Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

Aw sounds like you had a really good mother's day! I wasn't sure if we were suppose to celebrate since our babies weren't born yet, but I felt as though we're already moms since we're already providing for our babies, we've already spent money on them, we've made sacrifices, we've thought about the future for them, so I think that we deserved to celebrate even if our little ones weren't here to celebrate with us! I've heard sweets means a girl too, and I definitely shouldn't eat as much as I do! All the weight I've gained is definitely not just baby weight! I'm hoping once I have my little one I'll have more will power to stop eating so many sweets! But now it's all I crave! I still limit myself to one dessert though, but I use to rarely eat dessert!

Yeah I was a little disappointed overall, but I also felt it was worth it for the few good pictures I did get. I know I only got a couple I'm in love with, but it was so nice getting to see a real baby and it was still amazing how different the 2D is from the 3D view, even though I've seen other peoples ultrasounds done before. It makes me just that much more excited to meet my little one! Oddly it also helps me be more excited not to find out the gender until the little one is born, it keeps me so curious and guessing! My boyfriend and I have a $50 bet if it's a girl I win, if it's a boy he wins! I think we're both hoping for a little boy because we want two kids and we're okay with two boys, but we'd prefer not to have two girls. Of course we'll be happy if we do have two girls, though!

We are so unprepared which makes me so stressed! Mostly because we haven't been able to buy a lot since evryone keeps telling us to wait until after the baby shower that so far no one is planning! Come June I'll probably start buying things myself! I want the baby shower to be one of the first 3 weekends in June, so if no one puts out invites before memorial day weekend, I'm planning my own! :) I bet its exciting to have your toiletries packed for your hospital bag, I keep reading threads about what other women suggest to bring and its so much more than I ever thought! I can't wait to starting getting everything completely ready for our little ones which is going to be so soon! I think 3rd tri is going to just completely fly by. I can't believe May is almost half over already!

You should find out where your placenta is, just for fun! Mine feels so funny because whenever I bend, even just slightly I feel like my boobs are resting on a balloon! I can also tell in the last 3 weeks when I've been attempting bump pictures that instead of growing out, I'm growing wide, and low! I started getting little stretch marks on the sides of my butt/hip area! They were almost not noticable and now they're quite a bit more noticable! I'm starting to feel huge and unattractive now! I had a little before too, but now I'm starting to feel beached whale status because I'm always so uncomfortable. I can't believe our baby is going to start doubling/tripling in size now! I can't even imagine..

Our babies kicks are definitely crazy now! My baby still loves its hip bone position, so its feet are on my right side but its so far over. Its not the right side in front, its like I'm literally being kicked in the side of my body! The kicks and movements are so surprising! I always hold my phone and text over my belly and the kicks will jolt my arms and make it so difficult to keep typing! Its so funny though! I almost can't stop resting my hands on my bump either now, because its so far out there I just hug it all the time! I'm nervous for rib kicks though. Mine are usually on my right side or low so I haven't gotten any. But sometimes the baby moves and just makes all my other organs uncomfortable! I still love it though:) I love that the baby is bigger that I can feel it turning and such and I'm pretty sure it never sleeps! At my appointment they said after 28 weeks is when you should really make sure your getting 10 kicks every hour, but I feel like my little one never stops moving!
Well I went to my doctors appointment today and I was pretty surprised. Two weeks ago I weighed 113.4 today I weighed 117.4!!! 4 lbs in two weeks?! That has to be too much! I've gained 20 lbs all together. All this extra weight is definitely taking a toll on my body. I'm always tired and out of breath. Madison has been kicking me in the bladder for HOURS! I even thought I peed my pants earlier at wal-mart. I've had so much pelvic pressure today, and aches and pains all over. I even threw up a few minutes ago. I am officially over being pregnant!! I want it to be July 24th. I've been getting braxton hicks every day, are you still getting them a lot? They're getting a little more uncomfortable to me.*
I am unprepared as well, but it's reassuring knowing that I'll have a lot of things to keep me busy. I picked out colors for Madisons room, so once Eric paints it I'll be able to start decorating and getting it ready! I hope time will go by fast when I'm washing her clothes and organizing and putting everything together!
I would plan my own baby shower if no one was initiating it! Better to plan it yourself then to wait and risk not having one! Maybe once you start, they'll help out! Either way, it seems like it would be fun planning it!
I feel so huge! My legs and butt are totally getting bigger. I need to watch out and stop eating cookies and other bad things. It's so hard lately! I even crave fruits and veggies, but we never have any. Eric gets onto me about what I eat, but he doesn't exactly buy healthy food for me to snack on! I'm just getting overwhelmed with my body, and all the other discomforts lately. I've gotten pretty insecure with my body, and I've never been that way before. It's frustrating because I know I need to gain weight, but I don't want my butt and legs getting bigger, just my belly!!! Sorry if I'm venting :( I could cry right now though.
Are you having any of these problems? :/
Since my doctor was sick last time and I had another doctor check me, she didn't tell me how much I currently weighed. But I'm just over 130lbs! Which is so crazy to me. I'm not too worried as I can literally see where all the weight has gone, but its making me feel terrible! I'm not use to all this sudden extra weight! I'm tired whenever I have to move, and getting up from a sit down or lay down position is just a joke! Plus my heating pad broke this week which I was basically glued too as soon as I get home from work until I go to bed, so now my back just gets frozen into place! My baby has been kicking me in the bladder constantly! Before I didn't have to pee anymore than usual, but now I'm feeling like a regular pregnant woman who always has to pee! I haven't fully pee'd my pants yet but definitely dribbled a little while sneezing or laughing a couple times! I haven't had to throw up yet, but ij've been getting this terrible heartburn feeling or something that's starts late afternoon/evening and stays until I fall asleep. I haven't gotten any braxton hicks contractions for quite some time now, but I can only imagine how they would feel now! I'm so sorry! I feel the same, I love being pregnant, but I'm so exhausted from everything I'm just ready for my little one to be here!

Luckily we both still have lots to do before our babies are here which will keep us busy! I'm hoping to finish our registry soon, and I hope someone will step up for the shower. I really wouldn't mind doing it myself just because I want to be well prepared and organized early on in July. Even if just one family does the shower would really help us out a lot, other wise we'll end up buying most of the things we need ourselves and then there won't even be much need for a shower.

I need to rant with you! I was fairly small pre-pregnancy. I wore size 00 or 23/24 (designer jeans), and XS for all my other clothes. In fact I always found it hard to find anything small enough! Now I just feel giant! I look ridiculous! My boyfriend says when I'm naked getting ready in the mornings I look like something off national geograhic since I look so pregnant and my boobs and butt are just massive! My boob stretch marks haven't gotten worse, but they haven't gone away or gotten any better, either! Today I was getting ready in the bathroom and I was checking my hip/butt stretch makrs which have gotten much darker over night and now I have them ALL over my entire butt! I'm so disappointed! Also, my butt is now cottage cheesey and my two rins I usually wear are getting so tight I'm going to have to take them off soon! As much as I love my little one all this extra weight and these strecth marks are just getting me down! I should be happy since its just my boobs, belly, and butt have grown and not everything! But I still can't help but feel insecure! It doesn't help having to waddle everywhere, either! I miss wearing cute clothes and going shopping for new ones! I never want to shop for clothes now because soon I won't need such big sizes and I just want to feel cute and petite again! Especially since our weather is crazy right now but starting to warm up and get sunny so I just want to wear cute summer clothes! I am pretty terrible on the sweets I eat, too. I don't really eat lunch often since there isn't much for me to eat at the nanny house. I do love fruit so I have been eating a lot of those, but not much veggies. I really need to eat better but all I ever crave is sweets! I could rant forever because I'm just so bummed but I think you get the point! Hopefully these next 10 weeks fly and we'll have our little ones and we'll have forgotten all of this! :)
A woman from my centering pregnancy swears by papaya for heartburn! She said there are papaya pills, canned papaya, fresh papaya. She said that she played around with them and now she knows which ones work for how severe her heartburn is at that time! My doctor said it's an old remedy, but it can work! You should go buy some papayas, you never know :) Also, I've heard that larger meals can make heartburn worse. I don't get it too terribly, knock on wood, but I do get it. Not enough that I would ever really take anything. I did take tums once actually, which has been the only non prescription drug I've taken since I've been pregnant. I'm too scared to even take Tylenol!*
I think it's safe to say, we are feeling a lot of the same things about our bodies! I was also a 00-0 and a 24. I'm just shorter than you! So I can totally relate to everything you vented about! That did make me laugh what your boyfriend said!!! I'm sure Eric thinks the same thing. He tries to hold his tongue because I'm pretty sensitive lately, but I know he'd love to crack more jokes! Yesterday he told me that "my vagina is getting ready for birth" WTF?! I asked him to explain and he just poked my pelvic area. He was like "I could have never poked that before" I guess I'm gaining weight EVERYWHERE. He then proceeded to warn me about a "mommy pouch" and asked me to never ever get one. Sweet. I feel like a cow.*
I hope we're like those pregnant ladies that have their babies and lose everything!!! I know breastfeeding helps you lose a lot of weight! It actually burns calories, hell yeah! Haha.*
I hope you get to have an amazing baby shower! You just need to sit them down and be like, um hi, you see this belly? This baby isn't gonna wait for you to throw my baby shower, you need to get to planning! ;)

My baby shower is sooooo soon! Not this weekend, but next! My mom and best friend will be here on the 20th. Yayayayyy!!!!!! I haven't seen my best friend since Christmas, and my mom since February. They haven't seen me since I've had my belly! I bet my mom will cry. She was already talking to my belly back in December and February!*
Erics mom text me this morning asking if his grandma classy (dads side) was going to be here the day of my 4d (she lives in California) she then said she would like to have her come with her and Eric's sister to the ultrasound. I wouldn't really mind it, but she is NOT that kind of lady. She's not sensitive, kind of a grandma Tom boy. I don't even think she likes me! She makes me feel kind of uncomfortable. I don't think she would even want to go, honestly. I feel like if they ask her, she'll feel obligated. Ugh I don't know what to do!! I wish Eric's mom hadn't asked me that. :( What would you do?

The movers are here right now moving my families things out!!! It's bittersweet. I don't want them to go, but I'm so excited to start decorating the house my way and getting Madisons room ready!
Ooh I'll definitely have to try some papaya! I haven't taken any medicine either, other than my prenatals and now my iron supplement. I haven't taken any tylenol or anything, either! I never took a lot of medicine before, sometimes for headaches and such or midol haha.

I'm sure since we're both pretty small this extra weight really gets to us, too. I think we were both probably pretty active before and not use to any extra weight on our bones! Haha that is so funny! I was confused at first when he said your vagina was getting ready for having a baby! I was like I hope she's not already dilating! My boyfriend once told me he wouldn't be with someone who was fat. I told him I was going to be fat since I was pregnant and gaining weight and even after the baby is born I'll still have it. He said that much weight was okay but he didn't want me getting huge! But he did offer to work out with me post pregnancy :) Plus I had texted him earlier and told him about my new stretch marks and he said someday when he's rich he'll pay to get them fixed! Hahah

The mom I nanny for is a size 25 in jeans and she said after both her kids it took 2 months and she had gone back to her pre-pregnancy body. I figured 2 months wasn't bad since for the first 6 weeks I'll probably won't be doing much working out! So I'm hoping it will be easy for us to go back to our pre-pregnancy bodies! I look at my belly button everyday and say how it's disappeared because it's basically flat now! I still have my naval ring in, but I'm noticing a tiny stretch mark there, too. I'm a little concerned about how my strecth marks will look a year from now. I'm hoping they won't be as bad! I've also heard that breastfeeding really helps!

I like how you put that: 'see this belly, the baby isn't going to wait for you to throw a shower, you need to start planning!' That is so perfect! I guess I'm mostly concerned about it because i'd like to already be prepared for baby, which I'm no where close, so if I knew what i'd be receiving from the baby shower would really help!

I'm excited your baby shower is so soon! You're going to have so much fun and you're going to feel so much more prepared! That's so sweet you'll get to see your mom and best friend again! That's going to make your baby shower even more special! I bet your mom will cry! I know if my mom hadn't seen me this whole time she would definitely cry! It would be so weird for them to all of a sudden see your almost 8 months pregnant bump!

Eek! I hate being put in situations when you have to make awkward decisions like that! I haven't had anyone come to any of our ultrasounds other than Travis of course! I'm not sure what I would do. Maybe you could offer but also give her the option not to go. Mention that Eric's mom and sister will be going but if she doesn't want to come she could just see the pictures and video at the baby shower? Travis' mom is really awkward too. She's kind of tom boy, too. She's already said if the baby is a girl she'll be enrolling her in softball! Which I wouldn't mind but should be up to my daughter. Anyway his mom is awkward because she doesn't show emotions, like hardly at all! So whenever I show her the pictures she always just looks at them and says they look nice but doesn't get all excited or anything So I could definitely see it being weird for her to come to an ultrasound. Maybe you could see what Eric would suggest?

Aw that would be pretty bittersweet! But it will definitely be nice to feel like you can start getting the place ready for Madison! When will Erics mom be moving in?
HAHAHAHA omg I forgot to tell you! Yesterday we were at the store and I got a bad cramp and baby kicked me so hard in my bladder that I stopped in my tracks. I was just like "oh my gosh Eric..." and he was like "What?! YOUR WATER BROKE?!?!" Hahahahahaha he was dead serious!! The look on his face was priceless!
I hope it only takes us two months! That would be amazing. I just can't wait!
I definitely think his mom sounds like Eric's grandma. She isn't affectionate or nurturing like my Grandmas are. It makes me feel like she doesn't like me, because it's just not what I'm used to. Shes like that with everyone though.*
I honestly don't even know when she's moving in! My family leaves Saturday. Once they leave we're gonna clean everything and paint. We want to paint a lot of the walls. We're also going to go shopping for house things which is SO exciting for me :) I know his mom wants to be in by June 1st. So it's really just whenever it's all cleaned up and painted! I want to have the cleaning and painting done by the time my mom and best friend get here, since they will be staying at my house. Then I'm sure my mom will take me shopping for house things, and her an Brittany (my best friend) are going to help me with Madisons room :)
At my doctors appt, we watched a breast feeding video. It got me excited to breast feed lol. I just like the fact that I am feeding my baby!! That no one else can! Like, she needs me! Haha that probably sounded weird?
Hahah oh my god! That is so funny! That would be too priceless! I'm pretty sure my little one thinks its funny to kick my bladder! Especially whenever I have even just a little something in my bladder, baby goes to town on making me uncomfortable! Two months would be so amazing! I'm definitely ready for it to be July now!

Oh I know what you mean! Travis' parents never hugged me or anything before, but now that I'm pregnant his dad gives me a hug as soon as he sees me. On mother's day he even gave me a kiss on my forehead and I was so shocked! His mom on the other hand only hugs me once in a while. She's not very friendly or lovey dovey. Travis always finds it weird, his brother is the same way. Him and his dad are the more emotional, feely type. They don't just cry all the time but they actually have emotions have happiness or excitement or being upset and such!

It will be so fun to start putting your home together! Getting to paint and buy house stuff will be so exciting. I was so excited when we moved from our apartment to our house, and we already had all our house stuff! Its also really exciting your mom and best friend will get to help put together Madison"s room! That is going to make it just that much more special!

I feel like my doctors office hasn't prepared me for anything! They haven't asked if I was even breastfeeding or not! I feel completely clueless! I have no clue what to expect once I start going into labor and such. I keep reading about plugs and such and I have no clue what that means! I'm really excited to breastfeed, too, though! I feel like it will help us feel like we're still connected with our baby. I keep telling Travis how I feel like the baby is all mine since I had to take care of it for its first 9 months while it was growing! I know its his, too, but I feel like I'm going to be so protective! That's why I'm pretty excited to be the one who gets to feed the baby and keep it close! I'm nervous it will hurt, but I almost don't care I'm just so excited!

I am still getting excited to find out when and who will go into labor first! Or to hear about your birth story and how breastfeeding is going! I'm so excited to see pictures of Madison and to see who my little one is going to look like! I get so happy when I say there is only 10 weeks until our due date! It's going to come quick I think though, because I can't believe we're basically halfway through May and once June comes we'll be so busy getting baby things together!
My doctor just told me not to go to the hospital until my contractions are strong and five minutes apart. She actually told me it's better to stay home as long as I can! She said not to go until I get to the point where I am so uncomfortable I can't take it anymore. She said it's way easier to get comfortable at home, you can take showers, walk around, lay in your own bed, etc. She said once you go to the hospital, you can only do so much. You have to listen to them, you can't just do whatever you want anymore! She recommended hot showers and birthing balls! Which they provide at the hospitals. She's actually a mid wife, so I love her advice. Also, if the baby is latched on right when breastfeeding, it's not supposed to hurt. She told me to tell them not to give my baby formula or water in a bottle, and no pacifiers. She said to wait a few weeks until you've got breastfeeding down good! You should watch a video, maybe there's one online? I learned sooo much!
I can't wait to see your baby!!! Especially because I won't know if it's a he or she until you give birth and I think*It's so exciting not knowing :) I think she's a girl though! It will be so fun showing pictures, and getting parenting advice from someone with a baby basically the same exact age!!!
The weeks go by pretty fast for me, so 10 weeks seems pretty soon! I'm so excited!
I think its so weird my doctor hasn't talked to me about anything. I know a lot fo what you told me so I guess I'm not completely clueless! But I am surprised my doctor doesn't feel like she needs to inform me of anything! We still have a few weeks before I will get really concerned about her not giving me any information. Also, we live pretty close to the hospital. I would say its 10-15 minutes with traffics, lights, and parking. And that's during 3-5pm when traffic is pretty bad. So I'm going to try to stay home as long as possible! I think I'll feel much more comfortable at home like you said! Plus I can scream and rant and not feel as silly :) I guess I am disappointed she hasn't said much because I'm worried about the style and procedures they choose since I have no clue! I definitely don't want my baby even near a bottle unless it has my breast milk in it! Same with pacifiers since its really not necessary so early on and can confuse the little one with my nipple and the nipple of the pacifier! I also don't want someone giving my little one a pacifier because I am wanting people to respect me as well and ask what I want during labor and even after.

I got a breastfeeding book so I think I'll read that and I'll probably do some internet search as well as trying to find some educational videos. I should probably do that for the birth, too, just so I can be fully educated and prepared!

I am so excited I decided to go along with Travis' original idea of waiting to find out the gender. I love that you can connect with little Madison and call her by name, and it was hard around 20 weeks when I had the chance to know because I wanted to be able to do the same! But now it doesn't seem hard at all, now I'm just excited for the surprise of finding out the day I give birth! I don't even mind not getting to call my little one by name or having the right color ahead of time! I ket thinking I was having a little girl, now I kind of feel like its a boy, but I actually have no clue and I'm so excited! I think I change my guess like everyday! I also feel like the weeks go by quickly. I'm actually quite surprised that we'll be 30 weeks after the weekend! To me weeks are almost only 5 days because I'm always looking for the weekend when I don't have to work and it feels like the weekend goes by so fast and since our new week starts Sunday/Monday it always seems to come so quick once Friday rolls around! I can't believe we're almost out of the 20(something) weeks, and into the 30s! It'll be nice to get parenting advice and also have someone with a baby so close in age to compare how the baby is growing and progressing developmentally! All the baby's firsts are going to be so exciting!

Are you getting maternity pictures? And are you getting newborn pictures? I really want to get both!

I posted this thread and wanted to tell you the same story, I didn't want to re type it though! :(

I definitely want to get some books too! It will give me something to do all day haha. My friend is going to take my maternity pictures! She has an expensive professional camera and she takes all of our friends engagement or senior pictures. They come out amazing!! I'll definitely get newborn pictures done too!!
I would be so so mad! That's very uncomfortable and very rude! My boyfriend only had one girlfriend before me who he dated for 5 months the summer and a little of fall of his freshman year, then we dated in spring after they broke up. Luckily they weren't together very often and no one has much to say about them, but it is awkward to see pictures! I would be so upset of his mom kept talking about them together! I can't believe she actually sent you pictures! That's really crazy! Why would you even want to see them?! She should be sending you baby pictures! Its so weird they talked about all his ex-girlfriends and then ends it with how he met you and now you're knocked up! That's so terrible! You two love each other, it's not like your suddenly stuck, you would have been with him if Madison wasn't in the picture, too! I'm so sorry! Have you told Eric yet? It sounds like Eric is crazy in love with you, and he sounds like such a keeper! Plus he wants to marry you! I'm sure he's forgetting all about those girls because he's got someone even better, plus she's carrying his precious little girl! I'm sorry his mom was so disrespectful to you!

So I want to tell you this story and I'm going to try to sum it up! Anyways Travis and I started dating in May 2006. We moved into our first apartment together in July 2009. Around November 2009 we started getting a little rocky in our relationship because Travis was more focused on his friends than our relationship he was continually putting them first. He had people over for hours every night. I had told him I was feeling unhappy with our relationship and he chose not to make any extra effort. It was difficult since it was right around the holidays. A lot of his friends never really liked me, so it wasn't always fun having everyone around. In January 2010 I broke up with Travis, after asking to go on a break. He said he didn't believe in breaks, thus why we broke up. I felt like he didn't care about us anymore even though we loved each other. When I broke up he acted like he didn't care, he didn't try to keep me, and he never fought for me. Anyways, during the break up I slept with this guy I was somewhat seeing. I slept with him twice on two seperate occasions when I was drunk. In March 2010 I decided I was more unhappy without Travis than with him and asked to get back together. We got back together in April 2010 and everyone was pretty upset because no one liked me. I knew he had been hanging out with this girl when we were broken up but that was all I knew. I had told Travis I slept with the guy and I let the guy know that since Travis and I were back together that I was no longer going to be in contact with him. I find out this past April that Travis had been fooling around with the girl he was hanging out with, but they didn't have sex. I was really upset because I had been fooled for a whole year thinking he hadn't done anything. Sex/fooling around with someone else is huge to us because we have only ever been with each other. We are both over the fact we've fooled around with someone else but I was mostly upset that everyone who was mad I was fooling around with some guy, knew that the entire time we were broken up Travis was also fooling around with some girl. Even one of my old best friends (who is a guy and also Travis' best friend) knew Travis was fooling around but told him how horrible I was for being with the guy I was with. So basically I was really hurt because people acted as if I was some slut and Travis had a pass just because he was 'hurt' by me breaking up with him. Anyways I was also hurt because during the year we were back together Travis had been talking to her on facebook and texting. I had thought they were just friends so I didn't care. She even came and visited us at our apartment. When Travis and I got back together in April of 2010 I had told him I was no longer going to be in any contact with the guy I had been with out of respect for Travis. I also let the guy know this. So after I find out he actually was fooling around with this girl I tried to be supportive and nice and let him talk to her. They really don't say much, and he's definitely crazy about me so I'm not worried about him leaving me, especially now that we're starting a family. I tried adding her on facebook since we had hung out a lot together before Travis and I ever broke up and before they ever got together and she denied me, but would continue to 'like' every status Travis posted! She would always text him and end up trying to flirt in which Travis wouldn't back. But then I was upset when my mom posted on Travis' wall about how he would make a good Daddy, and Travis never responded. However if the girl he was with wrote he immediately wrote back! He also would respond to her texts as soon as they got them but went a whole day without even writing me back! So yesterday I told him how it kind of hurt my feelings because I was very respectufl and stopped contacting the guy I was with, yet he jumps at the chance to talk to this girl. Now I know he's just being nice to her and not trying to hurt me. He was very nice about it when I had told him and he said I would no longer have to hear about her. He wrote her a message on facebook saying how he was deleting her as a friend on facebook and would appreciate if she didn't text him. I wasn't expecting him to quite go that far, I just wanted him to respond as quickly as he did to her to me and my mom. I wanted to feel special. I am happy that he's making an effort because it shows me how much he cares. I just had to tell someone because I didn't want to be alone on all of this. It was making my pregnancy somewhat stressful because it was disapointing finding out the guy I am crazy in love with kept this secret about this girl who he let come around me for a whole year when he told me if he ever saw the guy I was with he would punch him! So in the end everything is still amazing between us and we've definitely been closer after the break up (it was really good for us, we both just wished we handled everything differently). Travis and I are really happy and crazy in love and we never ever want to get that bad again, we've been best friends for over 5 years now and now that we're pregnant we have lost most of our friends and spend all our time together and we're so happy, but I just wanted to get it all off my chest! Ah! Thanks for letting me tell you my crazy pointless story.

I have one friend who does photography and she did my senior pictures. But I felt like she didn't do that amazing of a job, all of my faces turned out red and I had to do the editing myself! So I thought maybe I would let her try again. I also have this girl who went to my high school who is really good but I don't know her well. I thought about offering to pay her well to do them for me, but I'm still about nervous about asking her since we're not close at all! So I might just go somewhere and get them done, I want them to turn out really cute!
I'm glad you agree that she was disrespectful. Eric would never tolerate her talking about such things in front of me, so she only does it when he's not around! I told him what she did and I could tell he felt horrible. I just feel like she was totally out of line. It also bothered me that she said she didn't know that album was in there, yet it was the ONLY album... Then she is so fake saying "I love you" "you're wonderful" I wanted to just be like really? Shut up! :(
Wow I totally get where you're coming from in that situation! Luckily Eric and I have never broken up for more than a day, so we haven't had to deal with anything like that. I would be hurt if I found out Eric was with another girl and didn't tell me! Like, I know you were broken up and you were even with another guy, but you told him! You'd think after you told him, he would go ahead and tell you. Thats so sucky that people were mad at you, knowing he did the same thing! I swear people hold guys and girls to such different standards. If a guy does something no one cares, but if a girl does the same she's a slut! I don't understand it! I think you were totally right to bring up the fact that you didn't stay in contact with the guy that you were with. Honestly, I don't care who she is, I would be annoyed if Eric were texting any other girl! Even if he hadn't fooled around with her before. That was good that Travis told her that! At least now you won't have to worry. I also think it's annoying when people like every single status, like totally different, but Erics mom likes every single one of his statuses and used to do it to me. It just bothered me! I would write "I love you" or something on his wall and she would like it. Facebook gets so annoying. I'm glad Eric doesn't talk to other girls, I would have to put an end to that*lol.*
I'm sure they have pregnancy packages somewhere! Maybe someone would get that for you as a gift? I would ask my grandma or someone to pay for it if my friend wasn't doing it haha.*Or you could just ask that girl, and ask her as a photographer not as someone you know.
Aw well at least Eric is on your side about the situation! It is terrible though that she will only say such things when he isn't around. I don't know what makes her want to do it, but she needs to realize that you're his fiance now and there won't be any other girls so she better start treating you better! I would be so frustrated for her saying she didn't know it was the only album, just because it seems like she would know ahead of time what she was sending you. It just makes her sound like she's trying to hide what she was really trying to do because you confronted her! She probably just says those nice things to you because she feels like she has to, when she should be saying them because she means them!

I was actually a little surprised thinking back about it now that we broke up because we never broke up before. Not even for a day or week or anything. When we were mad at each other we never let it go to the next day! I must have just been really unhappy! I totally agree! People do make it out that girls and guys can have different standards. I felt like since I was drunk it made somewhat of a difference because you're not thinking clearly. But Travis on the other hand was sober and fooled around much more often. Sure he's still only had sex with me but I can hardly remember having sex with the other guy. Luckily we both understand and moved on from the sexual part of the break up. But I've just been recently frustrated because everyone knew he was with someone else but acted as if I was terrible for being with someone! We're both pretty unjealous people. Before we broke up it didn't bother us to be texting the other sex because we trusted each other. I was just upset that he never told me about her and then was in contact with her for so long! I hate when people 'like' every status and it was even worse it was her! I write 'I love you' on his wall or other comments directed to him and random people always 'like' it. Those are personal even if they are on a public site! I'm just glad Travis was willing to message her that even though I didn't ask him too. We're so much better now, we never argue and if we do it never lasts longer than an hour. We both find it amazing how we made it through all of highschool and never broke up! High school is a crazy emotional rollercoaster!

I was thinking I might facebook message and ask as if it's more of a job for her. She does really amazing stuff I can only imagine what she would do for maternity and newborn pictures! But if all else fails I'll find a nice photo place :)
I can't decide what I would want to wear in my maternity pictures!! I've seen so many different things, from outfits to bandeau tops to nudes! Haha nothing stands out to me though. I know I'll be way more comfortable with my friend taking them! I always feel so awkward when people are taking pictures of me! Have you given any thought into what you would wear??*
I'd like Madison to be in little bloomers, a tutu, and a matching bow for her pictures :) then we'll take some of her with Eric and me! Ahhh I can't wait!
I have no clue yet! I love nude, but I think I wouldn't be comfortable enough with a photographer. Maybe if it was someone I was close with, then I would be able to, but since it's a stranger I just feel a tad bit too exposed! I'll probably do some research before hand into fun ideas, but I think I would really like Travis to be in the maternity pictures with me, and I would think I would like us to match a bit. Maybe not crazy matchy matchy, and I think I also like black and white pictures best. But there is so many different styles I'll definitely have to look online a lot!

I think Madison's newborn pictures will be so adorable! Are you going to do any nude baby photo's too? I think it'd like some, because babies are just so perfect i'd love to have a couple pictures just of them and not them covered in cute outfits. But I am definitely so excited to pick out my little one's first photo shoot outfits! :)

Your ultrasound and baby shower is so soon! I bet you are so excited! I am so excited for you, and I can't wait to hear all about it! :) Good news! Travis mom wanted to see if my mom and sister wanted to combine baby showers and plan one big family baby shower! I'm happy with that because Travis' parents have the perfect house for entertaining, but they're not very good at planning something like a baby shower with decorations and games and invites and such, since Travis' mom is kind of tom boyish and awkwardly emotionless. His dad loves to cook and will do great on the food. My mom on the other hand goes all out, so she's going to do great on decorating and games and such. Anyway's Travis' mom told me she wanted to do the baby shower in July!! Isn't that ridiclous?! Especially since you couldn't do it the first weekend as its fourth of July weekend and a lot of people would be out of town or busy, so that would make me 37/38 weeks pregnant! I was so upset when we went to Babies R Us later just Travis and I, I ended up crying! I don't want to be so huge I'm uncomfortable, plus I want time after the shower to get everything prepared for baby after the gifts I receive , and also so I can have time to get anything else I may need to buy! Plus Travis was born 4 weeks early so I was shocked when she said she wanted to do it so close to my due date! What if my baby is early?! Luckily my mom said she wanted to do it on June 11th which is so perfect to me, gives us enough time to invite people and let the weather warm up a bit, and I won't be so huge and uncomfortable, plus it gives me about 5 weeks to get prepared! Plus my mom got these really cute invitations that she actually got from the dollar store which I was so surprised by because they're little yellow giraffes with balloons and presents and looks all babyish and its cut out into the shape of the animal instead of just square and it even has sparkles and purple envelopes! They were adorable. Do you know what they have planned for your shower? Will you be doing any games?

Oh my god. I have new symptoms! I'm getting bad acid reflux/heartburn every night from when I get home from work around 5pm until I go to bed! Its worse the later the night gets. Plus I have this horrible symptom that is so embarassing. The skin around my vagina is so itchy! It is horrible, it feels worse than a bug bite where you just can't stop itching. This too usually only happens after work and later in the evening so at least I'm in the privacy of my own home. But I feel so uncomfortable I've rubbed and itched myself raw and I'm red and inflamed! I had no clue what was happening, I felt so embarassed and luckily Travis was so nice about it. I hadn't switch soap but thought maybe I suddently got allergic or irritated by it, but it also felt slightly better if I scrubbed in the shower but it didn't completely go away. So last night while I'm in bed feeling miserable Travis googled it and other women have gotten this while pregnant. The first responce we read was actually from someone who was also 30 weeks pregnant, well his wife was and he said she was driving him crazy so he needed to know what was going on, it was funny. But a bunch of women said when they mentioned it to their doctors the doctors didn't seem to concerned but didn't have a lot to help prevent the itchiness. Some women said a cold compress helps, as well as making a baking soda paste. I'm so happy other women have experienced it as I was feeling so completely embarassed and yet so miserable! Sorry for the TMI but I thought I would share in case it happens to you!
Oh my gosh, that sounds perfect for your baby shower! I am so happy that it's finally getting planned :) July is definitely too late, June would be perfect. I feel like mine is a little early. Every baby shower I've been to, they've been ginormous. I still feel tiny! We are having games, my best friend is in charge of that part! Eric's mom bought the moat amazing party favors. She got those little hand sanitizers from bath and body works, and those things you put them in. I'll take a pic so you know what I mean! She got them after Mothers Day so they say things like "one hot mom" etc. Lol they are so cute!! I'll also send you a pic of my diaper cake, Eric's sister made it. It is also amazing! I'm so excited. Are they gonna let you help plan yours? They didn't let me help AT ALL :( I would have liked to help a little!

That symptom sounds awful!!! I hope I don't get it. I've been a little itchy down there (TMI) since I haven't been shaving as much. I'm used to always being clean kept, its just too hard lately! I hate having hair down there, but as of right now I'm only shaving like once a week, sometimes I'll go even longer. I can't see, and I don't want to have to fuss with a mirror all the time. I'm going to buy wax strips and have Eric wax me. This should be interesting! I have a new symptom too, I'm craving dirt. I want to suck on rocks. It's so weird and disgusting :( I obviously wont ever give into it! I think it means I have a vitamin deficiency though. I'm gonna talk to my doctor about it at my next appointment!*

Have you started anything with your nursery yet? I moved Madi's things up there because they had taken over my huge closet. I still need to clean and paint though! I just want it ready! I'll just sit in there. I can't wait for it to be ready and perfect. I still have those moments where I'm like "wow there's a baby in me..." do you ever feel like that? It's so surreal.*

My mom had me eight weeks early, that would be like us going into labor in TWO weeks. Oh. My. Gosh. Isn't that crazy?! I was fine too, just tiny! My lungs weren't as strong as they should have been, but my mom didn't have insurance so they sent me home the next day!!! Crazy!! Obviously we want to wait until at least 37 weeks, it's just so crazy to me though! People have babies this early!
Also, those invitations sound adorable! They're gender neutral so that's perfect!!

I like nudes, and since one of my best friends will be taking them it wouldn't be AS weird. I still can't decide though. I definitely want some of Madi's cute little butt. I love ones where they're sleeping with their little butts in the air!
Those hand sanitizers are perfect! I think some of our prizes will be baby bottles filled with candy! I don't know what other gifts yet. That diaper cake is absolutely adorable, it's seriously the cutest one I have seen so far! Since I have so many things I still need to get for the baby I'm asking for no clothes and limited diaper since those are easy to get. Plus we don't know the gender for clothes. I think they'll let me help out a bit, my mom is doing all the decorations and says she already has the center piece planned and such. But I did help pick out games. We're going to play Measure That Belly where everyone pulls a piece of streamer they think can wrap around my belly, and after everyone has their guess we'll measure my belly with a piece of streamer and whoever is closest wins. I just think that one is fun because its fun to show off my baby bump! My mom wanted to do Dirty Diaper, where they have a bunch of diapers each one filled with a different kind of baby food and they'll be set out on the table and everyone tries a little bit and they write on the paper provided which baby food they think it is and whoever gets the most right answers wins. Another is Musical Bottles where we have 3 or so baby bottles filled with juice or something and pass them around while the music plays and when the music stops whoever has a bottle in their hand has to finish all the contents through the nipple of the bottle and whichever person who has a bottle finishes first wins. I don't know what usual games are but these sounded funny, but not too crazy. My baby shower is going to be huge.. the list for just my side of the family is already so long (of course people might not be able to make it) but we still have all of Travis' side of the family!

The symptoms are terrible and I also only shave about once a week now. Especially since I shower in the morning before work and since shaving takes so much extra time now I just don't have time to do it during my shower. So I only get to do it about once a week! So when I was getting uncomfortably itchy it had been about a week so I thought I would try shaving to see if that would help, I took so long and did a really good job, but in the end it didn't help, at least I look nice though! Ah that is a scary symptom! I've heard it has something to do with a vitamin deficiency so I would definitely talk to your doctor when you go in! You'll have to let me know what they tell you!

We haven't done much with the nursery, we have a lot of stuff in it; crib, changing table, swing, stationary play seat thing, bouncy seat, etc. But because we're deciding to wait on the gender we won't decorate the nursery until a couple months after the baby is born or when I feel more up to it. It's not as fun not getting to decorate and be excited, bit I'm so excited to wait on the gender I don't even mind! I definitely still find it crazy there is a little baby inside me. Last night I was lying flat on my back where it actually helped take of pressure and weight of the baby so even though I have a huge bump I felt like my belly was flat (even though it didn't look that way!), and I told Travis how since I felt like I had my pre-pregnancy belly that it was so weird that there was a baby growing inside! It's still completely surreal and absolutely amazing. The babies movements are so much fun I just can't help but be happy all the time, except of course when it kicks my bladder..

I know, my brother was almost 6 weeks early, and Travis was 4! Not quite as bad as 8 weeks but at least you were doing well! I can't believe they sent you home the next day though! It still makes it crazy in my head that I could literally have my baby at any time (even though I'm definitely hoping closer to 37 weeks!) But it just makes it feel that much closer to our little one's arrival!

It is definitely a hard decision! Maybe we'll just have to do a lot of different type of pictures so we have lots of options once they are taken to use for printing or sending out to people! I absolutely love the sleeping baby butt in the air picture which is exactly why I want a couple nude newborn pictures as well as cute outfits! I am so excited! :) How far along do you think you'll get your maternity pictures done at?

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