Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

i'm not too sure about the classes. i was supposed to call today but it was a super lazy tuesday for me... i didn't even finish my laundry haha i'm going to call tomorrow and ask because there wasn't a start date listed. i'm excited about it though, it should be very informative.
i watched this short video of what it looks like to have contractions and the separation of the cervix during each centimeter. it gave me the willys! lol
i look huge in that picture!! i couldn't believe it when i looked in the mirror this morning! i'm glad i only look like that because i'm growing a human being inside of me and not just because i'm getting fat.
that's the first bump picture i've taken since i've been pregnant. have you girls taken any bump pictures? if so, post them because i want to see! :)
I'll definitely have to start looking into classes. I would love to take one!

I thought I had posted some bump pictures on this thread but I have no clue if I ever did! Here is my most recent bump picture taken today at 19W2D :)

Side View:

Front View:

Anyone else have bump pictures?
Cute pictures guys!! I need to take some because my belly is definitely growing :) I had my ultrasound yesterday, she was opening and closing her mouth, it was sooo cute!! My OB offers free childbirth and breast-feeding classes, I think I'm gonna sign up for them!
Not the best picture, but my boyfriend didn't feel like taking any more :sad1:


For comparison, I added a picture of my tummy from a few months before I got pregnant!!!

I know I just posted twice, but YAYYYY! My boyfriend got to feel Madison kick just now!!! She was kicking so hard, and he put his cold hands on my tummy and BAM, she started kicking him!! I'm so happy, I know he felt left out because I could feel her and he couldn't! :)
Lovely bump Krystal! My tummy was flat like yours before I was pregnant so I started my bump pictures at week 11 because I started noticing it then.

Such a cute ultrasound picture too! She's absoultely beautiful! My ultrasound is next week and this is my second ultrasound and my boyfriends first. We are so excited!

I think I finally started to feel little kicks today. Definitely not as strong as Madison where your boyfriend could feel her kicks. I mostly feel them when I'm laying down and the first time I felt it was when I was eating and apple so I told my boyfriend maybe baby likes apples! We ran out of orange juice so I went to the store and got some more, so I'm about to try and see if I'll feel lots of kicks! I heard that smaller women should feel kicking sooner so I was a little bummed I didn't feel any kicks earlier but I am still so happy as everyones pregnancy is different. I am loving second trimester with no sickness and lots of new excitement! However I have been getting a ton of back pain:/
Awww I'm happy that you felt something!! At first when I thought I felt her, I was in denial. I was like no way, that is NOT my its the same feeling, but stronger and I know that it is definitely her :)
That is so exciting that your boyfriend gets to go to his first ultrasound!! At my ultrasounds, my boyfriend is so cute! As soon as the baby comes on the screen he always gasps and he's ooohing and ahhhing with the biggest smile on his face the whole time! I think that its special when they get to go because we get to have baby in us all day, but when he gets to see it he gets to be apart of it! And thank you, I think she is beautiful too :) Its crazy how much more developed she looked in just a matter of weeks, I could see her spine this time and her little face moving!!
Hi ladies! I have a picture of my belly now :) excuse the bags under my eyes, I didn't sleep the night before!

My boyfriend is riding quads at the sand dunes with his dad today, so he booked me a prenatal massage! I'm so excited!!! It's supposed to help with headaches, leg cramps, back aches, and some other joys of pregnancy!
When I felt fluttering around 16/17 Weeks I really wasn't sure because it was so hard to tell. What I felt Friday (which I still wasn't sure about) is definitelt kicks because I kept feeling them yesterday and at one point I was sitting down and I could feel them and I told my boyfriend so he came rushing over to try and feel and he couldn't. I was surpised because when I tried feeling from the outside with my hand I could, but I think it was easier for me to tell since I can feel it from the inside too. This morning I definitelty felt some kicks again! I am so excited that I can feel them now! I think soon my boyfriend will get too, too!

Your boyfriend sounds so sweet. I think it is great they get to see the baby at ultrasounds and I think it would be really exciting for them because like you said we get to carry them all the time! I think its just so special to see our little ones on the ultrasound! I think its crazy how fast they develop from Week 12 to Week 20, my doctor said they usually book the second ultrasound at Week 20 because that's when you can start seeing more features and everything! I am so excited to see my little one.

Your bump picture is so cute! That dress was prefect for showing it off in the picture! And how sweet of your boyfriend to book you a massage since he was going out! I bet you'll really enjoy it. I've been thinking about getting one because my back is killing me. But at least my boyfriend gives me massages whenever I want :) Of course the prenatal massage will do wonders! I've also been thinking about going to the chiropractor but I'm going to talk to my doctor and see what she recommends first.
I wish my boyfriend gave me massages whenever I want! He'll rub my feet for like five minutes and then "his hands hurt", I guess he'd rather just pay someone else to do it haha. He is really sweet though, I'm a lucky girl! My back has been hurting all the time lately, so I hope this massage will help!
I am so happy that you can feel kicks now!!! Its gonna be so amazing when your boyfriend gets to feel them too :) at first, I could feel them with my hand and he couldn't, but I totally agree that its because we can feel it from the inside too! He knew it right away when she kicked him hard, he was so excited!! She kicked him like five times before she moved :)
So we're all halfway done with our pregnancies! How exciting!! I think its going by really fast, what do you guys think?
How was your massage?!

I can't wait for him to feel the baby! He's so excited to be a dad. Everyday I come up with something knew I want to do with our kids. I'll tell him how excited I am for halloween, or going on a picnic, or to the zoo, etc. Since we weren't planning on having children so soon I was worried he'd get nervous the closer we got to our due date, but so far he's been getting more and more excited! I can't believe we're already halfway done with our pregnancies. First semester I felt like took so long but I think that's because we were sick and there wasn't any baby bumps or kicks! Now it's just fun and feels like it's flying by! Is 3rd trimester around 27 Weeks (I hear so many different things for how the trimesters are broken up!)? If so we're only 2 months away! I feel like the time in between appointments goes by quickly, even though the last week and a half before my appointment I get so tired of waiting! 24 Weeks is V-Day which I can't remember what the V stands for, but that means after that point if we go into labor they will try their hardest to save the baby so it can be born! We're so close! :)
My massage was okay! The lady that did it was 18 weeks pregnant, so she talked about pregnancy the WHOLE time. I couldn't relax, which kind of sucked. I would try to stop talking and she'd just keep it up, it was frustrating. I kinda feel like I was cheated out of my relaxation. I didn't tell my boyfriend that though! I didn't want to hurt his feelings... I mean, it would have been great if she wasn't blabbing the whole time.
I feel the same way about my boyfriend! I'm like okay he's gonna freak out any day now, instead he just keeps getting more and more excited! I think the V in V-day stands for viable? Not positive though! That is so exciting for me!!! I feel like once I get to 24 weeks I won't have to worry so much. I'm such a worrier :(
I can't wait for halloween and christmas and birthdays!! Having a baby is going to be so much fun! I am so excited for her to get here :)
Oh no! I'm sorry! That's terrible, I would want to relax with nice smelling oils and relaxing music! I've gotten massages before in the coulples room so my boyfriend and I could be together and we both were discussing how some couples might like the room because they can talk to each other but we thought that was weird and not very relaxing! It was still very sweet of him to make the appointment for you:)

I'm glad our boyfriends are excited, hopefully the second half of our pregnancies don't change that! I get so excited for the holiday's with the new baby! I always talk about birthday's too. How July is so perfect so we can have outdoor parties, since here it rains most of the year! I'm just so excited!

I looked it up and I am pretty sure the V definitely stands for viable. I can't wait either because I worry so much, too! Every time before my doctors appointment, especially a week and a half before or so, I get so worried that when I go in for my appointment their won't be a heartbeat or something else will have gone wrong. I was so excited to feel kicks but since my appointment is this Friday I'm still worrying!
My appointment is on Wednesday! I can't remember if I told you guys this or not, so if I did I'll just tell you again :) I signed up for something called "centering pregnancy", instead of regular doctors appointments, you go for two hours and you're with a group of other pregnant ladies. The doctor pulls you aside and checks the baby's heartbeat and then you all get in a group and just talk. I liked it at first, but not really any more :( Its cool to get to talk to other pregnant ladies and sometimes they'll ask a question that I forgot to ask, or it will come up for me later and I'll already know the answer! Everyone is a lot older than me though and they're all married, I feel so out of place! I'm only nineteen and not married yet, so I feel like they think less of me. I know they probably don't, but thats just how it seems. I'm also embarrassed to ask certain questions, I'm not gonna talk about discharge in front of five other girls and their husbands. My boyfriend also has to work during the appointments, so I had to go alone to my last one, and I'm gonna have to go alone to this one. I just want normal doctors appointments again :/ blahhhh, it just sucks that I don't get excited for doctors appointments now! Ultrasounds, yes. "Centering pregnancy", no.

Anyway, have any of you thought about what kind of labor you want? Like natural, water birth, etc. ?
I don't think you have told us that yet, but I'm sorry hun! I would feel so out of place too! That's why I started this group looking for bump buddies because I felt like second trimester had a lot of older married women, and teen pregnancy had a lot of younger girls. I almost felt like I was right in the middle. It is nice that they come up with some questions you may forget to ask or don't think to ask, but it would be nice to have private time with the doctor, too! Are you able to opt out of it? I went to my first appointment by myself and I didn't want to go alone either! I like when my boyfriend can come because he's just as much apart of this as I am! But our ultrasounds will be so exciting this week! Especially since my boyfriend hasn't gotten to see baby yet!

I haven't put a lot of thought into my birth plan, I just know I don't want an epidural if I can help it but I think once I start feeling contractions I'll be screaming for one! How about you?
I'm not sure if I can get out of it, I think I'm gonna talk to my doctor when I go Wednesday! I'll just say that with my job its not realistic to go to an appointment from 2-4...

I would love to do it naturally, but I'm sure I'll be begging for an epidural. I'm such a baby :( everyone is always like "girl, get the drugs" umm don't tell me what to do lol. I know I'm most likely gonna get them, but its probably because everyone has scared me! Not one single person has told me that I should try to do it natural.

p.s. the next time someone asks "how I'm feeling" I'm gonna scream. Does that bother anyone else??
.....I'm such a bitchy hormonal pregnant woman hah.
That's a good idea! My regular appointments are 30 minutes and ones with an ultrasound are an hour. Then they might have to do something different for you if you simply aren't able to go!

I feel the same way! Everyone keeps assuming I'm going to get it without really asking my opinion and now I'm at the point where I don't even want to tell anyone because they'll just give me their opinion! I did tell my mom and she was the most positive about me thinking I'd like to try and not get the epidural, but she had 3 children without one!

I actually don't get that one a lot, but I am definitely a hormonal pregnant woman! I got so annoyed when I went to a rated R movie and we got carded when we bought the tickets and then again when we passed the person taking tickets! You have to be 16 to not be able to go alone.. I'm 20 for gods sake! I get annoyed when my sister talks about my pregnancy and acts as though she knows better when she's younger and never been pregnant. I also get really frustrated whenever my mom goes shoping and see's baby clothes and insists on texting me and saying she just must know the babies gender so she can start buying things for it. Why can't she just respect my choice? Definitely a bitchy hormonal pregnant woman!
That would frustrate me too. Everyone is so opinionated when it comes to pregnancy! You're so lucky that you don't get that a lot.... my boyfriends mom texts me every day asking how I'm feeling, uh I feel the same as anyone else, I just happen to have a baby inside of me! I also got annoyed with my "friends" (aka people that hadn't talked to me in months/years before they found out I was pregnant) asking to see a picture of my belly! I finally got fed up and posted a picture on facebook. The whole age thing pisses me off! I also get asked for my ID at movies and things like that. A couple of weeks ago, I went to pick my brother up from school early and the lady laughed at me when I told her why I was there. She was like um how old are you??? Well lady, I'm old enough to pay taxes, vote, and have a child in my stomach!!!

Your appointments are 30 minutes?! Mine lasted like 10 before I started doing them like this. They'd ask if I had any questions, listen for the heartbeat and be done! They were in 15 minute increments at the OB/GYN I was working for too, so you're pretty lucky :)
People are very frustrating and opinionated about pregnancy. Too bad its my baby! My boyfriends mom will always text me when she wants to know things about him like if he's set up our computer, but then texts him when she wants to know things about me like if I work when it snows. It's really frustrating! I purposely only told certain people that I was pregnant because I didn't want certain people to know because I didn't feel I was close enough with them and they didn't try to be my friend so why should they get to know my exciting news?! I would be so mad if someone laughed at me like the lady at your brother's school did! I work, live on my own, pay bills, taxes, vote, and am going to be a mom - sorry I just did it all earlier than you! Haha that's how I feel sometimes.

I've only had two appointments though.. 12 weeks for everything - medical history, heartbeat, pap smear, blood drawn so they could take tests, flu shot, and ultrasound. Then 16 weeks for a follow up, the results of the tests, and more blood drawn for testing for downs syndrome. This will be my 3rd appointment which will probably be listening to the heart beat, the results of the test, questions, and an ultrasound. I think some of the 30 minute appointment was me waiting in between the nurse and doctor! I have to book the latest appointment they have on a Friday so both my boyfriend and I can go so I feel a little bad!
Last night I SAW Madison kick!!! I was looking at my stomach when she was kicking, and I saw two kicks! It was so amazing, you guys should look at your tummies when the babies are kicking :)
I can't remember how many appointments I've had. I know I've had three for sure, and I have another tomorrow!

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