Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

Thank you!!! I love the hand sanitizers and diaper cake, I'm glad you like them too!
Those games sound like so much fun! We played the one where you guess the size of the belly at my cousins baby shower, but we did it with yarn. I won that one too!! I haven't asked what games we're playing yet, but she said we're playing four. I want to play more than that, I think! My baby shower is also going to be huge, we sent out 75 invitations! I have a big family haha. I'm not sure how many RSVP's my moms gotten, but I know of at least 40 so way more than that! I'll be excited to see everyone, because most of them haven't seen my bump yet!! I never have birthday parties or anything, so it will be fun to have a party for me and my baby :)

It's so hard to decide when to get maternity pictures! I don't want to wait too long, in case I get stretch marks or go into labor early! Stretch marks can be photoshopped though. I don't want to do it to soon either, because I want a BIG bump in my pictures!! I'm thinking around 35 weeks though! What about you? I'd like to have some with Eric! I was thinking we could wear jeans and the same color shirt, not too corny though!! I'll probably do some with him, change into two different outfits, and maybe a couple nakeysss! :) I want to remember my bump!!*
I need to pack my hospital bag!! I keep putting that off. I'm gonna do it as soon as my mom leaves!
I'm getting so excited for my 4D! I haven't seen Madi in like 10 weeks!
Your baby shower is so close! :) I have no clue how many invites are going out. So far I only know of my half of the family that is being invited and I forgot to count when I was planning who to invite with my mom. We're doing a co-ed party though. It will be so much fun to show off your bump! Some of our families have seen my bump, and some haven't. But definitely not when its this big. Since its always cold and rainy here it was covered up mostly until recently! Plus I don't really talk to my dad much and he'll be invited. He hasn't seen me since I was pregnant so it will be his first time seeing my bump!

I know, I'm having a hard time deciding when to get my pictures done too! So far I have no stretch marks on my bump, which will make good pictures, but like you said they can be photoshopped. I have a ton on my butt! It's so embarassing! They are all over! Started on my hips and were light, now they're covering everywhere and getting dark! I still have the ones on my boobs that I got early around 20 weeks or so. They haven't gotten worse, but they haven't gotten better and they're very noticable! I was also thinking around 35 weeks, because if you plan it too late you could go into early labor and never get any maternity pictures! I was thinking of doing jeans too! I just like the way they look, and then maybe both wear a basic white t-shirt or something. I think I'll mostly have my shirt up as i'd rather see my bump the whole time! Then maybe I'll do a more feminine outfit for solo pictures, or maybe some cute lingerie, so I can show off my bump and feel almost like naked pictures but just not quite!

I haven't packed my hospital bag either! I probablu should. Do you have a list of what you're putting in your bag? I don't want to forget anything. I'm still so unprepared which is why I want my baby shower! So I can know what I need to get still, get everything, pack a hospital bag, and get the nursery more user friendly!

The mom I nanny for was asking when I want to start and take my leave. Since I'm just nannying and would have to bring my little one to work, I wasn't sure if they would hire me back, but she had mentioned I could. So she said she had a someone lined up for July 19th, so that they have a sitter to watch the kids since I'll be having my little one soon after. I told her that was great because I was worried about going into labor and then they wouldn't have anyone to watch the kids. But I was also very worried that it was a replacement nanny as it would be difficult to find someone for such a short term position, being as I only want to take a month off. Luckily however, the boy I watch mentioned that he heard I wasn't going to be watching him in the summer and that the girl across the street will be. I had met her earlier this year and she is still in high school and was practicing for her drive test for her license, so I would say she's probably 16. Which was such a relief because that means they'll most likely still be planning on having me work for them after I take some time off! I believe they mentioned it would be more part time since both kids will be in full time school but I think that would make for a good transition after just having my little one. My boyfriend works for his families Home Heating business but they haven't been getting a ton of business lately, and it gets worse closer to summer. So they mentioned they might not be able to keep him full time, which makes it difficult for us as I am needing to take a month off soon, plus I might have to return to work as part time. But he came home with good new's yesterday that he'll be returning to work at Costco which he worked at previously! This will be nice because even if they can't offer full time hours, he can work part time at both places. Plus it will be nice if he ends up getting full time hours at one job and can continue to get some extra hours from the other if we need to. I was getting so worried that I might be losing my job, and he might be going to part time, which would take a drastic toll on us financially. So I'm glad things are turning around!

I was going to ask you the other day, but I forgot. I was getting asked by my mom and family if I was going to be getting a tattoo for my little one since I had mentioned well before I was pregnant that I would have liked to get something for my kids. I hadn't been on BnB in a while, and saw someone had posted a thread basically about the same thing! My mom always asks me if I'm going to get the babies feet prints, but that is such a common tattoo now, that I'm not really a big fan of it any longer. I think its an adorable tattoo, but i'd rather get something else. How about you?
Ahhh I've had quite an interesting day. I'm in labor and delivery being monitored right now. It was raining earlier and I slipped and fell, luckily I landed on my back not front, I did smack my head pretty hard... Anyway, I went to urgent care assuming they'd check out my head and maybe do an ultrasound to check on Madi. Instead they sent me to L&D. After laying in triage for about an hour they came in and told me that I needed a blood draw and possibly a shot bc of my blood type. Then they explained that I've been having contractions and that I need to stay for another four hours of monitoring. They made me drink a big thing of water hoping that my contractions would stop. They haven't though, so they're gonna keep me longer and if they don't stop I'll have to get a shot to stop them. Scary! I'll let you know what happens.
There's some lady in a delivery room in labor screaming bloody murder, I'm beginning to reconsider my natural birth. It sounds like she is dying in there! :(

Anyway, I have hours to wait so I can answer your tattoo question! I have a tattoo of a clover on my ankle. It kind of represents Madison now! I thought of that when I was thinking of her name! I'm not sure if I'll get anything else though! :)
Omg that is so scary! I am always afraid I'm going to fall! I hope everything goes well for you though and that your contractions stop naturally! Can you feel the contractions or do they have to monitor you to know you're having them? Did they ever end up checking your head?! I hope you're doing well and that Madi is doing okay. I am so nervous about giving birth though because all the birth stories I've read so far everyone says how they were screaming and swearing and everything. I still want to try to avoid the epidural but I may do go with medication drips that help a little. But I'm still afraid I'll probably end up asking for an epidural! Definitely let me know how you're doing and keep me updated! I'm still so shocked that you're in L&D right now with contractions! I was having some braxton hicks the other day and then started worrying!

I think Clover as Madi's middle name is so cute, I love that you already have a clover tattoo! I have two tattoo's, one I hate. So I'm so nervous about getting more but I already have a couple I want. I can't think of anything to get for my baby though. I think I'm gonna wait and get to know my little one's personality and likes and dislikes before I get something in honor of them!
They checked my head and spine. Its fine! I can feel them, I couldn't so much at first though. Theyre getting stronger. Now my lower back is KILLING me and they're getting worse. I'm getting scared. I'll keep you updated.
I'm glad they checked your head and spine! I didn't get notified until late sometime while I was sleeping last night that you wrote! My mom and a lot of other women get contractions in their back! I think I'll be one of them because I already have so much back pain, I know that baby won't be easy on me! I hope you're doing well, definitely keep me updated!
Well the contractions just kept getting worse, so they had to give me a shot to stop them. The shot burned sooo bad, even after she took the needle out! Then it made my body feel really weird! My heart started beating fast and my hands got shaky. She told me I should try to take a nap, but the bed was so uncomfortable! I finally fell asleep, but not for long. Then finally she came in and asked if I was still feeling them, I said no, and she said good. They weren't showing on the moniter anymore, but she wanted to make sure I wasn't feeling anything that the monitor couldn't see. I was so happy to leave there after almost six hours!! Soooo happy the contractions stopped.
The lady next to me (there was a curtain separating us, but I could hear everything) was due July 21st and was in full blown preterm labor! They gave her the shot too, but it didn't work so they gave her pills too. When I left she was still in labor! I wonder if she delivered. She was very obese and unhealthy... I'm glad we're healthy!!!! My mom had back labor too, after last night I'm sure I'll have it. Seriously the worst pain ever! Especially since my back already hurt from the fall!
After being in the hospital I realized things I definitely need to bring when I go into labor! At least two of my own pillows, the hospital pillows suck! Probably my own little blanket, just so I'm more comfortable. Socks!! And a night gown. I don't even own a night gown, but I don't wanna wear the hospital gown, it's not comfortable especially when you're laying down since it ties in the back. They make you pull it up anyway bc they put moniters on your belly. Last night just made me realize that I need to get my bag packed soon and get as much of Madi's stuff together as possible. It's so crazy thinking I could have delivered last night!!!! I'm so glad I didn't. I've heard of a lot of people that had to get the shot to stop contractions and then delivered early. I'm gonna check that out some more! I don't care when I deliver, as long as it's after 36-37 weeks. I just want Madi to be safe and healthy!
We painted Madisons room!! I'm going to post pictures on Facebook, it's much easier to do it on there since I'm on my phone :) my 4D is two days away!!! I can't wait!

Also, you said you've been having Braxton hicks. I have had a lot lately! My doc said if I have more than 5 in an hour go to L&D. What did your doctor tell you?
I responded a few days ago but I guess it never posted! I'm glad everything worked out in the end, definitely a scary experience though. Hopefully Madison stays in for a while and continues to grow and get healthy! Although you had to go into L&D for a terrible reason, at least it helps you be more prepared for the next time you go in.. which hopefully won't be until July! I'll have to keep in mind your recommendations for the hospital bag! It is definitely crazy to think we could have our little ones at any moment, even though we'll hope it's not until July rolls around. Travis and I were talking about how any day we could completely be parents! It's so crazy!

I can't wait to see Madison's room pictures! I'll have to go and check facebook! How did your ultrasound go?! I bet Madison was absolutely gorgeous! I believe today is your baby shower! I hope everything goes well and that you get a ton of things you need! You'll have to tell me all about it. I keep fine tuning my baby registry, I'm so impatient, I want to already have my shower so I can go out and get everything else we need so I can finally be prepared. However my mom is mostly planning the shower and she always goes above and beyond and she keeps texting me telling me how awesome it is going to be so I am very greatful and excited for that!

I actually haven't had an BH lately. But when I saw my doctor on Friday she didn't mention a certain number but to call if I had anything unusual and not to worry if its something that doesn't seem like such a big deal because even little things are important. She mentioned BH, regular contractions, lots of discharge, etc. But every once in a while I'll roll over or move in a certain way and I get these weird pains that actually hurt pretty bad but I have no clue how to describe them. Usually I just move back to how I was before I felt the pain and wait a while before attempting again.

I apparently gained 5lbs in 2 weeks! Which was a shock to me since I had been weighing myself and hadn't notice such a change in weight. But my uterus is also measuring right on at 30in for 30 weeks. Although I always go in 4 days past my week mark, so I feel like I should probably be measuring closer to the next weeks, week number. Also! My nurse had me sign a paper saying Medicade (the insurance I get from the state) covers everything 100% except circumcision. Then she continued to tell us that if we wanted to have one of their doctors perform the circumcision it would cost $800 or she has a number to a clinic who only charges $200 or so. Anyway before hand she asked if we new the gender and we told her no we were waiting. But it just seemed like the way she was saying everything, that we were having a boy. Just because she made sure she gave us the number because she said she would probably forget. But if it was a girl she probably wouldn't be so on top of making sure we got the number to the other clinic or talk about it quite as much. So I think we might be having a boy! But of course it is technically still a surprise! Also I seem to be carrying lower and lower each week and have read and heard from a few ladies that carrying low is commonly a boy. Also you're suppose to be able to tell by the heartbeat and I can't remember what the range is, but I had thought 150bpm and below was a boy and 150bmp and above was a girl. We always get around 150 (always in the 150's). But I think girls are higher more in the 170s, what is Madison's heartbeat?
Madison's heartbeat is almost always in the 150's, but the first two times I heard it, it was in the 170's!*
When I gained four pounds in two weeks I was completely shocked!! My scale at home is always different from the one at my drs office!
My baby shower was so much fun! Almost none of my friends showed up, even though they said they were coming. NINE no showed after they RSVP'd and only four (one being my best friend from Texas) showed up. My two closest friends didn't come either, but I knew they wouldn't be able to. One is going to school in LA and the other was in LA for work. They gave me my presents ahead of time though. Even my step moms whole family flaked. My family came though, and so did Eric's. Only his step sister and sister in law didn't come. I was really surprised by how many people RSVP'd and didn't show up. The worst part was that none of my friends even called before to say they weren't gonna make it, or after the fact. It made me realize who my real friends are. I definitely don't want those girls running back around whenever Madi is here just for the attention. It was still fun though!!! I got A LOT of clothes. I hardly got anything off my registry! People just like shopping for cute baby girl clothes. Thankfully, we got $300 cash, $100 to babies r us, and $60 to target. So we went to babies r us and target and bought some things that we didn't get. We're gonna wait until either 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after my due date and we can get the rest for 10% off. We also got so many wipes and diapers, ALL size 1! Eventually, she'll be a size 2...and then 3 and so on... We have (literally) hundreds-probably closer to a thousand size 1 though! I wish we would've got other sizes too, but oh well!*
My 4D was so great! We're buying a new laptop this week, so I'll upload the pictures then and show you :) she was so cute!! She had her little foot in her face the whole time, we even saw her kick herself! You could see her hair!!! Didn't even know that was possible! She also had her eyes open sometimes and stuck her little tongue out. It was soooooo cute. I love her so much! She kept pressing her face on my belly so her nose and lips are all squished in the pictures haha, so funny!*
Maybe you are having a boy! That would be pretty exciting! We could compare and see the difference in raising boys and girls! Ahhh you'll find out soon enough!! :)
P.S. Idk why it keeps putting a '*' it happens when I post on my phone? Lol
That's funny she's always in the 150's but was in the 170's before. My baby is always in the 150's so I feel like it's really trying to surprise us with it's gender! I bet if we had wanted to know it would have tried to be stubborn and not show us! :)

I can't believe a lot of your friends didn't show up! And 9 who RSVP'd ahead of time didn't! That would be so frustrating. We're doing a BBQ at ours so if almost 10 people didn't show up that would be so frustrating since we planned food for them! We have a lot of 'friends' who keep asking about a baby shower so we might to a seperate shower for just friends since the shower on June 11th is just family. My mom alone invited 72 people but is expecting about 25 of them to actually show up, maybe more but a lot of my family lives in Oregon or farther south in Washington and probably won't make the trip up here. But maybe people will send gifts or money. Definitely sounds like a lot of people flaked which is kind of rude since it's your first baby. And with friends I totally agree. Once Madison is born they're all going to want to be buddy buddy with you so they can see her. I'm already frustrated as a lot of people don't care while I'm pregnant. Never ask how I'm doing or chat with me, but I know once my baby is born they'll try to be best friends. I don't see why we would want to let them around our babies if they weren't there for us while we were pregnant! Usually at baby showers people always buy clothes because people love buying cute baby clothes over something needed! That's why I really wanted my baby shower before the baby was born so that people were more willing to buy something on our list since it wasn't as easy to buy clothes. I also wrote on my registry that we'd prefer items on our list over clothes and diapers because I've heard some babies do really well in huggies while others do better in pampers so I wanted to test that out before we got a ton of diapers. Plus like you people never think ahead and only buy size 1 diapers or newborn and same with clothes! They only buy newborn or 0-3 month clothes. When if some people bought larger sizes we would be more prepared! Oh well. I'm hoping people are willing to buy the things I need so that I get to pick out clothes:) At least people gave you some money which is great so that you can put it towards things you really need! How come if you wait until 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your due date things are 10% off?

I'm glad your 4D went well and that you got to see Madison again! I bet that was really nice, especially after your fall! Our babies are so much bigger now they get all smooshed! That's so funny she kicked herself! I saw my baby holding onto it's foot and such. It loves having things by it's face. It's face is all pushed against my placenta and it had its umbilical chord right across it's face and it always had it's hands by its face! I bet Madison's new 4D pictures are so adorable I can't wait to see them! The lady who did my ultrasound she showed me the babies hair on the 2D so it wasn't as easy to tell.

It would be pretty cool if I had a boy and we can compare parenting them! Boys are suppose to be a bit slower developmentally so we could compare when they start walking, talking, potty training, etc! I am so excited for our due dates! I think the next two months are going to go by slowly just because I am so excited! Probably not since I still have so much to do to get ready! I did buy my travel sized toiletries and super large pads for my hopsital bag. I want to wait and see if anyone buys me the diaper bag I want because I'm going to use that as my hospital bag. Other wise I'll buy it myself after the 11th and pack it! But I wanted to prepare things ahead of time just in case even if its not in the bag. Where are you going to keep your hospital bag? I think I'm going to keep mine in my car since we only have one car right now and I usually have it, so if I'm not at home when I need to go to the hospital it will already be with me!

I don't know why it always puts a * but it definitely started after your laptop got stolen! I think it puts a * whenever you're trying to start a new paragraph. At least that's what I figured! Lol
If you register with babies r us, they give you 10% off what isn't bought off your registry! It's a really good deal!
I'm gonna keep my hospital bag at home. We would probably take my car instead of Eric's truck bc his truck is lifted and it's hard enough trying to get in there pregnant, I would have such a hard time if I was in labor!! If he's working, he might just have to call dispatch at his work and have them pick me up in an ambulance and meet me at the hospital! I won't get charged for the ambulance ride if he calls. He'll be able to get off when I'm in labor (if he's working), but he could be on the opposite side of town and it might take a while to get home! He sometimes has to transport over 45 minutes away! That would be awful if I was in labor ready to go! I figured even if I'm out somewhere and can't grab my bag, his mom or someone can run by my house an pick it up!
We ordered a new washer and dryer, so once it comes in I'm gonna wash Madi's clothes for the hospital, and get our bags ready! I got my diaper bag (finally) lol it's even cuter in person!!! I'm so excited to have everything ready :)
Remember how I told you about my drs appts, how their in a group? Well yesterday o e lady was gone bc she was in LABOR!!! She was 36 weeks, but still! Crazy. I'd like to have Madi at 37 weeks (if she's ready)! We're getting our new laptop after June 9th, when we do I'll post my 4D pics and the pics from my ultrasound today! I'm so excited, bc I have most of the 4D ones on a disk so I only got to see them once on my moms computer. We were watching the video, and we forgot it in her laptop when she left! So now the video of Madison is in Washington :/ she's sending it back though! I just want to see it!
Everytime my dr measures my fundal height or whatever, it's a little off. Like yesterday I measured 30-31 weeks, but I was 31 weeks 3 days! I know it's not that far along, but ever since she started measuring me I was a week behind. Did they tell you how much your baby weighs at your ultrasound? My mom paid extra for them to tell us, she was 3.5lbs! That's sounds so big to me!
Oh, I'm sure I must have that coupon somewhere then! But it does sound like a good deal! My mom found some store that has cheaper baby items in the same brands and everything.

Hopefully he won't be so far out when you go into labor. But if you tell him as soon as you feel the first contractions you'll probably have plenty of time. I plan on staying home until my contractions are 5 minutes apart because we live really close to the hospital and I'd rather be home and comfortable. So as long as you tell him before then he'll have time to come get you! But since you won't have to pay for an ambulance ride that is always a nice option, too!

At first I was going to buy two coming home outfits. One boy outfit and one girl outfit in newborn size. But I know you're suppose to wash all baby clothes before hand and it seems silly for me to have to buy both and then be stuck with an outfit of the wrong gender I paid for! So now I might just have to get one neutral gender outfit which isn't quite as fun. But it can still turn out cute:) That's exciting that once the washer and dryer come you can finally get everything ready! I can't wait until after my baby shower to finally get everything prepared! I'm getting so impatient!

That's crazy one of the ladies in your group wasn't in the appointment because she went into labor! It's so weird seeing how close we're getting! Just two months away! And that's more on the late side since they can come early! I'm hoping I have an August baby! But of course if they decide to come early I won't complain! :)

I can't wait to see all your ultrasound pictures! I bet she look's so adorable! Hopefully you get your video back. My 4D video is so pointless, I'm upset by it. The ultrasound tech never stayed still long enough to see the baby move or anything beyond just her taking pictures and trying to see the babies face through the placenta. Oh well it was still worth it for the pictures, hopefully you're video was better! It would be tough not getting to look on your CD and see all the pictures and since you don't even have the video it would be like torture not being able to see little Madison!

Whenever they measure my tummy it is usually right on. When I went in at 28+4 I measured 28 and then when I went in at 30+4 I measured at 30 inches. Except on 30 weeks they had to measure twice because the nurse got 28 inches and was concerned but when the doctor measured she got 30 inches. I wonder if Madison will come late since you've been measuring a week behind. It could also mean she is little but I think they are measuring the uterus, but maybe if Madison is small the uterus wouldn't have grown as large. Did your mom pay to find out the weight at the 4D or at the doctors? I didn't get to find out any measurements at the 4D. I wanted to know if she could do a dating measure since each time I've had an ultrasound at the doctors I always measured a few days behind. But I didn't even ask since the lady was so weird and it took so long to even see the baby. It's crazy to think how big they are now! I can definitely feel baby like crazy. Whenever the baby moves I can feel it pushing against me. Sometimes it will stick something out and make a hard spot and even Travis feels my tummy cand can tell where the baby is laying. Of course we can't tell exactly what we're feeling other than the baby it's still crazy! But whenever I feel kicks it feels so weird now because I can feel more of a limb rather than just a quick movement.
She paid extra at the 4D! I'm not sure why, but it was $155 this time! Today at my ultrasound they'll probably tell me where I'm measuring and how big she is! I wonder if they say the same! Our 4D this time was very different from last time. I think just bc she doesn't have as much room as she did when she was little! She's definitely getting squished in there! I was so jealous when I foun out that lady was in labor. I don't want to have Madi this early or anything, I just want to be full term already!! I'm getting so impatient and ready!
You may have told me already, but I can't remember. Who's going to be in the room when you deliver?
That's not a bad price at all! But our babies are definitely squished. Before you could see all of Madison pretty clearly. Now I bet her cute little face takes up most of the screen! It will be fun to compare with the ultrasound at the doctors today. You'll have to let me know! I wish I had one more doctor ultrasound so I could know how my baby is growing. Plus it would be nice to get one around this time just to see what it says the baby is measuring week wise. It would help give us a better idea of when we can expect our little ones to arrive!

We're the same way! We're ready for it to be July now so that we have a lot less time to wait. Travis says every day how ready he is for our little one and he always posts cute facebook updates. His most recent one says: 'I can't wait to start the best job ever, July 25th better hurry up and get here!'. It was funny because he's going back to work at Costco since his parents aren't getting enough business so a someone he had worked at Costco with before commented and said Costco? And my mom said Daddy! It's so cute how excited he is though. But we're still picking out names! We've made a short list of boy names and I still really like Elsie for a girl but we don't have a middle name for her yet!

As for the delivery room I hope to only have hospital staff as needed and Travis. I don't mind a couple visitors before the actual pushing stage. Mostly just letting our parents come in to say Hi once before and then they'll wait in the guest waiting room until after the actual babies delivery. It was cute because I thought I had already told Travis I wanted him to cut the umbilical chord and he was reading a baby book the other day that had a list of things we may or may not want for our birth plan and one was who would cut the umbilical chord and Travis asked me if he could! I was like of course I thought I had already said I wanted you too! He's getting really impatient as well!

We stopped at an Estate Sale the other day and one of the women asked if we were having a boy or a girl. We told her we were leaving it a surprise and she said that was so cool because when she had decided to wait on one of her three babies it was much more fun. Anyway she said when she was at the doctors the day before one of her babies were born her regular doctor had to leave to go do something and another nurse or doctor came in to finish checking everything and asked her what baby she had at home and she said she had a boy. He told her oh well you're having another one and walked out of the room. So she had waited 9 months keeping the gender a surprise and she ends up finding out the day before she was to be induced! I would be so mad if that happened to me!
Oh my gosh! I would have been so upset!!!I can't imagine waiting so long and then having someone blow it right before!
My mom insists on being in the room. I'm gonna let her, even though I'd rather it just be Eric and me! I do NOT want her seeing all my business though. She is going to be up by my head and that's it! I'm so shy and uncomfortable, I can't imagine having my legs spread wide for everyone to see. People are always like "you won't even care", but I know I will!!
We got Madisons room painted, crib set up, bouncer put together, jumper put together, stroller put together, diaper genie put together, all her clothes hung up (they just need to be washed), we have her car seat (still in the box), mattress, changing table pad, sheets, etc. We ordered my rocker and the changing table. I think we're ready!! I feel ready at least. She has so much stuff, I'm having a hard time organizing it all. I get overwhelmed when I go in her room :/
What do you have left to do? :)
At my 4D they said she was 3 lb 5 oz, yesterday they said 3 lb 11 oz! That's a lot of ounces in 6 days!!!


Not great quality, I used my phone and took a picture of the picture. This was one from our 4D, I think this one is 3D though. Most of our others are that brownish color. I only got five print outs, the rest are on a disk, so when I get my laptop (hopefully next week, fingers are crossed) I can show you the others :)

Also, yesterday at my ultrasound, she was using my placenta as a pillow haha! She was putting her little face on it, I thought that was kind of funny. Luckily she only had the side of her face on it or else it would have been more difficult to see her, like when your little one was doing that! By the time the doctor came in, because first it was just an ultrasound tech, her face was almost completely squished into it! He couldn't get any good shots! I've noticed that the ultrasound tech's always get better pictures then the doctor does! I can't remember, do you have to go somewhere else for your ultrasounds? I go to a place called center for maternal fetal medicine, and that's all they do. My friend came with me yesterday though, and she said that our other friend got hers done at her ob office and that she got checked EVERY appointment!!!!! I'm so jealous! I wish my dr gave me one everytime! Even if it was just quick.
I'm the same way. I'm going to feel weird having the doctors all up in my business as it is. I'm also going to be worried by how I'm acting. Like everyone says you're not even going to be thinking about it but I feel like I will be worried about all the little things on top of the labor pains!

I bet it feels nice to have everything organized though! Once she's here it won't feel quite as overwhelming since you'll start to get to use it all and it won't feel like its all just waiting! We already have a swing put together, the crib and mattress set up, we have a changing table but need to get a pad for it, we have a stationary play toy that won't get used for a few months, and a bouncy seat. We have hand me down clothes in boxes since we'll need something right away. Otherwise I'm mostly waiting until after the baby shower to get everything prepared. We still need a lot of things like the travel system, diaper genie, baby monitors, changing pad, sheets, beddin, so much! But I feel like a lot I'll end up getting after the baby is here since I'll want to get the right color. So I'm feeling somewhat prepared. I feel like the baby has most of the basics! My dad had reward points from his AMEX card and bought me the Baby Bjorn Carrier I wanted! :) It's exciting knowing I already have one gift bought! Something I really wanted too!

I can't believe she's already gained so much so quick. I guess I can believe it because I feel like I can almost feel the extra weight each day! I can tell my baby is getting a whole lot bigger! Oh my goodness Madison is so adorable! I can't wait to see the other pictures of her! Its crazy how they're starting to get less and less space and how different the ultrasounds are now! I have my ultrasounds at my doctors office. But the doctor never does the ultrasounds just the tech. Even though my ultrasounds are at my office I don't get them everytime I go in! :( I would definitely love to though!

I am so excited! We have less than two months until our babies are here. I'm a little nervous with my job and money right now though. Travis is having to go back to Costco as his parents just aren't getting enough business. That means Travis will start at $11 or $12 an hour and he's making about $13:50 right now. Plus his schedule with his parents was M-F 7am - 3pm and I worked M-F 8am to 5pm so it was perfect. Now he'll have odd hours probably more in the evening and definitely on the weekend. That means I will have to spend less time with him :( Then my nanny job asked if I could have my last day July 1st. Which I said was fine because I know they're worried that I could go into labor early, get put on bed rest, or just be too exhausted to work and they want to put the kids in day camp and they need to sign up now. I had been expecting to work up until my due date at least. Giving me 2-3 weeks extra pay. Plus I'm not sure if they plan on hiring me back part time once the kids go back to school in September. I was basically hoping to only take August off and now I'm forced to take July and August off! Which I make $2200 a month so basically our income has been cut in half! I'm going to continue to apply to other nanny jobs but since I can't really start until September it makes it hard, especially since I want to find a position in which I can bring my baby!

Anyway I am so excited for my baby to get here. Even though I'm stressed about not working in July it's kind of nice I'll have that time to prepare the house for the baby and to relax. I'll probably do odd baby sitting jobs that are temporary as I find them. But I just want to snuggle with my baby! I love feeling it move because it feels so baby like now where as before it was quick kicks, and then some rolling movement. Now its like I can tell their is a baby in their and it kind of responds to me prodding back!
That's awesome that your dad got you the baby carrier you wanted!
I'm sorry that you're going to be out of work for so long, and that Travis is going to have to work odd hours :/ hopefully you'll get tons of things from your baby shower. We got so many diapers and wipes, it's a big relied knowing that we won't have to buy those for a while. I'm so thankful for my family! Eric and I have pretty much everything, and we haven't had to buy anything! He's been working like crazy and saving, so I feel pretty comfortable. His grandma gave us a $1000 check, so we have that to fall back on as well. I feel so relieved, when I first found out I was pregnant all I could think of was how I'd be able to support a baby! Everyone has helped out a lot though. The only things we don't have are a swing and high chair. We didn't have a play pen until today, but my moms friend couldn't make it to the baby shower, and sent us a card with a $100 bill! So we went to babies r us and I picked out a playpen and got it on sale for $145 and an additional 15% off! That was stressing me out bc we're using the bassinet part of it for her to sleep in at first.
I'm sure it will be hard to find another job willing to let you bring baby to work, but hopefully someone will let you! I really hope you can find something, that seems so stressful! I can't imagine if Eric's income basically got cut in half. He only makes $9.20, but anything over 8 hrs is overtime and he works 12-16 hr shifts whenever he works. He usually works at least 5 days a week. He works a lot of hours, but he's still considered part time. Meaning no health insurance. Right now I'm on my dads insurance, but Madison can't be. So as of right now, she's not going to have insurance when she gets here. This is my biggest stressor right now. We looked into getting her on het own insurance plan, but it's not allowed. It would have to be her and a parent, so if I got it for the two of us I'd lose my dads insurance. It also wouldn't go into affect until 30 days after she's born!! That doesn't work, obviously. So I have no idea what I'm going to do. :( What are you doing about your baby having insurance?

I packed my hospital bag btw!!! I just did it today, I'm so proud :)

Tomorrow, we can say our babies are due "next month" that's so exciting!!! We're getting so close! I definitely agree that my baby's movements are more baby like. I feel like I could just grab her little feet! Was your baby head down yet at your ultrasound? Madison was at both of mine!

How have you been feeling lately? I've had a lot of pressure in my pelvic area, have you?
I know I was so happy he got it! Just because a lot of things on my registry are expensive so I was worried I wouldn't get anything but the less expensive things (which is okay) and then i'd have to buy all the spendy items! Plus I really wanted the carrier because I think we'll use that a whole lot more than the stroller.

Yeah, I'm sure things will work out in the end job wise. It's just stressful when they're isn't anything I can do about it now! My boyfriend bought a road bike yesterday as he wants to start biking to work even though I said we'll just get the second car but he insists even then he wants to bike. Whatever, as long as he is happy! It will save us a lot in gas if he keeps up with it. He works about 8 miles away so it seems crazy to me! I did find a few vehicles below our price range that could work and then we'd have a bunch of extra money! That would be nice! If all else fails Travis' mom can watch our little one full time while I work a job in which I can't bring my baby. Travis' income itself won't be cut in half but if I don't have a job our household income will be! Travis makes about $1700 a month and I make $2200 so we'll be so tight since rent is $1100 not including energy or utilities! It does sound like Eric works a lot! Does he work 5 days at 12-16 hour shifts each day or just sometimes? I bet he comes home exhausted if he is always working that much! But he sounds like such a great fiance supporting you and Madison! :)

Sounds like you guys did really well at your baby shower and getting cheaper things! They money people gave is really helpful also! We were lucky and a woman my boyfriends family was working for gave us a pretty new play pen! Plus my mom had a lot of pretty new things she had gotten for her house when she was baby sitting my cousin's baby. We picked out something a little different than a high chair because we think it will work better for us. I don't remember what its called but its some small seat that doesn't take up a lot of space. But we haven't gotten it yet, its on my registry. So I was looking at my register yesterday and noticed I had accidentally put two of these sleep sacks when I only wanted one. Today I went on to change it to just wanting one and I noticed people started buying us baby things! Funny because they bought two of the sleep sacks that I wanted only one of.. oops! But I got to see everything that got bought so far. I got all the sheets I wanted, the two baby blankets I wanted, the diaper genie and the refill packs, this silly cute blue elephant I wanted to buy but Travis said I couldn't but said I could put it on the registry, a pacifier holder to keep them organized and attatches anywhere, newborn pacifiers from tommee tippee or whatever, 5 pack newborn neutral receiving blankets, a bath set that comes with a hooded towel and washcloths, keep me dry padded crib pad, a 5 pack toddler plates, and bathtime spiller cups that make a caterpillar. I am so excited! Some of those were just the fun things I didn't NEED just wanted but that's okay! I'm excited I got the sheets, pacifiers, blankets, bath set, diaper genie. Eek I am so excited for my shower!

Insurance is really stressful. Travis had insurance when he worked for his parents. It wasn't really the best and didn't cover a lot. He had to get some stuff done at the dentist and still had to pay $1000 out of pocket! He also had insurance before he worked for his parents when he worked at Costco and their insurance is much better. Anyways I didn't have insurance before being pregnant. So I went to DSHS and got Medicaid which is insurance from the state because I am pregnant and make less than $2240 a month! I barely made the cut off and I couldn't tell them about Travis or we would make way too much. But as long as I don't get married and I make less than $2240 I can have their insurance which covers all my doctors bills while being pregnant, including at the hospital. It doesn't cover a circumcision though. I can use this insurance all the way up until my baby is 18 as long as our household income is under $2240! But if Travis and I ever get married they will know he's helping support us financially and we'll make too much. But hopefully by then one of us will have a job with insurance. Travis is starting Costco sometime this week so if he keeps that job and we get married we'll still have insurance. Otherwise we'll have to get an insurance plan for our family fi we get married. I've seen some affordable ones but if you don't go to the doctors often it ends up feeling like you're just spending money for nothing! But since Medicaid is covering me and my baby right now I'm going to go to the dentist and the eye doctor soon since I haven't gone in years.

Congrats on packing your hospital bag! What is everything you put in?! So far I just have toiletries and huge night time heavy flow pads. I think they provide pads but I'm bring some in case anyway. Otherwise I haven't gotten anything else yet.

OUR BABIES ARE DUE NEXT MONTH! I can't believe it, it feels so soon. Especially since this week feels like it is almost over and this weekend is going to go by fast because I have a doctors appointment Friday and Travis' best friend comes back from boot camp on Saturday so they'll be hanging out all weekend. Then next week will feel a little long because I had memorial day off so it was a 4 day week this week, plus I have a half day Friday for my doctors appointment. But then on the 11th I have my baby shower so that will make the following weekend go by fast. Then the weekend after that is Father's Day! Are you getting Eric anything? And then about a half a week after Father's day will be the 24th/25th and we'll only have ONE MONTH before our due date! I'm going to blink and it will be here! Especially since my last work day is the 1st of July and then I'll just get to sit at home and prepare the babies room and get the house ready!

I feel the same, like I could just tickle it's little toes or kiss it's little nose! I get so excited by the movement which is so funny because my baby moves so much all the time so all I'm doing is grabbing Travis' hand to feel. We were talking boys names again and Travis said to my bump, kick if you like the name Benjamin and it kicked! It was so funny. Travis didn't know at first because it wasn't very hard only I could tell but it was a definite kick to me! I feel bad Travis can't feel the baby like I can, its moving right now and it is just such an amazing feeling. I wouldn't want to give it up though, I'm glad I'm the one who gets to feel my little one all the time. I think my mom feelings are kicking in because I was telling Travis that I don't want to give birth because my baby is safe and close to me right now and once they're born other people will hold it and it's not safe outside in the world! Then I was worried about finding a job where I could bring baby and Travis said his mom is able to watch the baby full time while I work and I said if I had to I would but I so don't want to! I don't want my baby raised by her, not because I don't like her but I'm just so protective and want to be the one who spends all the time raising my baby! My baby's head has actually been head down EVERY single time I have gone into the doctors. It was head down at the dating scan at week 12 and somewhat down at the 20 week scan and when I got my 4D the baby was head down. Every time I go in and I don't get an ultrasound they always feel to see where baby is and every single time the baby is head down! Too funny. I haven't had any extra pelvic pressure but at my 4D scan the lady said the baby sits on my hip bones and that's what I was told at my 20 week scan so I've pretty much just had pressure the entire time! But I would say I'm getting more ligament pains or maybe it's braxton hicks contractions but I don't think they are since my tummy doesn't seem too hard. But this past week I've been getting a bit more tightening and cramping and such.

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