Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

Part of me wants my baby now!!! And part of me is really enjoying being pregnant too especially since this is my last one :( I just love seeing the countdown though it gives me something to look forward to since I don't have anything else at the moment lol

Here's some news.... Lost my mucus plug yesterday :( and have been leaking water since then too but still not really sure what it is ??? Maybe my waters ??? Or just cm that's watery??? Don't know but will keep an eye on it today and if there is any change I will ring up the hospital :)
Yep I'm a lady of leisure now :) great for rest, but sucks for money :( had my last pay check today and it was dismal :( so not looking forward to the next few weeks :( bummer should have really thought that through !!! We can take maternity leave from 8 weeks before baby is due but we don't get payments until baby is born :( sux!!!!
Never mind!!! Off to have a nice day of peace without kids as my daughter will be in daycare today yippeee :) day off for me :)
Ok here is my countdown :).......
31 weeks and 2 days......
1 month, 3 weeks and 6 days to go....58 days :)
See u tomorrow ladies :) have a great day :) xxx

I would talk to your DR right away.. if you lost your plug and that might be your waters I would be concerned of infection..keep us posted:hugs:

Oh no Mumto3, I hope it's not your waters leaking!

Here's my update:

37wk apt today. A bit of up and down. My BP was lower (no allergies bothering me today), I gained 2lbs since last week! MW was happy. lol. My MW was so amazed at how far up in my ribs baby was, she didnt' tell me the fundal height. So it sounds like I am measuring more than 37wks still. And baby's HB is good and strong.

But the bad news, I was tested positive for Strep B virus :cry: I never was with any of my other kids, so now I am going to be worried. I know that I'll get antibiodics and such, but it will be a worry there in the back of my head.

Next week, I can have a cervix check, so we'll see if all this BH and pressure is doing anything. Although MW told me since my last 2 were born at 40+ wks, it's a good chance this one will be too.

I tested positive with my 3rd daughter.. they gave me antibiotics right through labour then tested her after birth.. I hope you didn't plan a home birth..
I tested neg. with Emily...

Ready.. 40 isn't that old ( I am the same age as you.. I think our birthdays are days apart)
Thank you Future. Glad to hear you had a good outcome. LOL, no, dh and I have both thought a homebirth would be neat. But I am much happier at the hospital with my wonderful MW, just in case something goes wrong....Like I forgot to say yesterday that baby has decided to flip, so we are back to back right now!! grr, hope s/he flips back soon.

Ready, I am 41, if I can do it, you can too ;) lol
Mum, I would have it check right away. I hope all goes well with you.

Future, thanks I do want another one. As this one will be rasied as an only child.

Dorian, thanks. I think my dh wants to try again and I am all for it as well. I will just be a foxy 40+ momma. LOL
I say u go girl (ready) if u want another baby u go for it :) I'm 39 now but no more for me lol I have my playmate for my lo now so that's all I need :)
Dorian - wow I have heard of strep but don't know what it's all about???? I'll have to google it lol :) u are almost there hun not long now :)
Future- like I said on Facebook I'm all good now :)
Not much happening here, yes I'm almost 99% sure it was my plug now that I have seen photos on the net (by the way ewwww!!!) lol but waters stopped yesterday so I'm thinking maybe it was just a small leak that has plugged itself back up :) had some pains and bh last night in bed and woke up with pelvic pain but it's settled down a bit now so as long as nothing else goes on I'll be happier to just stay away from the hospital lol but if that changes at anytime I will go get checked out :) I promise :)

Well time for the countdown .....
31 weeks and 3 days.....
1 month, 3 weeks and 5 days.... 57 days....
And today I have hit the 80% completed pregnancy milestone woohoo only 20% to go :)
Yippee :) see u tomorrow ladies :) I will update if there is any news :) xxx
31 weeks and 4 days ......
1 month, 3 weeks and 4 days to go
56 days woohoo
Just over half way to 32 weeks now yippee
I can't wait

Well I had to drag my husband into the city for our photo shoot kicking and screaming lol he really did not want to do it but he did it for me lol
And once my make up and hair was done I could see he started to have a bit more fun lol then once his was done wow he actually started to think it would be ok lol
Then once we went into the actual photo shoot room and he met the photographer who was from the uk but who's parents were both from wales (where my hubby is from) he started to have a ball lol who would have thought it lol and the photographer was fantastic and made us feel really at ease got some beautiful shots but downside is we won't get them for a couple of weeks due to the shooting with real film not digital but I'm really really looking forward to seeing them downside though is that they cost a fortune Grrrr I'm hoping my husband loves them so much he will let me have them lol coz the whole package the most expensive one was nearly $5000 eeeek !!!! And just to buy one 5,6 I think it was was like $300 omg!!!! Prices have risen since I had it done last I was expecting to pay about 2000 for the whole package lol oh well we would really like to get 3 nice pictures if we can, 1 of me by myself, 1 of hubby by himself and 1 of us together with our bump so Fxd we can get all three and be happy with them downside is that we love them all and can't part with any of them lol but I don't think hubby will even think about paying $5000 for photos lol
Glad you have a great time !! It does sound rather expencive.
I never thought to have pictures done before baby arrives.
We did a fantastic photo shoot when Emily was 3 days old.. also very costly but worth every penny.. we are planning that again this time too.
OMYGOSH, I can NOT imagine paying that much money for some pictures!!! lol. Glad you had such a fun time with them.

I have to google info about strep B too. But my MW said that many women have it in the chemistry naturally and they make sure they take great care in delivery with the antibiodics and such.

I was having mild contractions for about 2 hrs last night!! I was SO hoping they wouldn't stop...but they did darn it. LOL
Omg dorian I just thought u are now officially full term woohoo congratulations :) u could have your baby any day now without having to worry about bubs not being ready yippee :)
Yeah the photos will be really expensive but like I said I only want 3 but if I get one good one I'll be happy :) I loved being pampered I felt like a movie star for a few hours :)
Well yesterday was a bad day for me I slept on and off most of the day because I had awful pressure in my pelvis and had bad cramps like af cramps it was horrible :( I'm thinking that because bubs was moving so much yesterday that maybe she was getting in position because of the pressure I felt! It felt as though she was trying to get her round head in a square hole it was terrible and I had a headache too which I have also woken up with this morning as well as the pressure and cramping, I also had 1 huge contraction last night that was worse than any I have ever felt it hurt like hell and I thought that if I got more than 3 like that I was going to go to the hospital but thankfully it was only one :) phew!!! Have any of u felt this way?
I haven't had anything like that myself but I would keep an eye on that since you think you have lost your plug..
My only complaint is my hip bone on the right side is killing me.. weither I stand, sit or lie down.. I had SPD with Emily but nothing this time.. I wonder if it can move from your pelvic bone to your hip ?
Dorion, how are you feeling today ? Anymore pains ?
Morning Girls,

Ouch Mumof3, hope you're feeling better today. Cramping can be a sign, so please be careful!

Just some pressure ach Future. Baby is quite low, so sometimes it's hard to walk. No more contractions, except BH's. Sorry your hip hurts so, maybe baby is sitting on an nerve there.
31 weeks and 6 days :)..... 32 weeks tomorrow woohoo :)
1 month 3 weeks and 2 days to go :) .... 54 days :)

I'm feeling much better today thankyou ladies but still really tired :( the cramping is only mild at the moment which I'm thankful for :) baby was really active last night and so was my lo who got out of bed about 3 times grrr lol everytime she got up my husband got up and put her back to bed and then my baby would wake up to their voices lol so that kept me awake :( oh well it's not as if I have to go to work today :) lol thankfully :)
Sux u have hip pain future I know it really hurts and is uncomfortable :( I keep having it from lying on the lounge chair lol ouch!!!! It only takes me having a quick nap on it to start the pain!!! Are they sure u don't have spd??? I thought u can get that in your hips too? Not that I know much about it but it sounds horrible!! I know some of the girls on here have had to have crutches during their last few months of pregnancy and that would be horrible :(
Well take care ladies and have a great day xxxx
Glad your feeling better mumof3!

Only seventeen days to go!!!:happydance:
Hey ladies,

Just popping in to see how everyone is doing. I have just realized that I have not registered for the hospital or pack a bag. :wacko: Guess I better get to work on it. LOL Have a great day ladies.
Glad your feeling better mumof3!

Only seventeen days to go!!!:happydance:

It's safe for you to go anyime now.. so exciting:happydance:

Are you all ready ?

I haven't done a thing. The MW gave me some forms to fill out before my next appt.
One is for the hospital, just in case. I am planning on my first homebirth but it is standard practice to pre-register in case I have to go to the hospital for some reason.
The other form is to alert the ambulance that there is going to be a home birth planned for their around around my due date.. again just in case.
I am suppose to pack a bag for the hospital and prepare a home birth kit ( put together receiving blankets, baby hats, pads, diapers ect).. I have done nothing:blush:
DH and I were going to put together the bassinett and change table last weekend but the weather was too nice to stay inside:dohh:

I have my step-sister in-law ask if I was having a baby shower. My family is not exactly the type who plan those sort of things. As a rule I host most everything ( birthdays, Christmas, special occassions ect) so I don't expect a baby shower. I did have one with Emily but it was kinda done in haste since it was my mom who reluctdently put it together after my DH made a comment about having a shower ( don't know what was said but my mom let it slip)
My SIL offered to host one with the help of my step-mom, I am up in the air about that.. I confess that I really don't like ppl making a fuss and I hate being made to feel like I owe them something for hosting ( my mom made me feel that way)
My delemia is nothing has been said ever since.. should I ask if they had started to plan something or should I leave it . If they have planned nothing then they won't feel like they have too because I asked..
I know I am stressing over nothing but for some reason it is bothering me.. I am just as happy they don't plan anything.. I just want to know for sure that they aren't.
I think u deserve to have a fuss made over u Hun :) I think they should do it without having to be asked!! But I know what u mean I'm the same lol plus no one would think to do that for me anyway and I don't have a mum anymore anyway not that she would have thought to do one anyway !! And none of my friends would think of throwing me one, none that live here anyway but the ones I have in the last place I lived would have but they live too far away now :( most have asked if I'm having one but I don't want to have to organize one myself :( wouldn't it be great if we all lived close by? We could have one big one for us all :) oh well guess it's not meant to be lol plus here once you have had your first baby no one really cares after that lol sad but true and 4th baby's??? Forget about it lol well I don't need them or their baby showers anyway coz this baby will have everything she needs from me, my husband and our kids :) x

32 weeks today :) woohooo :) not long now :)
1 month 3 weeks and 1 day :) 53 days :) xxx
Yes Ready, time to get things...well, ready! lol :haha:

Future, I am all set. Will be getting some more diapers tomorrow. And I need to wash my car seat cover so I can put it back together. But that is it. My Sister is a nurse, and she told me "I know you are 37wks along, but stop being impatient, baby needs to cook a bit longer" LOL!! But I AM impatient!! I can't wait. Hmm, sorry about the shower thing. I don't know what to tell you, but follow what your feeling. You deserve some spoiling, just remember that. I don't have anyone to give me a shower either. I think if things were better between my dh's family and I, my MIL would of loved to give me one. But MIL and dh don't talk, so... She did buy me my crib though.

My in-laws are very nice but super religious.. so we keep them to a distance since having them visit ( they live 3hrs away) is very tiring.. you have to be so careful what you say and do.. plus they have an expection on how to be entertained.
They came the day after Emily was born to " help", I was in tears within a few hours.
We arrived home from hospital about 15 mins before they pulled into the driveway and one of the first things that was said after they looked at the baby was if I could make coffee:dohh: and it slide down hill from there.
This time they " offered" to come again and I made it very clear that they will have to wait a bit before they come visit..
Future, I think you should have someone make a fuss over you for a babyshower. Sorry about your in-laws. I love being a Christian but I must admit I am not perfect and surely do not push my beliefs on others. At least not intentionally. If they ask I will share. I don't like over religious people I think it is a relationaship that needs to be made. Sorry for babbling.

Mum, you have 7 weeks and one day to go. :happydance:

Dorian, I am going to register for the hospital today. Finally. LOL I will pack my bag this weekend I think.

My doc appointment was good yesterday. I am growing right on target. :happydance:
Glad to hear things are going well for you Ready!!
We are having unseasonibly warm weather so it's been a real mood booster to be able to go for a walk and open some windows. We usually have snow still at this time of year.

I am noticing that I am starting to slow down. I needed a nap today and I never nap.

Dorion, have you had the " nesting" instict kick in yet ? or anyone else ?

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