Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

Good morning ladies how are we all this morning??
Future- ouch mine have not been that bad thankfully :( feel your pain though :(
Comet - welcome to my thread :) I'm so sorry about your loss, I think most of us on here have lost a baby at one time or another and it's the hardest thing I have ever been through so I feel you there x I'm sure you will see that bfp really soon hun xxx
Just a quick intro I have 3 girls aged 19,13 and 4 and #4 girl will be here in 6 weeks or so :) I have had 4 m/c the most recent being in feb last year, and I got pregnant again with this baby 6 months later :) she is our first clomid baby :) and we got her on our 2nd round of clomid :) we look forward to hearing more about u and your children :) so welcome again hun :) xx
Dorian - my god woman less than 2 weeks to go woohoo :) u will be the first of our group to have our babies :) yippee
Here is my countdown..
32 weeks and 4 days.....
1 month 2 weeks and 4 days left :)....49 days :)

I counted.. 45 days to go :happydance:

Mum, you and I are in the race for the finish :)
Hiya, im 35 and have a 11 and 15 yr old, one leaving school next year and my daughter starting secondary school this year, and am pregnant eeps... only known for a week, just starting get my life back, career etc buthey i guess life doesnt go the way you plan it sometimes... Bit worried about the tests and scans etc that the dr mentioned today, was just starting to get a teeny bit excitied to, bit of a worrying waiting game or maybe im worrying to much, exams next week i been working towards for a year so bit of a tricky time and boyf lives 4 hrs away but trying to change that.... anyways, good to find this forum :) xx
Yes welcome Joanne :) and congratulations on your new bubs :) don't worry about all the tests and such they are a breeze :) and just wait until u see your little one on the ultrasound now that's the best bit :) how far along are u?

Well ladies it's that time of the day again lol so here goes :) .....
32 weeks and 5 days woohoo :)
1 month 2 weeks and 3 days to go :) ...48 days

Yep it's a race for the finish future woohoo :) who will have there baby after Dorian ??? Lol
Welcome to the board, and congrats Joanne! Mine was a surprise baby too, but I can't wait to meet him/her!!

LOL Mumof3..I think baby has moved even lower. Maybe s/he is engaged now. S/he wasn't on Wed, but my pelvis/hips/lower back sure feel like something it pushing on them today.
Hey ladies,

Welcome joannebump.

65 days until due date but 58 days until c-section!!! :happydance:
So the three of us ( mum, myself and you) are all pretty close in running.. I am due May 8th but if history repeats it's self.. I am thinking I will go over by 5 or 6 days.. so May 13 or 14th..
We could have our babies on the same day future lol my c-section is booked for may 11th :) but Im going to give baby her eviction notice at 37 weeks so that will give her 2 weeks to come early before my scheduled c-section lol :)
Fxd :)
Well I think I finally had a nesting period lol I did some major cleaning yesterday, I did soooo much cleaning and I still have a major urge to clean the bathroom lol I hope that means that bubs is starting to sort herself out and get ready for the descent into my pelvis as she has be sitting/laying transverse for a while now :( also my bm have been way more regular lately so I'm hoping that's a sign too :) well I can only hope I guess :)
Not long now Dorian are u starting to freak out yet ?? Or are u just excited? When I woke up this morning and realized I was 33 weeks today it kind of freaked me out lol I was like oh my gosh I have 6 weeks to be ready for this baby !!! Lol

Ok well here it is ladies :) .....

33 weeks today ;) woohoo
1 month 2 weeks and 1 day to go ....46 days :) yippee ;) lol
Oh and ready if your baby comes early then u could also have your baby the same day lol :) imagine though if we all had our babies the same day lol my sil is due on the 3rd of may but it's her first so imagine if all 4 of us had them together haha wouldn't that be hilarious :) lol xxxx
LOL Mumof3, it would be fun to have a baby on the same day as someone we know on the board.

I am excited. So is the whole family actually. But especially dh and I. We just can't wait. I'm finally going to get some RLT on Wed. And am hoping that's a little shove that I need.

NINE days to go!!
That would be so cool if we all had a baby on the same day, or if we had them like on 11, 12, 13.
:happydance: NINE DAYS:happydance: less than two weeks, I am so excited for you Dorion:happydance:

Ready, that would be neat but I am hoping to go earlier.. not later:dohh: holding on for 3-5 days longer seems like forever:dohh:

mum, your lucky.. I haven't had the urge to do anything yet.
I did put together the bassinet ( all by myself:thumbup:) today. I was going to wait till DH was home ( remember he is away with work) but as the weeks pass and I get bigger it seems to be getting harder to do things so I want to get what I can done now. DH is coming home this weekend so I am going to have him move the change table into our room. It's in the basement right now.
That way I can start to wash some stuff and kinda feel a bit more ready.
I also plan to pack my hospital bag within the next two weeks. I plan a homebirth but will have a bag packed just in case. I will also have DH put the base for the car seat in the van this weekend. It's a fiddly job and since I never carry anyone but Emily it's no matter that the base is taking up a seat.
It is kinda neat to see the bassinet all set up ( well before Emily put her babies in it) makes everything so real.
I will be 34 weeks tomorrow:happydance:
Yes Ready, that would be neat too!

Future, glad you are getting a few things done. Yah to dh coming home this weekend, I know how hard that is!
I have confession to make :blush:.. I kinda like it when he does this job ( he only does it once a year for four weeks) and he is gone. The first five years were we together he was a long distance driver so he was gone all week and home on weekends. I became rather used to it and enjoyed being about to eat popcorn for dinner and watch what I wanted on T.V.
He came off the road when Emily was 3 months old and it was a big change, I had to learn how to share:ball:
It was nice having him home every night but when he does this job every March and is gone, I kinda enjoy it also.. for a couple weeks anyways.
Lol ladies :) I know what u mean future I sometimes enjoy it when my husband goes to work at night coz it gives me and the girls a night to ourselves :) and I don't have to fight for the remote control lol :) from 8.30pm now my husband takes control of it and I just go to bed :( coz I don't want to watch his shows and I'm tired then anyway lol :)
Well at least me and hubby managed to dtd yesterday morning (well sort of lol) as best we can at this stage in our pregnancy lol but it was nice to feel close to him as he works all the time :( he took the DAY off yesterday but neglected to tell me he wasn't taking the night off too so I was expecting him to be around all day and night :( not fair!!!! We went to the house that his dad left 1/2 to us in his will and tried to get a few items that we wanted as his sister has already ransacked the place there wasn't much left!!! So it was nice just chilling there and watching the sea from the lounge window :) It's so beautiful there, the house needs a huge amount of work but we will figure that out once we buy out his sisters share :) we have pretty much decided we are going to live in it now because it needs so much work done to it and we can't do anything if someone is living in it so we will just move in (hopefully) once probate goes through and if his sister takes what we offer as settlement which I really hope so!!! My husband wants the house sooo bad so I want to be able to do this for him :)

Anyway not much can happen until probate goes through so will have to wait and see:)

Well here is the countdown ladies :)......
33 weeks and 1 day ......
1 month and 2 weeks to go :) woohoo :) 45 days :)
I have my obgyn appointment today at 11.10 am so I'm looking forward to that and then hopefully it will be every 2 weeks Fxd :)
 here's hoping these babies all come early instead of late :) xxx
What the heck is that ??? I have excepted the fact that DH is kinda freaked out by DTD at this stage. I would love to have the physical closeness but I know that ain't going to happen. He isn't much of a cuddler either so it is kinda lonely.
I have been kinda moaning about having cabin fever to him, so he surprised me with tickets to go see a band I love ( Creedence Clearwater Revisted) at a casino which is fairly close to us and has an amazing buffet to boot:happydance:
So we will have one last night out before baby on the 14th..I am super excited to have " couple" time since that is becoming very rare.

Any sign of baby yet, Dorian ?
Morning Ladies,

Mum, good luck with the house deal!

Future, how cool on the CCR tickets! Enjoy the show.

Well, I convinced dh to give me some loving the other night. He is a little freaked out doing it at this stage too. But I told him it could help to get baby out sooner ;) so he agreed. And since then I've had some mucus bits coming out and have had a few nights of some real contractions. Just a few, but at least something is starting!

I have my MW appt this morning.

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