Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

I saw your bump progression on facebook! It's going to be so nice to have that for Madison when she's here! My dad made this really cute video for my baby shower. It had a video of me the day I was born then pictures from baby up until now and it ended with my bump progression. It was really cute! So now I can't wait until I have all my bump pictures and have him do it like that from the first weeks to the end!

I want an August baby but I probably won't get one! I'll be happy whenever the baby decides to come as long as it is healthy. If I didn't want an August baby I would probably want my baby early too! It's exciting that in just a couple weeks we could literally have our baby at any moment! After the baby shower and setting everything up in the bedroom it feels so much more real!

I'm the same way! I'm actually most comfortable laying down but if not I definitely need my feet up! Ugh we went to the Hangover 2 the day after it came out and we saw it in theaters and seriously it was the most uncomfortable thing ever. It was so distracting during the movie because my back was hurting so bad and the theater was so full and there was a larger guy next to me so every time I moved my seat rubbed against his and made noise! But we bought this deal that was 2 tickets for $9 so we ended up getting 4 tickets and if 3 people buys through your link you get them free. So we got 4 free movie tickets so I'm sure I'll. Be back in the theater uncomfortable soon as you have to use them by february!

The pain under your boobs sound scary! I hope they can figure it out soon so they can give you some relief at least! Hopefully it isn't anything really serious! I feel the same about my baby how it doesn't have as much room for movements, so now it always pushes out and makes hard spots all over my tummy. I just love any movements so much! I'm always touching my belly and making everyone else feel!

I think the tattoo is a really cute idea and you can have the tattoo artist draw you two different ones so you can decide between two water lillies or each having your own flower! But I think you should go with both July's flowers so you each have your own unique flower! I didn't know having your OHs name was a curse but I've always wanted to get a tattoo to represent Travis. My parents got divorced when I was 3 so really early on and they don't talk at all but its so hard for me to wrap my head around how someone who was in love at one point and wanted to get married and have kids could hate each other. I just can't ever see myself hating Travis. If we ever broke up/got divorced I still think we would be close friends. So I've always wanted to get something for us because he is so important to me. I don't think his birth flower would be a curse! I think it's really cute. It's like your family boquet! :)

Okay so I just have to brag about my baby shower because it was absolutely amazing! The weather here has been crazy. Some days rainy the next 70 degree's (which is pretty warm for us!) but Saturday was about 65 and cloudy so it was warm but not miserable for us pale people! We got to have the baby shower out on the back deck! I was surprised by how many people actually came. The names I could remember I counted 45 people not including the 6 kids who came and not including Travis and 8! My mom did such a great job on the snacks. She had chocolate covered pretzel sticks that had baby shapes on them and she made chocolate baby shaped candies. Two giant bowls of watermelon balls and cantelope balls and she had my favorite family pasta salad and a huge fruit tray and a huge veggie tray. Travis' dad smoked some meat that was delicious and people didn't even realize there was a main meal since there was so much snack food! My sister made the cake, well she bought a Costco cake and then made the rest herself. She formed a rubber yellow duck out of cake and frosting. It turned out so cute! My mom made a diaper cake for the center piece. It was 3 layers and had ribbons around the layers each in a different color. Then instead of flowers like on yours she put baby stuff like rattles, socks, washcloths, spoons, travel baby toiletries, thermometers, etc. It was so cute and everyone loved it! I had to bring it home and set it up again on my changing table because it was so aodrable. Since there was so many people and it was all family people were talking and mindgling so much we didn't play games quite as much. We played some but my sister had to run around to get people's answers for some of them! There were so many presents! I was surprised by how much we actually got! Out of all those people we only got two baby outfits so I was really happy! Travis' mom kept rushing us while we were opening gifts because she didn't like how slow we were but then since we were trying to hurry for her I didn't get to see everything very well or remember who gave it to me (though my sister did write it down). My dad made a video that we watched after that had a video of me the day I was born then a picture slide show from when I was a baby up until now ending with my bump progression. It turned out really cute. In the video he is wearing a white shirt that says 'Proud New Daddy' and he has always always treasured it. When the video ended he made a speech and gave the shirt to Travis! It was so sweet I was crying so hard and everyone else teared up as well! Travis appreciated it a lot because my dad and I don't talk a lot and haven't for years and Travis always worried that my dad felt like it was Travis' fault so it was almost like an I accept you, thanks for being my grandbabies dad, and welcome to the family gift! I could go on forever about the party though! It was so perfect. So here is a list of everything I got because it's ridiuclous. We had nothing before and now we hardly need anything!

(180) Huggie Diapers
Diaper Cake
(5) Plastic 6mo+ Plates
(2) 18mo 'Wild Love' horse Onesies
Baby Picture Frame
(4) Teether's (3 water filled, my favorite!)
(5) Baby Blankets
(3) Newborn Soft Seseme Street Books
(6) Stuffed Animals (2 Elephants, 1 Dog, 1 Koala, 1 Dino, 1 Lion)
Giraffe Security Blanket
Trio Rattle Set
Tummy Time Crawl Along Snail Mirror with Music and Lights
Music and Lights Butterfly
(2) Night Sky Animal Night Lights (Frog and Turtle)
(8) Flannel Receiving Blankets
(1) Swaddle Blanket (similar to a receiving blanket just a little thicker)
(2) Creme Sleep Sacks Swaddle Newborn
(2) Safari 0-4mo sleepsacks swaddle
(5) Sleep Gowns
(6) Neutral Birp Cloths
(2) Boppy Pillows (Safari and one naked)
Diaper Genie and 3 pack refills
Baby Bjorn Air Baby Carrier (the one my dad got me)
(6) neutral yellow pattern bibs
(5) crib sheets
(3) keep me dry crib pads
(2) terry cloth sheet savers
(5) hooded bath towels (frog, duck, cute duck, 2 sage)
Matching cute duck regular towel
(8) white washcloths
(6) neutral washcloths
(4) sage washcloths
Caterpillar Spiller Bath Cups
Frog Bath Buddy
Duck wash mit
Bath Sponge/Loofah in Sage
Rectal Thermometer
Baby Wipes in reusable Tub (72 wipes)
(10) white hangers
Blue Mommy/Daddy's Rockstar Newborn Outfit
Yellow Duck Newborn Outfit
Duck Hat + Booties
(2) Side Car window shades
Back window shade
Car mirror to see baby's face when rear facing
Infant Carrier Netting (to put on car seat while carrying to keep bugs out? Silly..)
(2) Johnsons take along packs (Shampoo, Wash, Lotion, Baby Powder, Destin) travel size
(2) pacifier clips (Dr. Browns and a Pooh Bear)
(2) 0m+ tommee tippee pacifiers
(2) 0-6m tommee tippee pacifiers
(2) 6m+ NUK pacifers
(2) white scratch mits
Snug Feeding Chair
Spa and Shower Baby Bath
Extra Stroller (when baby is older I guess)
Travel System
Changing Table Pad
(2) Changing Table Pad Sheets
(2) Changing table pad sheets H2O proof
Green Dog Strap Cover Buddies (goes on like car seat so straps don't rub)
(30) disposable nursing pads
(30) breast wipes
(3) evenflow 0-3m bottles (which I'm going to return)

Gift Cards:
$30 Babies R Us
$25 Macy's
$75 Fred Meyers
$125 Target
$80 Cash

There is a few things we still need like gender specific items for the bedroom (bedding, lamp, curtains, mobile) we also need baby monitors, a toy chest, a dresser, diaper bag, bottle accessories (my moms boss is actually getting us bottles but I haven't gotten them quite yet). Bathroom items (shampoo, wash, hairbrush, toothbrush/paste, tylenol, etc). Breast pump/accessories. And Baby gates.

Here are some pictures after I got it home and set up! (I haven't been able to get the pictures off mine or other's camera's since I don't have a computer - the pictures on my camera aren't that great because I gave it to my uncle who was taking pictures so fast they are blurry!)

All the cards we got!

The Diaper Cake after I brought it home and set it up on the changing table, I just put the stuff that was on it all in the front for a picture rather than all around

Stroller, Travel System, Travel Items

Travel System, Baby Bjorn, Travel Shades/Items

Snug Feeder/Highchair, Burp Cloths, Bibs, Plates

The swing we already had and the toys we got

Bath time items

Changing Pad, Pacifiers and Clips, Teethers, Receiving Blankets, Calendar and Frame

Changing table with a bunch of our baby shower gifts!

Crib with sleep items

Baby outfits, baby blankets, stuffed animals, animal night lights, crib sheets/pads, sleepsacks, sleep gowns

My dad and travis with the shirt

Sorry about the size/quality of the pictures! Best I could do with my phone and I was so happy and excited by everything I got I had to take pictures!

Oh and Travis' mom just signed us up today for classes. They're. On Thursdays from 6:30 to 9pm and it starts July 7th through July 28th. It was the only available classes left! So maybe baby will be a few days late and we'll get to go to them all! Have you decided/signed up for classes?!

Now that I have most of my baby stuff I feel so much more prepared! I still have a few things to get but if baby came today we would at least have enough to get by since the things we need aren't things we need the first week! Travis said he wanted to wait until July 1st to buy the rest. I think he wants to wait on paychecks and wait until after the bills are paid. I might have to buy some things early because I want to get my hospital bag packed and I was going to use my diaper bag. Which I found a new one I want!

It has 14 pockets inside and some outside!

Okay this post is too long! How are you?!
Oh my gosh, it sounds like your baby shower was AMAZING!!! You got SO much stuff!!!! You are so much more prepared now, and you have gift cards to get whatever you still need! That was a really great idea to take a picture of all your things before they were put away, I wish I would have done that! That was sooooo cute of your dad to make that video, and even cuter that he gave Travis that shirt! The picture of the two of them is adorable. I would have been bawling my eyes out! You should frame it lol :)

That diaper bag is super cute! I love how you can put in on the stroller, I wish mine could do that!

Yay for getting signed up for classes!! Remember how Eric got me a prenatal spa package for Mothers Day? Well I called to make an appointment, but they were closed since it was Sunday. On the answering machine they just said that it wasn't their normal business hours and whatever, but they left their website address. So I went to the website just out of curiosity, and this place is SO COOL! They do the massages and facials, but they also have classes! They have prenatal yoga, mommy and baby yoga, breastfeeding classes, CHILDBIRTH CLASSES! I was so excited when I saw that!! I figured it would be really expensive though, but it isn't at all! Its $75 per couple or $45 for just mommy. There are three classes, and they start this Thursday. Eric has to work Thursday, so I didn't want to pay $30 extra if he wasn't going to be able to make it to this one, and there would be a possibility that he couldn't make it to the others either. So that kind of sucks that I have to go alone :/ there are three classes though, for the next three thursdays from 6-8:30. It recommends that you go between 6-8 months, and I will be more than 8 1/2 when I start, but oh well! I can't believe I finally found a class, and I wasn't even looking! I had pretty much gave up and figured I wasn't going to get to. I wish I had found it sooner, because I could have told Eric ahead of time so he didn't have to work AND I could have been doing prenatal yoga this whole time! Oh well! I also couldn't get in for my massage and facial until the 27th, which seems so far away! I'm really looking forward to it though!

Are you only bringing your diaper bag to the hospital? I packed my things in a bag, and Madison's things in her bag. I probably packed way too much, but I want to make sure I have everything! I washed all her blankets today :) I still have so much to do, but its a start! Its really starting to hit me lately that she will be here so soon! I know I say that all the time, but the last couple of days it has finally started to sink in. From the very beginning everyone has been asking if I'm scared, and I always said no. I never really was scared though... this is between you and me, but I am legitimately getting scared now! I will still say no if they ask, but you know the truth lol.
I am so scared because I feel like I don't know what to do! I don't want to hurt her, she's gonna be so tiny... I just hope it comes natural and I know what to do! Eric has said he's gonna take a little time off of work, but he's never told me how much. I know he doesn't want to take too much off, because obviously that is less money we'll have coming in.. I just want him there to help me! My mom is coming to town, as well as my dad, and my grandparents from Texas!! I feel like they're gonna look at me and think that I have no clue what I'm doing, but they'll be right! I won't have a clue! Ahhh I'm freaking out all of a sudden.
Also, Eric's mom and her best friend smoke. I don't want them holding my baby if they have smoked! Even if they wash their hands, it stays in their hair and clothes. I was reading about SIDS (which btw scares the shit out of me) and they mentioned the fact that if theres a smoker around the baby, even if they aren't smoking in the house, the babies risk goes up. Since we found out I was pregnant, she said she would quit, but she hasn't, and Madison is almost here. She smokes in her car too, so even if she isn't smoking at the time, her car will always have smoke trapped in the seats and ashes around the car. Not that she ashes her cigarette in the car, but little ones spread. So Madison is not allowed to ride in her car, and when I tell her that, she'll most likely freak out. Do you think I am wrong to not let her drive with Madison? What would you do?
Ugh, I just wrote a responce then I checked a message and came back and it was gone!

Anyway, I had so much fun at my baby shower and I was so happy we got so much stuff! Makes me feel like I can finally relax! I still have a few big things I need to get and then some things I just really want, but the gift cards will be some helpful for the rest! Plus I have a couple relatives who live out of state sending more! It was so sweet of my dad to pass down his treasured daddy shirt! I am hoping someone got a slightly better picture on a real camera versus a phone camera and then I'll probably put the picture in the baby room!

I love the diaper bag! I love grey and I think it is so cute! I love colors that work well with anything you are wearing or if we have a girl or boy! I was reading the reviews online and someone wrote everything they packed and it was a ton of things! Then they added that everything was in it's own organized pocket! All except for the folded clothes they left in the main compartment. She said she normally didn't even bring that much but she was going somewhere over night. I think they make clips so that any diaper bag can clip to the stroller but I might be wrong. You should look into it!

I'm glad you got classes! You'll have to tell me how you like them! I wish we had a spa here like that, it sounds like they have everything! I feel bad that Travis' mom paid for the classes since it starts 18 days before my due date! I might only make it to two of the four classes! I'm also hoping Travis can come since we're not so sure with him starting at Costco. He will ask for those evenings off but sometimes he might not actually get them off.

I think I'll probably only bring my diaper bag, but I might use Travis' small back pack to pack some more things in. The room's apparently have a window bed that Travis can sleep in that I thought was kind of nice so he can stay the night the first day the baby is born.

I haven't washed anything yet, but my washer can hold a ton of clothes so I'll probably get most of everything in one load. I'm just worried about opening everything and washing it and then never using some. But we didn't have much before the baby shower and now we're prepared but we still don't have too much of anything I would say. So I could probably wash everything and it would eventually end up getting used. I really want to set up the crib and such but I still need to buy a dresser and organizers to put all the stuff! It's still sitting exactly how it looks in the pictures!

I'm finally to the point to where I feel so pregnant like I literally cannot get comfortable at all. Plus my hormones feel more ridiculous as I cry over everything. But I think it's because Travis has his new job at Costco so I get to see him a lot less and I just don't like it when I'm home alone without him. I always miss him too much! But I agree, I'm really nervous as well. I'm nervous because I don't think we can afford for Travis to take any time off which means I'll just get thrown into motherhood and have to do everything alone. I'm also mostly nervous financially since starting July 1st I no longer have a job! I think maybe since I'll be alone with just me and the baby though maybe I'll feel less nervous that way if I mess up or do something stupid people won't make me feel like I'm completely clueless! I'm sure if I needed help my mom will rush over as long as she isn't working. She's already said she wants to do the whole baby room, which is nice but also a little frustrating since we don't know what gender yet and she wants to start now. Plus I told her that Travis and I want to be able to enjoy planning and setting up our first babies nursery. She even told me what colors and boarders and such! I'm just feeling overwhelmed I think!

Just remember everyone started out clueless, even people who had planned babies, people older than us, and people who have done a lot of research. It's something no one can ever understand until they're just thrown into it. Much like pregnancy I would say. I personally think no one will fully understand pregnancy until they actually are pregnant. Plus you have me to write to if you get overwhelmed or need help with the baby! I can't judge since I'll be learning too! :) I'm worried that once the baby is born I won't feel a connection! I don't know why, but I'm just scared that I'm going to feel like I'm just constantly stuck with this crying baby and I won't feel connected. I mean I'm sure I will but right now I'm worried!

I don't know, the smoking thing is difficult! I would almost say they need to change their clothes once they are done smoking. Especially while Madison is little. I wouldn't let her drive with Madison if she was smoking with Madison in the car, but maybe she can drive Madison in the car as long as she isn't currently smoking and has the windows open and Madison's not to cold. I personally think people will be offended if you say anything to them, but this is the safety and health of YOUR baby! SIDS scares me too. I just know I'm going to be the kind of mom who is constantly checking on the baby while it's asleep at home and who won't let it out of her sight while it's awake! I just want my baby safe!

Even though we're both nervous I definitely think it's normal. Our lives are about to completely change in a few short weeks and once it does we're thrown in a whole new world learning a whole new life skill! I think it will be difficult but it will also be so worth it, and once we see our little one's 10 fingers, 10 toes, and their cute button nose our maternal side will kick in hard! Plus I'm still excited even if I am nervous! :)
That made me feel a lot better! I am definitely still excited, just scared of the unknown. In a way, I wish that my parents and grandparents weren't gonna be here from out of town right away. Of course I want them here, but not 24/7 at the beginning! They won't be here for long though, so they are obviously going to want to spend a lot of time with Madison. I'm gonna want to spend a lot of time with her too though, especially seeing as I've been carrying her in my tummy for the last nine months!
I agree, I am definitely going to be checking her constantly. When I was babysitting my friends baby, I was constantly making sure he was breathing and still okay! I just want her safe, all the time!
I think you will feel a connection. It might be a little hard right now, seeing as you can't call him/her by their name. Once they get here though, I know everything is going to change and they are going to be your world!
I would be frustrated if my mom was doing that! Mine basically picked out our crib, since she bought it. I was a little annoyed because I wasn't sure if it was exactly what I wanted, and I had actually picked out other ones! It was more than $400 too, and the ones I picked out were so much cheaper!! I love my crib though, so I can't complain. I would just explain to her that you would love her help, but that you would like to be the one picking everything out. She can still help you decorate (whatever style or color you choose) and put everything together and away! Moms just get excited, I know mine does! Decorating and painting Madison's room was such a great experience for Eric and me, so I totally think you should go with your heart and do what YOU want!
I am completely overwhelmed with being pregnant! Like right now, that pain under my boob is AWFUL! Its actually under both right now! Thats a first... It still hurts worse under my right one, but it has never been on both sides before! Whenever I lean back, or turn a certain way, I am in so much pain! Also, some of Madison's movements have gotten SO painful. My lower back, always hurts! Getting up and down from the couch is one of the most painful parts of my day. And waking up to pee? THE WORST! I literally can not get up when I've been laying down for a long time. Everytime I have to get up I kind of rock back and forth trying to get some momentum. That usually wakes Eric up though, and he helps me out. I don't know what I would do without him! The other night I was in so much pain. I was nauseous, my back hurt, and I had a migraine! Eric was working late, but I was still up when he got home. When he walked into our room I just started crying. It was so sweet, he got in bed and sat up and had me lay in between his legs. He just rubbed my hair until I fell asleep. Pregnancy is just so uncomfortable to me lately! Sooo happy its almost over!
I seriously hate when that happens, you type up your message and then its gone! Its even worse because I know when it happens to me, I can't remember everything and I feel like the second one left so much out!
I know what you mean, it really is scary waiting for something you're expecting that is still an unknown! I hope I can have the first couple weeks alone with the baby before I get a ton of visitors and before visitors stay for a long time. I think I'm going to find it hard to tell the new grandparents to be this as I'm sure they're all so excited they'll want to be around 24/7. But I'm going to want to sleep, I'm going to want to bond with my baby, and I'm going to want to not do my make up or worry about the house being clean! Maybe they can come watch the baby while I nap! :) One can watch baby, the other can sleep and in an hour they can switch! Hahah

I'm sure once I hold my baby in my arms I'll feel the connection right away. I think I'm just worried since I don't know what I'm having and even though its just a gender is still completely changes my future! I think we'll both make great mom's. I feel like we're both very mature for our age and we've both been so excited and ready for our little one's arrival. Plus we're both already so protective!

I wasn't too happy when my mom mentioned her theme's for colors and such for the baby room. I think your idea is best. Allowing her to possibly help but not be the deciding factor. I know she loves these type of things, decorating and all, but at the same time I think it's a special moment I would like to share with Travis as it's like welcoming our baby! Plus I've already told her I don't want to do the bedroom until after the baby is born so I can pick a theme for the specific gender. She's already thinking gender neutral idea's which frustrated me because if that was what I had wanted to do I would have done it a long time ago. So maybe Travis and I will sit down and brainstorm idea's we'd like for each gender and then allow my mom to come up with some creative idea's for that specific theme!

I'm sorry about the pain under your boob! That is so strange and I just hope it's nothing too serious. Maybe it's just your milk coming in or your boob muscles preparing for nursing? I definitely find it really difficult to get up as well! Though I'm still surprised by my flexibility and how quickly I can still move. Sure I'm not as flexible or quick but I thought I would be worse! I usually only have to get up to pee once a night during the early morning hours. I actually find it easier to get out of bed rather than get off the couch or something! My back pain is still terrible and has been my whole pregnancy but luckily it hasn't gotten worse! But I have gotten more nauseous and I have been gettting head aches lately too! I never feel hungry either and when I do eat I feel like there isn't enough room in my belly for my stomach to expand! We're very lucky to have such sweet OH's! I woke up and saw one small mess after I had just cleaned the house the night before and got upset, then I just started getting emotional! I felt silly because I didn't even really understand it. I think I just felt exhausted and like the pregnancy was taking a toll on my body as well as not seeing Travis as much as usual. So I was in the shower crying and Travis was about to leave for work but instead got in the shower with me just to hold me and cheer me up. It was so sweet. They're are truely great guy's. If Travis acted the way I do I would think he was crazy! I'm still in shock that in just 3 week's we'll be full term! 3 weeks fly's by so quickly these days! Plus come July I start doctors appointments weekly versus bi-weekly which makes the weeks go by even faster!

But I am also so excited to meet the baby I've been carrying for 9 months. I'm pretty sure about 99% of the time I'm thinking about my baby. I just can't wait until it is here! I can't wait to see pictures of Madison either, I think she's going to be just beautiful! We're going to be Mommy's soon! :) iMm applying and advertising my nanny services for the fall and I get to say Stay At Home Mom looking for full time position or what not but it's so fun getting to publically say I'm a mom!
Haha yeah, I will definitely have them babysit while I nap! Now that I think of it that way, it will be pretty good to have them helping around the house and with the baby. I'll be able to shower and get some rest. Also, I know my mom will do the cleaning, and my nana will do the cooking lol.
I think we are going to be amazing moms! I also think that our guys are going to be amazing dads, so that is going to make it so much easier. Even if they're at work a lot.
That is a really good idea letting your mom come up with ideas, but based on what you and Travis want! She will still feel important, but you'll get your way too! Great compromise :)
I feel the same way about eating! I went through a phase where I couldn't get enough, and that is totally over! It's weird that we are both nauseous and having headaches! I guess that must be pretty normal for how far along we are. I wish those would just go away, it's hard enough without being sick to my stomach or having a headache!
I got really emotional the other day, for no reason. Eric and I were at Target getting Father's day cards and another bin for Madi's room. He was walking too fast for me to keep up, so I kept snapping at him to slow down. Then I got mad at him because he put the cart in some lady's way. He started messing with me in the car when we left, and then I freaked out! Ugh he made me so mad. He was just screwing with me, singing and stuff. Then he would just smile at me, or call me a sweet name. It was making me crazy! I yelled (really loud) at him to shut up when I was getting out of the car, and he was just like wow I'm sure all the neighbors heard that and he was laughing at me. He usually isn't such a jerk, but I know I was totally overreacting. Anyway, I ended up running up to our room and crying hysterically. I didn't even know why I got so mad at him, so that made it even worse!! If he acted like that, I would be so confused haha.
Three weeks does go by so fast! I'm not sure when I will switch to weekly appointments! Ugh I am so annoyed with my doctor though, I really wish I could just get a new one. I feel like they don't check me enough, or do everything that they are supposed to! Tomorrow I am going to try to get medicaid, I really hope I can so that Madison has insurance!
I can't wait to see pictures of your baby! He or she is going to be soooo cute! And thank you! I know she is going to be just perfect :) We are really lucky! That is so cool that you got to put stay at home mom! I can't wait until I get to say something like that! Have you ever tried the website ? I used it to get babysitting jobs, but I know they have a section for nanny positions too! You set up a profile, and people looking for a nanny or babysitter post too. They leave a little description and usually will include what they are willing to pay and hours and stuff. That way you can weed out the ones that aren't enough beforehand. Just a thought! :)
We both want time with our babies but it will be so nice to have people watch them so we can get other things done! I just don't want to feel like they are pushy with how I do things with the baby, since I will still be learning! How would they feel if someone was laughing at them when they had their first baby. We just have to do it ourselves and learn, but extra hands for cleaning and cooking will be so nice!

I think it will be a good compromise because she'll come up with cute decorative idea's I might not think of. She's pretty good at coming up with unique cute things to fill wall space and such. It will be so fun though once the baby room is painted and has decor on the walls! Right now it just looks sad with white walls and light brown wood furniture and hard wood floors. It feels all old and echo-y when I walk in! I want cute curtains too!

Exactly! Before I felt like I should better stop eating or I would turn into a whale, now it just feels like a chore! Luckily we don't have too much longer and the nauseousness doesn't seem as bad as first trimester but sometimes hits me in a wave by surprise. I'm kind of tired of the headaches though because when I was younger I had a year where I had them constantly and grew up getting headaches often, so I just don't like them much. I have one right now but it could be because Travis sprayed lysol so now it just smells funny!

I get moments like that too! It's frustrating because I feel like we can't help it! That we don't even want to feel this way but we do! I've always been a little bad though because I'm very picky with the way things are done. I always get snappy about Travis' driving or how I can't stand the sound of him chewing (even though his mouth is closed). Little things always get to me, but its even worse when I'm pregnant! But they're sweet enough to put up with us because they love us, they love that we're keeping their baby safe, and we're their family!

Let me know how signing up for medicaid goes! I hope you get approved, just remember not to menion you live with anyone and you have no income from anyone or they'll say you make too much!

I actually got the nanny job I work at now from I usually use more because a lot more people post jobs on that website rather than sittercity. Sittercity seems to have more babysitting jobs but hey I did get my current job there so it works for nannying, too! There are a couple other sites too but I don't use them very often. I actually applied to a ton of postings today!

You'll probably go weekly come July since it's the last month of our pregnancies! I'm sorry to hear about your doctor! I somewhat feel that way too, that they aren't being as picky about making sure everything looks perfect, as I would like them to be! I'm always afraid my baby will be born with a birth defect or something because I read this book called Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult (I love almost all of her books!) and it was about a woman who was pregnant and her best friend was her doctor and she would get ultrasounds. During her 18 week ultrasound everything looked perfect and the ultrasound was really clear. Then they did an ultrasound at 27 weeks just for fun because her friend had time and when she looked at the ultrasound her baby had 7 bone breaks! She ended up having OI which basically means she (the baby) has fragile bones and may die at birth and if she doesn't die at birth then she will only grow up to be 3 feet tall or so and constantly break bones! So now I'm all worried my baby is going to be born with something rare like that since the doctors never looked at an ultrasound past 20 weeks. Oh and the whole story was the lady who had the baby was suing her best friend for malpractice because she should have known at 18 weeks when the ultrasound was unusually clear.

Sorry somehow my paragraphs got out of order when I am writing them but I'm sure it still makes sense! :)
I am the same way about Eric driving or chewing!!! I always yell at him for going to fast, when he usually doesn't go more than five over. Or I yell at him when he doesn't get over soon enough. I also hate when he eats certain things! He chews with his mouth closed, but sometimes he's eating something crunchy and its LOUD! Or for some reason, the sound he makes when he eats animal crackers makes me want to smack him! haha

When you signed up for medicaid did you put that you're with Travis? Not sure whether or not I should include that... I don't know what the limit is for how much you can make, I'll have to look that up!

That is so sad about that lady!!!!!!! OMG!!! I really hate that I don't have anymore ultrasounds, but you haven't even had one since you were 20 weeks. So that is RIDICULOUS! Theres a thread in teen pregnancy and it shows a video of this lady who had her baby and they didn't catch that it had this problem with the placenta and umbilical cord or something. Had they known, they could have saved her baby. Her baby died though, and it was devastating. She told the story and when I read "he died in my husbands arms" I started bawling. It was soooo freaking sad. They would have been able to catch it at an ultrasound, but she said they don't normally screen for it. 1 out of 3000 babies get it though, and if they don't catch it the baby bleeds out.... So sad! I hope they checked us for that!
OMG I lost everything I wrote AGAIN! So I'll just make it short since I just rambled. Basically I'm glad you can relate to the driving and the chewing situations! I did it before being pregnant too though.. like right now Travis is eating pizza and the TV is on and it blocks out most sounds but when the movie goes quiet I can hear it and I have to struggle to focus on something else and not go crazy!

I didn't mention anything about Travis when I applied. I only told them about myself, the baby, and my employeer. They didn't even ask about the babies dad so it was nice not to have to lie. But once you're married they'll know about Eric and they'll take his income into account as well. Here the cut off was $2240 a month you couldn't make more. I made that myself not including Travis' job so I really couldn't mention him or I wouldn't get the insurance.

I think it's weird they don't take ultrasounds more often just to measure the baby and check to see how it's doing. But then I just remind myself that the generations before us didn't really have ultrasounds and there have been a ton of healthy babies. It's just reassuring! I still worry though. I did see that video and it reminded me of the book, how if the doctors tried harder they would have caught it and may have been able to save the baby! It's so sad the baby died in it's dad's arms. Once our cat died in my moms arms and that was devestating enough let alone your blood child! I just can't imagine and I always worry its going to happen to me! I feel so bad for everyone who has gone through a miscarriage, gave birth to a still born baby, or lost their baby after it was alive!
Thank you for the info about Medicaid, I hope I don't have to mention Eric! We were on hold with them for almost 45 minutes today! Then they basically told us NOTHING! They just told us to fill out an application online and gave us the website. When we went to it, we couldn't really find anything. He had also given us the address though, so we decided we'll just go in and talk to someone. It was already like 11 at the time though, so we figured it would be best to go early in the morning when they opened. Eric was going to go with me, but I guess maybe I should go alone!

I feel so bad for everyone that has had to go through those things too. Especially because theres not much you can do, it just happens! In the teen pregnancy section, a lot of girls have had miscarriages and it scares me!! I'm just so thankful that our babies are safe and healthy! I know we'll do our best to keep them that way!

Has anyone got back to you about a nanny position yet? I really hope you can find something that can accommodate you and the baby!

Ahhh tomorrow I start my classes. I HATE going anywhere alone, so I am really nervous about going tomorrow!! I'm not shy at all once I get to know someone, but I am extremely shy around strangers. I don't even like making important phone calls :/ Hopefully it goes well though! I really hope that I learn a lot too!
Yeah I found it much easier to just go in and apply. Then all I had to do was fill out a worksheet and give it to them. I had to call after I applied because they didn't ever bother to get back to me. They're really slow and not very helpful on the phones! Let me know how it goes though!

I am very greatful our babies are safe and healthy! I can't imagine what it must feel like to lose a baby. I think it would be the most difficult thing to ever have to go through!

I haven't found a position yet. Haven't gotten any responces. But a lot of people are only needing summer positions filled right now. Since I can't work until September I can't apply for those position, but in August there will be a lot more positions for the fall school year and hopefully I'll find a position which baby can come!

I get pretty shy too. Both Travis and I use to get really shy with new people. Travis is a lot better now and can meet new people more easily. It takes me quite a while to feel comfortable around new people. I'm actually better than Travis at making important phone calls, but I still don't like it. Once he even tried to bribe me to call FiOs because he didn't want to! But I made him, said he had to sometime! How did your first day of classes go?! I hope it wasn't too bad going alone!
My class was okay! I ended up working with my friend yesterday, we worked at her uncles warehouse. They set up conventions and stuff, so we had to hang up like a zillion curtains that are for the conventions. So I had to stand ALL day!! My legs and feet were really tired, so I was tired at my class. My legs hurt and the chair was so uncomfortable!! There were about 12 other couples there, I was the only one alone!! Hopefully Eric can go to the next one! I learned a lot though. Next week we focus on pushing and breathing techniques! I'm excited for that. They gave me a really simple list of what to pack in your hospital bag!! All the lists I've read were soooo long and rediculous. I'm gonna re-pack mine, I'll send you the list so you have it too! I'll have to send it later though, bc Eric is at work and he has our laptop so I'm on my phone.
I got maternity pictures taken!!! It wad really last minute. My friend did them, and we took some at my house and some at the park. We set up a black background at my house and I wore a black bandeau top and jeans. Eric was in some too!! Then we went to the park and took more. At the park I wore a white tank top and jeans, and Eric wore a white tee shirt and jeans. I liked doing them at my house bc I was more comfortable. I took my bandeau top off in a couple and just covered up my boobs. They all came out so amazing!!!!!!!! She edited them and had them printed out, but I haven't picked them up yet. I'm so excited!! :) Are you going to take yours?
Oh my goodness! I bet you were tired. I usually sit all day and I feel like my body is always exhausted. I think once I start maternity leave I need to force myself to do yoga everyday because my body just feels so tense and achy!

I'm so sorry you were the only single person there! I would have felt awkward. What did they talk about in your first class? Next week's class will be so worth it, I really hope Eric can go with you so when you do go into labor he'll already know all the techniques. Plus you won't have to go alone! I would definitely love the list. I still haven't gotten my bag. I keep changing my mind. I found a new one I just love. It's the 'Babymel Amanda Diaper Bag - Quilted Black'. It's the most expensive out of the three I liked but I think it will be worth it because it has the best reviews. I really liked the last one I showed you and it had good reviews but some people mentioned the quality didn't last long and I read that from quite a few people. I have been doing research into the babymel because it has really good reviews but it's $98 for the color I want. They have another color I kind of like and I can get it for about $60 on this one website! But I just love the look of the quilted black more. I found one website I can get it for $84 versus $98.

I can't wait to see your maternity pictures! I have an appointment at a studio on July 2nd but with Travis' new job I might have to move the date around a little bit. I haven't fully decided what to wear but I was thinking of wearing these lacey white panties I just got and getting a white bandeau top to go with it. So now I really want to see yours to see how they turned out! I also want to wear jeans in some, and have Travis wear a white t-shirt and jeans and I'll wear the white bandeau top and jeans. I don't know if I want to find a shirt to wear or not. I'm going to keep looking at different maternity pictures so that I can decide for more clothing ideas. I really wanted a friend to do mine so I could do some nudes, but I just don't feel comfortable with the few people I know who do pictures. So I settled on the white pantie/bandeau set instead. Mine will be all indoors since it's at a studio unless I decide to go with this guy I found on craigslist that I really liked his pictures but he's really far away and I'm not sure if he'll come up. Then I could just get a sheet and do indoor pictures and also do outdoor pictures as well. I just have no idea! I also can't stand my hair I want to recolor it but don't have the money to get it professionally done and I wish it was longer because I chopped it off last summer and totally regret it! I really can't wait to see your maternity pictures! I'm so excited!
In the first class, they basically just talked about labor! They explained terms like dilation and effacement. They also talked about and explained the stages of labor! We talked about when to go to the hospital, timing contractions, inductions, assisted deliveries, natural vs. medicated, and also about c-sections and episiotomies! It cleared up a lot of questions that I had, ones my doctor never really went over. We also got a few packets: Labor support- a guide for the birth partner, the facts about epidural anesthesia for labor, is this labor?, and relaxation... those will definitely come in handy! Here's those hospital packing lists!

Mommy's hospital bag
-nursing bra
-comfortable robe
-a few pairs of warm socks
-your own pillow for comfort
-baby book
-breastfeeding book (we get one at our last class, I think)
-nipple cream
-going home outfit

Daddy's bag
-phone #'s for family & friends
-massage aids
-focal point object
-pillow & blanket if planning to sleep at the hospital

Baby's bag
-swaddle blanket or sleep sac
-going home outfit
-onesies or undershirts
-car seat

I'm pretty excited, because our last class is about breastfeeding!

Anyway, enough about the classes lol. Have you ever typed something into google and then at the top clicked shopping? It gives you the prices of the product at different stores/online! It makes it easier to find the lowest price. My step dad showed us how to do that when we were searching for baby things online. You should do that with your diaper bag, and then you will get the best rate!!! I bet whichever one you choose will be perfect :)

I got all my pictures back already! My friend went and got them all printed out, and she even got this big frame that holds a bunch and arranged them in there. They came out so perfect! I haven't had the chance to scan them yet, but she has them on her computer, so I'll probably just have her email them to me. Then I will probably upload them to facebook! Well the ones where I'm fully clothed... I'll show you the other ones, you can't see my boobies or anything, I just wouldn't want everyone on my facebook seeing them lol. I think the bandeau top and panties will be really cute!!!! The shirt that I wore was just a pain white tank top. I had it down in some, and pulled up over my belly in others. I really liked that some were indoor and some were outdoor! Hopefully you can take some in and out too! I can't wait to see yours!!!

OMG I hate my hair too!!!!!!! I think you may have seen in my bump pictures or just facebook pictures in general, but it used to be SO LONG!!! I got so sick of being hot at night and I just felt like I had too much hair.... So I cut it ALL off! Its so short, its like barely past my shoulders now. The girl who did it cut like one layer and it looked so dumb. So I went to get it fixed and the other lady cut my layers realllyyyyyy choppy on ONE side. I NEVER wear it down anymore :( I used to just be able to let my hair air dry and it would be perfect down, now I HAVE to straighten it just to put it up. I could go on forever.... I just miss my hair :/
Your first class already sound's really helpful! I'm excited to start taking my classes because I think I'll feel more comfortable and less nervous for the birth when I'm better educated on everything! Thank you for their hospital bag list! Even though I don't have my bag itself yet I'm going to get everything together so I at least have it all prepared!

What?! That is so cool about the google shopping! I sit for hours looking on amazon, ebay, and depending on what I'm buying the store I would normally go to for example baby stuff I would check Babies R Us prices. That will be so much more helpful! I even look for 'coupon codes' for when I find a website with the best price to see if I can get it cheaper. The bag I think I'm getting is $98 everywhere. I haven't found it on sale at all but I did find one site that I found a 15% off coupon code so it makes the bag only $84 :)

I am so excited to see your pictures! I love that she made a frame for you. I think we'll be going to a studio so it will probably only be indoor pictures which I'm a little bummed about but the package I want gives you 10 sheets of pictures so depending on the size you decide you can get at least 10+ pictures printed. Then they give you a CD with all of them so you can share online and such. I tried on my little white panty outfit and it's so cute and Travis said he would get white boxer briefs so we can have an underwear picture together! I might get a brand new white plain tank top (I have like 3..) so that when we're doing the clothing pictures I won't look odd wearing my bandaeu top while Travis is wearing his white shirt. I am so excited to see your pictures though! I love maternity and newborn pictures! I think when I get my printed pictures I'm going to put them in a frame(s) and put it in the babies room. Probably print some and put them somewhere else in the house too.

My hair use to go past my boobs and I had it perfectly dyed this really nice shade of blonde. It had a lot of different tones some light blonde, medium, and some light brown pieces and I loved it. Then I worked at the hair salon and wanted a change and chopped it so short! It's just now barely past my shoulders (and only in the front since the back is shorter) and I cut it last August! Our hair problems sounds the same! I use to always let mine air dry and it's got some natural waves and would look so cute. Sometimes I would straighten it just for a change but not blow drying it or straightening it was so good on my hair. I have baby thin hair so it gets damaged easily. You're not suppose to shampoo everyday but if I don't it looks greasy so I always do. This weekend I didn't shampoo though so maybe once I'm on maternity leave and have no where to go I'll let it have a break from drying. I bought this expensive salt spray for my hair and I gives it some texture for when I put my hair up (which is literally everyday :( ) but I always put it in a messy bun because even a pony tail doesn't look as cute! Prenatals are suppose to help our hair and mine doesn't seem to have gotten any better! Hopefully we'll get our long hair back soon! Maybe winter will help it grow fast! I really want to box dye mine a medium brown so it at least is all one color because I saw my hair in the baby shower photo's and I thought the color was terrible, I had never noticed before. Probably because I had straightened it and normally I don't. In my newest bump pictures I've been letting it dry naturally so it actually kind of looks okay but its still too short!
Your pictures are going to be beautiful! :)

Thats what I usually do to my hair when I get sick of it... I'll just get a box of brown and dye it! Right now, its blonde though, and I do like the color! I think going on maternity leave and maybe not washing it every day will help! My hair gets greasy fast too, but I try to wash it every other day, sometimes I can even skip two days! Have you thought about dry shampoo? You spray it in your hair, and it makes it not greasy! I love it!!!

This reminded me of you! I remember you saying something about this saying a long time ago...

Eric is leaving now and taking the laptop to work, so I have to cut it short :/ boooo, I wish we would have got two!
Oh I'm glad you like your blonde! I would dye my hair blonde right now but I don't want to spend too much before the baby gets here. I totally regret dying it brown last year! I loved my long blonde hair, now it's short and brown :( But I'd rather it all be one soft color. Sometimes I use the ocean texture spray I have an it makes it look a lot less greasy and I can get away not shampooing. But I really should look for some dry shampoo. I've heard of it but never seen it or used it!

I saw that necklace! I think it's so cute, I want it! Plus you can get a second charm if you have another baby!

Maybe for your birthday you can get another laptop! If not maybe sometime this year. Especially if you'll be a stay at home mom you might get bored when Madison is sleeping! But I'm sure we'll want to hold them the whole time! I honestly can't believe we have less than 5 weeks! I'm getting so anxious and ready for the baby to be here!
We are "full term" in less than 2 weeks, that is ALL I think about! :)

Today I bought a birthing ball! Well, thats not specifically what it's for, but same thing! It wasn't very expensive, and I figured that after I have the baby I can use it for exercise! It actually came with a booklet of exercises, so I am excited for that. When you roll around on it when you're pregnant, it is supposed to help get the baby in position! I figured next week I will start sitting on it and sort of rolling my hips, just to help Madison move down! I also bought a prenatal yoga dvd! It was only $10, and I figured I might be more comfortable doing yoga at home. I only wish I had gotten it sooner! There was also a dvd that was specifically for mothers who just gave birth! Its called "lose the baby weight fast" lol, it was on clearance for $4, so I figured I might as well buy that one too! I am just ready to get my body back!!!

Has your doctor talked to you about getting your membranes swept? I guess after 37 weeks, it's optional. I'm not 100% sure on what they do, but from what I understood, they kind of irritate the cervix and it sort of jumpstarts labor? Not too sure, thats why I was asking! I think I would probably do it :shrug: I am just so ready to meet my baby! I want her to come a little early, because my grandparents will be here July 23rd and my dad will be here August 1st. I would like a little time to bond with my baby before they came!

I have my next appt tomorrow, not really looking forward to it! It is the last group one though, YAY! Then Thursday I have my next class! Eric still hasn't called to see if he can pay the difference and come, and I really don't want to call. If he doesn't call before work tomorrow, I guess I will! When is your next appointment? I wonder when they will start doing pelvic exams?
I can't believe we're actually that close to being full term. It all seems so surreal because to me it feels like third trimester has flown by. In fact the whole pregnancy has! First trimester felt long because I was sick and didn't look pregnant but now we're so close to being full term we won't even have a preemie! We'll have healthy little babies soon! I am so excited! I love feeling the baby move because it's so big now it feels like a real baby. I feel like I can picture what it's doing when it moves more now than I did before.

I should get a birthing bag. I'll have all of July off and I could just sit on the birthing ball while watching movies or something! I actually have two yoga video's but with my work schedule and Travis' I never did them much because I just wanted to spend time together. Though Travis did do them a couple times with me! I told myself I would do them more once I was on maternity leave since I'll have all day and be bored! Plus doing yoga will help us get our bodies back quicker after birth and probably make the birth much easier! I weighed myself today and I weigh 140lbs! That means I've gained 30lbs so far! I hope I don't gain much more because Travis is 145/150lbs ish and I don't want to weigh more than him!

I've heard of it before but my doctor hasn't mentioned anything about it. She usually doesn't tell me much of anything. I only ever go in, give a urine sample, get weighed, listen to the heartbeat, take my blood pressure, and get my uterus mesured. Last time she asked me if I was having any contractions and I told her no then she asked if I had any tightenings and I said a couple of times but otherwise not really. Then she says those were contractions! I feel completely clueless since she doesn't tell me anything! I wish my classes started sooner so I would feel like I could make all of them and be educated more! I don't know if I would get my membranes swept but that's just because I want an August baby so I'm waiting as long as possible. I'm sure I'll change my mind in a couple of weeks and be yelling at baby to hurry up! I still can't believe how soon it is though!

Hopefully your appointment goes well today. If she measures you let me know what you're number is. Last time I was 31inches which no one even acted concerned about but before they had told me it should be the same as the week you are on and mine has always measured dead on, so it should have been 34inches! We're both carrying totally different though. From looking at your 35 week bump you're carrying out much more than I am. I feel like a lot of my space is on the sides of me! Baby is always kicking my right side and it's so far over! Let me know how your class goes tomorrow, also! Hopefully Eric can go. Didn't you say this was the breathing techniques class? My next appointment isn't until June 30th (not this Thursday but next) and then I have one the week after and every week after that. Maybe they start doing pelvic exams at 37 weeks?! I'm not sure but I have to imagine it will be soon! I can't believe it, I'm still so in shock how far along we are! I am so excited!
I have been measuring a little under when she measures my uterus too! My appointments are always on Wednesdays, so I'm always however many weeks and 3 days. So for example, if I was 33 weeks and 3 days, I would always measure 32 centimeters! So I'm always a little off. I will tell you what I am today!
I'm a little annoyed, because even when I had to get a shot to stop labor and had to go in the next day, the didn't even do a cervical exam!! The nurse was like, undress from waist down, and my dr heard. My dr was like, no she doesn't need to. Then the nurse was like umm she was going into labor? My dr was like, yeah, but they stopped it. Wtf? I think she still should have checked! If I was dilated or my cervix was thinning I am pretty sure that doesn't just go away!!! I also hope I start having weekly appointments, because the other girls that were in my group appointments never even had weekly appointments! Today is the last group one though, so we'll see when they schedule my next one! I seriously will change my doctor if they don't give me weekly appointments or start checking my cervix! She just isn't thorough at all, and it seems like she doesn't even care!! Like, the only reason I know about the membrane sweep is bc someone in my group class asked about it and she told them! Ugh sooo annoyed with my dr lol.
Eric called today, and he gets to go!!! I am SOOOO HAPPY! I won't be the only single person there, yesss! We still aren't sure how much we are going to have to pay, they just told us to come in early and then we can pay then. Thats kind of silly though, bc what if they're like yeah its another $45 please...ummm no? I'd kind of like to know ahead of time!
Thats a good idea about the ball! I hadn't even thought of that. I will probably sit on it when I am watching tv and stuff too!
Ughhh I don't know if I had ever told you this, but I have a ferret. We got her a few months before we found out I was pregnant, and had we known, we wouldn't have gotten her. Well we were already really attached to her once we found out, so we couldn't get rid of her! Well once the baby gets here, I won't be able to take her out very much or give her the attention she needs. So I had this great idea to get another ferret to keep her company in her cage.... I got a young little boy ferret and omg he is so mean :( He doesn't let me hold him like she does, and he bites! Not hard, but still! He is so hyper and they fight whenever I let them out. He freaking bites her, playing, but I think he hurts her! My girl ferret is so sweet, she cuddles with you and have never bitten me! She is so good!!!!! He is like, the total opposite. Ugh I spent $140 on him too, and I can't take him back. They really like each other when they're locked up in their cage... Like they cuddle in their hammock and don't really have room to rough house, so I like that she isn't always alone. I just feel like I made a bad choice when I bought him, and its been on my mind a lot ever since! I just had to let that out. Ughghghakdfoaiudogiuaosghj;lh;l. I don't know what to do about it!!!

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