Proud Mom to Elsie Louise
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Yeah I think it was his because his Mom wanted to keep it at their place so the baby would have a place to sleep, but his Dad really wanted us to have it, plus we have a portable crib/play pin that works for such occasions! I love all the hand-me-downs! They're so great for saving money, plus most have hardly even been used. My mom got this really nice baby swing for when she baby sat my cousins little boy, she hardly had it before he outgrew it and so she gave it to us, and its a really nice one! We also got that portable crib/play pin, bouncy seat, changing table, stationary play seat, some diapers, boy and girl clothes, lots of little things!
I was also surpised by the prices of the travel systems I liked! I want the travel system over a stroller because its a matching set of a baby car seat and a stroller that are compatible, but there only around $150! I feel like $100 is so easy to spend now days so I was also surpised by the prices of the 'larger' items we will need like a baby bjorn or even cribs. Babies R Us has the forever beds for $500 that staft as a crib and can convert all the way to a twin sized bed which would last for years!
Oh I know what you mean, we hardly have any awkward moments and being pregnant has made us even more comfortable which I thought was impossible, but I can imagine him helping you shave would be one of those more awkward moments! I always shave standing in the tub, I can't imagine having just a shower, that would make it incredibly difficult! A mirror is a good idea, but if all else faisl a wax will always work! I've never gotten one and worry about the pain but I definitely want to be well groomed, so it would be worth it.
Oh I know! I love being pregnant but this not being able to get comfortable thing is crazy. I've already cried so many times over not being able to be comfortable, especially since I have such terrible back pain! My boyfriend and two dogs insist on using me as a pillow so I get even more squashed! I always always struggle to get off the couch or sit up in bed or anything, and my boyfriend allways watches so I just say 'Oh my goodness you can help and not just watch me struggle!' Haha I always feel so goofy because I actually feel like a beached whale while he watches my attempts of sitting up! I can't believe I'm gonna get bigger! I'm not gonna lie, I didn't have the best posture, but now its just horrible! I can't help it though, supporting this baby makes my back all sorts of crazy! How was the flight?!
We do have our own place, when we first got pregnant we were in this tiny crappy apartment that I hated, and once we found out we were pregnant debated on moving. It was a 1 bedroom, 650sq.ft, and cramped, but it was only $550 a month! My mom kept telling us to stay until after the baby was born just to save money, but it was making my anxiety worse and putting a stress on my relationship with my boyfriend because I am a huge neat-nik and I couldn't stand being so cramped! So we found a house to rent that is 1200sq.ft and has a huge yard for the dogs, plus two bedrooms, and an extra bedroom that was converted into a formal dining room but can get changed back creating a 3rd bedroom if we need! It's double the rent $1100 a month, but we absolutely love it and have been doing really well with bills and coming out of 'debt' (owing money to replace the old apartments carpet, and my boyfriends last credit card bills), so in the end it worked out really great and our baby will get its own room!
I totally understand about not feeling excited to set up the baby's room since it isn't permanent. I would feel the exact same way, especially since you'll have to take it down and redo it at your new place! You don't sound ungreatful! It's nice of his mom to let you live their but that doesn't change the disappointment of not having Maddie's permanent room set up!
I feel silly because it was my boyfriends 21st birthday on Sunday and we had been so excited last year to celebrate together and being pregnant I am unable to. Plus everyone tells me once the baby is born and I am breast feeding I won't be able to drink so I was a little discouraged. Of course I would never do anything to harm my baby but I guess I was just slightly disappointed because I felt like the day we found out I was pregnant I had to stop everything harmful, even eating certain foods, and my boyfriend gets to continue as long as he would like! I didn't drink crazy or anything before being pregant but I think it was just the idea that I felt like I had to sacrifice everything while he got to continue and I feel like he doesn't understand or sympathize.
So I have a maybe awkward question that you by no means have to answer; but how's your sex life now that you are pregnant? I hadn't been planning on getting pregnant and never even thought about having a sex life while pregnant but now that I am pregnant I wonder what everyone's sex life is like since everyone's pregnancy is different!
I absoultely love the baby wipe case, soo adorable! I had seen some on a few websites I was browsing and thought they were adorable, that one is so perfect for you!
I was also surpised by the prices of the travel systems I liked! I want the travel system over a stroller because its a matching set of a baby car seat and a stroller that are compatible, but there only around $150! I feel like $100 is so easy to spend now days so I was also surpised by the prices of the 'larger' items we will need like a baby bjorn or even cribs. Babies R Us has the forever beds for $500 that staft as a crib and can convert all the way to a twin sized bed which would last for years!
Oh I know what you mean, we hardly have any awkward moments and being pregnant has made us even more comfortable which I thought was impossible, but I can imagine him helping you shave would be one of those more awkward moments! I always shave standing in the tub, I can't imagine having just a shower, that would make it incredibly difficult! A mirror is a good idea, but if all else faisl a wax will always work! I've never gotten one and worry about the pain but I definitely want to be well groomed, so it would be worth it.
Oh I know! I love being pregnant but this not being able to get comfortable thing is crazy. I've already cried so many times over not being able to be comfortable, especially since I have such terrible back pain! My boyfriend and two dogs insist on using me as a pillow so I get even more squashed! I always always struggle to get off the couch or sit up in bed or anything, and my boyfriend allways watches so I just say 'Oh my goodness you can help and not just watch me struggle!' Haha I always feel so goofy because I actually feel like a beached whale while he watches my attempts of sitting up! I can't believe I'm gonna get bigger! I'm not gonna lie, I didn't have the best posture, but now its just horrible! I can't help it though, supporting this baby makes my back all sorts of crazy! How was the flight?!
We do have our own place, when we first got pregnant we were in this tiny crappy apartment that I hated, and once we found out we were pregnant debated on moving. It was a 1 bedroom, 650sq.ft, and cramped, but it was only $550 a month! My mom kept telling us to stay until after the baby was born just to save money, but it was making my anxiety worse and putting a stress on my relationship with my boyfriend because I am a huge neat-nik and I couldn't stand being so cramped! So we found a house to rent that is 1200sq.ft and has a huge yard for the dogs, plus two bedrooms, and an extra bedroom that was converted into a formal dining room but can get changed back creating a 3rd bedroom if we need! It's double the rent $1100 a month, but we absolutely love it and have been doing really well with bills and coming out of 'debt' (owing money to replace the old apartments carpet, and my boyfriends last credit card bills), so in the end it worked out really great and our baby will get its own room!

I totally understand about not feeling excited to set up the baby's room since it isn't permanent. I would feel the exact same way, especially since you'll have to take it down and redo it at your new place! You don't sound ungreatful! It's nice of his mom to let you live their but that doesn't change the disappointment of not having Maddie's permanent room set up!
I feel silly because it was my boyfriends 21st birthday on Sunday and we had been so excited last year to celebrate together and being pregnant I am unable to. Plus everyone tells me once the baby is born and I am breast feeding I won't be able to drink so I was a little discouraged. Of course I would never do anything to harm my baby but I guess I was just slightly disappointed because I felt like the day we found out I was pregnant I had to stop everything harmful, even eating certain foods, and my boyfriend gets to continue as long as he would like! I didn't drink crazy or anything before being pregant but I think it was just the idea that I felt like I had to sacrifice everything while he got to continue and I feel like he doesn't understand or sympathize.
So I have a maybe awkward question that you by no means have to answer; but how's your sex life now that you are pregnant? I hadn't been planning on getting pregnant and never even thought about having a sex life while pregnant but now that I am pregnant I wonder what everyone's sex life is like since everyone's pregnancy is different!
I absoultely love the baby wipe case, soo adorable! I had seen some on a few websites I was browsing and thought they were adorable, that one is so perfect for you!