Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

My dad said that right now its really nice! He said its sweater weather :) I am really excited to go, because we are doing fun things! My brothers and sister are going too, so we're going to a butterfly exhibit! My dad said that there are huge butterflies, and that they'll land on you! I wish Madison was here already, I would love to take her to something like that! We are also going to an indoor waterpark! My family is going horseback riding, but my bf is allergic to horses and I'm pregnant. So we obviously can't go, but I think my boyfriend and I will have that time to explore the area! I hope its a great trip, because I really want to move there and I want it to leave a good impression on my boyfriend so he will want to move too!
Sweater weather is the best! Especially if it is sunny but not too hot! Sounds like a lot of fun! Hopefully it will leave a good impression on your boyfriend! That's a really good idea to go out to Michigan to spend some time and kind of get to see it all before you make a decision!

Random questions I was thinking about:

1. How did you tell your parents you were pregnant/how did they take it?
2. How did you tell your boyfriend/how did he take it?
3. Were you using any form of birth control?

I'm sure we've probably talked about it before but I can't remember! I had a friend who recently got pregnant and was due the end of November, and her family and boyfriend took the news very badly. Her parents and his parents said that they didn't need this right now in their life and her boyfriend was pretty much set on an 'A'. In the end she did and I hope saying that won't get our thread closed but I was the only person telling her to keep the baby, and she had said she really wanted to, but that she didn't want to lose and upset her boyfriend. It just made me upset, I'm pro-life and it was hard for me to understand. They weren't using any protection, so I'm not sure what they had expected and her boyfriend acted as though it was her fault and said he would leave her if she chose to keep the baby. If he hadn't wanted a baby he should have taken measures to prevent one. I guess I just needed to get it off my chest. I guess maybe I have strong opinions on the situation just because I got pregnant and wasn't planning on children at this time in my life, plus I was using birth control pills so at least I had taken measures to prevent a child. However of course I am completely ecstatic for my little one.
Well, when we took the first two tests, they were cheap, from the dollar store. I didn't wanna waste money on a good one, because I knew I wasn't pregnant. There were really faint lines, but we didn't believe it. My bf called his mom and said "i think krystal is pregnant" so she bought us an expensive test and we went to her house to take it. When "PREGNANT" popped up, we knew it was true! So she was there, and she was really supportive. It took a few weeks for me to tell my parents, I was really scared. One day I got home and my grandma was at my house. I walked up to her and before I said hi or anything, I blurted out "I'm pregnant!" and she just looked at me and said "wow" then she hugged me and started asking a bunch of questions. I wasn't as scared to tell her, since she had my dad when she was 15. I also probably would have chickened out if I didn't just blurt t out. Anyway, I asked her to tell my step mom for me. She told my step mom and afterwords, she came in my room and said "You skank", she was laughing though and was just kidding. That night when my dad got home, we baked him chocolate chip cookies (his favorite) and then we all sat down. My step mom was like "Krystal and Eric have something to tell you", but I couldn't get the words out. We sat there for like 10 minutes and finally she was like "they're having a baby!" and I just covered my face, I was so embarrassed! At first he was like "whaaat? how??" and then he was like "well, you two really need to focus on getting better jobs now" I couldn't even talk though. He got up and hugged me, and I could tell that he was really sad. He wasn't sad because I was pregnant, but he was sad because I was too scared to tell him. My boyfriend had told his dad earlier that day, and his dad was texting him saying "you know, you guys have other options" and being a complete jerk!! So I was really upset and I was crying! I went into the kitchen to get a drink and my dad was in there. He was like "why are you crying?!?!" and freaking out, so I told him what my boyfriends dad said. He was really supportive and just hugged me while I cried and told me to get ready because "people suck" and not everyone was going to think of it as a blessing. I wrote my mom a letter, bc she is a jerk. She was freaking out, and freaked out for a couple of weeks and then got over it!

So my dad took it great, my mom not so much. They're both ecstatic now though.

My boyfriend was with me when I took the test. We were both in disbelief. He took it good though, we both cried, but we just hugged and he told me everything was going to be okay. We weren't jumping down happy, like we would be now! I was happy, but I was so overcome with emotions that I didn't know what to think.

We were using birth control. I was actually on the pill! I also had an app that told me when I was fertile, so on those days we would be extra careful! So I have nooo idea how I got pregnant!

I am completely pro-life, so that story makes me sad! That never ever crossed my mind! As much as I love my boyfriend, I would have left him and choose to keep my child if it had come down to it! That would have never been the situation, but if it had been, I would have definitely chosen my baby! I don't understand how people can just have unprotected sex and not think about the consequences?? Everyone knows how babies are made.....
Very cute! My period had been a week late (due Mid-November), and although my periods aren't irregular they don't always come exactly a set number of days apart. However since I was a week late I was a bit worried because I did have an irregular period in October. I had one that started around September 28th and another that started October 11th! So when I didn't get my period when my appliaction on my phone told me I would, I was worried and took a test on Sunday morning before I got in the shower for church. It was one of the expensive ones and it came back pregnant. So I took a shower and was so lost in thought I was having such a hard time concentrating on what steps I needed to take in the shower! As soon as I got out I told my boyfriend who was asleep in bed. I felt a little bad since I pretty much woke him up and told him the news he didn't even start his day yet. We both cried and were in shock just because I too was on a birth control pill and had been very careful to take them on time each day since in the past it had been difficult for me to remember.

We both got ready and went to church and my mom and sister commented on how we were acting differently and I said we just didn't feel well. That night when we both got in bed around 10pm and were trying to fall asleep I got really emotional about the pregnancy and told my boyfriend that I just had to tell my mom and that it was bothering me so much that she didn't know. I was laying in bed bawling about it and he said we could drive over and tell her, but I was so nervous! He told me it was hard but that I wouldn't get any sleep if I didn't tell her. So we drove over to her place and she could tell I was crying and asked what was wrong and I just tld her 'I think I'm pregnant!'. She told me not to cry and I sat in her lap and she held me and told me everything was going to be okay and that there was nothing to cry about. Then she laughed and told me I had to tell my grandma! My mom was 22 when she got pregnant with my brother, and the baby's daddy was a married man! So she had a hard time telling her very christian very religious mother.

I told my dad via a facebook message because I had very little contact with him for the past 4 years. He took the news well and said if everyone waited until they were completely ready to have children there would be a lot less people in the world. He said me and my sister probably wouldn't have been here. My mom had told me he was scared to have children so when she got pregnant she was afraid to tell him and waited 4 days. My boyfriend told his parents a day or two later after he got off work. He said he had something important to tell them and they wanted to know if it could wait until later and he said he couldn't. When he tried to tell them he couldn't get the words out so his Dad guessed and said 'Ariel's pregnant?' And he said yes. His dad took the news well and his mom was in shock. She's the type of person who doesn't show emotions so for a couple of weeks she never really said anything. My boyfriend wanted to tell the rest of his family on Thanksgiving (just 4 days later after we found out), but his mom said she wasn't ready for everyone to know and to wait for Christmas. On Thanksgiving however he did tell his brother and he had such a hard time telling him I had to start it!

He told the rest of his family on Christmas Eve when everyone gets together. People didn't give him the best reaction, they said congratulations, but acted very indifferent. My mom had told most of my family but I had made the baby announcements and sent them out this week, mostly so I could tell my grandma without having to tell her in person. However my mom had her surprise party yesterday and my brother came but he's inbetween moving and doesn't have an address for me to send it too and everyone was talking about my bump so I found an announcement and gave it to him in front of everyone. It was so awkward and I didn't know what to say so I just said 'Are you excited?!' He said uhm I don't know. He's very awkward though and late last night he texted me and said he needed to talk to me and Travis too. I don't even want to talk to him because I'm so tired of everyone giving me their opinion. I just want to enjoy my pregnancy!

It made me so frustrated because she had only found out a week before she went to the doctors, and I had told her she has a lot of time to make a decision and to let the news settle on her and her boyfriend before she does anything drastic. She didn't even wait! I was so upset. It had never crossed my mind either and luckily no one had brought it up as an option or I would have been so upset! I definitely would have left my boyfriend and kept my child! I don't care how long I have been with him or how crazy about him I am, I would never be with someone who would make me choose between my baby or him! I was definitely upset when I found out they weren't using any protection! The baby didn't chose to be created! It seemed so selfish to me, especially because she said they next one is here to stay. Which to me makes me wonder why that one gets to when the first one didn't get a chance. It also makes me wonder if they are using any protection now. Luckily I'm not too close to her, but she came to me when she found out because she knew I was pregnant and would understand better.
The fact that she said "the next one is here to stay" is what bothers me the most! Like, why that one, but this one didn't get a chance. I guess people just have different mind sets. :(
Ahhhh I had a very exciting week! Monday night, my boyfriend proposed! It was so sweet, so I'm gonna tell you how he did it :)
It was our year and a half anniversary, we have actually been together longer, but we go by the date that we had 'the talk' haha. Anyway, I have been craaaaving PF Changs, so he took me there for dinner! It was getting late, and I had worked all day and had work the next morning so I didn't really want to do anything after. I felt bad though so I agreed to go do something. We were on the other side of town, which I didn't really question before, but there is a PF Changs way closer to us! So after dinner, we just started driving and he wouldn't tell me where we were going. Well we got to Lake Las Vegas, which is reallyyyyy pretty. Its actually where my mom got married. There is a village with cute shops and restaurants, an ice skating rink, and two or three resorts. We stayed at one of the resorts on our first Valentines day :) He was like, since we were close I thought we could walk around? So we walk around the village and go up to this beautifullll bridge that overlooks the village and lake. It was so pretty, you could see the stars in the water, it was almost like you were looking into the sky!! It was really romantic. Then he pulls out two pennies, and says lets make a wish! So we do, and then I'm looking into the water and I don't even realize that he pulled something out of his pocket, then he got down on one knee and said "will you make my wish come true?". IT WAS SOOOO PERFECT!!!!! Ahhh I am still smiling :) My ring is beautiful, it's sooo perfect! There is a picture of it on my facebook! Anyway, I'm so happy to be engaged! I'm still getting used to calling him my fiance, but I looooove it!

Ahhh so how was your week? :)

I got this off their website, all the way to the back left, that is the bridge that he did it on :)
I just went and looked on your facebook and everything looks absolutely beautiful. He did a great job picking out the ring and planning such an adorable and romantic proposal! The location he proposed at is gorgeous! Congrats! You are so very lucky, have you thought about dates at all? I think its very sweet he proposed on your anniversary! I always wanted to get married on our anniversary, because we've had the date for so long anf its right at the end of May when sometimes it starts getting nice out! Oh you have so much to plan for your wedding, how exciting! You get to pick out colors, dresses, flowers, location! Congrats again! :) Take lots of pictures because Madi is going to want to see them!

My week was pretty ineventful. I posted my pregnancy on facebook since I finally told my whole family, so I got a lot of silly comments from that like 'Oh I didn't know you were pregnant'. Which is my favorite because of course they didn't know.. I hadn't told them! Otherwise I just enjoy being able to let everyone know so I don't feel like I have to hide anything:) I also had my doctors appointment yesterday in which we did the test for gestational diabetes, so it was a pretty boring appointment. I'll find out the results Monday/Tuesday. The doctor said I won't need another ultrasound unless she's worried about something which is kind of disappointing. But we will book our 4D ultrasound so that will be fun and we still haven't decided when we want to book it. Also my boyfriends family has a family reunion June 24th - 26th. About a few hours drive away so we asked the doctors if I could go. We had originally thought it was in Oregon so more of a 4 hour drive but its somewhere here in washington about a 2.5 hour drive. When we told her 4 hours she said I couldn't go because that's a lot of sitting for me at 36 weeks as well as I could go into labor so far from home, so we're going to ask her if I can go now that its closer but luckily its not too big of a deal if I don't go.
I know, we have so much to plan! It's not set in stone, but April 8, 2012! Madison will get to be at our wedding! She will be pretty young, but I like the idea of her getting to be there :) I think we are actually going to get married at Lake Las Vegas! So its pretty cool, since that is where he proposed!
Ahhh I didn't even see that you posted it on facebook! I thought the same thing when people were like "I didn't know", uhm yeah, I know that you didn't know, or else you would have known! I have to do that test at my next appointment which is the 13th! That sucks that you don't get another ultrasound! I get one more next month. At least you're going to do the 4D though! :) Its actually a good thing that we don't have many, not good as in we don't get to see our babies as much, but good as in we are having health pregnancies so they aren't worried at all!
My doctor told me that I could travel up until 32 weeks, which I believe is until the end of May. Not sure how long of a drive classifies as 'traveling' though! I am a little worried about my flight to Michigan next week. Its a pretty long flight, and I'm already uncomfortable as it is! I am also going to Washington sometime in May, which is going to be even further along in my pregnancy! Ahhh I'm looking forward to getting to these places, but not the flights.
That is so exciting. My boyfriend said we'll get married sometime next year or whenever we settle down a little more as we're still smoothing out financial things and having a whole brand new baby! But I also agree, it will be fun to have our little ones at the wedding! In Teen Mom 2 Leah had her twins as the flower girls being pulled down the aisle in a wagon! I think Lake Las Vegas is so beautiful, it will be such a great place to get married!

I agree I wanted to get to see my little one again, but at least I'll have my 4D ultrasound still! But it is good that we're having healthy pregnancies! I would much rather not see my little one as long as it was healthy! When we were in the doctors office yesterday we had to wait a little bit before we saw the doctor but she said the woman before me was going through a miscarriage! We didn't even care we were waiting (hardly at all) but after finding that out it was terribly sad! :(

Ithink she said about 30/32 weeks for travelling. She said we could fly down there at 36 weeks, but that since it was in Oregon if I did go into labor I would be in a whole different state and she was worried about that as well. I think you'll be okay though travelling in May, but it is always scary since its our babies! And I agree sitting on the couch sucks as it is now I can't imagine later when we're travelling! But you'll have so much fun in Michigan and Washington!

I thought I would share this because it was so cute. My boyfriend wanted two boys, no girls. I had wanted one of each. Well at my mom's surprise party there was this little 2 year old girl who was absolutely adorable and my boyfriend was playing with her. That night he said he wanted a little girl which I thought was so cute! Anyway just the other day he was talking to my belly because whenever our baby hears his voice it kicks so much! So he said 'Hi Benjamin.. THIS IS YOUR FATHA'. Then I said what if its Elsie in there?! So he said 'Hi Elsie..I'm gonna spoil you soo much!'. I was expecting him to say the THIS IS YOUR FATHA part so I was surprised and it was so cute. I told him if we have a little girl he's going to spoil her so much and when he hadn't wanted a girl he had told me he wouldn't! I totally knew he would! If she's a girl she's gonna be a huge daddy's girl too.
THAT IS SO CUTE! Awwwwh our babies have the best daddies!! Every time Eric sees an outfit that says "Daddy's girl" or "I love my Daddy" or anything of that sort, he wants to get it! Madison is definitely going to be a daddy's girl! Lately, he has been rubbing my belly and talking to it so much! He used to do it every once in a while, but now he does it a lot! I love it :) I think its so cute when we're somewhere and he just puts his hand on my belly! When we were at dinner on Monday, we walked by these little girls and one of them was like "AWWWH look at her big belly! Its so cute!!!" he was smiling sooo big when she said that!
They really do have the best daddies! :) I love when they talk to our bellies, its so sweet! That's so exciting someone liked your bump! Whenever I'm home I pull my shirt up and leave my bump out when I feel baby is moving a lot, and my boyfriend always watches or puts his hands on my bump and baby had this really strong kick and he was so shocked by it, it was cute. I was like I feel those all the time! It says I'm lucky, I know he wishes he could feel everything I can! I just love being pregnant right not, sometimes its not so comfortable but I just love it. I have this one cousin or someone who's pregnant right now about 12 weeks and all her status updates are how she can't. Wait to be out of first trimester (which I can understand) but I feel like she just complains about every little thing, even her bump! Which I was so excited when I first started seeing mine! I love feeling baby roll around though, so different than kicks but its such a crazy feeling. Feels like a baby not just something poking and kicking!
Awhh its so funny that you said that! I always have my shirt up (like right now lol) and she is just rolling around in there! It is so different from kicks, I love it! I feel like she's rolling around in there trying to get comfortable. I can't understand how she fits in my belly!!! It is so weird to me, I love it though! I also love being pregnant. The other day this girl was talking about how miserable she was when she was pregnant and how much she hated it! I felt bad for her, because I am like the total opposite! I love everything about being pregnant! I don't really even mind the discomforts, because they're still part of being pregnant! I can't wait to meet my daughter, but I am totally enjoying having her in my belly for the time being. :)
Ahhh today I started making a list of what to pack in my hospital bag! I know its early, but I just want to be prepared. I asked for a new bag from Victorias Secret for mothers day, so when I am ready to pack I will have a cute bag for all my stuff :) I also heard that tennis balls are really good for back pain and labor pains! I just thought I would share that! I am definitely going to get one! I guess you just have someone roll it around on your back for you! I am definitely going to make my fiance do this!! (just practicing saying 'fiance' and it sounds/looks so weird to me! haha)
Haha I always have my shirt up at home! I think its crazy how they fit inside our small tummy's! And they're still growing!

I know I feel horrible for people who have tough pregnancies. Some people get it much worse, i'd say even with my discomforts I have it pretty easy! But I just love it, I always wake up smiling because of my little one:) I can't wait to meet my little one so much, but I also love being pregnant so I don't mind them sitting comfortable growing while I continue to enjoy my pregnancy:)

I made a list a little while ago for my hospital bag too! I made a huge list of everything I could possibly ever need for my little one so I can be completely prepared for for their arrival. I haven't gotten my hospital bag yet though so I'll have to find something cute! I didn't know about the tennis balls though so I'll have to remember that! Congrats on getting to say fiance, I bet that would feel crazy at first to get to say! :)
Hi! How have you been? Guess what today is! 100 days until my due date, which means only 101 days until yours! We are almost in double digits :) Yay!
I had a dream about Madison last night, it was so real! I was holding her, and dressing her, and feeding her! I couldn't even go back to sleep, I was so excited! Have you had any dreams like that about your little one?
Also, have you scheduled your 4D yet? :)

I picked out my diaper bag! What do you think?
Obviously it will say Madison, and not Olivia haha!

You had your doctors appointment, right? How did that go! I was just talking to someone about how they had never measured my stomach before, but they did Wednesday! Whatever it was that they measured was 24, she said it goes by weeks so it was about right. If they measured you, do you know what you measured? Also, I weigh 112 now, which means I gained EIGHT pounds in the last four weeks. I was shocked!!! Its definitely all belly though :)
Hello! I'm doing well, feeling huge and uncomfortable! But otherwise really well:) I was just telling my boyfriend we were almost in double digits just the other day. We can't believe how fast its gone by and that we only have like 3.5 months! Soon we'll be getting to hold our little ones! :)

I love happy pregnancy dreams! That dream sounds so amazing! I had a dream the other night my little one was kicking so hard I could see her whole leg! You know how sometimes you can see the shape of the foot, well in my dream it was a little leg sticking out of my belly making a leg print! It was probably because I've been feeling my little one just about constantly now with crazy hard kicks and summersaults. Ugh I can even feel when little one is sitting on my pelvis bone or pinching something inside. But I still love it, its just so amazing! I can't get enough of it!

We haven't actually booked our 4D yet but we'll probably book it after the 27 week mark! So not this weekend but the next! So sometime during the last week of April. I'm still going back and forth deciding if I want to find out the gender, 3 months will go fast and then I'll have my little one anyway and it would kind of be fun to be surprised, but it would also be nice to know and be able to prepare!

I LOVE that bag! I've been looking for diaper bags and can't find anything I like! Where did you find that one, and what other places have you been looking? You always find the cutest things! :)

They did measure me too, which was my first time, but they didn't tell me the measurement just that it was good! That's too funny! I also gained 8lbs in the last for weeks. I was shocked too. But the second half of our pregnancy is when we'll gain the most weight. I've already gained about 23lbs! I'm just happy I still look small, because otherwise I would be so worried about how hard it will be to lose the weight after the baby is born. But this weight is mostly in my boobs, butt, and baby belly! Thank god! Still couldn't believe how much I've gained!
Does your baby kick your bladder? Madison always kicks mine, it is the weirdest feeling! Like right when she kicks I'll feel like I have to pee, but only when she kicks there. You have gotten really far without finding out the gender!!! It would go by really fast if you did decide to wait :)
Here is the website that I found that diaper bag on!
I kept going on different websites, or googling in "cheetah print diaper bags" or "cute diaper bags", just trying to find a website and I finally did! I really hated all the other sites I came across, but I love this one! The diaper bags on other websites seemed like they were for older people. That website also has other cute baby things, I explored around it a little :)
I could not believe it when Eric asked me how much I had gained since the last appointment and I had to say eight pounds!! All together, I have gained about 15, but I feel like I've even gained weight since last wednesday when I checked! Eric also mentioned that my hips are getting wider. I didn't really notice, because I'm usually in sweat pants or dresses, so I didn't feel my jeans getting tighter. I am too scared to even try some on now haha. I talked to my mom and my MIL, and they said that their hips got wider and that they stayed that way. Ahhhh and I also found stretch marks on my boobs!!! I kept telling Eric that they were stretch marks and he argued with me for a few days, today he finally admitted that they're stretch marks. I didn't even realize that they were still growing! I hadn't really even noticed. My tummy is still stretch mark free though (knock on wood!).
Eric's aunt was in town from Wyoming, and she surprised us and bought us a car seat! It wasn't the one I registered for, but I like it a lot! That was the first big baby item that we've gotten, and it got me sooo excited!!!
I just had to add this...

I have gotten to the point where I can pretty much neverrr get comfortable. My back hurts so bad, my growing belly seems to have given me bad posture, and I feel like it's squishing my lungs. I can't see my anymore, my fiance had to HELP ME SHAVE! Oh my goodness. It is only going to get worse... I can't even begin to wrap my head around the fact that in two days I am going to have to sit on an uncomfortable airplane for HOURS. My back is killing me right now and I have this weird really bad pain under my boob. I am so grumpy. :cry:

Ahhh thank you for letting me vent!!!
My baby definitely does kick my bladder all the time! It feels exactly the same for me, like a really strong sensation of 'wow I need to pee!', but its so quick as baby doesn't just push but kick right on it! I think I'll be happy either way if we find out the gender or not, it would be kind of exciting to not know if I have a son or daughter until I get to see them!

I'll have to check out the website, I agree that most diaper bags look like they are for older parents! I also think the bag you picked out is so adorable! :)

My hips must have gotten bigger too, I use to be able to wear my jeans and just button them under my tiny bump, but now I can't even pull them all the way and my jeans had always had a little room in them because I couldn't get them tight enough, no one had sizes smaller! I got a whole bunch of stretch marks earlier on and it happened like over night one day! I was horrified because they are everywhere and really obvious and now I feel weird wearing anything semi low cut, even tank tops! Luckily after they sprouted over night I started using the cocoa butter lotion on them (which I had been doing on my bump and butt, but not my boobs). So far I only have stretch marks on my boobs too, let's hope we don't get too many more!

That is so exciting you got your first baby gift! I've gotten hand-me-downs so far, but nothing like a new gift yet. My boyfriends parents have this family crib has dad and grandpa made that they really want us to use, so we probably won't be getting a new crib but its kind of nice to have one that other family members slept in when they were little, and have our family keep it in the family! :) But I'm pretty sure his mom is going to buy us a travel system with a car seat and stroller that are compatible because she gave me a magazine to pick it out but they only had one as it was from direct buy, but it was so expensive and I've seen a lot of really good ones for like half the price!

I definitely have horrible posture. If I stand for too long my back hurts so much to the point where I feel like I actually need to throw up. Sitting and laying doesn't hurt as bad, but I'm constantly moving and repositioning myself just to even try and get comfortable. Luckily somehow the other day I managed to shave myself, but I can't see my girlygirl unless I get in an awkward position! I have no clue what I'm going to do once I get bigger, as soon as I found out I was pregnant I told my boyfriend once I got big he'd definitely have to help shave! I feel so bad for you for having to be on an airplane, I can't even imagine how uncomfortable you are going to be! I get uncomfortable on airplanes when I'm not pregnant! Plus those airplane seats have no room to move around and attempt to be comfortable, make them give you lots of pillows! I get back aches constantly, I pretty much live on my heating pad but I get other crazy aches and pains too! I am always grumpy when I'm uncomfortable! Especially since I feel uncomfortable 24/7 I just get tired of not being able to sit and relax! :(
I've also gotten hand-me-downs, and a bunch of little things like clothes and hair bows. Now that we have a car seat though, it seems so real!! That is so cute that you're going to have that crib! Was it your boyfriends when he was little? You guys should definitely keep that in the family, that is really cool! My step-mom gave away my little brothers crib like a month before I found out I was pregnant, bummer! Eric's nephew is going to be 2 in July, so he's still pretty little! They're giving us an extra car seat, one of those bouncy things that hangs from a doorway, a bouncer, and a high chair! I'm happy to be getting all of these things, because that is just less that we have to buy! I have a feeling we won't need much more after my baby shower. Eric's mom has even started buying us diapers and wipes. She's been buying them every time she gets paid, and she's going to continue to buy them until the baby is born. We'll have quite a little stash once she's here :) I have two strollers on my registry because I can't decide which one I like better! One is only $99 and the other is like $130, I was shocked when I saw how inexpensive they were, I wasn't even looking at the prices when I picked them out. I figured that kind of stuff would be way more!
Haha girlygirl, I think I'm gonna start calling it that! We don't have many awkward moments in our relationship, but him helping me shave was definitely one of them. My shower isn't connected to my bath, its just one of those glass ones. I had to like lean back on the glass and he had to crouch down so he could reach/see. I think my belly probably got in his way too! We laughed like the whole time, and I didn't trust him to get it all the way! I think I am going to have to figure something out with a mirror, that or get waxed!
I know what you mean about being grumpy because its impossible to get comfortable. I was literally crying last night because all I wanted to do was relax and I couldn't! I hope our nice posture comes back after we have the babies! Eric will be like "sit up straight Krystal!" and it makes me mad, I have to yell at him and ask if he knows how hard it is to sit straight when your stomach is pulling you down!! The flight tomorrow is only three hours, which is still a long time, but I thought it would be more! I'm gonna bring my pillow, so hopefully it won't be too bad.
I can't remember, do you and your boyfriend have your own place? If so, do you have a room for the baby? If we move into Eric's moms house, the baby will have her own room, but I don't want to stay there for long, so it won't be permanent. I feel like since its temporary I'm not even excited about setting it up :/ I probably sound ungrateful! It just sucks though.

My mom ordered me this baby wipe case!!! Thought I would share :)

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monitoring_string = "c48fb0faa520c8dfff8c4deab485d3d2"
<-- Admiral -->