Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

Aw how adorable! I'm so excited for when my baby's kicks get harder. Right now they're still pretty light to where only I can feel them. I hope they get stronger soon! I love baby's little kicks! I feel baby rolling around almost more than kicking!

How did your doctor's appointment go? Mine is tomorrow. I originally had the ultrasound first and doctors appointment second because I wanted the latest possible appointment since they're only open when I work and its easier if its later. But the doctor had a surgery when I was schedule to be wituh her, but luckily she was able to see me before the ultrasound which I actually like better anyway because I like leaving and the last thing I got to do was see baby! I am getting so so excited and can't believe its almost time to see baby again!
It happens really fast, her kicks were tiny and then all of a sudden they got really strong! She kicks so much when I'm laying down, I hardly ever feel her when I'm standing up. I wonder if thats normal? Yesterday my doctor was like, "so you're feeling a lot of kicks by this point, right?" That kind of bothered me. I don't really know why, but I guess its because I don't feel them all throughout the day, just sometimes. My appointment was good though! Nothing really exciting, I did get a flu shot. I figured that it would probably be best since I spend eight hours a day taking care of sick patients!
Let me know how your appointment goes! Hopefully the baby is cooperating and you get some really good pictures :) Madison was being stubborn during my last ultrasound, the ultrasound tech had to keep pushing hard on my belly to make her move. My boyfriend and I didn't really like that, it seems like that would hurt her!
Wouldn't it be cool to have an ultrasound machine at your house?? I would just look at her all day long!
I hope they get stronger quick! They make me worry less. I have to lay flat on my back (well mostly I can have my head up) to feel them usually. Sometimes I can feel them when I'm laying on my side. I will also feel them sitting but not as often. My kicks are really low! I was surpised by how low they are. About 3 inches below my navel. I think it's normal to feel them only while sitting or laying in the beginning. I've read a lot of ladies saying that on the forum, as well as mostly feeling them at night. Once we're farther along we should feel them standing and moving too. If I'm laying I can almost always feel them any time of day. Especially after eating! When I was at my 12 week scan my doctor pushed hard on my stomach to feel the size of the baby and I felt so worried! She said it was hard to feel because of my ab muscles so she pushed even harder! I lay on my tummy when I sleep a lot and I am so worried about it but I can't help it when I'm dead asleep! I'll wake up and move to my side. I think the baby is probably pretty protected in there but when someone is pushing hard like that its scary! I got the flu shot too because I am a nanny and those kids are sick almost all of the time I swear! Smart for you to get it too with everyone being sick around you!

I'll let you know how my appointment goes tomorrow! I hope I get good pictures but I have a feeling I'm going to have a stubborn baby, too! I would love to have an ultrasound machine at my house! I wouuld be looking at baby all of the time! That would be so much fun!
Awww I'm glad that its normal to feel them more at first when you're laying down. I never really thought about it before, but I do feel her a lot more at night. Sometimes when I lay down she goes to one side or the other and it gets really hard, almost like she is pushing out. My tummy looks really lopsided when she does this, its so funny!
Are you still going to nanny once the baby is born? I don't think I want to work for a while after she gets here.
I can feel baby rolling around when she's not kicking! My baby isn't quite as strong but I'm sure once it's stronger my tummy will be lopsided too! It does feel hard sometimes when I'm standing like she's pushing her whole back out toward my stomach! I haven't completely decided. I told my boyfriend I wanted to save up enough money to be able to take off 3 months of I chose to do so. But my job is really easy, mostly I drive the kids to school, make easy meals, and sit and watch tv. In the summer it will be even easier since they'll run around outside and I won't have to drive them anywhere. But I also don't know how I will feel after the birth or if I would like some time with just baby and family. But the family I work for did say I could bring my baby to work with me!
Thats nice of them to say that you could bring the baby with you! I don't think I'm gonna work for a while after the baby gets here. I don't want her to have to be with a babysitter all the time! Have you thought about whether you want to breast feed or formula feed? I really want to breast feed, so it would be hard to go back to work right away. I don't want to have to pump all the time!

Off topic, but ugh! I wish I would have been like you and not told everyone about being pregnant. People are sooo annoying, especially on facebook. I posted something about Madison kicking me, and my old boss was like "Ummmm. I wasn't aware you were expecting." I just copied and pasted that. Don't you think thats kind of rude?? Especially the way he said it. If anything, he could have been like "oh I didn't know, congrats though!" or something! Maybe I'm just hormonal? That bothered me though. I just had to vent to someone else that is pregnant lol.
I wrote on the thread but when I went to post it, it said I had a bad connection or something and it didn't post! I basically said:

I am really lucky I can bring my baby with me, other wise I would definitely take time off for bonding purposes, as well as getting accustomed to being a mommy! I still might want to take time off but it kind of will depend on how I feel after the birth.

I would really like to breast feed too! Since I am bring baby with me to work I hope this will mean I won't have to pump quite as often, though I know I'll have to see that someone else can feed baby.

I can't believe your boss said that, especially the way he did! It was very insensitive! He should have definitely been much more positive about the way he said it to you! A lot of people, I feel like, just don't understand pregnancy - especially for the mom! Sounds like your boss is male, so maybe he just really has no clue about the way he said it!

I had been wishing I could post ultrasound pictures, bump pictures, and status updates about my pregnancy, but I know in the end the responces I would get from people would frustrate me! But I was already somewhat hormonal before pregnancy, and have quite a few old friends who like to create drama or be dramatic. I even had an old friend - which I can't remember if I already told you this- that I hadn't really talked to since October and in January she writes me a message wanting to know why we don't talk, and that she heard 'rumors' and was upset that I didn't tell her myself! I was so upset because I haven't even told my grandparents or my brother and I had this old friend telling me she was mad that I didn't tell her MY news! She kind of made me stay true to the fact that I originally didn't want to post any baby news on facebook because I just didn't want to deal with people like her!
Wow, I can't believe she did that!! That would have made me pretty mad. I would have told her off! I used to be a lifeguard at a casino pool, and my dad is actually the general manager of the casino. This girl that I used to be really close to still works there, but we had a pretty bad friend-break-up and hadn't talked for months. Well, she text me the other day basically telling me that there was a rumor going around there that I'm pregnant. It was pretty annoying because I hadn't talked to her in so long, and she definitely wasn't being nice about it the way she said it, she was trying to start drama like she always does. And yeah people knew, but only because my dad was excited to be having his first grandchild, and told them. She made it seem like it was a dirty little secret.

I wear scrubs to work, so my bump isn't as obvious as it would be if I was wearing a regular shirt. So none of my patients knew that I was pregnant... Until today :) I roomed one of my patients and when I went back to give her an injection she said "I hadn't noticed your baby bump before." Ahhh it was pretty exciting for me, because she was the first person to notice my bump and say anything about it, and it shocked me that it happened when I was wearing a scrub top!
Has anyone asked you yet??
I get very frustrated when people say they heard a 'rumor'! My baby isn't a rumor! But I also understand why, I just don't think they need to say it that way. They should just say they heard we were expecting, congratulations! If it wasn't true we would tell them it was a rumor! I love that our parents are so excited that they tell everyone! My mom couldn't help but tell people on Thanksgiving when we visited family and that was only 4 days after I found out!

I usually have to buy my clothes in extra small, but when I found out I was pregnant even only at 6 weeks, I bought all my clothes in a size medium. I mostly wear sweatshirts right now because I wanted clothes that would last a few months of the pregnancy, so I hardly look pregnant to anyone right now. It would be so much fun for people to notice my bump, I bet you were so happy when someone noticed! My medium sweatshirts are now getting smaller and smaller to where in just a week or two you'll definitely be able to tell. I can't wait until it gets warmer here so I can wear cute tops instead of being all bundled up!

I had my doctor's appointment which went well today, baby tests came back negative for downs syndrom! Heartbeat is good and strong:) I loved the ultrasound because it was much longer than my 12 week ultrasound! We were able to get a short DVD of the ultrasound which I've literally already watched at least 10 times since my appointment. It's just a little bit shorter than 4 minutes though. Baby is laying all cuddly with it's arms all princess like (we still have decided not to know the gender, though I don't know how long I will last!), like you would sleep with your hands together tucked under your pillow at night. Got to see babies cutest little feet too! It felt so weird not finding out the gender because the ultrasound tech had us look away so she could look at the gender. Before it felt like it was just genderless but now that someone in the world knows the babies gender is feels weird that I actually have a son or daughter instead of just 'baby'. I accidentally called it a she during the ultrasound and felt so silly because when we refer to baby we say she and he back and forth just to give it some gender even if we're not sure which!

Here's our pictures! :

Side profile with elbow. (Elbow is the circle right below babies chin!)

Baby face towards 'camera' and two arms tucked under left side of face. Elbows/Arms two lines below face.

Face on right side. Two eyes and mouth. Arms cute and tucked. Tummy on left.

Arms, face right of picture pushing it's head back, lots of belly to the left.

Side profile with spine.

Cute feet and toes!

Sorry that the pictures come out so large. I'm using my cell phone to post them and can't resize them :(
Oh and also at my ultrasound the tech said the machine was putting me back at 19 weeks 6 days instead of 20 weeks 4 days. Which is so frustrating because in total I've been put back 12 day's! She didn't say she changed my due date, just that it gave us a week to play with. I was so upset though because each week is a whole new milestone to me and to keep getting put back is frustrating. Maybe my baby is just small?! I know I should just be happy baby is healthy, which I definitely am. 20 weeks was the halfway mark and now I'm just feeling like I can't be excited at any milestone - like Vday! Do you know how often we can schedule an ultrasound? I had one at 12 weeks and another at 20 weeks. The doctor never really told me how often I should schedule one. I have insurance through the state so that my medical bills are paid for through the state insurance, so I don't know if that effects anything. I want to schedule another ultrasound at 24 weeks at my next appointment April 8th just to see how far along they think baby is then!

I had a feeling I would get my date pushed back because you were only due a day before me and kicks earlier, and now even harder kicks and I had barely gotten any. Of course I know everyone's pregnancy is different, but I just had a feeling.
Your baby is so cute!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I love that he/she was laying like that! It makes it so much more real to see it doing normal baby things, doesn't it?? I'm glad your appointment went well! How did your boyfriend react when he got to see baby for the first time??
They scheduled my next ultrasound for when I'm 32 weeks (I think). So thats like, forever away. I don't really know how it works. I don't even do my ultrasounds at my doctors office, I have to go to a place that specializes in them. I wish they had a machine at my doctors office, I would ask them to do one sooner. When I had my last ultrasound, I was looking at this computer screen once the lady walked out. She had put all the info in and I saw that the baby measured small, but only by two days. They didn't even mention it to me, if I hadn't been creeping I would have never noticed! So they didn't change my due date again or anything, which is good because like you, I would have been a little discouraged.
I have a pregnancy app on my phone, and it has a countdown and gestational age and all these other facts that are week by week. Now that I'm past 20 weeks, the gestational age is higher than the amount of weeks left on the countdown, which is so exciting to me!!! For example, today the gestational age 20 weeks 5 days is and the countdown is 19 weeks 2 days! I can't believe that I am more than half way done :) that WE are more than half way done!!!
It definitely is so cute to see them doing normal baby things! My boyfriend was all smiles. He was so worried before the appointment that he wouldn't be emotional enough. I told him he wasn't expected to cry! That I didn't even cry (though of course came close to!), but just to be excited to see the baby! He just kept saying how amazing it was that he could see our baby right there on the screen! He's actually really jealous that I get to be the one to carry our baby. He say's it was so crazy how when we were wacthing the ultrasound you could see me breathing because my tummy would move up and down and so would the picture on the screen. He said it must be crazier for me to watch the ultrasound and know that there was a baby inside me! The cutest thing he said was when we were home and I had already watched the DVD countless times, we then decided to watch a movie and before he put the movie in he started the ultrasound DVD and I wasn't looking at the screen so he said 'best previews ever' and then I looked up and smiled because it was our ultrasound DVD! Really is the best previews ever!

After getting my frustrations out about being upset over my dates being pushed back yet again, I'm starting to feel better because I know every pregnancy is different and we still have half a pregnancy to go and my dates could get completely changed again. That a due date is called an estimated due date for that exact reason, it just helps you plan your life and isn't a deadline! I'm just happy I get to watch my little one wiggle whenever I want to now that I have my DVD and I'm starting to feel kicks more often and while I'm sitting too. So soon I'll feel much stronger kicks and so will my boyfriend and then I'll be over the moon with joy. Plus I was just really happy that baby still has a heartbeat as I worry about that just about everyday and I have no clue why!

I can't believe we are half way either! I think I have a really similar or the same application and I am so happy to see my dates be farther along and the weeks left getting shorter! My boyfriend and I also like to call our baby by the new fruit of the week. Whenever I leave notes instead of saying love, ariel I write love, mango or love, cantelope. Whichever fruit it is this week. When he's checking in on us he'll ask how his little cantelope is doing. I feel like after today's ultrasound we are even more excited! It's starting to feel more real!
Aww that is so cute! I think our babies are bananas right now, that app tells me lol. That is so cool that you guys got a DVD! I have the one from my 4D, but they don't give them out at my normal ultrasounds.
Ahhh today it was SO nice out, I went swimming :) I went to the pool where I used to work, and ironically, the girl I was telling you about yesterday was working! I was kind of self conscious to be in public wearing a swim suit, especially around people I know! It is definitely obvious that I am pregnant now!! So if I had been hiding it, the secret would definitely be out. While we were at the pool Madison started kicking and I got to show my boyfriend and my dad :) I was pretty excited, and lucky to be wearing a bathing suit when she was kicking so hard! One time she kicked my belly button, its starting to get more flat so it was definitely weird to see her kick it.
Haha my application won't update and still says mango for week 19 and week 20 but my mom went to a website and saw that it said banana and I saw some tickers on here for 20 weeks as a cantelope! I think we'll probably get a 4D ultrasound at 24 or 28 weeks. I found a place in bellevue that does them, comes with DVD, black and white pics, CD of colored pics, and a free diaper bag with cooler and breastfeeding booklet. They have massages there too! How much were your 4D pictures? Even though we said we weren't going to find out the gender I've just been bummed not being able to buy baby stuff or be able to call baby by a name so we might find out at the 4D ultrasound!

Aw, I want to go swimming! It's been so rainy and stormy here :( I would be self concious in a bathing suit too though! I already feel weird when people ask to see my bump! Mostly because my boyfriends mom will pull up my sweatshirt herself to show everyone and I kind of feel violated! Pretty funny that girl was there! At least you're not keeping it a secret. I can't wait for my baby to get that strong! Soon enough though I'm already feeling more kicks and a little bit stronger, so I'm sure soon my boyfriend will be able to! But even just hearing about Madison is exciting! You're going to have such a cute little girl! It's awesome you get to see her little kicks now!
I'm not positive, but I think my 4D ultrasound was around $100 all together, my mom paid though so I wasn't really paying attention. That place in Bellevue sounds so cool! My mom wanted to have another 4D, and I'm going to visit her in a couple of weeks so maybe I'll go to that place while I'm there!! Whether you choose to wait until birth, or a 4D, I know you are going to be so excited when you find out the baby's gender :)
I'm sure you will start seeing your little cantalope/banana kick soon, I think its just a matter of looking at your stomach when it happens! It is very exciting though. Before kicks the only time we got to really know for sure that there was a baby in there is when we were at an ultrasound, now we have little reminders!
I think I would feel violated if my boyfriends mom did that too. I don't like it when mine insists on touching my belly. I know its her granddaughter, but its MY belly!
Thank you!!! I think she is going to be cute too, and so is yours! We are going to have the cutest little babies in a few months!
The one in Bellevue I think was about $200 but that isn't so terrible. Hopefully you'll get another 4D ultrasound because that would be really exciting! We still haven't decided if we're going to find out the gender or not. I've been upset because it's making the pregnancy a bit more difficult for me by not knowing, but I didn't want to find out the gender because I know my boyfriend really wanted it to be a surprise. But he can see how hard it is on me and insists on us finding out, he says he'll be happy either way, it's just hard for me to want to find out and have his chances of the gender being a surprise get ruined. I still have very light kicks though I can tell they are getting a little stronger because I will feel them while sitting now instead of just laying, so maybe once I feel strong kicks I'll feel a little better about the whole pregnancy and being able to connect with baby and then I won't need to find out the gender.

I do find it weird that she always touches it or shows off my bump. I feel like that's kind of my thing to do, I understand she's excited but if she even just asked for me to show everyone, rather than doing it herself I would feel better. She's the only person other than my boyfriend who even touches my bump. So maybe I'm just not use to it yet. I just feel like it's still my body! She wouldn't do that if I didn't have a baby haha

We are going to have the cutest babies and every day I have been getting more and more excited for the time in which we'll get to meet them! I just can't wait!
Ahhh I've had a pretty eventful week/weekend. Thursday I went to a clinic because I thought I had a UTI, I was right. They put me on antibiotics though, so that wasn't really a problem. Then Friday I went to urgent care because I hadn't really felt the baby move in like three days! They found her heartbeat on the doppler, but they made me go to labor and delivery. I got there and they put me into a triage room and I had to get into the bed and everything and they put these monitors on my belly. The monitors were hooked up to a machine that read the baby's heartbeat and something about my uterine wall, I think! Then they just made me lay there and wait, I could hear the baby's heartbeat, so that was a big relief. I hadn't been there for 15 minutes before she started doing karate and somersaults! She was going crazy, and since I had the monitors on, you could actually hear her moving! They gave me this button and made me push it every time I felt her kick or move. Even though I was feeling her, they made me wait so they could monitor her for an hour!!! I had worked all day and gone straight from work to urgent care and then L&D, so it was late and I was so hungry and tired by then, I just wanted to go home! I was so worried about her though, so I was so glad to find out everything was okay! I think I just had been going and going non stop, so I didn't have time to notice her moving. It was really scary though :( I'm so glad my little girl is okay!
It was kind of surreal being in labor and delivery! I could hear the other moms in there (we were only separated by a curtain) talking about their contractions and all that stuff! I was just like wow, in four months I'll be here getting ready to have my baby!!!!! It made me so much more anxious for her to get here.
Anyway, how have you been? It has been a few days since we have talked! :) have you decided if you're going to find out the gender or not?

p.s. have you gotten any new pregnancy symptoms? My feet have started to swell, its pretty bad when I get off work! I've also been having heartburn, back aches, and I think the baby is pushing my diaphragm up and squishing my lungs because there are times when I just can't breathe!!!! I feel like an old lady with all these problems haha.
That does sound like a very scary and eventful week/end! At least your baby girl is okay, and definitely good you went to L&D just to be sure. 3 days would be so scary! It would be crazy being in L&D! It's amazing to think we'll be there so soon! Hopefully the next time you go will be to see Maddison in person! :)

I've been doing well! It has been a couple of days since we spoke! I think we probably will find out the gender because my boyfriend keeps asking when we're going to get our 4D ultrasound and I tell him I want to go around 26ish weeks, and he says or whenever you're ready to find out babies sex! I keep telling him I feel bad because I know he wanted to wait, but he keeps on insisting since he knows how badly I want to know. However my mom and other extended family keep telling us we just have to find out because they want to know, and that makes me so frustrated because this is OUR pregnancy and OUR baby. They act like we should find out just for them!

I haven't noticed my feet swelling but I did have bad heartburn one day and haven't had it since, but I definitely have horrible back pain. I live for my heating pad on my back so when I'm at work it always feels terrible. I also am a lot more short of breath, one day my boyfriend was worried because baby must have just been in the right position and I was so short of breath talking was difficult! I find it hard to get up when I'm seated too. I am definitely noticing this extra baby weight while walking around for longer periods of time!

I went to the mall this weekend because I needed new clothes since I literally had 3 outfits I could fit into and was getting really discouraged by only being able to wear the same baggy sweats and sweatshirts, so my boyfriend offered to take me clothes shopping. It was horrible though! EVERYONE was staring and it definitely wasn't in an approving way, even a pregnant lady who looked like she was about to pop stared! It was so uncomfortable, it's nice to know I look really pregnant, but not to get the looks I was being given. People would look at me, look at my belly, then look at my boyfriend. Plus we went to the usual stores I would shop at and I didn't find anything I wanted because I knew my tummy would just get bigger and bigger! I even started crying because I was so frustrated looking at clothes and having everyone stare! Then we decided to leave and I was still crying so my boyfriend googled good pregnancy clothes and it suggested really stretchy clothes and looking in the maternity section. So I finally agreed to go to target and found some cardigans in the womens section and a couple of cute shirts in the maternity section. I love them because they fit well now but are stretchy and long so they can definitely last throughout the pregnancy, and they don't feel old lady-ish either. I feel better now that I have a few other options, and I hope next time I won't feel so uncomfortable with everyone staring!

Oh! And my boyfriend felt his first baby kick. It was just one, but it was very exciting. I would say my baby is still not as strong as it sounds like Maddison is but definitely getting a little bit stronger each day:)
P.S. Any word on your living situation? I know you mentioned your dad moving to a different state for a job offer but I haven't heard since how everything is going!
Awww well if you do find out, I am excited to know! Do you have a feeling its a boy or girl? I thought I was having a boy for sure!
Ahhh I am jealous that you got new clothes! I have just been wearing tank tops and stuff, but they're getting more and more uncomfortable. I definitely need to get some maternity clothes, or stretchy shirts! I am sorry that those jerks made you feel like that when you were shopping! Maybe they just assumed you were younger than you really are? That what I feel like happens to me at least, it is so frustrating!
Ugh my living situation pretty much sucks right now! My dad moved to Michigan last week, and my step mom, brothers, and sister are leaving in June. So we have to figure out what we're doing asap!! I am still on my externship for school, I work 40 hours a week there. I finish in the first week of april, but by then I'll be like 24 weeks pregnant... thats not really the time I want to start looking for a job! It would be pretty hard to get an apartment now though on just one income.We could do it, but money would be tight, and I don't want Madison to come into the world while we're struggling! We could move to Michigan because my dad makes more than enough to help us out, and is in the process of buying a house that has another house on the land that would be ours. My boyfriend is being a pain in the ass though, and doesn't want to leave! Ahhh I was totally just venting and rambling on haha. Its a pretty shitty situation though, and it seems like no one is on the same page, so no one knows what is going to happen. :/

Yay for your boyfriend feeling a kick!!! Has he felt anymore?? And have you seen kicks yet? It wasn't very long after I felt them that I could see them. I think it just depends on whether you're looking and paying attention or not! I see them everyday now :) I think thats my favorite part about being pregnant!

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