Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

Oh my that post was so long! I'm sorry. I guess I had a lot to say and I was so excited about my registry and talking about our babies! :)
My baby was head down at my 20 week scan, I totally forgot until you said that! I remember the dr saying my baby was doing a headstand! Haha.
I am getting Eric something for fathers day, since he got me things for mothers day! Not sure what I'm getting him though. He always says "I want that for fathers day", but he's said that about like 20 things. Are you getting Travis something?
I packed:
Sweat pants
2 pairs of pj pants
2 tee shirts
2 tank tops
A night gown
Big panties
Breast pads
That's all I can think of right now :shrug:

In Madison's:
2 onesies
2 long sleeve ones
1 pr of pants (in case it's cold in the hospital?)
2 receiving blankets
3 pr of socks
2 pr of scratch mittens
A hat
3 newborn diapers and wipes, I know they'll provide them but just in case!

I'm sure I packed her too much, but I'd like to have options!
That's so awesome that people have started buying off your registry! I noticed that a lot of people bought off it last minute! I kept checking it lol. Im sure you'll get things that you didn't register for too! One of my favorite gifts was from Eric's step brothers wife. They have a son, he'll be two next month. She got me all her favorite things. It was so personal. She took the time to pick out the things that she used the most with her son. I would have never thought of some of it, so it was so helpful! Especially coming from someone that has such a young baby.
You're so lucky to have insurance!!! I should try to get Medicaid.
We are getting soooooooooo close. It's gonna be July before we know it!

I have a story to tell you! Eric worked with this guy yesterday who's 20 and his wife is 20. They have a one year old named Addison!! So crazy. Anyway, his wifes friend from high school was their daughters baby sitter. She called him the other day and said he needed to pick her up bc she had bruises on her neck. He assumed it was just bc shes learning to walk so he wasnt that worried. He had his wife go pick her up though. His wife picked her up and told her she was going to the ER bc the bruises were bad on her neck and behind her ears. When they got to the ER they said it looked like it was either cancer or a blood disease. They ran tests and ruled those out. Then CPS came, bc they started to look like hand prints around her neck and bruises behind her ears from someone pulling her ears!!! They wouldn't let them take their baby, she had to stay with her grandma. They gave the parents a lie detector test and found out they were being honest and weren't hurting their baby. They called the baby sitter and asked if she'd take one. At first she said yes, but then she got a lawyer!!! So obviously they were abusing the little girl! It's so sad :( I never want anyone watching my baby.
When I said "they" were abusing her I mean the baby sitter and her husband.
I want to get Travis something. I just don't know what to get him! He doesn't ever point out anything! I found a 'Beer of the Month' club and thought about getting him that since he just turned 21 and it gives you 12 beers, 4 different kinds each month. So then he could try different kinds because he always goes to the store and picks out a different kind each time. But I don't know if he'd really want it or if he'd rather just go pick out the kinds he wants to try.

Thanks for your list! It will be helpful for when I go to pack mine. I've seen other lists too but I just don't want to forget anything! If possible I'd probably bring that much clothes for my baby too. But its more difficult when I don't know which color to bring! But I'm like my mom and I would bring too much just to be on the safe side!

I am so excited for my shower to see what people get. Its weird having a whole party dedicated to buying me (baby) stuff! But its so appreciated, too. I hope I get some gifts that aren't on the registry too. Something like what Eric's step brother's wife did. I bet that will be so helpful once Madison is here!

I am very lucky and appreciative of my insurance! I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have it! It was easy to get though. I just had to fill out a worksheet and I just left the parts blank for roommate or OH basically and then they called my employer to verify how much I make. Which was a little annoying because he told them $550 a week which is true, but sometimes I get extra days off like a snow day or a holiday or if the parents don't work. So I end up not getting paid $110 each day I don't work. Well that really changes my monthly income. So I just had to show them pay stubs for the last two months which back then was November and December to show I didn't make the full $2200 each month. Other than that it was pretty easy. I might even try and get food assistance starting in July once I don't work anymore to help pay for some food since we won't have the same flow of income. I'm sure it would be just as easy for you to get medicaid. When you fill out the paperwork just don't write about anyone but you and the baby. Until you and Eric get married you should be able to get insurance. By the way have you guys set a wedding date yet?

That is such a sad story! That is exactly why I don't want to find a stranger to watch my baby. I think I can only trust family and even then that can be scary because there are always stories of abuse in the family! I hope they're able to get to the bottom of the case and if they really did abuse her that her parents will be able to press charges! Its so sad that it was the wife's friend who she was having watch her baby and then to come find out she's been abusing her! I'm confused though, did the wife's friend (the babysitter) call to say to come pick her up because their was brusing? Seems so weird to point out what you did, but she probably thinks she would get away with it if she was the one who was 'concerned'. I just don't understand why people can abuse children. Especially since she was only a year. She's to young to understand a lot of things like discipline. So if they were trying to get her to stop some bad behavior she probably didn't even understand!

The other day there was this news article about how a women was posing a young girl in front of the camera for this man who was a previous sex offender who lives in my city. So then I got curious and looked up sex offenders in my area. I found this website that you could find your city anywhere in America and then you could see the lists of the sex offenders and where they lived. Plus it gave you their picture and what they were charged for. It was crazy! Especially since we all know there are offenders everywhere but its still weird to see their charge and their face and everything.

Then today I read another news article of a man somewhere here in Washington in 1982 who killed a 13 year old girl. They didn't find him for two decades and he was sentenced to 10 years. He's already served 7 years and is possibly getting out the first week of June! I can't believe you can kill someone and only get charged with 10 years in prison! They said he was on good behavior in the prison and doesn't show signs of doing it again. Why did he kill her in the first place?! How can you be so sure he won't kill anyone again?! Scary world we live in..
I just googled the 13 year old girl who was killed to find out more about the story. I had just assumed the man who killed her was older because I had seen a picture. He's 35 NOW which means he was 14 when he killed her. I haven't read a lot but it does make a little more sense as to why they would give him 10 years and assume he wouldn't kill again. Crazy that a 14 year old boy could do that!
That sounds like a great idea for Travis!! I bet he would really love that. I'm very lucky to have Eric pointing things out left and right! Whatever I don't get him for fathers day I can get him for Christmas and his birthday. I just need to remember haha.

I think the baby sitter told them because she knew they were gonna see the bruises once they picked her up. So that way she wouldn't have seemed guilty, I guess. It's just so sad that someone would do that to an innocent little baby KNOWING they can't defend themselves or tell anyone. I would have gone to her house and beat the crap out of her if it was me!!! I would be so distraught if someone hurt my baby. I'd feel like it was my fault for trusting that person. I already told everyone that Madison will not be left with anyone, not even our parents until she's six months old. Once she's six months, Eric's mom or my mom (if she's in town) can babysit for short periods of time. She's not allowed to sleep over anywhere until she's old enough to actually want to, if that makes sense. Then she'd still only be able to stay at her Grandmas house. I'm going to be really protective, but I'm a stay at home mommy so I'm lucky that I'll be able to keep her all the time.
Theres a sex offender app! I had it on my iPhone a long time ago. I'd like to look up the ones in my area. Imagine if you actually saw and recognized one!!! So scary. That's so crazy about that man! I can't even imagine a 14 year old killing someone. I can believe he hid for ten years!!!! I don't think he should have ever been let out... I saw a story once about a guy who killed his wife then went to jail. They let him out for good behavior, and he went on with his life and got remarried, or maybe just engaged. Anyway, he ended up killing her too! It like, they had him in jail and they freaking let him go and it happened again. That judge probably felt awful, but I think he should! There are some crazy people in this world :/ I wish I could keep Madi all to myself so she'd never get hurt.
We set a date, but I'm not so sure about it. March 17, 2012 which is also St. Patricks day! We want to get married at lake las vegas, where he proposed. They want you to book the venue 12-18 months in advance, so we're a little late. We also need to choose the venue (they have several) based on the amount of people, but we've had so mch going on that making a guest list is the last thing on our minds! Have you and Travis talked about marriage? I was looking at your ticker and you guys have been together for SO LONG!!! :)
Haha okay, good! Because I wasn't too sure if it was something worth getting! But it is nice that Eric points things out because then you can't really get a gift he won't like, plus you have gifts for other times like his birthday or christmas! :)

Its just sick people do things like that. I'll never be able to understand what goes through their head that makes them think its okay! I haven't decided when I will be okay with people watching my baby. I'm already a little frustrated because I get a ton of people saying they're willing to babysit and Travis' mom said she would baby sit New Year's Eve for us so we can go out. But I didn't even ask her or say we were going out. I feel like people have to understand this is MY baby and it's not theirs, just because they want to spend time with it doesn't mean they get to make the decision when they will get to. I would love if I can find a nanny job where I can work from home and have someone drop their children off at my place. Then I could be a stay at home mom but still be making money. I just feel like I'm not ready to part with my little one and since I hope to start working again in September I definitely won't be ready to leave my baby anywhere! I feel like because we're young people are going to constantly be telling us how to raise our babies. I'm not sure if you feel that way but I feel like I can just see my mom or Travis' parents telling us what we should and shouldn't do. I'm the one who carried and protected this baby for 9 months I think I'll be the one deciding how I will raise it!

I never thought to look for a sex offender app but I'm sure I will now! It would be so crazy to be at the store and walk by someone and recognize their face and then suddenly realize where you recognize them from! It's like the guy who killed the 13 year old girl. He lives in Bothell or will when he gets out and I live in Kenmore and they're neighboring cities that aren't all that big! That's so crazy the story about the man who killed his wife then was released from jail and was with another woman who he then killed! I can't even imagine! He obviously has problems and I would feel so terrible being the judge who didn't sentence him long enough. I think its tricky in court though because the reason the guy who killed the 13 year old girl only got 10 years was because he was charged of 2nd degree murder instead of 1st degree murder. Since there is a jury they are basically the one's who make the judgement call. I think he also raped the girl so I don't see why he didn't get charged for that too. 1st degree means he had to of planned the murder ahead of time and since he was 14 they decided that they didn't think a 14 year old would have thought of his crime ahead of time instead did it in the moment. But then because he was only charged with 2nd degree murder they could only sentence him so long. The laws are crazy. My boyfriend and I always talk about how we think things should be run differently and how we think people who have served time for such offenses shouldn't just be released after they finish their sentence but have to complete some course that can get them help for whatever crime they commited. Similar to how you go to rehab for drugs but its like rehab for murder.

Aw you could do a green wedding for St. Patricks day! They make some really cool greens for weddings. I've actually thought about doing green as the color for my wedding before because I've seen other green weddings that turned out so cute! How did you guys decide on the day? I feel like picking a date would be hard. Actually everything about the wedding seems hard! You only get married once (hopefully!). I think getting married at lake Las Vegas would be cute since that is where he proposed and it looked so pretty! I can't imagine trying to plan a wedding right now while being pregnant and preparing for Madison! I'm sure the wedding is kind of on the back burner. Hopefully you still get the venue you want! We've actually talked about marriage before we got pregnant. Though we planned it would be just a couple years later. Closer to us being 23 or 24. But ever since we got pregnant we've gotten even closer in our relationship which seems crazy because we have been together so long! I was 15 when we started dating and I actually find it surprising we made it through high school since high school is just a huge dramatic rollar coaster! But our relationship has grown while we've grown and we've been best friends since before we started dating. It's cute because Travis feels bad he hasn't proposed yet. He even asked if he could propose without a ring because he felt bad like he was suppose to by now since it's been 5 years. I told him he could if he really wanted to but there wasn't any rush. People are going to ask to see the ring so we might as well wait! We also said we didn't want to get married because of the baby. We want to make sure we're getting married for the right reasons because we're crazy about each other. Which we are and have been, but the baby is kind of making it difficult since we're on a budget financially. Travis was thinking we would get married next year but I had told him I want to be engaged about a year before the wedding so I can have time to plan it so I think we'll get engaged next year and married the year after. It's tricky because we want to get married in between the two kids. We want our kids more than a year apart but no more than 3 years. So it's like playing tetris trying to fit the engagement/wedding in! Maybe closer to September when I'll know what my job situation is like we can buy a ring and put it on a credit card so that we don't just spend a big chunk up front and Travis can propose when he wants to. But we definitely will be getting married sometime! I'm sure i'd already be engaged by now if we had money to buy a ring! Maybe we'll just buy a cheaper car and I'll get a ring too! Haha
I feel like people are going to try to tell me how to raise my baby, but I think my family knows better. I'm very hard headed and I hate to say it, but I have an attitude so people generally know when they've crossed the line.
Eric and I were actually looking at rings before I got pregnant! I had picked out the style I wanted and everything, but it was just the money matter. Eric was still saving, and then we found out I was pregnant. So it wasn't the biggest priority. I do feel like my family and friends thought he just proposed because I got pregnant. They know we're crazy for each other, but they didn't know we were looking at rings beforehand. I know that he would've asked me either way, so that's all that matters to me. We even had our wedding colors picked out before I got pregnant!! We want the Tiffany & Co. blue color! I love that color so much!!!

We have less than eight weeks left! Holy mac that sounds like such a short amount of time! My 20th birthday is July 20th. Normally I'd be counting down to my birthday, but it doesn't even matter to me! All I care about now is my baby :) Shes gonna be the best birthday present ever!

Did they ever say why or how he killed her? Just out of curiosity! I can't imagine a 14 year old having a gun or anything. That's scary, my mom lives in Redmond now, I wonder how far that is from where he's gonna be!!

Today Madison hasn't been moving much. She's only moved when I lay on my back. Usually she's bouncing around all day! It kind of scares me!!
P.S. Eric got a credit card when he bought my ring! He didn't have to get it, since he bought it with his tax returns and had all the money. He wanted to build credit though! They approved him for the full amount, so he just makes monthly payments. Anyway, I hope you ge your ring!! I still stare at mine everyday :)
I feel like my mom is realizing I'm hard headed. When I lived at home she use to tell me what she thought now she keeps it to herself more. I'm worried about Travis' family but I know his mom had a relative that tried to tell her how to raise her kids and she didn't like it so maybe she won't be so pushy.

We were the same way! I already know what style of ring I want! But I didn't really show Travis, I described it but didn't show it because I want him to pick something special out. He bought me a 'promise ring' some silly high school thing I think and he did such a good job its so cute! So I'm excited to see what he picks out for my engagement ring! It doesn't matter if people think its because of Madison or not as long as you two know why you're getting married and as long as you're happy! I love the Tiffany blue color! That will be so pretty! I can't wait to see pictures.. haha and its about a year away! I think I want a summer night time wedding. So the wedding ceremony will be at sunset and then the reception will be once its dark. I want to have a bunch of lanters and candles and white christmas lights wrapped around trees as lighting!

I seriously can't believe how far along we are and how soon our little ones will be here! It's pretty exciting you'll have your birthday and Madison so close so you'll be having so much fun in July! She definitely is the best birthday present ever. Eric's going to have a hard time getting you a better present next year!

Yeah I guess there was this alley that teens would hang out in and she was found there dead in a TV box.He was her neighbor and she basically didn't like him and he flirted with her and such and I guess one day he was mad so he raped her and strangled her with a bathrobe belt! So sad. Redmond is pretty close. Not too terribly but probably like 20 minutes!

Maybe when she's moving its when your most active today and when you're trying to feel her she's taking her naps? Hopefully tomorrow she's more active! I've been kind of uncomfortable today because I just feel like I can't sit comfortably without my placenta and baby making my organs and ribs move funny. Plus the baby kicked me hard on the rib once today and then keeps kicking in my right side!

I figured putting the ring on a credit card would only help with credit. I don't know how either of our credit histories look. Travis wasn't the best when paying his bill on time so that probably dinged him a little but I don't think he did it bad enough where his credit would go bad. I don't have credit but I've applied for so many cards and I've heard that can hurt your credit. Oops. But it would be nice to get a ring sometime soon. I can only imagine how often you look at your ring! I look at my 'promise ring' all the time. My fingers got to fat from being pregnant though and I had to take them off and wear them on a necklace.
I've written back four times and it just deleted my (longgg) message and said there was an error!
I'll write back later on my new laptop!


Sticking her tongue out!


These are some of my favorites! There were so many good ones though! She had her little feet in her face most of the time, silly baby!

P.S. Got my new laptop!! Well OUR new laptop, Eric hasn't got to play with it yet since I've been hogging it. I'm gonna give it to him now. Just couldn't wait to show off my girl! :)
Krystal! She's seriously so cute! You're such a lucky mama and she's asuch a lucky little girl! I bet it's nice having a laptop again! It was nice of you to give Eric a turn, I would be the same way!
Thank you so much! I think she is so perfect, I love looking at her pictures!!! Its so nice having a laptop again. I wish we would have gotten two instead of one, I liked when we could sit in bed and each be on our own. Oh well!
I had dreams about labor ALL night. I don't like having those dreams! I'm not scared to give birth, but I definitely don't like dreaming about it. I never even got to hold her in my dream!! :(
I've been so uncomfortable lately. I keep having lower back pain and menstrual like cramps- at the same time. Pretty sure thats what happens when you're in labor! Mine aren't super bad though, so I haven't done anything. :shrug:
I was looking through Madisons closet, and although most of her clothes are hot pink, she has some gender neutral clothes! I think you could find something cute for your yellow baby to wear in the hospital :) I hope you get gift cards at your baby shower! That way when you find out, you can use them to buy baby clothes!!!
She is perfect! I like to put my ultrasound pictures on my fridge, then I look at them everytime I pass the kitchen! Plus I have the most recent pictures on the background on my phone! I love getting to see my little babies face. They look so cute now that they're getting so big!

Aw I know what you mean, it feels better to both be on at the same time rather than one at a time because then its like you're waiting to either get the laptop or spend time with the other person. Instead before you could sit together spending time together on your own laptops! But at least you got another one because you'll want to save and post all of Madi's pictures! :)

I haven't had too many baby/labor dreams but I did the other day. Only it wasn't so bad because all my other baby/labor dreams turn out bad! But this one I just has a c-section and I ended up having a little boy and I was so excited but because I had a c-section I didn't get to hold my baby. But at least nothing was wrong with the baby and the doctors weren't trying to hurt him this time! I'm a little scared to give birth because I reallllly want to do a natural birth and I'm afraid I'll probably give in instantly to medicine. But I'm not scared of giving birth itself just that I'll be disappointed. I'm sorry you didn't get to hold your baby in your dream though! I wish we could go into our dreams ans change things because its fun seeing our babies but not so great if its not how we picture everything happening.

I've been really uncomfortable lately too. To the point where I'm get grouchy and snappy all the time! But I can't help it I can't do anything without hurting! My back hasn't gotten any worse but its been bad the whole time. But it makes it so that I usually end up having to lay or sitting in a weird position just so my back doesn't freeze. But I've also been having cramps too but they're. Not really associated with any specific back pain. Hopefully neither of us are going into labor quite yet! But I. Can't believe in just a couple days we'll be 33 weeks.I actually feel like from 20 weeks on has gone by so quickly. First trimester was definitely the slowest. I think because I had morning sickness and no bump so I didn't feel pregnant and was just sick. Then from like 12 to 20 went faster but was also just the beginning of my bump but was fun because of the ultrasounds. Then after 20 weeks I feel like its just flown! Plus I think 3rd trimester has gone even faster for me. I feel like April and May had so much going on that they went by so fast and now that I'm 30 weeks and distracted by work and the baby shower it goes by so fast! Especially because I see other pregnant women who are about 4 weeks ahead and think how close I really am to them. When I hear women on the forums who are 34/36 weeks pregnant and realize how soon that really is for us! I am so ready just to cuddle my baby though! I'm also getting really excited for the holidays. I had been excited for them all along but then I was thinking about Christmas and how we always pick out a tree but this year it is different because its the first tree we'll be picking out and decorating as a family!

Aw if I had a little girl she will be wearing such girly clothes! I'm excited to find out if I have a son or daughter! :) I can't wait to go pick out their coming home outfit! I'm sure I'll find something cute. Maybe something yellow and sweet.
I'm excited to dress her up and take her trick or treating! I hadn't even thought about Christmas. Omg we're Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy now :) How exciting!!!! I can't wait for all the holidays and birthday parties. I'm so ready for our babies to get here!
I'm so scared of a C-section. I hope I don't have to get one. That's crazy that you dreamt about having one! I hope I can do it natural too, but I'm gonna go in with an open mind and try as long as possible without an epidural. I'm more scared of getting cut!!!! Some people get cut from one hole to the other. That scares me so much :( I've read that you should start massaging down there at like 35 weeks. I think I'm gonna start today haha.
I know I am so excited to go trick or treating! I can't wait to pick out a costume! Travis said he felt weird going trick or treating with such a tiny baby but I want the free candy and I want to show off my cute baby! I said we'll just have to find a older kid to go with!

I didn't think of that either, that we're now Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy! I can't wait! The kids I nanny love all that stuff. They also believe in fairies in general and leprachauns! I am definitely ready! Iam so excited! I kept getting nervous that I wouldn't be a good mom and wouldn't know what to do with a baby but now I'm just so excited I can't wait!

I really don't want a c-section and I really don't want to get cut. I saw that in a baby book about getting cut from one hole to the other and I just can't stand to think of it! I think I'm going to do the same, I'm going to see how long I can make it without any help from medicine or an epidural. I won't be upset if I have to since it's suppose to be the most painful thing ever and I know no one would judge me I just want to prove everyone I can do it because people keep saying I can't! This one woman my boyfriend told at his work said she was going to do it natural and got all the way to 8cm dialated and had to get the epidural. I hope by then I'll just tell myself I'm so close I can do it. I just pray my labor is fast like my moms - 6 hours. I can't imagine being in pain for hours on end.

I have Travis massage my feet and back almost every day, maybe I'll just have to add that to the list of things for him to massage! Haha Have you been doing kegel (is that how you spell it) excercises?
Haha I wonder what you're supposed to massage it with! I'm sure you're supposed to use something special. I'm gonna google it! I don't really do kegals, do you? I know I should, but it feels weird to me, I just don't like doing them! Once you said that it made me do a couple haha! I want to dress Madison up, not sure if I'll take her out this year, but I'll for sure get her a costume to wear while we hand out candy! I love knowing that I'll have her to go everywhere with me :) Shes gonna be my little sidekick!!
Haha I don't know! I'm sure they're something good for it, I'll google it too! What to massage with and massaging techniques haha! I don't really do them either. I think you're suppose to do them the whole time we're pregnant. Actually I think I heard they're good for all the time, but I don't do them all the time. I've been trying to do more the last couple weeks. !t least I've rememberd more. I've definitely strengthend my muscles though because before when I did them it was a lot harder and I didn't like doing them. I mean its easy but now its even easier! But once I do a couple then my mind makes it so I continue to do it and I find it distracting! Like I'm constantly trying to get a bunch done when I was fine with just a few!

I can't wait to dress our babies up. I can't remember if I had a costume but my mom took me trick or treating on my first halloween with one of her friends who had a kid too. I was born October 13th though so I was really little and bundled in blankets so I don't think I had a costume. I don't know for sure if we'll go out. Not unless we find a kid who's old enough to actually trick or treat! But I will definitely dress up my baby and pass out candy! Especially since this year we're in a house and not an apartment :)

I feel the same about my baby. I think we're gonna be close to our kids since we're so young. At least I hope so! I want them to be my friend but I also want to be the parent. I want a good balance but I want my kids to be able to be open and talk to me. That's why I hope I find a job where I can work from home or take my baby with me!
I thought I had written back, but I guess not :shrug:
I'm baby sitting my friends five month old son mon-fri for the next few weeks! He's such a good baby, but she's in the process of weeining him off the boob. He doesn't like bottles very much. He's hungry and grumpy :(

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