Proud Mom to Elsie Louise
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- Nov 23, 2010
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I saw your bump progression on facebook! It's going to be so nice to have that for Madison when she's here! My dad made this really cute video for my baby shower. It had a video of me the day I was born then pictures from baby up until now and it ended with my bump progression. It was really cute! So now I can't wait until I have all my bump pictures and have him do it like that from the first weeks to the end!
I want an August baby but I probably won't get one! I'll be happy whenever the baby decides to come as long as it is healthy. If I didn't want an August baby I would probably want my baby early too! It's exciting that in just a couple weeks we could literally have our baby at any moment! After the baby shower and setting everything up in the bedroom it feels so much more real!
I'm the same way! I'm actually most comfortable laying down but if not I definitely need my feet up! Ugh we went to the Hangover 2 the day after it came out and we saw it in theaters and seriously it was the most uncomfortable thing ever. It was so distracting during the movie because my back was hurting so bad and the theater was so full and there was a larger guy next to me so every time I moved my seat rubbed against his and made noise! But we bought this deal that was 2 tickets for $9 so we ended up getting 4 tickets and if 3 people buys through your link you get them free. So we got 4 free movie tickets so I'm sure I'll. Be back in the theater uncomfortable soon as you have to use them by february!
The pain under your boobs sound scary! I hope they can figure it out soon so they can give you some relief at least! Hopefully it isn't anything really serious! I feel the same about my baby how it doesn't have as much room for movements, so now it always pushes out and makes hard spots all over my tummy. I just love any movements so much! I'm always touching my belly and making everyone else feel!
I think the tattoo is a really cute idea and you can have the tattoo artist draw you two different ones so you can decide between two water lillies or each having your own flower! But I think you should go with both July's flowers so you each have your own unique flower! I didn't know having your OHs name was a curse but I've always wanted to get a tattoo to represent Travis. My parents got divorced when I was 3 so really early on and they don't talk at all but its so hard for me to wrap my head around how someone who was in love at one point and wanted to get married and have kids could hate each other. I just can't ever see myself hating Travis. If we ever broke up/got divorced I still think we would be close friends. So I've always wanted to get something for us because he is so important to me. I don't think his birth flower would be a curse! I think it's really cute. It's like your family boquet!
Okay so I just have to brag about my baby shower because it was absolutely amazing! The weather here has been crazy. Some days rainy the next 70 degree's (which is pretty warm for us!) but Saturday was about 65 and cloudy so it was warm but not miserable for us pale people! We got to have the baby shower out on the back deck! I was surprised by how many people actually came. The names I could remember I counted 45 people not including the 6 kids who came and not including Travis and 8! My mom did such a great job on the snacks. She had chocolate covered pretzel sticks that had baby shapes on them and she made chocolate baby shaped candies. Two giant bowls of watermelon balls and cantelope balls and she had my favorite family pasta salad and a huge fruit tray and a huge veggie tray. Travis' dad smoked some meat that was delicious and people didn't even realize there was a main meal since there was so much snack food! My sister made the cake, well she bought a Costco cake and then made the rest herself. She formed a rubber yellow duck out of cake and frosting. It turned out so cute! My mom made a diaper cake for the center piece. It was 3 layers and had ribbons around the layers each in a different color. Then instead of flowers like on yours she put baby stuff like rattles, socks, washcloths, spoons, travel baby toiletries, thermometers, etc. It was so cute and everyone loved it! I had to bring it home and set it up again on my changing table because it was so aodrable. Since there was so many people and it was all family people were talking and mindgling so much we didn't play games quite as much. We played some but my sister had to run around to get people's answers for some of them! There were so many presents! I was surprised by how much we actually got! Out of all those people we only got two baby outfits so I was really happy! Travis' mom kept rushing us while we were opening gifts because she didn't like how slow we were but then since we were trying to hurry for her I didn't get to see everything very well or remember who gave it to me (though my sister did write it down). My dad made a video that we watched after that had a video of me the day I was born then a picture slide show from when I was a baby up until now ending with my bump progression. It turned out really cute. In the video he is wearing a white shirt that says 'Proud New Daddy' and he has always always treasured it. When the video ended he made a speech and gave the shirt to Travis! It was so sweet I was crying so hard and everyone else teared up as well! Travis appreciated it a lot because my dad and I don't talk a lot and haven't for years and Travis always worried that my dad felt like it was Travis' fault so it was almost like an I accept you, thanks for being my grandbabies dad, and welcome to the family gift! I could go on forever about the party though! It was so perfect. So here is a list of everything I got because it's ridiuclous. We had nothing before and now we hardly need anything!
(180) Huggie Diapers
Diaper Cake
(5) Plastic 6mo+ Plates
(2) 18mo 'Wild Love' horse Onesies
Baby Picture Frame
(4) Teether's (3 water filled, my favorite!)
(5) Baby Blankets
(3) Newborn Soft Seseme Street Books
(6) Stuffed Animals (2 Elephants, 1 Dog, 1 Koala, 1 Dino, 1 Lion)
Giraffe Security Blanket
Trio Rattle Set
Tummy Time Crawl Along Snail Mirror with Music and Lights
Music and Lights Butterfly
(2) Night Sky Animal Night Lights (Frog and Turtle)
(8) Flannel Receiving Blankets
(1) Swaddle Blanket (similar to a receiving blanket just a little thicker)
(2) Creme Sleep Sacks Swaddle Newborn
(2) Safari 0-4mo sleepsacks swaddle
(5) Sleep Gowns
(6) Neutral Birp Cloths
(2) Boppy Pillows (Safari and one naked)
Diaper Genie and 3 pack refills
Baby Bjorn Air Baby Carrier (the one my dad got me)
(6) neutral yellow pattern bibs
(5) crib sheets
(3) keep me dry crib pads
(2) terry cloth sheet savers
(5) hooded bath towels (frog, duck, cute duck, 2 sage)
Matching cute duck regular towel
(8) white washcloths
(6) neutral washcloths
(4) sage washcloths
Caterpillar Spiller Bath Cups
Frog Bath Buddy
Duck wash mit
Bath Sponge/Loofah in Sage
Rectal Thermometer
Baby Wipes in reusable Tub (72 wipes)
(10) white hangers
Blue Mommy/Daddy's Rockstar Newborn Outfit
Yellow Duck Newborn Outfit
Duck Hat + Booties
(2) Side Car window shades
Back window shade
Car mirror to see baby's face when rear facing
Infant Carrier Netting (to put on car seat while carrying to keep bugs out? Silly..)
(2) Johnsons take along packs (Shampoo, Wash, Lotion, Baby Powder, Destin) travel size
(2) pacifier clips (Dr. Browns and a Pooh Bear)
(2) 0m+ tommee tippee pacifiers
(2) 0-6m tommee tippee pacifiers
(2) 6m+ NUK pacifers
(2) white scratch mits
Snug Feeding Chair
Spa and Shower Baby Bath
Extra Stroller (when baby is older I guess)
Travel System
Changing Table Pad
(2) Changing Table Pad Sheets
(2) Changing table pad sheets H2O proof
Green Dog Strap Cover Buddies (goes on like car seat so straps don't rub)
(30) disposable nursing pads
(30) breast wipes
(3) evenflow 0-3m bottles (which I'm going to return)
Gift Cards:
$30 Babies R Us
$25 Macy's
$75 Fred Meyers
$125 Target
$80 Cash
There is a few things we still need like gender specific items for the bedroom (bedding, lamp, curtains, mobile) we also need baby monitors, a toy chest, a dresser, diaper bag, bottle accessories (my moms boss is actually getting us bottles but I haven't gotten them quite yet). Bathroom items (shampoo, wash, hairbrush, toothbrush/paste, tylenol, etc). Breast pump/accessories. And Baby gates.
Here are some pictures after I got it home and set up! (I haven't been able to get the pictures off mine or other's camera's since I don't have a computer - the pictures on my camera aren't that great because I gave it to my uncle who was taking pictures so fast they are blurry!)
All the cards we got!
The Diaper Cake after I brought it home and set it up on the changing table, I just put the stuff that was on it all in the front for a picture rather than all around
Stroller, Travel System, Travel Items
Travel System, Baby Bjorn, Travel Shades/Items
Snug Feeder/Highchair, Burp Cloths, Bibs, Plates
The swing we already had and the toys we got
Bath time items
Changing Pad, Pacifiers and Clips, Teethers, Receiving Blankets, Calendar and Frame
Changing table with a bunch of our baby shower gifts!
Crib with sleep items
Baby outfits, baby blankets, stuffed animals, animal night lights, crib sheets/pads, sleepsacks, sleep gowns
My dad and travis with the shirt
Sorry about the size/quality of the pictures! Best I could do with my phone and I was so happy and excited by everything I got I had to take pictures!
Oh and Travis' mom just signed us up today for classes. They're. On Thursdays from 6:30 to 9pm and it starts July 7th through July 28th. It was the only available classes left! So maybe baby will be a few days late and we'll get to go to them all! Have you decided/signed up for classes?!
Now that I have most of my baby stuff I feel so much more prepared! I still have a few things to get but if baby came today we would at least have enough to get by since the things we need aren't things we need the first week! Travis said he wanted to wait until July 1st to buy the rest. I think he wants to wait on paychecks and wait until after the bills are paid. I might have to buy some things early because I want to get my hospital bag packed and I was going to use my diaper bag. Which I found a new one I want!
It has 14 pockets inside and some outside!
Okay this post is too long! How are you?!
I want an August baby but I probably won't get one! I'll be happy whenever the baby decides to come as long as it is healthy. If I didn't want an August baby I would probably want my baby early too! It's exciting that in just a couple weeks we could literally have our baby at any moment! After the baby shower and setting everything up in the bedroom it feels so much more real!
I'm the same way! I'm actually most comfortable laying down but if not I definitely need my feet up! Ugh we went to the Hangover 2 the day after it came out and we saw it in theaters and seriously it was the most uncomfortable thing ever. It was so distracting during the movie because my back was hurting so bad and the theater was so full and there was a larger guy next to me so every time I moved my seat rubbed against his and made noise! But we bought this deal that was 2 tickets for $9 so we ended up getting 4 tickets and if 3 people buys through your link you get them free. So we got 4 free movie tickets so I'm sure I'll. Be back in the theater uncomfortable soon as you have to use them by february!
The pain under your boobs sound scary! I hope they can figure it out soon so they can give you some relief at least! Hopefully it isn't anything really serious! I feel the same about my baby how it doesn't have as much room for movements, so now it always pushes out and makes hard spots all over my tummy. I just love any movements so much! I'm always touching my belly and making everyone else feel!
I think the tattoo is a really cute idea and you can have the tattoo artist draw you two different ones so you can decide between two water lillies or each having your own flower! But I think you should go with both July's flowers so you each have your own unique flower! I didn't know having your OHs name was a curse but I've always wanted to get a tattoo to represent Travis. My parents got divorced when I was 3 so really early on and they don't talk at all but its so hard for me to wrap my head around how someone who was in love at one point and wanted to get married and have kids could hate each other. I just can't ever see myself hating Travis. If we ever broke up/got divorced I still think we would be close friends. So I've always wanted to get something for us because he is so important to me. I don't think his birth flower would be a curse! I think it's really cute. It's like your family boquet!

Okay so I just have to brag about my baby shower because it was absolutely amazing! The weather here has been crazy. Some days rainy the next 70 degree's (which is pretty warm for us!) but Saturday was about 65 and cloudy so it was warm but not miserable for us pale people! We got to have the baby shower out on the back deck! I was surprised by how many people actually came. The names I could remember I counted 45 people not including the 6 kids who came and not including Travis and 8! My mom did such a great job on the snacks. She had chocolate covered pretzel sticks that had baby shapes on them and she made chocolate baby shaped candies. Two giant bowls of watermelon balls and cantelope balls and she had my favorite family pasta salad and a huge fruit tray and a huge veggie tray. Travis' dad smoked some meat that was delicious and people didn't even realize there was a main meal since there was so much snack food! My sister made the cake, well she bought a Costco cake and then made the rest herself. She formed a rubber yellow duck out of cake and frosting. It turned out so cute! My mom made a diaper cake for the center piece. It was 3 layers and had ribbons around the layers each in a different color. Then instead of flowers like on yours she put baby stuff like rattles, socks, washcloths, spoons, travel baby toiletries, thermometers, etc. It was so cute and everyone loved it! I had to bring it home and set it up again on my changing table because it was so aodrable. Since there was so many people and it was all family people were talking and mindgling so much we didn't play games quite as much. We played some but my sister had to run around to get people's answers for some of them! There were so many presents! I was surprised by how much we actually got! Out of all those people we only got two baby outfits so I was really happy! Travis' mom kept rushing us while we were opening gifts because she didn't like how slow we were but then since we were trying to hurry for her I didn't get to see everything very well or remember who gave it to me (though my sister did write it down). My dad made a video that we watched after that had a video of me the day I was born then a picture slide show from when I was a baby up until now ending with my bump progression. It turned out really cute. In the video he is wearing a white shirt that says 'Proud New Daddy' and he has always always treasured it. When the video ended he made a speech and gave the shirt to Travis! It was so sweet I was crying so hard and everyone else teared up as well! Travis appreciated it a lot because my dad and I don't talk a lot and haven't for years and Travis always worried that my dad felt like it was Travis' fault so it was almost like an I accept you, thanks for being my grandbabies dad, and welcome to the family gift! I could go on forever about the party though! It was so perfect. So here is a list of everything I got because it's ridiuclous. We had nothing before and now we hardly need anything!
(180) Huggie Diapers
Diaper Cake
(5) Plastic 6mo+ Plates
(2) 18mo 'Wild Love' horse Onesies
Baby Picture Frame
(4) Teether's (3 water filled, my favorite!)
(5) Baby Blankets
(3) Newborn Soft Seseme Street Books
(6) Stuffed Animals (2 Elephants, 1 Dog, 1 Koala, 1 Dino, 1 Lion)
Giraffe Security Blanket
Trio Rattle Set
Tummy Time Crawl Along Snail Mirror with Music and Lights
Music and Lights Butterfly
(2) Night Sky Animal Night Lights (Frog and Turtle)
(8) Flannel Receiving Blankets
(1) Swaddle Blanket (similar to a receiving blanket just a little thicker)
(2) Creme Sleep Sacks Swaddle Newborn
(2) Safari 0-4mo sleepsacks swaddle
(5) Sleep Gowns
(6) Neutral Birp Cloths
(2) Boppy Pillows (Safari and one naked)
Diaper Genie and 3 pack refills
Baby Bjorn Air Baby Carrier (the one my dad got me)
(6) neutral yellow pattern bibs
(5) crib sheets
(3) keep me dry crib pads
(2) terry cloth sheet savers
(5) hooded bath towels (frog, duck, cute duck, 2 sage)
Matching cute duck regular towel
(8) white washcloths
(6) neutral washcloths
(4) sage washcloths
Caterpillar Spiller Bath Cups
Frog Bath Buddy
Duck wash mit
Bath Sponge/Loofah in Sage
Rectal Thermometer
Baby Wipes in reusable Tub (72 wipes)
(10) white hangers
Blue Mommy/Daddy's Rockstar Newborn Outfit
Yellow Duck Newborn Outfit
Duck Hat + Booties
(2) Side Car window shades
Back window shade
Car mirror to see baby's face when rear facing
Infant Carrier Netting (to put on car seat while carrying to keep bugs out? Silly..)
(2) Johnsons take along packs (Shampoo, Wash, Lotion, Baby Powder, Destin) travel size
(2) pacifier clips (Dr. Browns and a Pooh Bear)
(2) 0m+ tommee tippee pacifiers
(2) 0-6m tommee tippee pacifiers
(2) 6m+ NUK pacifers
(2) white scratch mits
Snug Feeding Chair
Spa and Shower Baby Bath
Extra Stroller (when baby is older I guess)
Travel System
Changing Table Pad
(2) Changing Table Pad Sheets
(2) Changing table pad sheets H2O proof
Green Dog Strap Cover Buddies (goes on like car seat so straps don't rub)
(30) disposable nursing pads
(30) breast wipes
(3) evenflow 0-3m bottles (which I'm going to return)
Gift Cards:
$30 Babies R Us
$25 Macy's
$75 Fred Meyers
$125 Target
$80 Cash
There is a few things we still need like gender specific items for the bedroom (bedding, lamp, curtains, mobile) we also need baby monitors, a toy chest, a dresser, diaper bag, bottle accessories (my moms boss is actually getting us bottles but I haven't gotten them quite yet). Bathroom items (shampoo, wash, hairbrush, toothbrush/paste, tylenol, etc). Breast pump/accessories. And Baby gates.
Here are some pictures after I got it home and set up! (I haven't been able to get the pictures off mine or other's camera's since I don't have a computer - the pictures on my camera aren't that great because I gave it to my uncle who was taking pictures so fast they are blurry!)
All the cards we got!
The Diaper Cake after I brought it home and set it up on the changing table, I just put the stuff that was on it all in the front for a picture rather than all around
Stroller, Travel System, Travel Items
Travel System, Baby Bjorn, Travel Shades/Items
Snug Feeder/Highchair, Burp Cloths, Bibs, Plates
The swing we already had and the toys we got
Bath time items
Changing Pad, Pacifiers and Clips, Teethers, Receiving Blankets, Calendar and Frame
Changing table with a bunch of our baby shower gifts!
Crib with sleep items
Baby outfits, baby blankets, stuffed animals, animal night lights, crib sheets/pads, sleepsacks, sleep gowns
My dad and travis with the shirt
Sorry about the size/quality of the pictures! Best I could do with my phone and I was so happy and excited by everything I got I had to take pictures!
Oh and Travis' mom just signed us up today for classes. They're. On Thursdays from 6:30 to 9pm and it starts July 7th through July 28th. It was the only available classes left! So maybe baby will be a few days late and we'll get to go to them all! Have you decided/signed up for classes?!
Now that I have most of my baby stuff I feel so much more prepared! I still have a few things to get but if baby came today we would at least have enough to get by since the things we need aren't things we need the first week! Travis said he wanted to wait until July 1st to buy the rest. I think he wants to wait on paychecks and wait until after the bills are paid. I might have to buy some things early because I want to get my hospital bag packed and I was going to use my diaper bag. Which I found a new one I want!
It has 14 pockets inside and some outside!
Okay this post is too long! How are you?!