knew!*
I think it's so cute how excited Eric gets when he gets to feel her move :) he always makes the cutest face!!!
My step mom bought me a stroller and I put it together! I'm so proud of myself haha! It's soooo cute, it has butterflies on it :) I can't wait to start setting up her room!! Have you heard anything more on a baby shower? Has anyone set a date or started making plans?

I just looked at the first page of this thread, I usually always go straight to the last page, and wow we've been on here since December! We really did go through our whole pregnancies together!!
That's so true! I'll be so excited to meet my son or daughter. I feel like finding out you're having a babybaby is life changing, but finding out what gender is life changing too! It's like having a ballet princess or a football player. Of course you can do whatever you want with your kids and they might not like the cliche gender activities, but its still changes who you are! I'm so excited to find out! I can't wait for the date to get closer so we can compair things even more! I definitely want to see who will go into labor first, how our labors went, the weight/length of our babies, everything! It's going to be here so soon. I can't believe it is already May! April flew by and I know May will too! We only have 12 weeks left!

Your 4D pictures early on were so amazing I can't imagine what mine are going to look like! You're going to have another 4D, too, right? It's going to be absolutely amazing! I am so excited I get ansty whenever I think about it because it is so soon, yet feels so far away, because I want to see my little one right now! I definitely have to let the ultrasound technition know, because I've heard of that happening to other people where they accidentally say the babies gender by saying 'hers' or 'his' boddy part, etc. I don't want that to happen! But of course if we accidentally find out we'll still be happy.

That's so exciting about the stroller! I think Travis' grandparents are wanting to buy our travel system but we're having such trouble finding one we really like. We tried out some at Babies R Us and we just want it to be high quality and we want it to be easy to fold and small enough to fit in the car's trunk. Either we're using Travis' crib from when he was a baby that his dad and grandpa made or his parents will buy us a new one. Travis is so nervous about using the one his family made because he wants everything super safe for our baby, it's so adorable. I'm not too worried but I also understand why he is but he feels awkward telling his family he doesn't want to use it. I love making my baby registry. We set aside $2000 just to buy things for before the baby get's here. We wanted a lot of $$ so that we can plan as though no one is buying us anything. That way if we don't get all the big ticket expensive items we'll have plenty of money to get our little one everything it will need!

So far I haven't heard of anything for the baby shower! Since we are choosing to not find out the gender I think my family wants to wait on having the shower, so they might wait until after. Which is just a little frustrating because that's my younger sister's choice and I don't think she understands there is so much more than clothes we need. I know picking out clothes is fun, but there are a lot of necessities we need and once the baby is here they'll need clothes for years and years so people can always get them cute outfits at birthdays and such. I'm not sure what Travis' mom plans on doing. She's not the best at planning anything and never goes above and beyond. She'll probably just invite people over to give gifts and not plan a decorative fun shower, but I don't care too much. It kind of feels weird having a party for people to buy me things. But then again it is really appreciated! I'm just annoyed because you should give 6 weeks notice for the shower so that everyone can try and make it or if they need to order something online it has time to arrive or people out of state or people who can't make it can get a gift and mail it around the same time. Well I'm already 28 weeks and 6 weeks from now I'll be 34 weeks! So shower announcements need to go out no more than 2 weeks from now!

I can't believe we've been on this thread since December! I didn't even find out I was pregnant until the end of November! I knew it had been a little while but I'm surprised how long we have been talking! Since 1st trimester! Its been nice being able to compare and get advice since our due dates are so close. Someone due way after us or way before us wouldn't as be as easy to compare but probably would still be helpful! It makes it really exciting the closer we get to our little ones due dates though! I'm still baffeled by how soon our due dates are!

Oh! I found two diaper bags I like, here are the links:
I like this one best because it has the best reviews, and doesn't look too much like a diaper bag. They say the silver isn't quite as goddy as it looks in the picture, which I'm glad about. They say it has a lot of pockets and space and comes with a changing pad which is perfect! Also seems to have better quality material so it should be durable and last longer.
I like how this ones looks and it has good reviews too. Also comes with a changing pad. The other bag comes with a key hook inside, and extra coin purse, and has straps for a messanger bag styke or tote style as well as stroller hooks. This one looks like it just has tote straps and stroller hooks.

I put them both on my registry though because I would be happy with either.
Wow, those diaper bags are so cute! They don't even look like diaper bags on the outside, that's my favorite part! My diaper bag came in, but Eric's grandma won't let me see it. Even though I picked it out, and I already know that she has it! I'm just curious because I've only seen the outside. I wish she would just show me so I know whether or not I need another one, because if it doesn't have for example a place for bottles I know that I'll need to have another diaper bag for when we go somewhere and she needs a bottle. Or just things like that!*
My mom booked my 4D ultrasound for the 21st! I am so excited!!! I'm happy that she'll be there and since it's the day before my baby shower, my best friend who lives in Texas gets to come too! I have a feeling there's gonna be a lot of people there this time :) Ahh yours is so soon! I can't wait to see pictures! Ultrasounds are so much fun!
My mom ordered my baby shower invitations online and only ordered 50, we ended up having to order more, and they haven't even got here yet! The problem is, my baby shower is in 19 days!!! So they are going to be SO late. The first set of invitations already went out, and people have already got them which is exciting! I just feel bad that the others aren't even gonna get them until like a week before the baby shower. Luckily it's mostly just family that hasn't got them, so they know around when it's going to be.*
My baby's kicks have gotten ridiculous!! I can not believe how big and strong she is. She even woke me up this morning! She has become so active, it's like she takes 20 minute naps and then is back to squirming around again! I can actually see my belly hopping from the corner or my eye!
We haven't really put much aside for Madison. We have money in savings, but it's mostly for a house. I have a feeling we'll have everything we need as far as baby items after the baby shower. We already have two bouncers, two car seats, and two strollers. We got one of each new, and the others were hand me downs from Eric's nephew. My mom is buying our crib/room set. We have tons of clothes, but I know we'll get more. We also have a lot of other baby things already; bottles, pacifiers, blankets, and just other necessities. Eric's mom has been buying us diapers and wipes every week, so we have a pretty big stash already! And his grandma will most likely write us a check for $1000. She is, and rich lol. I'm lucky to have our families helping with everything. I feel so bad for people that have to do it all alone, I would be so overwhelmed!
Has your doctor warned you about vision disturbances? I was typing this earlier and I had to stop bc my vision got really blurry and doubled. It's actually still going on, but I'm just laying in bed trying to decide whether or not to go to the hospital. I've also got a headache now and I'm worried about high blood pressure. I feel like every time I go to the doctor they kind of just blow me off, so I don't even want to go!*
I'm glad you think they're cute! I'm hoping I won't need to get another so I was looking for one with lots of pockets and pockets for bottles. I think the solid black one has insulated bottle pockets and the black/white/silver doesn't, but I know it has pockets on the outside that fits bottles. I'm sure I'll go through one or two diaper bags as I love being really organized! I would be just like you wanting to see my bag if I knew she already had it! Helps with planning:) But if you can't see it, at least it will work for a little while until you can get another one.

That is so exciting! The 21st is mine and Travis' 5 year anniversary! It will be here so soon and you'll get to see little Maddison again! :) I think it will be fun for you to have everyone join you during the scan. My first ultrasound was just me because I didn't want to invite my mom since Travis hadn't seen his own baby yet. So the second ultrasound it was just us since it was his first time seeing our little one, and the 3D ultrasound would be the only one we could invite people to, but since there will be a video I think we're going to go just the two of us:) I'm excited for your baby shower! Sounds like most of the people who haven't gotten invites yet are family who probably already know the date so it should work out well! I just know for my moms surprise party I only told people 3 weeks in advance and not a lot of people came so I am worried. Everyone we know has conflicting schedules so I want to give a lot of notice in advance so they can make arrangements to come. We don't have a lot for the baby quite yet. We have a swing, changing table, bouncy seat, some hand me down clothes, and a portable crib. Otherwise we don't have much, which is why I set aside a lot of money so that during my last month of pregnancy I can get everything we need and not worry about where the money is coming from. Sounds like you have a lot already which is great! We are both very lucky to have such helpful families! I feel for the girls who are doing everything on their own. I know I could but its so much easier and relieving getting help!

Travis and I went over our bills and debts and future expenses so we could see where we stand financially. I do this just about every month because I like being organized, but it was nice to go over it with him plus he helped look into other financial aspects. Anyways we're paying our last debts off thos month. Around $500 in old credit card bills of Travis'. We paid the $800 carpet bill last month. So after we call today to pay the AMEX bill, we'll be completely debt free! Which I think is so exciting. We also budgeted $3000 - $4000 for a new vehicle that we already have in our accounts and can use at any time to purchase a second car! We also put $2000 into savings and have money in our accounts for bills next month! Plus we're budgeting about $2000 so that I can take August off after the baby is born. We have just enough for me to take 4 weeks off. Although that isn't a lot of time it is nice knowing we are now debt free, have money for baby items, and money for me to take some time off, while being able to continue to pay our current bills! We definitely aimed low on how much money we actually had and Travis is hoping to save enough so I can take longer than 4 weeks off. Its so relieving knowing where we stand financially and that we have this all situated before our little one gets here!

My doctor hasn't warned me about vision distrubances. I feel like she kind of just checks in with me and if I don't say anything concerning she kind of just sends me on my way. She's nice and I like that the clinic is in the same hospital we'll be having our little one, but I kind of wish she was more personable or that she at least gave me a lot of information! I feel like when I ask her questions she answers them as though it was silly! So I know how you feel about being blown off each time you go in! I had slightly high blood pressure when I went in for my glucose test but they thought it might have been because I just drank the drink they gave me and so they tested my blood pressure again after my appointment and it had gone down. I don't know if I have any vision disturbances but I want to look into that because I have okay eye site but have trouble reading from a distance. But recently it has seemed to have gotten worse and I notice sometimes my vision seems to get really blurry all of a sudden and then will go away! The doctors told me I needed to take an iron supplement but on the supplement it says to not take it if you're taking another supplement with iron, which my prenatals have iron in them. I've been taking the iron supplement and my prenatals anyway because I know my doctor knows I'm taking my prenatals so I'm sure she would have warned me if I shouldn't take both. I just want our little ones to be healthy!
That is so awesome that you two are almost out of debt! Eric got hurt at his old job so they made him go to their clinic, he ended up having to get stitches. Obviously since he got hurt on the job and they sent him, they were supposed to cover the bill. They denied it though because he was getting ready to leave, even though he was CLOCKED IN!!! He didn't even want to go, and he could have just gone to his own doctor, seeing as he has insurance and it would have been covered! Now he's got a freaking $600 bill for two stitches. That is pretty frustrating, and it's totally bad timing!!*
We are really lucky to have Eric's mom moving in with us. She's going to help out a lot with the bills, and she'll be here if I ever need help with the baby. I'm very fortunate, because there is no rush in me getting back to work. I'm gonna have plenty of time to bond with my baby :) I remember you saying that the people you nanny for said you can bring the baby to work, is that what you're going to do?*
I have decided that I want to try to have a natural birth, no epidural! A lot of people recommend taking childbirth classes if you want to do it natural. My doctors office offers free classes, but they aren't just for childbirth. It's a bunch of things all mixed together, and theres only one and it's just two hours long. I'm not sure two hours is enough to cover all the other things AND childbirth. I want to take an actual childbirth class! The problem is, the only ones I've been able to find are anywhere from $100-$500, that's a lot of money! Eric said he would pay for it, but I want to try to find one that isn't quite so much. They're also like eight hours long, all in one day! If I'm spending that much, I would rather have it split up into two or three classes. I don't want to sit through an eight hour class! Have you looked into any classes?*
I'm sure she wouldn't have given you iron if you weren't supposed to take it with your prenatals, but I would probably ask anyway! I ask questions about everyyyyything. My prenatals don't even have iron or calcium in them! I asked my doctor about this and she said it was fine, and that if I needed iron she would give me iron pills. I'm guessing my iron is fine, bc she hasn't said anything!
That's crazy! I feel like you could almost sue for that since he was on the clock. No matter what there should be a statement with what time the accident happened which you could match with his clock in/clock out time! I would be so upset! I'm very relieved to be out of debt, we just need to call his AMEX card and pay it and we'll be done! We were really lucky though because Travis' great aunt passed away on Christmas Eve and we ended up getting $2000 from her and she gave a lot to Travis' parents who used $3000 to pay off some of his old debts (most of which was the best buy card for the TV he bought). Otherwise we would still have a ton of debt!

It will be really nice to have Eric's mom there to help! My mom lost her job in November and just got a nanny job that pays slightly less than my job (as she only works 33 hours) so she might actually end up moving into our 3rd spare bedroom. Which would help her out a lot but also help us with bills and the baby! I'm not 100% what will happen with my job. I assume I will work up until I go into labor, and then I hope to take a month off and the nanny mom had mentioned if her youngest goes to all day kindergarten (3 full days a week) she would still need me but it would be part time pay and that I can bring my little one. So I am hoping that offer is still on the table as it would make an easy transition into going back to work.

I definitely want to try for a natural birth, too. I really don't want an epidural. I have heard getting one could also lead to an emergency c section which actually happened to one of my sister's friends and I have also heard from other ladies and for whatever reason I am pretty scared of getting a c section. If I feel I need help with the labor pains I think I would rather go with medication than an epidural. I think its going to hurt like crazy but that we both can (literally) push through! I haven't looked into classes yet. I had my doctors appointment yesterday but my doctor had gotten sick and went home so they had another doctor do the check up for me, so I was a bit frazzled and forgot to ask all my questions! That does sound expensive for classes! And an 8 hour class sounds so long for a pregnant women to have to sit or participate! Why couldn't they break it up into a couple of classes?! I am sure my doctors office has classes they can recommend so maybe I'll be able to attend some. I think it would just help me relax a bit during labor to feel like I had been somewhat educated beforehand!

I assume they wouldn't let me take the pills of it wasn't okay, and I haven't felt sick or anything. I was going to ask but because I didn't see my doctor I had gotten distracted and forgot to ask! Which prenatals do you take? That's crazy yours doesn't have any iron because mine has 28mg and I'm taking an iron supplement on top of that! I must really be low on iron! I just take some cheap brand from walmart but I checked it with all the regular brands and it had the same % of each vitamin as the women's one a day so I wasn't too worried. It was $8 for 270 pills!

Anyway as I mentioned I had my doctors appointment yesterday. It was just a super quick check up (felt faster than the time it took me to provide a urine sample!) But my urine she said was fine and she checked my weight but didn't tell me so I might call and ask because I like to go by what their scales say every 4 weeks. She messured my uterus which was 28in and she said that was spot on for 28 weeks. The baby heartbeat was good in the 150s she said, which it has been the whole pregnancy so that's good too! My blood pressure was back to normal since at the last appointment it was a little high. Other than that there wasn't much news, she said again I wouldn't need another ultrasound unless there was something they were worried about which is still crazy to me. I thought they would messure the baby at least once more to see if I was still going along on my due date or to see if the baby was growing well but if they aren't concerned I won't be! I now go in every 2 weeks. They didn't have their July calendar to book the 1 week appointments, so I'm just booked through June. Today is my 4D ultrasound at 1:45 and I am so excited I'm packing what I call a 'wiggle' lunch as the lady at the ultrasound place said to eat 10-15 minutes before something spicy or something that would get baby to move so we could get a good video. I am so excited I will definitely be posting pictures later!
That would be great for your mom! That's pretty much what we're doing with Eric's mom, we're helping her and she's helping us. Everyone wins! I just think it will be so much easier not having to pay as much, because that's more money we can spend on little Madi :)*
I really don't want an epidural! I know we can do it without one! I know I'll probably sound like a baby, but a big reason for me not wanting one is that I don't want a catheter. I HATE the idea of having a tube up there. I learned how to put them in while I was in school and it freaked me out just learning about it. My doctor also said when you get one you usually have to push longer and you can't feel your legs so you pull them back really far and can really hurt your hips and legs. She went over the pros and cons and I decided that it wasn't really worth it!
My prenatals are gummy ones that I get from babies r us! They don't make me sick, and the other ones I had did. My doctor said the reason they don't have iron or calcium is because the consistency would make the gummy gritty and not as good. Makes sense to me I guess!!
Ahhhh I can't wait to see pictures! I am so jealous, I wish I was gonna get to see my baby today! That does suck that you aren't going to get another ultrasound! I get one more, and I thought that was even crazy!*
Do you have any new cravings? Mine are slurpees and frozen burritos! Also, ranch and baby carrots mmmmmm :)
I'm glad we'll both have extra help, but that we're also helping out someone else. It'll be nice that my mom will help out a little with rent and she said she'll also help with cleaning and cooking as well. She only works 3 days a week for 11 hour days, so she has 4 days off a week which works nicely to leave the baby in its own home if I don't want to take the little one to work. She also said she would pay for cable and internet since right now we aren't doing so, which will be nice when we're up in the middle of the night with the baby and such.

I really don't want one either, I think I will be okay with IV drips with medicine to help, but I would still like to do it without that. I've heard the same about the epidural. I think doing it naturally is best because your body can feel everything (which of course hurts) but helps you push better and quicker for the birthing process as you can tell what you're doing better! I'd like to avoid the catheter too! I've hardly had to go to the doctors for anything let alone a hospital so I'm not use to any medical processes so i'd like to be able to avoid things such as a catheter or a c-section or anything! My mom had 3 kids all natural and my boyfriends mom had 2 all natural. Both wanted epidurals but were unable to get them. My moms labors went too quickly for her to get one! I hope I'm the same way!

That does make sense that your vitamins don't have iron or calcium in them. Sounds a lot yummier too! Mine made me sick during first trimester but I read to take them at night so I would sleep rather than get sick, so I've continued to do that. But they don't really make me sick anymore, anyway.

I guess I just think its crazy we won't get many ultrasounds because I feel like they would want to check the growth of the baby and such after the halfway point! But then again my mom and my boyfriends mom when they were having kids it was more unusual to have any ultrasounds! So I won't worry too much!

My more recent cravings are pretty much anything sweet. My moms birthday in April I somehow got two left over cakes and ate them both! I only had a piece a day but my boyfriend didn't have any, I ate them all! I also love milkshakes. I'm normally more of a smoothie person rather than a milkshake person! I never would buy milkshakes before being pregnant! I loove ranch and carrots but don't really crave them. I still eat tons of strawberries and have at least one apple a day!

How was your mothers day?! We had Travis' parents, Travis' grandparents, My mom and sister, and my grandparents over for lunch. My mom made lunch (my sister and brother were suppose to but my brother got sick). They made blackberry chicken, a salad, asparagus, rolls, and for dessert we had strawberry shortcake, it was all soo delicious. My sister and I got our mom diamond earrings because she had gotten a pair when she turned 21 from her siblings and in March lost one! So we got her new ones, she was so surprised. It was so adorable, Travis bought all the moms (including me) a huge boquet of flowers. It had a rose, lillies, tulips, and other flowers. They were so pretty and he said they cost a lot but it was so cute to see him bring them all in! He also wrote his mom this really sweet card that almost made her cry and then bought both me and her this back massager I have been wanting! I was so surprised and it's so amazing since my back has been worse than ever now that I'm pregnant. Did you get to celebrate your first mothers day?!

The 4D ultrasound went okay. Our baby loves having its face smooshed up against the placent (it was like that during the 20 week ultrasound too) so the ultrasound technitian had a really tough time coming up with a 3D picture. The store itself felt almost like a consignment shop and I didn't think the lady had the best customer service. The whole appointment lasted 1 hour, the ultrasound maybe 30 minutes. First she had me fill out paperwork and while I was doing that she was doing stuff around the store. Then they only had 1 bathroom for the whole complex so I had to leave the store with a key and walk all the way to the bathroom. She had this little toy poodle there, which I didn't mind, but felt like it was weird for her to bring her dog to a place where there are a lot of pregnant women because you never know how their senses are that day, if they're comfortable with dogs, or allergic. Then she brought us to the ultrasound room which had 3 screens, one really large screen that she said was 4 seconds behind because it was connected to the hard drive which was copying the video, then a small screen on the left wall, and then the computer monitor. Well I had to lay on my left side because of the way the baby was laying so I was only able to watch the small screen which had such a small picture. Then the lady would move so quickly while taking the ultrasound because she was trying to move the baby to get a good picture so when she finally could she was rushing through to get a couple pictures so the video was just her jumping around constantly. During the ultrasound it was so hard for me to see anything on the small screen and because of the placenta we didn't get to see much until the end and then it was so hard for me to tell anything because the screen was small and she would move so fast from what she was talking about because it was easier for her to know what everything was because she does this for a living and this was just our first baby! It was frustrating. Then she kept saying how one of the front desk girls was probably going to quit because she had to work late the day before and she had to go sleep at her grandma's house because it was closer to work for the morning and then the day we were there they had a new computer system and she was frustrated by it. So it was awkward because she kept talking about it! So we got 3 pretty good pictures and like 30 not so great ppictures and a horrible video. Then when we went to pay she was whispering to the second front desk girl about the one who might quit and it was awkward so we just played with her dog until she was done! Basically overall the experience really wasn't that great, and we paid $200 for just a couple good pictures. But we're still happy we got them because it was nice seeing a real baby face! Here are some of the pictures:

The foot!

This was when the baby grabbed its foot!

A good picture of the hand

She said the baby had really long fingers and toes.

This one is my favorite!

The baby is still cuddling up to my pelvic bone like it was during 20 weeks. Both at the 20 week scan and this 4D scan the technitians had to try and move baby off my bone. The 4D technitian said that's probably what is causing so much pressure and pain while walking. I think I have to believe her because I woke up this morning and could literally feel the baby just pushing extra hard on my right hip! Last night and today the baby has gotten even stronger. We were feeling and watching it move and my boyfriend describes it as ripples across my belly! Its so crazy feeling, I don't even know how to describe what it feels like inside! But its almost uncomfortable! I'm starting to think we're having a boy! I heard boys are carried low and I think my baby is as low as possible! My placenta is all on top of my bump which feels so weird because its like a big balloon right under my boobs. I had Travis feel it and he agree's it feels just like a balloon, then I had him feel low on my bump where the baby was and he says it feels tense and hard. I'm so excited, we're getting so close to our due date, its just going to fly by! I can't wait to know if I'm having a son or daughter and who's features they got! :)
I did get to celebrate, it was such a great day! Eric paid for me to get my hair done, so I thought that was my only gift. When I got out of the shower there was a sweet card, he told me how lucky Madison is because I am going to be such a good mommy, and signed it from our dog and ferret :) it also had another surprise in it! A prenatal spa package!! I have to schedule it, but he already paid for it. I get a 60 minute prenatal massage and a 55 minute European facial. I am sooo excited! We also went to the movies with his mom, sister, grandma, uncle, and uncles girlfriend. We saw Something Borrowed, it was really good! It was just a great day all together! All that food you ate sounds AMAZING!!! Its funny that you're craving sweets, because thats what I crave too! If you go by cravings, I thinks sweets mean girl! Thats what everyone who has had girls have told me at least! :)

I'm so sorry that your ultrasound wasn't a great experience! That seems really unprofessional that she was talking about those personal problems! I would have said something. Thats not fair to you! It also sucks that you couldn't see to well. I would have been a little disappointed, especially after spending that much! At least you got some good pictures!! The one that you said is your favorite is my favorite too! You have the cutest baby!!!!!! I love how you can see his/her little hands and little nose. So freaking cute!
Last night we bought all of our travel sized toiletries and a bag for them for the hospital!! I got: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, body wash, a small loofa, hand and face wipes, toothbrush, toothpaste! For Eric: toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, body wash, shampoo. I got a cute pink see-through bag to put it all in, I thought that would make it easier to find things when I'm in the hospital! I have never had to stay in the hospital! I don't know if I'm nervous or excited! I won't be packing my hospital bag for another 2 weeks, because my mom bought me a bag and she won't be here until my baby shower. I feel better knowing that I got the toiletries ready though, they're all together so I can just throw them in the bag! I'm kind of panicking lately, I just want everything to be ready!!!
I wonder where my placenta is? I'm gonna ask at my ultrasound. That makes sense that your baby is causing your pain by sitting there. Hopefully he/she will move soon so you can be more comfortable!!!
My baby has gotten SOOO strong. Sometimes her kicks hurt! They wake me up, and sometimes they startle me! Have your kicks startled you at all? Sometimes I'll have my arms resting on my belly and she will kick them and it hurts!!

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