Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

Aw, how cute. I'm hoping to get a new nanny position in which I can watch a younger baby but its hard to find someone who's needing a nanny for someone so young. You'll be getting some experience for when Madison gets here and for when she starts weening! How long do you plan on breastfeeding? I'd like to do about a year, my mom only ever made it to 6 months, and of course it depends on work and such. I feel like if I couldn't breastfeed I would still try and pump for as long as I could.

I had my doctors appointment this past Friday and it still sounds like we're having a boy. We had a different nurse because our normal nurse wasn't working and when the new nurse took the babies heartbeat it was 148 and she asked us what we thought the baby was and we told her a boy and she said she thought so too and she hadn't even seen us the whole pregnancy. Then when the doctor came in she gave us the whole spiel about the circumsion again! Of course it will still be a surprise but Travis and I are about 75% sure its a boy! But its fun since we're assuming its a boy because we talk about our 'son' now and it makes it feel a little more real that in like a month and a half we'll have our little one here! I feel like we'll be surprised if the baby comes out a girl but we'll be so happy either way!
My goal is to breastfeed for a year! I won't be working, so that will make it easier. My friend breastfed until her daughter was 13 months and then started to get her off. I just like the fact that it's better for the baby, they get sick less, etc. It's also so much cheaper! Formula is so expensive.
I used to think you were having a girl, but I'm starting to get boy vibes! Also, our bumps are shaped different! Either way, they are going to be so cute and perfect! I'm so excited for us to have our babies already, especially so we can know if yours has a hot dog or cheeseburger (that's what my dr calls it) :)
I loved baby sitting today! He was pretty fussy at some points... It was his first time away from his mom ever! And he's still learning to use the bottle, so he was frustrated. It made me even more excited for Madison!! I was scared I might start lactating... I've heard that sometimes if you're pregnant and a baby cries it will make you leak!! I've already leaked a little after I got out of the shower once or twice! Have you leaked at all? I also bought a nursing bra, it was like $40 and I LOST IT! I have looked everywhere!! I remember where it was, but when we moved to our new room idk what happened to it :/
I agree the benefits of breastfeeding are great both for LO and for us. Plus it's free! Sure they'll be eating solid foods and baby foods but free breast milk is free compared to expensive formula! I'll see how far I get, depends on which job I get but I really hope I'll be with LO for quite some time.

I agree I think your bump is more round and up higher and sticks out more compared to how mine is low and really wide! I get most of my kicks on my right side and they go so far over I feel like its almost my back I'm being kicked in! I'm so excited to find out which I'm having though in just a few weeks! It's going to be here so soon and I am so excited!

I'm a little nervous for giving birth. Mostly just because I don't know what to expect pain wise. Otherwise I'm not too worried about actually giving birth other than I don't want to get cut (i'd rather tear naturally, I think) and I don't want a c-section. But I'm scared that once I feel labor pains I will be ridiculous and not even be myself. I like to think I'll force myself to make it through because I feel like I'm strong enough. My doctor did ask me this last time at my appointment about my birth plan! She was sweet when I told her how I wanted to try going all natural and she said that the nurses try to be really helpful and encouraging to keep me focused on doing a natural birth and she looked happy when I said I wanted to breastfeed so I feel good about all of that. Other than she did mention she's probably going to be out of town right around my due date! But then I found out the other doctors have worked for years and years at this same clinic and she's only been there for 8 months and I've been going there since I was 12 weeks so she was even more new then! But I can tell she's really educated.

Aw, I'm glad you enjoyed baby sitting. It's nice you got him when he was fussy just because I think it would be helpful to practice techniques of trying to help a fussy baby! I can't believe it was his first time away from his mommy! I think you're right that you could possibly start lactating. If you do, you could start pumping and start making a supply and freezing the milk! I actually haven't leaked at all! I don't know when its normal to start. I think its okay not to start all the way up until the baby is born but I have no clue. I haven't bought a nursing bra yet. I can't believe you just lost your new one! Once I bought a victoria's secret bra since my boobs had grown from being pregnant and my dog chewed it uup a week after I got it and it cost about $40 also! Hopefully you find it though!
Hey! Your baby shower is soon, isn't it on the 11th? I bet you're so excited!!
I feel a little discouraged after my doctors appointment today... Remember it's that group thing? Well everyone is 36-38 weeks, so they're a bit further along. My doctor is always like "this doesn't apply to you, Krystal" and I'm just like cool, then why am I even here?! Today she was like, I bet everyone is sick of being pregnant and ready to have these babies, except you Krystal. Um no, I'm ready too, thanks. I'm still eight months pregnant!! I was so excited because I feel like we're so far along, but she made me feel like I had four months to go.... :/

Babysitting got harder and harder each day! Monday he was a little fussy, but not too terrible. Tuesday he was fussier, and today I couldn't get him to stop crying for so long! He is a VERY needy baby. Like, he wants to be held and rocked CONSTANTLY. If you do happen to get him to sleep, you have to hold him the whole time because as soon as you lay him down he wakes up and starts crying!!! I hope our babies aren't like that! I wouldn't be able to do anything... Someone told me to let my baby cry for a minute before I go over and pick her up. I didn't really understand why before, but now I totally do! I want to be able to put her in her swing or bouncer and not have to hold her 24/7! I would be so frustrated if my baby was like this baby is!
I think I told you about a girl from my pregnancy class having her baby early, at 36 weeks. Well that was 2 weeks ago, and he is still in the nicu!!! They aren't sure when he's gonna be able to come home. Everyone says 37 weeks is considered "full term" so I didn't think 36 weeks was THAT early! I guess I was wrong. I would be so devastated to have my baby and then have to go home without her! I hope our little ones stay until they are healthy enough, because I don't want either of us to have to leave them at the hospital and go home!
Have you packed your hospital bag yet? I was talking to that girl who just had her baby, and she said the most important thing for her was her hair band! I guess that makes sense, I wouldn't want my hair in my face when I'm trying to have a baby haha. She also said that a robe and slippers were the next best things! Oh and a towel, she said that hospital towels are reallyyyy tiny and they aren't soft and fluffy like regular towels. Just thought that might be a little helpful :)
Sorry I didn't write back sooner! The internet wasn't working on my laptop so I was just using my phone. I wanted to type up a long message, and its just too hard on my phone! Luckily the internet is working again! It was very frustrating to wait all this time for a new computer, and then get it and not be able to go on the internet so soon after!
How much weight have you gained so far? I was 121.6 at my appointment today, so thats about 24 pounds! I hope I don't gain too much more. I have started to notice it in my butt and legs, and I'm pretty self conscious lately! Everyone is always talking about how I'm "all belly" and how I haven't put on weight anywhere else and I wanna be like, are you joking?! I totally have!!! I know my face and arms and everything is still small, but not from my boobs down!!
It is! It's on Saturday, I'm so excited I feel like this work week is going by so slowly. But that's probably because when I got to work today I had felt like ti was Thursday even though I knew it was Wednesday.

I even told Travis what you just said about how your doctor was mostly talking to the other women and how she said you probably don't feel like you're ready to be done. We both think that is so rude! Mostly because everyone's pregnancy is different and everyone carries different. I mean sure the other ladies are a few weeks ahead but like you said you only have 6.5 weeks to go not 4 months!

A women at the nursery I work at, at my church on Sunday's had a baby that is similar. He always has to be held even by her when she's at home and when she leaves him in the nursery he cries the entire time. It helps to hold him and walk around (he'll cry as soon as you sit down!). He acts like that at home too. He always has to be held and he doesn't like when you sit down he wants you to physically walk around! I can't even imagine, I hope we're lucky with easier babies. Plus I think it will be slightly easier when it's our baby versus someone elses baby. You definitely have to let babies cry sometimes, even longer than a minute because when they get older they'll cry to prevent going to bed!

That's crazy! I didn't think 36 weeks was THAT early either but maybe he had minor health issues they want to monitor. Travis was born 4 weeks early, but I don't know if he had to stay at the hospital that long. I really hope we get to leave on time with our babies! I want to go home and bond and not have to visit my flesh and blood in the hospital!

I haven't packed it yet but I will before the end of next week. I'm waiting to see if I get my diaper bag at my baby shower or not. If not then I'm gonna buy it myself and pack it! I want to be prepared. I'll definitely add those to my list of things to pack because I'll want those!

We don't have a working computer right now or internet so I definitley understand what you mean! I have a full button keyboard on my phone though so it's not too bad. No worries though because I always forget to write back when I get busy on the weekend! I would be frustrated though to finally get a new laptop and then the internet not be working. Soon we'll get a laptop and internet too and I will be so excited!

You sound so tiny! I like to say I was closer to 110lbs prepregnancy and my last appointment I was 138.8 so I've gained about 29lbs I would say. I have definiely grown boobs down as well. At least people are saying that you don't look like you've gained anywhere else. All my clothes/pants are way too small. I'm sure even after I have the baby I'll be at least a size bigger. Luckily I'm not too worried. I still feel small and my sister has gained 40lbs since she started dating her boyfriend which was a year ago, so she's gained more weight than me and isn't pregnant. She might have been like just a couple pounds bigger than me but other wise we're exactly the same. She looked pregnant before I did.. so as long as I work out well after the baby and don't have a tummy I'll feel okay! :)

I saw your status on facebook today about your tummy feeling cramped and I totally agree! I feel like my baby doesn't have as much room so its constantly moving. Whenever I walk or stand I can feel it rolling! My mom commented on my most recent bump picture saying how she doesn't even see how I can still have 7 weeks to go and she said are you sure you're not due in June?!

Omg so we're at the mall right now getting jeans and polo's for Travis now that he's working at Costco and when we were checking out the cute little asian women said she thinks we're having a boy and she didn't even know if we knew the gender or not. I still think its gonna be a boy now..!
uugh I typed back and the dumb internet stopped working and I lost it!!!!

I bet you're excited for your baby shower! Its gonna be so much fun :) I hope you get all the things you need! You're gonna feel so much more prepared afterwards, I know I did!
I'm so glad that you guys agree that she was being rude! I was pretty emotional today, so I wasn't sure if I was just being sensitive... I'm so annoyed, I just want to have regular doctors appointments where the things she's talking about will actually "apply to me", luckily I only have one more group one and then I go to regular appointments.
Thats how this baby is! You can get him calmed down by walking around with him, but the second you try to sit down he starts screaming again! So high maintenance. Its pretty obvious that they never put him down at home. Tomorrow Eric is off, so he'll get to help me and I'll get to see him interact with a little baby!!! I'm really looking forward to this :)
I totally agree, I think I will be at least one size bigger. I can get into one or two pairs of my stretchier jeans, without buttoning them of course, but the rest don't come up past my thighs! I know my hips have spread a lot, and I don't think they're gonna be tiny again :/ my designer jeans have a thicker fabric and don't stretch at all, I'm sure I will never fit into them again!! It seems like working out with a baby is going to be so hard, but I'm gonna have to be really determined!!!
Remember we were talking about kegals? My doctor was talking about them today, and apparently when old women have never done them before, their bladders can just FALL OUT!!!! She said it looks like a red water balloon. I wanted to cry thinking about it! I guess they are pretty important...
Didn't someone else ask you a while back when you were shopping if you were having a boy? That is super trippy! I would be convinced :)

I didn't want to have to upload them again :)
Pictures of Madison's nursery.
My phone was so close to dying yesterday when I was at the mall and writing back so I was trying to hurry the end so I could post it before it died and I lost everything! I hate when I lose what I wrote!

I am so excited! I'm definitely going to feel so much more prepared because then I can go shopping for the rest of the things I need. It will feel nice to finally be prepared since we're getting so close!

I'm glad you only have one more group appointment! I'm surprised the lady acted like that since us pregnant women are hormonal in the first place, plus we're already uncomfortable even if we're not as far along as those ladies are!

I know! I think a lot of mom's find it hard to not cater to their babies when they cry, even though its sad you have to let the baby cry or else they will never learn! If the parents always pick them up and walk them around because it keeps them quiet they'll never learn to relax and be comfortable on their own. It's only teaches them they'll get exactly what they want if they cry! It will be so much fun for Eric to help you watch the baby! A long time ago before we were pregnant I watched my cousin's baby over night and Travis was so uncomfortable because he felt like he was going to break the baby it was so cute!

Oh I know! My mom was telling me how she can tell my hips have widen and how they have to start to prepare for the baby and such! I definitely can't get my jeans up past my thighs either! I haven't tried in quite a while but I put on a pair of jeans in January when it had snowed and I had to squeeze myself into them, I got them buttoned but that was 6 months ago! I definitely will not fit at all anymore. I agree, it will be hard to work out with a baby! But we can do it! I would really like to fit into my old jeans though because I have two pairs I just love!

Ah that is so gross about the bladder falling out! It makes me want to do a ton of them! I feel like I did good last week but in 33 weeks of pregnancy I don't think one week is going to cut it! I better start..

You're right! Someone did comment on my baby bump a little while back asking if it was a boy! We feel like it just has to be a boy because everything keeps adding up. Two strangers who think its a boy, the nanny families mom and grandma think its a boy, the sub-nurse said she thought it was a boy, the regular nurse and doctor went on forever about circumscions, and the heartbeat is on the lower side! We're so excited though! Travis says it's either a boy or god wants him to be really surprised when its a girl!
My phone was so close to dying yesterday when I was at the mall and writing back so I was trying to hurry the end so I could post it before it died and I lost everything! I hate when I lose what I wrote!

I am so excited! I'm definitely going to feel so much more prepared because then I can go shopping for the rest of the things I need. It will feel nice to finally be prepared since we're getting so close!

I'm glad you only have one more group appointment! I'm surprised the lady acted like that since us pregnant women are hormonal in the first place, plus we're already uncomfortable even if we're not as far along as those ladies are!

I know! I think a lot of mom's find it hard to not cater to their babies when they cry, even though its sad you have to let the baby cry or else they will never learn! If the parents always pick them up and walk them around because it keeps them quiet they'll never learn to relax and be comfortable on their own. It's only teaches them they'll get exactly what they want if they cry! It will be so much fun for Eric to help you watch the baby! A long time ago before we were pregnant I watched my cousin's baby over night and Travis was so uncomfortable because he felt like he was going to break the baby it was so cute!

Oh I know! My mom was telling me how she can tell my hips have widen and how they have to start to prepare for the baby and such! I definitely can't get my jeans up past my thighs either! I haven't tried in quite a while but I put on a pair of jeans in January when it had snowed and I had to squeeze myself into them, I got them buttoned but that was 6 months ago! I definitely will not fit at all anymore. I agree, it will be hard to work out with a baby! But we can do it! I would really like to fit into my old jeans though because I have two pairs I just love!

Ah that is so gross about the bladder falling out! It makes me want to do a ton of them! I feel like I did good last week but in 33 weeks of pregnancy I don't think one week is going to cut it! I better start..

You're right! Someone did comment on my baby bump a little while back asking if it was a boy! We feel like it just has to be a boy because everything keeps adding up. Two strangers who think its a boy, the nanny families mom and grandma think its a boy, the sub-nurse said she thought it was a boy, the regular nurse and doctor went on forever about circumscions, and the heartbeat is on the lower side! We're so excited though! Travis says it's either a boy or god wants him to be really surprised when its a girl!
Sorry for the double post! My phone and internet were being terrible. But I was able to see Madison's room and it looks so adorable! She's already got so much stuff and looks like she is going to be very spoiled and a very happy little girl! I love the pink walls and the tree!
Thank you! We worked really hard on her room, now I just need to find a place for the rest of her stuff! I have nowhere to put some of it, so I think I'm gonna have to go to Target and buy some more bins. I'm not sure what to do about washing her clothes... I've washed a few newborn and 0-3 month outfits, some socks, and a few blankets. I don't want to wash everythingggg though because I don't know if she's gonna wear everything, or use all of her blankets. Do you think I should just wash a little at a time? I'm so confused! You're lucky you don't have to worry about clothes yet, it's stressful!!!

Your baby shower is tomorrow!!! Yay! I can't wait to hear all about it :)

Eric was SO good with the baby yesterday! He was actually better at calming him down and stuff than I was! We hadn't got him to sleep anywhere but in our arms the whole week, and we constantly had to walk around with him. He got out one of our strollers, the one that was given to us, not the new one. He put the baby in and walked around... The baby immediately calmed down, and then he fell asleep!!! He slept in the stroller and we actually had free hands for once haha. I was just like umm woww, how did you know to do that?! He was so patient and it totally came natural to him! He just kept saying how he can't wait for Madison to get here. It made me SO EXCITED!!!

So this is really embarrassing....but I'll tell you anyway! This morning I was walking around and all of a sudden I felt that my panties were soaking wet!! Like, so wet that it soaked through my leggings! It wasn't discharge or pee either.... I hope it wasn't my water breaking!! I don't think it was though, because it was a lot, but I don't think it was enough to have been my waters! If I wasn't babysitting, I might go to my doctor to get checked out, but I can't really go since I have the baby. I guess I'm just gonna wait and see what happens! Has that ever happened to you before?

I can't even imagine how exciting it's going to be when you have your baby and they tell you the gender!!! It's gonna be like when they told me at my ultrasound, but times a million!!! It definitely sounds like you're having a boy, but its so cool that it could go either way! I'm super jealous, in a way I wish that I would have waited! I know I couldn't have done it though!
I can imagine how hard you worked! We haven't done anything other than put whatever baby stuff we have in the baby room. It's not even set up or organized yet. But after the baby shower and once I start maternity leave in July I'll get it all set up! I'm worried about not knowing where to put everything, too. The baby has a nice sized closet so something to help organize in their would probably work. I'm not sure, I think I would wash some clothes at a time not all at once since I know a lot of people say they get a ton of clothes and never use some. This way once she runs out of clothes you can look through her outfits and decide if you want to wash something new! It's kind of nice since we don't have a lot of clothes (other than we do have hand me downs) we can just buy them as we need them instead of having a ton!

I am so excited about my baby shower! My mom has spent $400 just on supplies. That's not including food or anything. Travis' parents are covering food and my mom is doing a little of the food too. She's been working on the 'centerpiece' for weeks so I am so excited to find out what it is! Plus my sister said they have decorations, game supplies, game prizes, balloons, and she said there was some surprises for me! I have no clue what that means! Also they're doing some cool cake I guess because Travis' mom described the cake to Travis but he wants me to be surprised. I also invited Travis' best friend who just came back from boot camp and is only here for two weeks and he said he's able to come! I also told him he didn't need to get a gift but he insisted and I told him a baby blanket or stuffed animal just because we'll probably consider him and uncle and it would be sentimental to the baby. My mom also got name tags so people can write their names and their relation to the baby. I thought it was such a cute idea because my family and Travis' family (cousins and aunts and such) haven't met yet so it will help people remember who everyone is! I am so excited! We just bought new SD cards for our camera so I'm going to have someone take a lot of pictures! :)

That is so adorable that Eric did so well with the baby! Even just hearing about it makes me so excited for our little one's! I'm so ready to have to learn how to parent and find tricks like how Eric got the baby to sleep! I can't wait to see how Travis does and to see what our babies look like! I love that our guys are so excited for their babies! The dad that I nanny for keeps asking how Travis is feeling now that we're getting closer and closer to the due date and I just keep telling him how excited he is because that's all Travis ever says. Whenever we watch a show or movie and there is a parenting scene he always gets so excited! I love when we're at the store or something and we see new or young babies!

Okay, so that has totally happened to me before. It only happened once but I was so shocked! I thought the same thing about my water's breaking but figured even though it was unusual I had thought my water's breaking would be much more. So I didn't mention anything to my doctor and just waited to see how I felt or if it happened again. But it's never happened again and the baby hasn't come yet!

I am so excited! Even though we think it's a boy and we say we'll be shocked if we're told it's a girl, it's still such a mystery and so exciting to find out! I think I'm going to cry a lot when the baby is born! I feel so impatient. I swear the baby moves all the time like crazy. It's most active from when I wake up until lunch time so when I first wake up I just wait a few minutes and enjoy all my baby movement. It's so much fun though because the baby is so strong and so big and you can see it rolling around when you look at my tummy! The baby always pushes itself out now and makes my tummy hard and I always make Travis feel! It makes me so excited just because it helps me feel like there is actually a real baby in there! A tiny little human living and breathing inside me! I still think I won't fully understand until the baby is born just because it just seems so crazy!
That is a BIG relief that thats happened to you before!!! I didn't think it was my water breaking, since it wasn't THAT much, but I wasn't sure what else it could be! I've also been crampy, it was so bad earlier! I wish I wasn't babysitting, I just want to relax! The baby is being fussy again, but I got through the first three hours of babysitting by walking him in the stroller!! I just can't do it anymore though, I'm hurting too bad! Eric's little sister is holding him now, trying to get him to take a nap (fingers crossed!). Watching him has made me realize how different things are going to be with a baby around all the time! Definitely a wake up call! I am still so excited though :)

Eric and Travis are going to be amazing dads! I read about these other girls and their bf's and I feel so bad for them... Our's are so supportive, and I know they are going to help us so much! These other guys just don't seem to even care! They don't seem anywhere near as excited as our guys! We are so lucky to have them!

I'm jealous that your baby shower is tomorrow :) I wish I was having another lol

My dumb friends that didn't show up to my shower STILL haven't said anything about it!! Like, they could have at least apologized or acknowledged it... My "friends" just aren't very mature. They are still worried about their boyfriend of the week, or what parties they're going to this weekend.. I want friends that are ready to start a family and have real responsibilities! Most 20 year olds aren't thinking about that though... Its so frustrating! Eric has some friends at work that are young couples with babies, but I don't wanna be like oh hi, lets be friends haha. I guess that was a little rant... Over it! :)

Ahhh baby is getting really fussy, so I guess I'll stop here :( wish me luck!
Haha yeah I was like woah this is a ton of whatever it is! But I didn't think it was my actual waters as I assumed they would be more of a big gush rather than just soaked panties! I get crampy on and off now. I think it just means we're getting closer and closer! I definitley know what you mean. I nanny older kids and they can basically fend for themselves but I still just want to go home and get comfortable and not have t worry about them! Hopefully she gets him to sleep so you can take a little break! I still think it's cool that you get like a trial run before Madison! I'm alway's telling Travis how in less than two months we'll have a little baby with us EVERYWHERE we go. It's so funny like if we're out at dinner or at the grocery store or anywhere I always say imagine us having our LO with us for all of these things! I still can't wait, it will be a huge change but I am so excited and ready!

We are so very lucky! Our boy's are absolutely amazing! I definitely feel bad and look up to the girls who are going to be single mommies or girls who don't have supportive OH's because I definitely appreciate everything Travis does for me! I just don't understand the other guys who aren't treating their babies mama right and who aren't supportive! Us women go through a lot while being pregnant and if they aren't supportive during that time it just makes pregnancy that much more difficult. Then if they aren't around after the baby is born the poor girls do it all on their own!

I am so excited! I'm sure once it's over I'll wish I could do it all again!

I definitley know what you mean about friends. Our friends are the same way. Life is just different when you grow up and start a family, even if we are young! It's frustrating to read some people's status updates sometimes because they complain or say some of the most ridiculous things sometimes! I just want to be like there are more important things in life! We're probably going to sign up for lamaze classes really soon and it would be nice if we could meet other couples. But it is so difficult just becoming someone's friend!

Good luck with the baby today! Maybe after a nap he'll feel much better! :)
I walked him up and down my street and he fell asleep :) It was a workout for me too! My legs were burning haha, the whole time I was like wow I can do this with Madison and my legs will look gooooooood! I can't wait to have a nice body again.

I think that way too! We'll be somewhere and I'll just picture Madison with us! Its going to be a challenge, getting used to having an extra person to take care of everywhere, but I can't wait! I love her so much already, I know I'm gonna want her with me all the time!

I really want to do a lamaze class, but I have a feeling I won't... I just haven't found one that isn't either way too expensive or way too long! I want to know all the breathing techniques and stuff, so I will focus on that and not get an epidural!

Today once the baby leaves, I am going to try and finish Madison's room up! I'm just gonna wash everything but clothes! So all her blankets, towels, bibs, etc. I'll probably wash a few more outfits too... Its just been overwhelming me so I want to get it done! I hardly ever go in her room anymore because it stresses me out! I love sitting in my rocking chair though... :) Are you going to get one? I got a really good deal on mine at babies r us!!!
Ah! I'm glad he finally fell asleep. Once Madison's here you'll just have to walk her in her stroller everyday and you'll get your legs back! I can't wait for my old body back either but Travis is always so sweet on my bump pictures he always says how beautiful I am and whenever he see's me naked he always says how I look like I'm from the animal planet but that he means it in a good way. He thinks it's part of the miracle of life and he's amazed by my body so it makes me feel really good :)

I always imagine how long it will take us to get ready and go places! I always picture having a car seat in the back when we're driving and carrying it in when we go places. It will be a lot of work and it will be tough but I think all four of us are so ready! I'm glad both our OH's are excited and not as nervous as a lot of people expect them to be! I just can't wait for our little baby! It's going to completely change our relationship but it will be for the better!

I asked my doctor if they had any suggestions for classes and she gave us a paper with a few different options. The more basic class sounds perfect. They have other classes that are more specific like just breast feeding, or one's just for mom, so we like the basic because it covers everything and it has a few different options for class days/times and only costs $120 for both of us to go! We both really want to go because it will be helpful as I don't want an epidural either and Travis is going to be my birth partner so he can hep me focus on breathing and staying calm. It will also help with breastfeeding and it will be nice for Travis to get educated on that so he can help me and support me. He wanted to do the classes more strongly than I did. I was worried about money but wanted to go and he said it's something we should really do and not worry about money so I'm excited by how supportive he is.

I think that sounds like a good plan. Get everything washed, maybe not ALL of her outfits but a few extra won't hurt! But towels and blankets and such will be good because once our babies are here we won't want to be doing all the extra laundry and we'll just want to be more prepared ahead of time! We always leave the babies room door closed because we aren't heating it right now so I never go in there but I know it would stress me out! But since Travis is starting his first day at Costco today he worked for his parents this morning and works at Costco this evening when I would usually get to see him so I think I'm gonna organize the baby room and prepare it for all the gifts and things I will buy that I'll get tomorrow. We actually are getting a rocking chair! It's not brand new my mom actually found it at the goodwill for $25 but it is really clean and maybe not the fanciest but it looks pretty nice! It has a foot stool and padded arm rests which were things I was wanting in a rocking chair. It's light blue but it doesn't look boyish. I'm pretty happy with it, I did see one I liked at Babies R Us but since I'm having to take a whole extra month off from work we've been deciding to go the cheaper route.
Today is your baby shower!!! How exciting!! I can't wait to hear all about it :)

That is really sweet that Travis makes you feel so good! Eric tries, but it just doesn't help anymore lol. I had sent my best friend a bump picture when I first got pregnant, and she still had it on her old phone!!!! So it was like my very first one haha. I swear I was bloated already! Anyway, here it is!


I still think I was bigger here (from bloat), but you can tell theres been a BIG difference!!!

That is so great about your birthing class! I bet it will be so helpful, it will also be better to have Travis with you because you may not remember everything in the heat of the moment, but you have him to help remind you! I really wish I could find one! Maybe now that I have a laptop I can look it up, it was more difficult using my phone to find one.

I was looking at this pregnancy app today and my week countdown said 6 weeks and 1 day... Well that is until 40 weeks, but only 3 weeks and 1 day till 37 weeks which is full term also!!!!!!! THREE WEEKS?!?!?!?! That is CRAZY! Our babies could be here soooooooooooooo soon. Ah that made me so excited!

That is so cool that you got such a great deal on your rocking chair! They are so expensive, I was really lucky when I got mine, and I used a gift card from my baby shower! So I technically didn't have to pay for it at all! I wish I had found one for $25 though!!! I would still have that gift card! Someone tried to give me one, but it was wooden with no foot stool and no padding at all. It was also a light wood, and her whole room is darker. I really wanted something a little more comfortable as well! Mine is padded and has a foot stool so its perfect!
I am so excited! I can't wait! I hope to take lots of pictures! :)

I know what you mean, as sweet as our boys are sometimes we just can't help how we feel! That is so awesome that your friend had your first bump picture! At least you have something to compare from the beginning to the end! I was trying to keep track of how much weight I had gained in between each appointment, then I gave up and figured the total I gained throughout the pregnancy was enough! The first few bump pictures of mine seem like bloat too. But I'm sure we're bloated and normally wouldn't look like that if there wasn't a baby that the baby adds to the bloat so I say it looks great! Which week is this from?

I agree! When I'm in labor I'm going to completely forget! Plus he's always good at cheering me up and such so it will be nice for him to know everything and help. You should at least try to find a class. I don't know if we'll get in since we still haven't signed up and we're so far along.

I still can't believe we only have 6 weeks and for sure our babies will be here. Let alone knowing that they can come a week or two.. or three early! Everyday when Travis feels my bump and the baby he says he's worried the baby will be early! Maybe he has daddy intuition. I think he's worried because I think someone told him or he heard that smaller girls tend to have their babies early because there is less space for the baby and such or something. I don't know if that is true since I would think our bellies would just grow but I think he thinks about it for when we have to push the baby out. Anyway he keeps thinking the baby is going to be early so he finds it crazy that in less than a month and a half we'll be parents! I feel like looking back on the pregnancy it has flown by! I can't believe it's already June. I can remember back in December when we wished we were farther along and our pregnancies would hurry up so we could meet our little ones and now we're so close! For some reason I'm really excited to be 34 weeks. I feel like it's the last stretch of pregnancy. Even though from 33 to 34 is just one week I feel like when I hear about pregnant women 34 weeks and on I always think how close they really are!

They do have some nice ones at Babies R Us, there was one I really wanted, but we were lucky when we found the one we did. Especially since it didn't look old, very used, or worn! I was being picky about my rocking chair, too. I definitley wanted padding and a foot stool and I wanted padding on the arm rests because I know when I'm holding the baby I'll want to rest my arms to hold the weight and I don't want the hard wood to dig in! I also heard that if you're going to get a rocking chair definitely get a foot stool, it probably helps with how you're sitting or helps stay relaxed more.

I am just so excited! I love the baby movement. I'm really lucky lately the baby has been so easy. I don't think its smooshed on my pelvis bone anymore and it isn't really kicking my ribs or bladder either. Sometimes I just feel icky though because all my organs are smooshed, but other than that it's just so much fun to feel the baby roll around and move my entire belly by itself!
Pretty sure I was five weeks in that picture :)

I really hope that is true about smaller girls...I'd much rather wait three-four more weeks, not six lol. As long as she's healthy though, that is really all that matters to me! Thirty-four weeks does sound like a lot! I remember when I wasn't very far along I would see that people were 35 and I was like wow that is SO far along, they'll have their babies SO SOON! So I think next week I'll be like OMG finally haha.

Having a foot stool is definitely way more comfortable! It feels like you can just lean back and get comfy! I always put my feet up; when I'm on the couch, at the movies, at the table haha. I always find a way!

Madison's movements haven't been very painful lately, probably because she's so big that she doesn't have room to get all crazy! For the last four or five months I've been getting this pain under my right boob. At first, I would get it maybe twice a week... Now I get it every single day, pretty much ALL day! I've almost gotten used to it! Sometimes it hurts worse than others, like right now! It hurts so bad. Its so frustrating, because I've mentioned it to the doctor and even gone to urgent care!! They can never tell me what it is though... It sucks! I'm also really nauseous today, I hope it goes away and it isn't morning/all-day sickness coming back!! I'm so glad that your baby is being easy on you lately! It just makes it so much more enjoyable!
Oh! I decided on a tattoo that I'm going to get to represent Madison! It's going to be on my back, but kind of on my side. I want to get my birth flower (water lily), Eric's birth flower (carnation), and Madison's birth flower like going up my back. If she is born in July, we'll have the same birth flower, but the month of July has two. I could either get two water lilies or one water lily for me and our other flower for Madi! If we ever have another baby, I could easily add another flower to represent him or her! :)
I've heard getting your OH's name tattoo'd on you is a curse...but I don't think getting his flower would be a curse! Do you think it would be? I mean, I wouldn't get it until after our wedding, even though I KNOW we'll get married. I don't know! What do you think about the idea and everything?

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