Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

Yeah me too!!! I hope both her and her bubs are ok!! Come on hun please let us know xxxx
I will never be an aunt from my brother ( he had surgery to take care of that) as he always maintained he didn't want kids.
As for getting married, who knows stranger things have happened.
I went to the movies back on valentines day ( haven't been in years) I was a little upset that there were commercials. Here I payed good money to go to a theater to watch commercials !!!
Ready, you poor soul. How bord you must be. I get cabin fever and I am not even on bedrest, I am guessing there is only so many movies / books/ TV shows you can watch.
How is you body feeling lying down all this time ?
I know my hips are sore after sleeping for 5 hrs ( not straight)
How do you keep yourself comfortable ?

I am with you girls. I hope everything is okay with Dorian. Maybe she is just busy with new bubs !! Miss ya, girl.

AFM, Easter bunny gave me a sore throat and a cold for Easter.
I managed o get through dinner yesterday ( I did all the cooking but my mom, step-mom and SIL cleaned up)
Everyone left by 6:30pm so we gave Emily a bath and put her to bed ( she is coming down with it too) and I hit the sack.
I have to go for a non-stress test today. Not that I feel much like it but I don't have daycare kids so I have to make the most of my time. My mom is going to watch Emily, so that is a releif.
I have my MW 36 week appt Thurday, so now I start to go weekly.
I also have the GBS test and final blood work ( to be sure iron levels are up) this week.
Basicly other than my MW home visit next week, I will be ready to go.. so as of next Tursday.. baby is welcome to make his apprearance.
Yay future :) not long now and we will all be seeing our babies :) it will be a race to the finish line lol :) since we are all having our babies within like a week or so apart :) come on babies please don't let us wait too long :)
As for me I have obgyn appointment tomorrow again so that should be interesting lol since the last one put me in hospital for the night lol but so far this little one of mine is doing as she is told and staying in there :) yippee :) getting lots of shooting pains in my cervix oooh ouch they hurt but it gives me hope that she at least knows which way to go even if she will be a c-section :) I watched a c-section video on utube yesterday which was an eye opener as I have only been on the receiving end of one lol it was graphic too but very interesting :) also watched a natural twin birth which started from the first lot of contractions so that was cool too :) I have watched 2 births in real life but one ended up being an emergency c-section and 1 ended up being a forcep delivery with the vontouse as well as forceps so it was a bit gruesome for me and I saw them both before I was 26 years old so not so fresh in my memory, but I have never seen a fully natural birth from beginning to end so that was unreal :) wish I could have a go at that !!! :) oh well never mind it was just not meant to be and I'm ok with that :)
Anyway ....
35 weeks today .....
1 month and 2 days to go...32 days ... :) yay and I'm 37 weeks fullterm in 2 weeks yippee :)
It's our anniversary in less than 3 weeks too yay :)
So many things to look forward to in the coming weeks but the most special is my baby of course :)
Won't be long now girls :)
Dorian still worried about u hun, I'm really hoping that u are just busy with bubs and nothing serious is going on xxxx
Love to u all xxxx
I am 38 and 8 weeks pregnant with my third child, his first. I have two girls, 17 and 12. Fortunantely, they were thrilled when we told them that mom was expecting another baby!
Congratulations safetylady and welcome to my thread :) good luck with your pregnancy and please if u ever need some advice or just a chat just come on here we have a lovely bunch of ladies who will happily give you guidance or just a chat :) welcome again :)

As for me I have my obgyn appointment today and I'm looking forward to it yay :) I keep having a dream that Im at the hospital and Im holding my baby and I can see her certificate which says date of birth 23rd of April 2012 ??? Hmmm wishful thinking??? Lol yep I wish it would come true:) but until I get a miracle lol here is my countdown lol :)....
35 weeks and 1 day.....
1 month and 1 day to go ....31 days :)
As of tomorrow I can start counting down in weeks and not months woohoo :) roll on babies :) let's start this eviction process as of 2 weeks time :)
Welcome safety !!

mum, your dreams are better than mine lately.. last night I dreamt that I had the baby but he wasn't mine.. I didn't know who owned him but I knew he wasn't mine..
I have the weirdest dreams lately.. the other night I dreamt we put in a pool and it was shaped like a spade but it was only 2 inches deep..

36 weeks today.. only 28 days to go
Just thought I would share some pictures..
Here I am today at 36 weeks (ignore the jammies)

and also my poor legs / ankles with varicus vains :cry:


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pregnant, 35 years old, and my son will be 11 years old. not sure that count as a teen but he will be in middle school next year.
Welcome deafgal... 11 is close enough, still like starting over again !
Hi ladies, I'm 37 and have a DD 15 and a DS 14 and I'm 7 weeks pregnant with number 3:happydance::happydance: I'm a bit nervous..we've been trying for #3 since DS was born 14 years ago and had 3 failed attempts at IVF and out of the blue we got a natural BFP:shrug: The moons lined up maybe??:haha::haha:
Welcome to u both ladies :) of course it's ok Deafgirl :) anyone is welcome here really it's just a place us mums and mums to be can whinge and whine about our kids and our pregnant bodies lol :)
Speaking of which lol .... Ok update on obgyn appointment that I had today lol well after waiting an hour and a half grrr we went in and got measured and that's when they realized that my bubs hasn't grown at all in 3 weeks :( so I'm off to a growth scan on tuesday at 8am and if she hasn't grown they are going to just take her out eeek !!! So not sure whether to be happy or sad?? She is still good though she has a great HB and she is still kicking nicely so she is happy enough it's just that if she is not growing it means my placenta isn't doing it's job so it will be fired!!! Lol and I will take over the feeding :) woohoo I may have my baby early after all !!! :) but I think they will still wait till 37 weeks though depends what the u/s says so Fxd that she is ok to wait till then :)
mum, she sure is giving you a hard time !!

I have my MW appt tomorrow.. and only 6 days till I am considered " full term" and can have a homebirth.. but he seems very happy in there and in no rush to come out.. I expect to go the full nine yards plus some.. I am due the 8th but my guess is he will come on the 10th ( I had a dream back in 2nd tri that he would come on the 10th)

Welcome everyone :D
Thankyou ladies :) Im still having dreams that bubs comes on the 23rd of April lol I have been having it every night !!! Grrr it would be nice if she did but fed up of the dreams already coz I can feel her see her and then I wake up and she's not there at all :( so depressing lol oh well it will be our turn soon enough I suppose lol :) haja fiture it's funny you are having the same dream but of the 10th lol :) I wonder if there will be anything to it???
Ready - u ok hun?? I hope your resting up like I'm not lol :)
Although u do need to rest more than me hun, have they said anything new yet??? The doctors???
Dorian please let us know your ok hun we are really getting worried hun xxx

Countdown ..

35 weeks and 2 days.....
4 weeks to go exactly :) ....30 days :)
Xxx. Love to u all xxxx
Does anyone every get a sharp pain the runs between your Lady parts and your inner thigh ?
They are like a quick sharp pain, makes you stop of a second.. I have been having them a couple of times a day for the last few days.. annoying more an anything.
Hey ladies, I am getting some rest but I am so tired lately. My dh has been great at taking care of me and I am so thankful to God to have him during this time

Welcome to all the new ladies. I look forward to getting to know each of you.
No sorry don't get that future although it sounds horrible :( poor thing as if we don't have enough problems being pregnant lol
Ready I'm sorry your so tired but I guess it's good in a way at least your body is getting the rest it needs xx
What the???? I'm 4 weeks and 1 day again??? I was that 2 days ago grrrrr !!!!! Stupid ticker :( it's suppose to be 3 weeks and 6 days :(
Ok just realized 2 days ago I was 1 month and 1day and now I'm 4 weeks and 1 day so I guess that's ok coz there is 4 weeks and 1 day left in the month lol but it felt like 2 steps backwards :( lol
Well been on a cooking binge the last 2 days and will be today as I'm trying to cook and freeze some Lunches and dinners for when I'm at the hospital so it will take the pressure off my poor husband lol coz he will have to organize work (we own our own business) and the 2 girls and me and the baby at the hospital too lol so he won't have much time left for cooking lol oh well so far I have done cassarole, which we ate the other day but the left overs were made in to pies :) yum!!! And slowcooked pea and ham soup, and sausage rolls and today we are doing vegetarian pasties yum!!! These are mainly for Lunches etc and will do a recipe hunt today for 3 main meals that are easy to cook so that my 13 Yr old can help while my hubby and I are at the hospital :) I'll even get the recipes out for her so it will be sooo simple :)
Now just got to get the house the way I want it then I'm done :) yay :) so if they decide to bring my baby into the world next week I'll be ready :) bags are all packed :) babies and mine :)
So what have u ladies done to prepare for the birth of your babies?? I need ideas in case I have missed stuff lol :)
Dorian - still waiting to see if your ok Hun xxxx
Future and ready - how are u ladies feeling today?
And the new ladies how are we all today??
As for me here is my countdown ....
35 weeks and 3 days....
4 weeks and 1 day .... 29 days to go :) yippee :) xxxx
:wave: hi ladies glad to see youre all doing ok an not got long too go x

hope dorian is ok too xxx

afm in that dreaded 2ww again!!!!!! but otherwise im doing ok xxxx

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