Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

Oops forgot to countdown lol .... Here it is .....
I'm 34 weeks today :) yippee :)
1 month 1 week and 2 days till my c-section :) 39 days :) yay :) xx
I am all for keeping the thread going after all our babies arrive but count this chicky out for TTC again:rofl:

Dorian, Have heard for a few days, I keep checking.. hope everything is improving !!

Mumof9.. my hats off to you. I am mommy to ( almost) 5.. 4 girls, 1 boy.. with a huge age difference.. 22 - 2 ( boy due in 5 weeks)
It's not the many children that I couldn't handle, it's the pregnancies..
After 5 my body says

1 month & 5 days.. or 35 days to go :)
Woohoo future getting closer now :) haha yes u can count me out of ttc again too lol but for anyone that still wants too this thread will be here :) I need u ladies I don't know what I would do if u weren't here for advice !! U would think that already having 3 children that I would be an old hat at this but no I still need advice ;)

Well as for me I have my obgyn today thankfully as a lovely hemmoroid popped out last night/this morning out of no where and it hurts like hell and I'm wondering if my bubs has turned and is now putting pressure on my bowels maybe?? Don't know but this has never happened without doing a bm!!! So horrible
!!! I know how u felt now future!!! Is yours still there or gone?? What did u do to get rid of it if u did?
Will let u know how I go anyway :)
My baby had her first trial at kindy yesterday and she loved it :) she didn't want to leave lol she found mat time a bit daunting and not being able to just play but that takes time I guess for them to learn but she will get used to it :) I'm so happy that she loved it :) she starts properly on the 26th of April so not long before I have the baby :)

Anyway here is my countdown :)......

34 weeks and 1 day......
1 month 1 week and 1 day to go :) 38 days :) yay :)
Have a great day ladies :) xxx
Woohoo future getting closer now :) haha yes u can count me out of ttc again too lol but for anyone that still wants too this thread will be here :) I need u ladies I don't know what I would do if u weren't here for advice !! U would think that already having 3 children that I would be an old hat at this but no I still need advice ;)

Well as for me I have my obgyn today thankfully as a lovely hemmoroid popped out last night/this morning out of no where and it hurts like hell and I'm wondering if my bubs has turned and is now putting pressure on my bowels maybe?? Don't know but this has never happened without doing a bm!!! So horrible
!!! I know how u felt now future!!! Is yours still there or gone?? What did u do to get rid of it if u did?
Will let u know how I go anyway :)
My baby had her first trial at kindy yesterday and she loved it :) she didn't want to leave lol she found mat time a bit daunting and not being able to just play but that takes time I guess for them to learn but she will get used to it :) I'm so happy that she loved it :) she starts properly on the 26th of April so not long before I have the baby :)

Anyway here is my countdown :)......

34 weeks and 1 day......
1 month 1 week and 1 day to go :) 38 days :) yay :)
Have a great day ladies :) xxx

My lil' visitor is gone.. I sent it packing with 2x a day epson salt baths.. mine also just showed up..all I did that day was some house cleaning:dohh:
I have had them bad in the past and the most effective for me is epsom salts.

What is kindy ? Is that nursery school ?
That will be great that you get a break a couple of hours a day after the baby.. I dread having a toddler AND a infant all at the sametime.
I also do daycare part time from my home so on Monday-Wednesday and Fridays I also have a 3 & 5 yr old.
I finish their care on the 23rd but resume on the 21st of May.. so to give myself time to rest and heal. My mom is coming to help the week I resume care so I can get into a routine.

This whole pregnancy I have always felt kinda sick so I haven't gained much weight.. everyone keeps saying I look small ( I feel huge)
But the last few days I have been starving.. so maybe baby is starting to gain weight ???
Ready, I just saw that several 's tornado's and other bad weather has hit your area.. I pray that you and your loved ones are okay !!
Well obgyn sent me into the hospital labor and delivery ward and I spent the night, they gave me steroids x2 for bubs lungs (that was fun not)!!! And now after contractions have stopped they have sent me home with another appointment in the next week and if anything happens in the meantime to go back but they did all the tests and they said they are pretty sure bubs won't come in the next 2 weeks but that's All they can tell me at this stage :( oh but they want me to be at least 37 weeks but should be ok to delivery then so Fxd she waits that long :)
I hope your ok ready xx
And future I'll try the Epsom salts :) and yep kindy is the same as nursery school Im pretty sure :) it's where they go from 4 years old until they start school :)

Ok now for an update of my countdown but who knows if I'll make it ....
34 weeks and 2 days....
1 month 1 week to go... 37 days :) xxx
Hey ladies,

I am doing well. My family is okay. One of my aunts had minor damage. They are about 300 miles from me.

I have been admitted to the hospital for placenta previa. They are monitoring me and hope he can stay put until 37 weeks. Which is 5 more weeks. He already weights 5 lbs 10 oz according to ultrasound. Will update here or journal later.
Oh my gosh, everyone one is having a time lately:cry:

Mum, did you have contractions ? Is that why they admitted you ? What do DR think might have caused that ?? Let hope she is a good girl and stays for at least 2 more weeks.

Ready,placenta previa, how scarey:hugs: Do they plan on keeping you on strict bed rest ? I will keep checking back often so keep us updated. 5 weeks can fly or feel like ever.. lets hope it flys for you.. I will keep you in my prayers.

Dorian, still praying for your lil' man. I hope everything is alright and you are at home enjoying your lil' bundle.

AFM, I have nothing to report.. most my time is now spent worrying about my friends.. I hope all these lil' lovies are alright.. just giving mommies a little scare.. keep me posted everyone:hugs:
Hi future :) I'm ok here just on strict bed rest lol yeah right!!! I have a toddler and a teen at home so good luck with that lol today it will just be me and my toddler so no help at all!!! But will do the best I can :) yeah I went to my obgyn appointment and I told him I was having contractions that were about 3 mins apart for about 3 hours that were about 30 sec to 1 min duration and had a pain in my left side too and was just not feeling right in general so he sent me up to labor and delivery and they ran all the tests and everything came up negative for labor thankfully and the contractions I had had hadn't come back so they couldn't come up with a reason except that I went into pre labor and it stopped by itself??!! They were talking about taking her out yesterday but they really wanted her to stay in until 37 weeks if possible so they asked me if I was happy with that and I said yes!! She is now measuring 2 weeks behind which is weird because she has been at least 1-2 weeks ahead since 20 weeks?? Unless he measured wrong ??? Don't know but will do my best to keep her in there until my 3 weeks is up :)
Ready - omg hun looks like we are both in the wars hun but yours is a little more pressing though but if anything happens your in the right place hun although I know how boring that is but if your little one can just stay there a bit longer it will all be good and hopefully your bubs and mine will hang out for 3 more weeks :) we can help each other :) xxx
Dorian - hun is your little one ok ??? Have been worried for you Hun!!! Please let us know your both ok xxxx

Ok here is my probably pointless countdown but I still can't help but do it lol :)...

34 weeks and 3 days....
1 month and 6 days to go ...36 days :) xxxx love to u all at this trying time xxx
Hey ladies,
I have been discharged but placed on strict bed rest. I can go to the bathroom and that is it for now.:wacko: But the bleeding is not as bad as it was. Thank God. I will be watching a lot of movies and playing some games lol.
Oh that's a relief ready :) I was really worried!!! Are they still going to deliver at 37 weeks? Keep us up to date Hun!! Good luck with the bed rest lol I hope u have more of a chance of implementing it than I do lol I'm trying but it's very difficult unfortunately but I have managed to stay on the couch most of yesterday so that's a bonus lol gosh tv is sooo boring though!!! And i dont have much left of any movies I can watch coz I have watched them all so I think a visit to the neighbour is in order lol hopefully he may have way more videos for me to watch otherwise I'm going to go insane with kids shows lol

As for my countdown here it is .....
34 weeks and 4 days.....
1 month and 5 days until bubs is here :) ....35 days :) woohoo :)
Take care ladies coz we are all getting so close now to having our babies and we want them to come out nice and strong and ready for the outside world :)
Dorian Hun we are getting really worried about you, can u please just drop us a quick line hun and let us know how you and your baby are doing? As soon as u get time Hun I understand life is probably hectic right now xxxx
Yes I agree television is boring!! But I am trying to embrace it. I will find out on next week when we will actually deliver but she was firm about 37 weeks.

Dorian, please give us an update.
Ready, glad to see your home but be sure to abid by the DR orders and stay on strict bedrest..5 weeks seems like a long time but well worth it in the end. Was your placenta always low , or did it move down ?

mum, I hope you are also resting too. It can be hard to rest when you know there are other things to do.. but they can wait.

Dorian, I agree with mum.. I am worried, I hope everything is okay.

Happy Easter everyone.

What are everyones plans for the weekend ( other than resting)
Ready, I hope you have family making a nice meal for you.
What about you mum ?

I am cooking a full meal ( turkey, stuffing, all the fixings plus a black forest cake for desert)
My two oldest daughters won't be home for the holidays and my father is undecided weither he is coming so since my family guest list has shrunk I have invited a few people who don't have family locally. So should be a house full.
The one thing I love to do is cook a big meal and entertain. Something we don't get a chance to do much. So looking forward to it.
I bought a few trinkets / chocolates for Emily to find on Easter Sunday:happydance:
Hoping my someone brings me food on tomorrow. My mum passed away when I was 13. So my aunts pretty much try to fill her shoes during holidays and pregency.
Oh ready hun I'm so sorry about your mum xxx im so glad u have your aunts to help out:) unfortunately we don't have anyone to help us, my dad and his now fiancé are away for a couple of weeks and we don't really have anyone else who cares so it's just us!!
And with my husband working the whole Easter weekend not much is going to happen at all, no food no people nothing out of the ordinary except that I'm thinking of going to the book expo lol yes I know I'm on bed rest lol but I'm so bored and I figured I can sit down there If I need to :) plus I need some books and some dvd's and they have them all out for $5 and dvd's 10 for $20 or 20 for $30 so I think I need to go just so I have some entertainment for the next few weeks lol ;)
I really wish Dorian would update I'm getting very worried now please update Hun even if it's a I'm ok bubs is ok and leave it at that!! :) we miss u xxx
Also wanted to let u know that here in this state they are trying to make the legal age of a stillborn to 12 weeks so that they are entitled to a birth certificate if the parents want one, instead of after 20 weeks because alot of m/c happen before 20 weeks, don't know what u ladies think about this but I'm all for it :) I think any baby deserves the right to have an identification even if just for the parents sake !!
But of course they had to add in that abortion rights are also at 12 weeks so they are hoping not to have a debate with them over it but I don't know if they can get around it?? Let me know what u think :)

34 weeks and 5 days.....
1 month and 4 days to go:).....34 days yay :) xxx
Hoping my someone brings me food on tomorrow. My mum passed away when I was 13. So my aunts pretty much try to fill her shoes during holidays and pregency.

Aww, losing your mom at such a young age must have been tough.. but your lucky to have great support from family.
I am very lucky , I still have both my parents ( they are divorced but civil) and they both attend all functons ( even though I host most of them)
My parents were only children and I have one brother who never married and has no kids so most events are small.
I have invited some friends to Easter this year. They have no family locally so it's nice to include them.

Oh ready hun I'm so sorry about your mum xxx im so glad u have your aunts to help out:) unfortunately we don't have anyone to help us, my dad and his now fiancé are away for a couple of weeks and we don't really have anyone else who cares so it's just us!!
And with my husband working the whole Easter weekend not much is going to happen at all, no food no people nothing out of the ordinary except that I'm thinking of going to the book expo lol yes I know I'm on bed rest lol but I'm so bored and I figured I can sit down there If I need to :) plus I need some books and some dvd's and they have them all out for $5 and dvd's 10 for $20 or 20 for $30 so I think I need to go just so I have some entertainment for the next few weeks lol ;)
I really wish Dorian would update I'm getting very worried now please update Hun even if it's a I'm ok bubs is ok and leave it at that!! :) we miss u xxx
Also wanted to let u know that here in this state they are trying to make the legal age of a stillborn to 12 weeks so that they are entitled to a birth certificate if the parents want one, instead of after 20 weeks because alot of m/c happen before 20 weeks, don't know what u ladies think about this but I'm all for it :) I think any baby deserves the right to have an identification even if just for the parents sake !!
But of course they had to add in that abortion rights are also at 12 weeks so they are hoping not to have a debate with them over it but I don't know if they can get around it?? Let me know what u think :)

34 weeks and 5 days.....
1 month and 4 days to go:).....34 days yay :) xxx

My DH worked through Easter last year so I know what it's like to be alone durning the holiday:hugs:
As for you debate, I am not sure where I stand on that issue. I agree that all babies are " human" but 12 weeks seems early.
I had a MC at 14 weeks and it was hard. I could fathom having to do the paperwork and process of naming the baby ( which you couldn't tell the sex)
I think it should be a personal choice if they do pass it there.

Happy Easter Everyone:hugs:
Hey ladies,

Happy Resurrection Sunday!! I hope everyone is enjoy their day.

Dorian, do pop in please. We are getting a little worried about you.
:happydance: Due exactly one month today:happydance:

I think I am coming down with a cold/ flu :dohh:
ARG, just what I need.
Ok officially starting to freak out now!!! Dorian where are u Hun we are all really worried about you!! This is not like u to just not pop in!! Please please let us know your ok!!! Xxxxx
Future I'm the same as u, but my brother finally got married last year and is finally expecting a baby the same time as me so things are looking up lol :) I get to finally be an aunt for the first time ever!!! :) unfortunately they don't live close enough for me to be able to enjoy it!! They live a 5 hour and 2 plane flight away :( grrr so who knows when I'll actually get to see the baby???
I hope u ladies had a great Easter :) mine was nice and quiet and I snuck out of the house for a couple of hours with my eldest daughter to the movies to see American pie the reunion and it was hilarious :) baby nearly fell out there and then from laughing so much lol I'm glad I went, it was a last min decision as I was bored out of my mind and was sick of being cooped up all day and week and month lol may go out and do something today :) was going to go to the book fair yesterday but I may go today instead :) it's the last day today so I should go :)
Ready how are u feeling Hun?
Future yay for 4 weeks left to go woohoo :)
Here's my countdown.....
34 weeks and 6 days.....
1 month and 3 days to go ...33 days woohoo :)
Only 2 weeks left until baby is classed as full term woohoo :)
Go baby :) xxxx
I'm feeling okay just bored out of my mind.

I am getting worried about Dorian, I hope she is fine.

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