Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

We still have to schedule our 4D scan but if we do find out the sex of the baby we should be finding ouut then and I'll definitely let you know!

I got two stretchy shirts, one dress, and four cardigans. So I mostly wear tank tops, but luckily they're actually pretty comfortable. I love the ones from victoria's secret because they are long and stretchy so they feel more comfortable rather than night and I am still wearing my extra small ones! I do need to find new bottoms to wear as I only have a few pairs of sweats/yoga pants that fit! I know I do look a bit younger than most people think so I suppose it is understandable that I may get some odd stares. Plus even though I definitely look pregnant I do have some loose shirts that make it hard to tell if I'm actually pregnant or fat!

Sounds like a very stressful situation! 24 weeks is a difficult time to look for a job because in just a few months you'll be having Madison and will be needing quite a bit of time off! I know just how you feel about not wanting Madison coming and you two to be struggling. I'm a bit nervous because we keep having things pop up that we need to pay for. We're in the process of buying a second vehicle since my car no longer works, and we owe about $800 to our old apartment to replace the carpet, as well as I just saw my boyfriend still owes $200 on his credit card. I think we'll be fine but it's stressful knowing soon we'll have a baby who needs things too which is another expense, as well as we still have a ton of things to get before the baby even gets here! The idea of moving to Michigan with your dad sounds nice since you'll have a place to yourself as well as a parent living close who is able to support you, but I can understand why it might be difficult for your boyfriend to just up and move as it's a big life change. Funny how life works sometimes, isn't it? We never though this is where we would be! What about living with your mom? I thought you mentioned earlier that might have been an option? It does sound as though everyone is all over the place and it seems very stressful since you have a little one on the way and you have to make some big decisions quickly!

He hasn't felt anymore, and I am getting a bit concerned because most kicks are pretty light. I did get to SEE one kick, but just one. The time my boyfriend felt the kick, and when I saw the kick were a couple of stronger ones, but I really haven't felt strong ones since. In fact they are very light almost like when I first started feeling them, rather than getting strong! I just wish I could feel nice strong kicks all the time. Maybe I'll make my 4D scan sooner than planned so I can get another good look at baby:)
I have thought about moving with my mom, but who knows! I don't even want to deal with it, I keep brushing the whole situation off, which is gonna bite me in the butt pretty soon! I know I need to figure it out, I just don't want to!
The whole debt situation kind of sucks for me right now! I got a credit card right when I graduated from high school. I was working full time, and making good money and I wanted to establish credit! It was fine when I was working, but I quit my job and I owed almost $600! That isn't that much money, if you have a job! I started school though, so I haven't been working for a long time. I also took out a student loan for $5,500 and I have to start making payments in October. This also wouldn't be a problem, if I wasn't having a baby! I'm gonna want to take time off from working, so I won't be ready to start paying in October. Ahh its pretty stressful, but I'm lucky to have my boyfriend! He takes care of me when it comes to stuff like that.
I still don't really feel kicks unless I'm laying down. Occasionally I will feel them when I'm sitting, but never when I'm standing up or anything! I wouldn't worry just yet, it is still early. As long as you're feeling some kicks, then I'm sure baby is fine! If you are worried though, maybe you should call your ob? If anything, they might want to schedule an ultrasound and you'll get to see your little one even sooner!! One of my patients commented on my "little surprise" haha my belly is finally noticeable! Also, a drug rep that has seen me a few times over the last month asked if I was pregnant today! She was like, I've been meaning to ask, but I didn't want you to kick me if you weren't. My belly has gotten to the point where its just always big, before it would come and go, but its definitely here to stay now! I am so excited. I actually feel like I am far along now :)
It would be very difficult to chose the best place to movie, it's such a big decision! When do you have to decide?

The debt does sound stressful. I was never able to get a credit card because I didn't have enough credit hsitory which makes no sense to me because wouldn't that mean I should never be able to get one? Oh well at least that helps from getting me into debt! But $600 is a lot if you don't have a job.. not too bad when you're working but your situation is different! School loans are so tough, I'm not going to school but I mean $5,500 is a lot of money! Definitely an inconvienent time to have to start paying it back too! Right after a new baby and right around the holidays with your new baby! Sounds like you do have a very sweet boyfriend though, we are very lucky girls! I'm so happy I get to have my baby with my boyfriend, I couldn't have chosen a better person to create a precious life with!

I started feeling more kicks! I'm definitely relieved. I can feel them quite a bit now when baby is active and I'm sitting or laying, I don't feel them when I'm standing or walking really though. My boyfriend's gotten to feel a lot of kicks and see them too now!

I life that we finally look really pregnant. I love showing off my baby bump and when people comment on it! I can't help but always rub my belly either or rest my hands on it even when I'm walking around the store. It's like my baby hug:) I agree my belly is definitely a belly now! Before it just felt fat and kind of like a belly plus bloat but now it's a pregger's belly:)

We're just one week from V-Day! :) Plus we should have appointments coming up soon! Though we probably won't get to see little one, but we're still going to do our 4D ultrasound so I'm excited for that too but need to set the appointment up!

How have you been feeling? I get pretty bad back pain, otherwise not too many symptoms. I can tell baby is really growing! It's suppose to starting growing even more the next couples weeks! I always check the scale and get surprised by my weight. Luckily I'm not seeing it anywhere besides my growing baby belly:)
I have to decide pretty soon, my step mom is leaving in June, so before then. Even if we stay here we have to find somewhere to move! Such a sucky situation right now :(
I agree, I am also so happy that I get to have my baby with my boyfriend! He is going to be such an amazing daddy :))) That is so cool that he started feeling kicks and that you can see them now!! Last night we were going to sleep and Madi was kicking, so we just cuddled and he had his hand on my belly and we fell asleep feeling her kick. It was so cute! I do the belly hug all day too! I love it!
I am also surprised when I check the scale, I weigh myself everyday at work, even though I don't feel like I'm gaining weight I am. It is definitely only in my belly! My recorded pre pregnancy weight at my ob was 97, and I weigh almost 108 now! I have been feeling really good lately! No nausea or anything like that. Just back aches and swollen feet at the end of the day. Nothing too bad! Ugh except I still have a freaking UTI! We do urinalysis at my work, so I took one of the urine sticks home and dipped my urine, and I still had leukocytes! Which means my UTI is still there :( I want to make a doctors appointment with my primary doctor, but my stupid extern isn't over until next tuesday, and I want to go sooner! So I think I'm just gonna call my ob tomorrow and ask if she can get me in for a quick urine check and prescribe me some more antibiotics or something. That way I can just leave a little early, or take a long lunch break sometime this week. I hope it goes away though! I take a lot of bubble baths, so I think thats why I got it in the first place. It sucks because I just want to come home and relax in the bath, but now I can't :(
I have an appointment on April 13th, I think. What about you? When do you think you're going to schedule your ultrasound for??
That is very soon! It is a very sucky situation. I hope whichever you pick works well for you! I'm so sorry!

We are so very lucky to have such great supportive boyfriends:) That is so cute he got to fall asleep feeling to her kicks! I'm so excited because my baby has been very active the past couple days so I can finally relax and not worry so much!

You're a little tinier than me. I weighted roughly 105lbs before pregnancy and I'm at 121 when I went in on March 11th. That's with my clothes on and everything. When I weigh myself on the scale before I shower it says about 122 now, about 124 with clothes! I can't believe it! Maybe I've eaten too many sweets! My doctor said I'm on track for my weight but then they pushed me back 5 days so I figured I have a small baby or in the end baby is still small even if its not as far along so its not all baby weight! The few pounds I gained since my last appointment are baby though because I can tell baby has gotten bigger!

I am rarely on my feet and I rest a lot so my feet aren't swollen and I think it's helped with a lot of my pregnancy symptoms. I was reading up UTIs and I had read that taking a lot of baths can cause them! So that's probably why you got it, but bubble baths sound so nice! Hopefully your doctor will be able to squeeze you in and give you something to help!

My appointment is April 8th, I was thinking about doing the ultrasound Saturday the 16th because my boyfriends 21st birthday is the 17th so I thought that would be fun to do for his birthday, or maybe to it on Friday the 15th because it's cheaper on the weekdays. But I'll have to call and see what they have available!

I am loving my pregnancy and getting so excited for our babies! I love looking actually pregnant and having more people get excited. My mom's 50th birthday is next Monday so I'm throwing her a surpise party this weekend and there will be family and friends so I am hoping for a lot of supportive comments about my pregnancy instead of negative comments. I just sent out pregnancy announcements to tell my grandma and brother since I felt uncomfortable telling them in person. They should get them later this week. However my brother is in between moving and doesn't have an address so I'm trying to figure out a way to get it to him without having to basically tell him about it. I sent them out to family who already knew because I made the announcements cute so they're kind of a keepsake:)

I already feel like I have to walk funny and definitely have to get up off the couch differently because of my growing belly! I think I'm just going to cave in and find out the babies sex because I would be so much more excited to be able to give my son or daughter a name and call them by it! :) Plus I can go shopping and feel more prepared for baby's arrival.
That would be really cool to do it for his birthday! Its gonna be so exciting for you to see your baby again, I know I can't wait to see mine! :) My 4D was so amazing, I really want to get another one! Its not like at the doctors office where they're measuring and stuff, its all about the experience and you getting to see your baby!
I had never thought about announcements! That is such a cute idea, and really cool that you'll have them as keepsakes. Luckily everyone my family members have big mouths, so I didn't have to tell anyone myself! I'm glad they found out on their own, because I probably would never have told them!
I already have to walk funny and get up funny! Sometimes its almost like I'm waddling, and I'm just like wow I have four more months, its only gonna get worse!! I pretty much always have to ask my boyfriend to help me up. Especially if I'm sitting on the floor or on a deep couch. We just got a new bed, and its way higher than our old one and its definitely gonna be a problem getting in it soon! My boyfriends truck is also lifted, so its getting harder and harder for me to hop into it. Oh the joys of getting a big belly :)
I went to the pool yesterday and everyone was commenting on my belly! It is already obvious when I am wearing clothes, and I was wearing a bikini! I liked the attention though, which surprised me because sometimes I get uncomfortable when people talk about my belly! After we went to the pool we went to my boyfriends dads house, and I've probably only seen him twice since I got pregnant. He hadn't seen my belly yet and was like, "wow krystal, do you have two babies in there?" jerk haha.

Are you going to take any birthing classes? I was talking to some girls at work today and they said they wish they would have before they had their first. It made me want to do them!
I can't wait to see my baby again! It feels like it's been forever and it's been maybe 3 weeks! I am excited for the 4D ultrasound, it sounds so nice! I am hoping it will be a good experience, of course I love seeing my baby at the doctors office, but they don't make it extra special or anything.

Both our families have pretty big mouths so most people knew, but no one really wanted to tell my grandma because she's just going to give me a big lecture and no one would want to give her that kind of news! My brother is fairly socially awkward and so I don't think anyone felt comfortable telling him either. But I sent out announcements to everyone anyway because it was more of a keepsake. I already picked out my favorite ones to save:) I agree it was nice most people got told by our parents so we didn't have to tell them. Well I suppose that goes for my family, my boyfriend chose to tell his family on Christmas Eve when they get everyone together and he announced it himself. It was so funny though because he was so nervous to tell his brother that I had to start the conversation by saying Travis has something important to tell you!

Haha oh my goodness I feel the same. My boyfriend even noticed my 'waddle' it's that bad! I don't notice it because I just walk whatever feels comfortable but he noticed and laughed! I had him help me off the couch today because I had just cleaned the house and I already have terrible back pain so my back was basically frozen. Getting up from a lay down position is very difficult! I can't imagine what we're going to look like once we're even bigger!

It's too cold here to swim but I would hope I would be excited about my bump. After my first incident at the mall I'm a little nervous I'll get emotional again. But my bump is definitely a prego bump and not a 'i can't tell if she is pregnant or just fat' bump. I can't wait to go swimming though! My boyfriends parents have a really nice pool in their really pretty back yard. I think I'm going to have to spend May - July there! They have this huge deck with tons of lounge chairs and a BBQ and they always feed us, and this huge pool and even a hottub which I won't be able to use. I just love surprising people with my bump, too! For quite some time I hid my bump because my grandma didn't know and all I had were sweatshirts that fit. Now that I have maternity shirts everyone is getting to see my bump and they all are so surprised. The parents of the kids I nanny asked if their kids had mentioned anything because one day I just showed up with a big bump! Oddly enough the kids haven't mentioned anything.. they must think I live off pure doughnuts!

I have thought about birthing classes and breast feeding classes but I haven't really looked into them. At first I was thinking I didn't really need them but since those girls at your work mentioned they wish they had taken them, and I have heard other ladies say the same thing, I think I might want to take some!

I still can't believe we're going to be mommy's! My boyfriend asked early on if I was prepared to be nameless and to be known as mommy! He also asked the other day if it felt weird knowing someone would think I was a mom. I said I hope everyone thinks so because I'm going to be one! He said he meant that our baby will see me as a mom, look up to me. It was kind of crazy thinking about it, but I am so excited. The little girl I nanny's 7th birthday is tomorrow and she's having a princess birthday party and it made me so excited that soon I'll have my own little one and I'll get to plan a whole bunch of fun parties! I am so excited we're having summer baby's. Most of my family is born in fall, winter, or spring. I am excited to have outdoor parties at the pool or have a BBQ or water balloon fights! :)
The whole "mommy" thing hasn't hit me yet! I don't think it even will until she gets here. Its soooo weird to me to think that I am going to be someone's mom! That is a lot of pressure now that I think about it. I hope I know what to do, like how to raise her! I am very excited though, and I just want it to be July so I can meet Madi and be her mommy :) Summers are so much fun when it comes to birthday parties! My birthday is July 20th, so I always got to have pool parties and fun bbqs! I can't wait to plan all of Madisons parties!!!
Is it weird that I am excited for labor??? Haha, I watch all these labor shows and stuff and I am so jealous. Especially ever since that day that I went to labor and delivery. I want it to be my turn already!!! I want to get to hold my baby, and take her home!
Today is my v day, and tomorrow is yours!!!!! Yay!!!!!! :)
Ah I know! It's still crazy to me that I'm going to be a Mom and there is going to be a little person who looks up to me, and who expects me to have all the answers, and who sees me as the most important role model. It makes me a little nervous but I am also so excited it kind of overrides the nervousness! We'll both be great moms. I had my mom's 50th surprise birthday party yesterday and there were 4 kids! A few month old baby, a 6 month old, a 2 year old, and a 4 year old. They were all so sweet and adorable! My boyfriend went outside with the two older girls and he played whatever their imagination came up with. It was so adorable I was watching inside and smiling so big! He's so nervous if we have a baby girl he won't know how to play or raise her, but I know if our baby is a girl she's going to be the biggest daddy's girl! If we have a little boy I think he's going to turn out just like my boyfriend! I can't wait to meet our little ones! :)

I watch One Born Every Minute and it makes me nervous but very excited. I am almost always in tears whenever a baby is born and it makes me impatient to wait for my little one! I still hope I can make it through labor all natural, but we shall see. I think I've been getting some braxton hicks contractions that aren't terribly painful but somewhat uncomfortable! How have you been feeling? My little one is very active lately, I've felt one or two light kicks while walking around! Mostly I feel them when I'm sitting or laying down but I was excited when I felt them while standing and walking around! :)
Oh, and HAPPY V DAY! I can't believe we're already there! This is so exciting! :)
That is so cute that he was playing with them! My boyfriends nephew is 1 1/2, and he is so good with him! It makes is so exciting, I can't wait to see how he is with our baby! I watch one born every minute too, and I get sooo emotional! It makes me so anxious :)
When did you start having braxton hicks? That sucks! I thought I had them a while ago, but I'm not sure if thats what it was. I had been feeling good lately, until this morning! I had waffles for breakfast, and I got sick. It was the first time I've gotten sick in a long time! Except for a couple of weeks ago when I had a cold. My boyfriend has been working 12-16 hour shifts all weekend, so I have been SO LAZY!! I've been feeling more kicks too! I have been feeling them throughout the day, where before it was mostly at night. She has been waking me up in the morning with her kicks, that is my favorite way to wake up! :)
I changed my nursery idea! Heres the link, what do you think?
I like it because it is more girly! I looked at the other one I had picked out, and it was so boring! I looked everywhere for cheetah, but I could only find it on websites that I had never heard of. I went through babies r us over and over and couldn't find it, but then I typed in cheetah and it popped right up :dohh:
I also found a really cute website!! Its called they have girl and boy stuff, I love it!! Everything on there is pretty over the top, but thats what I like about it! I even made a registry, I know I probably won't get a lot of things because who is gonna buy a $50 hair bow set? but hey, I can dream! :) It has exactly what I've been looking for though, huge bows and the girliest clothes ever!

I can not believe it is our v day!! We only have 16 more weeks!!!!!! :happydance:
I remember you telling me that you had been thinking of names, but have you decided on any yet?
Our boyfriends are going to make the best daddies! :)

I've mostly just gotten them this past week. I was reading a couple of other ladies threads/posts about what they felt like when they had them or what they were feeling and other ladies were saying it was probably braxton hicks but of course I can't be too sure.

I'm sorry you're feeling sick! I've felt a little sick lately but not enough to throw up or anything! I hope you feel a better soon and maybe it was just a silly thing this morning! Those shifts sound long! I'm sure I would be lazy too, I've been pretty lazy whenever I'm not at work or cleaning up!

I love our kicks, they make me so happy! My boyfriend and I are laying in bed and whenever he talks the baby kicks! It's so cute, so we were sitting there talking to baby watching it kick about! Then my boyfriend said he kind of wanted a baby girl! Even though this whole time he's been worried about having a girl and wants a boy! He said the girls he was playing with yesterday were soo cute he just couldn't help but want a little girl of his own. Plus we both feel like we're having a little girl, too. However I want one of each and would prefer the boy to be older but we can't be choosy. So we'll be happy with whichever we get! :)

I love the new nursery you picked out! It's similar to the one you had picked before but definitely more your style and what you're looking for, for Madi! I haven't checked out the other site yet but I am going to as soon as I post this! It sounds amazing though, I love to dream and I'm sure I'll have a whole list of things I'll be just dying to have!

I can't believe its basically our V Day either! I think the next 16 weeks are going to fly by, we'll be surprised by how soon July will be, although I'm sure we're both ready for our little ones to be here now and would rather not wait at all!

I think we're pretty set on Elsie for a girl, and we like Benjamin for a boy but we haven't decided 100% yet for a boy. We haven't found anything else we both really like, hopefully we'll find a boys name we love!
Our boyfriends are going to make the best daddies! :)

I've mostly just gotten them this past week. I was reading a couple of other ladies threads/posts about what they felt like when they had them or what they were feeling and other ladies were saying it was probably braxton hicks but of course I can't be too sure.

I'm sorry you're feeling sick! I've felt a little sick lately but not enough to throw up or anything! I hope you feel a better soon and maybe it was just a silly thing this morning! Those shifts sound long! I'm sure I would be lazy too, I've been pretty lazy whenever I'm not at work or cleaning up!

I love our kicks, they make me so happy! My boyfriend and I are laying in bed and whenever he talks the baby kicks! It's so cute, so we were sitting there talking to baby watching it kick about! Then my boyfriend said he kind of wanted a baby girl! Even though this whole time he's been worried about having a girl and wants a boy! He said the girls he was playing with yesterday were soo cute he just couldn't help but want a little girl of his own. Plus we both feel like we're having a little girl, too. However I want one of each and would prefer the boy to be older but we can't be choosy. So we'll be happy with whichever we get! :)

I love the new nursery you picked out! It's similar to the one you had picked before but definitely more your style and what you're looking for, for Madi! I haven't checked out the other site yet but I am going to as soon as I post this! It sounds amazing though, I love to dream and I'm sure I'll have a whole list of things I'll be just dying to have!

I can't believe its basically our V Day either! I think the next 16 weeks are going to fly by, we'll be surprised by how soon July will be, although I'm sure we're both ready for our little ones to be here now and would rather not wait at all!

I think we're pretty set on Elsie for a girl, and we like Benjamin for a boy but we haven't decided 100% yet for a boy. We haven't found anything else we both really like, hopefully we'll find a boys name we love!
I love Elsie! Its unique and girly :) I like Benjamin too! That is cute that your boyfriend said he kind of wants a girl! Mine always said he wanted a boy, but he got so excited when he found out we're having a girl!! He said he knew we were having a girl all along, but I was convinced she was a boy! I think I just wanted a girl so bad, I just figured I would have a boy. We also want one of each, it would have been nice for her to have a older brother, but I'm happy either way! Have you guys talked about when you want to try again? My bf wants to wait until Madison is in kindergarden, but I think maybe a little sooner! I think we'll probably try again when she is three or four! I don't want too small or big of an age difference! Back to names, remember I couldn't decide on Madison or not? As soon as I found out she was a girl, I was like okay she's Madison :) So maybe if you find out the gender, you will be able to decide like I did! Or even if you were to wait, once you would hear "It's a boy" or "It's a girl" you would just know! I really like the name Rhyder for a boy, so hopefully in a few years little Rhyder will be on the way!!!
Oh I'm glad you liked the names we picked! I got to pick the girls name and my boyfriend gets to pick the boys name. Elsie is kind of old fashioned, but I love uncommon names that you aren't going to hear a lot, plus its still cute and girly! My boyfriend likes the name Ellie better but said Elsie was just fine too. I have a feeling we're going to find out because I think he really wants to now! I would love for our daughter to have an older brother, but I'll be happy with however my children are born! We both want our kids no more than 3 years apart. My sister is 15 months younger than me and I personally think that is too close in age and my boyfriend's brother is 3 years older. Although they get along well he kind of wished they were just a little closer in age so that they could do more together because they never went to high school together or anything. I remember when you weren't so set on Madison but once you found out a girl and announced her name was going to be Madison I was so excited because I though it was so adorable, especially with Clover! I think that's why I want to find out the gender so that baby can kind of pick its own name. Like you said 'you just know'! :)
You do just know :) its hard to decide on a name when you have to be like, okay if its a girl this or if its a boy that. When you know the gender it makes you realize that you are talking about a little person, not an it! I think you'll be able to decide soon after you find out! The other day my bf's friend wrote on his wall and in his post it said "your daughter" it was sooooooo strange for me to read that!!!! I kept repeating in my head, my daughter! I can't seem to grasp the fact that I have a daughter, and that I am about to be a mommy! Its probably gonna hit me on my way to the hospital. Haha! I weighed myself on friday and I was 110! That is officially the most I have ever weighed in my life! I was a competitive cheerleader in high school, and during my senior year I got up to 109. I was so muscular!! I was always like 90 pounds before that, but once I stopped cheering and lost most of my muscle I always stayed around 98. So reaching 110 is a big accomplishment for me! It is so weird to look at the scale and see that I am gaining weight, because everywhere besides my belly is still pretty small!
Ah! That's why I want to find out so I can say 'my son' or 'my daughter'! :) It'll help make it feel like a little baby and not just a dream. But I feel the same that it won't really hit me until my little one is in my arms:)

Ugh I weighed myself the other day and I'm about 123lbs! I'm usually just over 100lbs. This is definitely the most I have ever weighed! I'm the same way, I'm all tiny and my boobs have grown to be huge and my belly has grown, but otherwise I'm still small! Okay, that's not true my butt has definitely grown! My jeans would fit if I could get them over my butt! My boyfriend is a butt guy though so he's a happy camper lol I like my new boobs and butt, but I know they'll go away once my little one is born. But weighing 123lbs is crazy to me! My boyfriend is only 145! I'm going to keep gaining weight, so soon I might pass him! Luckily I know I look pregnant and not fat and I know all this weight is from being pregnant and the baby so I kind relax a little bit, but it still is crazy seeing the numbers on the scale..
I wish my boobs were growing! They went from an A to a B when I first got pregnant, but they have pretty much just stayed there since! Haha my boyfriend is 5'10 and only weighs 125, he is soooo tiny! He has some muscles, but he doesn't have an ounce of fat on his body. I know I am for sure gonna weigh more than him!! I honestly don't even know how my jeans fit, I hate wearing jeans anyway! It has gotten so freaking hot here, its been in the mid 90's the last few days. I don't want to wear clothes at all!! I've never been a sweaty person, so it must be all these hormones, but I was literally dripping sweat yesterday. It was so gross! I was in the car with my step mom, and for some reason she doesn't believe in using the air conditioner! So we had the windows down and the sun was just beating on me! We drove from one side of town to the other. There are NO TREES here, so its just me and the sun. I was so hot and miserable. I felt so gross! This is going to be the longest summer ever!!! Luckily I am going to Michigan on the 17th to visit my dad, so I will get to be in nicer weather for a few days :)
Aw he is tiny! Skinny like my boy! My boyfriend is about 6'1 and 145. Sounds like they are both skinny! My boobs went from a low B to a high C! They feel huge. I was barely a B but a little too much for an A. Now they just feel huge. So far its the only place I have stretch marks. I have stretch marks all over them and I'm somewhat disappointed by that!

I hate wearing jeans too. I don't even own than many pairs. But its only a high a 55 degree's here so sometimes I want to wear them to keep warmer, but now I can't even if I wanted to. I would just about die with it that hot! I hate being over heated! I would definitely want air conditioning. When it gets warm here in the summer I usually don't use AC because the AC in my car broke but its only ever warm here for a couple of months. I am however wishing it was summer already because all we have is day in and day out of rain, rain, rain. Last years summer was one of our coldest. Sure we got some warm days but not an amazing summer at all. Even though I'm pregnant I'm still hoping for a nice summer. I'm so tired of getting the bottoms of my pants wet (I can't stand it especially since I've just been wearing sweats so they soak up like sponges) and having to bundle up! Hopefully you'll enjoy your time in Michigan and get a break from the heat! What is the weather like there?

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