I've also gotten hand-me-downs, and a bunch of little things like clothes and hair bows. Now that we have a car seat though, it seems so real!! That is so cute that you're going to have that crib! Was it your boyfriends when he was little? You guys should definitely keep that in the family, that is really cool! My step-mom gave away my little brothers crib like a month before I found out I was pregnant, bummer! Eric's nephew is going to be 2 in July, so he's still pretty little! They're giving us an extra car seat, one of those bouncy things that hangs from a doorway, a bouncer, and a high chair! I'm happy to be getting all of these things, because that is just less that we have to buy! I have a feeling we won't need much more after my baby shower. Eric's mom has even started buying us diapers and wipes. She's been buying them every time she gets paid, and she's going to continue to buy them until the baby is born. We'll have quite a little stash once she's here
I have two strollers on my registry because I can't decide which one I like better! One is only $99 and the other is like $130, I was shocked when I saw how inexpensive they were, I wasn't even looking at the prices when I picked them out. I figured that kind of stuff would be way more!
Haha girlygirl, I think I'm gonna start calling it that! We don't have many awkward moments in our relationship, but him helping me shave was definitely one of them. My shower isn't connected to my bath, its just one of those glass ones. I had to like lean back on the glass and he had to crouch down so he could reach/see. I think my belly probably got in his way too! We laughed like the whole time, and I didn't trust him to get it all the way! I think I am going to have to figure something out with a mirror, that or get waxed!
I know what you mean about being grumpy because its impossible to get comfortable. I was literally crying last night because all I wanted to do was relax and I couldn't! I hope our nice posture comes back after we have the babies! Eric will be like "sit up straight Krystal!" and it makes me mad, I have to yell at him and ask if he knows how hard it is to sit straight when your stomach is pulling you down!! The flight tomorrow is only three hours, which is still a long time, but I thought it would be more! I'm gonna bring my pillow, so hopefully it won't be too bad.
I can't remember, do you and your boyfriend have your own place? If so, do you have a room for the baby? If we move into Eric's moms house, the baby will have her own room, but I don't want to stay there for long, so it won't be permanent. I feel like since its temporary I'm not even excited about setting it up :/ I probably sound ungrateful! It just sucks though.