Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

I think that " nesting instint" kicked me in the rear today..
I went from washing the bath tub to noticing the shower curtain and bath mat need a launder. So you can't put clean stuff back up when the walls need a wipe down and floors might as well be washed. What is the use of cleaning walls & floors when the sink and toliet aren't done.. then since I have filled the bucket to mop, might as well do the kitchen floor..but if you do the kitchen floor it won't look clean without dusting / vaccuming the livingroom ( my house is a open concept so the kitchen / dinning room/ living room are all in one) while dusting the kitchen table ( which is wood) I notice that the sliding doors have finger prints and since I have the glass cleaner out might as well do the mirrors and inside windows.. now that the kitchen is clean. I open the fridge to get a drink and notice it needs a clean out.. fill a garbage pain with expired stuff:blush:
Now I vaccum the livingroom and think since I have it out might as well do the bedroom.. but can't vaccum the bedrooms without dusting them too..then since I am going to dust, might as well strip the beds and wash the sheets.. so now I have four loads of laundry:dohh:
Finally what started out as washing the bath tub turn into a spic and span house.. with the last load of laundry in the dryer, my 2 yr old feed / bathed and in bed.. I relaise that maybe the playroom downstairs might need a good cleaning.. :dohh:
My back says.. tomorrow you silly girl is another day..

I was suppose to have a MW appt today but they called and cancelled because the were attending a birth.. so they tried to reschedule me for tomorrow but I have daycare kids so that doesn't work.. so I won't get in till next Thursday.. which I will be 37 weeks !!!
I am a little concerned that I didn't get my GSB test done today nor checking of my iron levels.. just in case I do go into labour within the next week.
The MW are suppose to come for a home visit also next week but I haven't a clue when...

DH called tonight and informed me that they are extending his work by two weeks meaning he won't be home till around May 1st .. he was suppose to finish tomorrow. I am not thrilled but I understand.. I just pray baby stays put till at least May 1st.. it would be sad that he miss the birth of our son..:cry:
I tried to sound upbeat on the phone but my heart kinda sank.. I was looking forward to him coming home..
He is home on weekends but it's not the same..
I also worry that if I do have the baby on time he won't take any time off to help me with the two kids.. he is awful for saying one thing but doing another when it comes to work..
When I had surgery four years ago.. he was to take a day or two off the help me.. the day after I had the surgery he called me in my hospital room to say work REALLY needed him to go on a trip and that he had to leave that very day.. so he arranged for my dad to come pick me up at the hospital and take me home..
Then he did the samething when I was due to have Emily.. I was due on Saturday and he informed me that work needed him to go away for two weeks the following Wednesday.. weither I had the baby yet or not..I was just about sick and I actually cried.. because I felt his work was more important.. thankfully I had Emily that Sunday but he left Wed. and was gone 17 days.. I am scared he will do that again and I will be left to cope with two little ones with no help all the while trying to recover myself..
He swears it won't happen but based on past experience I have my doughts.. I know how it will go.. he will say that money is more important than him being home.. then he will guilt me by saying.. do you want us to lose the house just because of this.. that is his line everytime..
I think pregnancy hormones are getting the best of me tonight.. because I am stressing over something that hasn't even happened yet:dohh:
Wow! Well, I bet you felt great when you climbed in bed tonight...clean house is so rewarding! On another note, tell your hubby you love him and are so greatful for all that he provides for your family and all the time away from the family he has to sacrifice in order to provide, but it would mean the world to you if he could arrange with his company/boss, a full week or so off, uninterrupted -to assist you with the new baby! Must be getting excited that you are so close to delivering!
pregnant, 35 years old, and my son will be 11 years old. not sure that count as a teen but he will be in middle school next year.

Welcome! I see two new people joined...both already expecting! :growlmad:
Don't get me wrong - it's great for you! I'm just a little jealous!:shrug:

I'm hopeful I'll be expecting again soon (mc in March). Have a 9 - will be 10 yr old in Sept. and a 14 - going on 20 :winkwink: Both girls!

How far along are you?
I am 38 and 8 weeks pregnant with my third child, his first. I have two girls, 17 and 12. Fortunantely, they were thrilled when we told them that mom was expecting another baby!

Hi Safety lady - welcome! I haven't posted on here too much, only joined a few weeks back myself. We're similar situations. I have 2 daughters - 5 yrs apart...and hoping for another soon!
I should've been about 11 weeks now, but this one didn't make it!:cry:

I am ttc again, immediatley after MC, so hopefully I'll get a BFP in a few weeks!!! :thumbup:

My girls have both been asking for a few years now..."to please have another". Funny, when i told them, Grace (my younger) was thrilled, but my older one, was a little less enthusiastic than I would've thought after all the begging for another sis. Of course, since I lost it - everyone seems to "want" me to be pregnant again....
Wow! Thats amazing! Congratulations! 14 years ttc? The other kids excited?
:wave: hi ladies glad to see youre all doing ok an not got long too go x

hope dorian is ok too xxx

afm in that dreaded 2ww again!!!!!! but otherwise im doing ok xxxx

hopefully you get a bfp! Im in the same boat. My goodness Mrs. kg...4 mc?
I'm so so sorry. I just mc for the first time and It was a terrible, horrible experience. I never could grasp the intensity of it until it happened to me.
I immediately felt such remorse for all my friends that had mc over the years...I felt as if I wasn't sensitive enough...I just didn't know the pain.
Anyhow, i hope they are all behind you and you will get a baby soon!
Hi mrskg we have missed you hun how are u feeling??? Xxxx hi comet glad to see your back too :) won't be long before your announcing Your bfps ladies xxxx
Wow future I think nesting has certainly set in xx you poor love my husbands exactly the same with our business lol he says he will make time but past experience says he won't and not coz he doesn't want to it's just that he doesn't trust any of the workers to do a good as job as he will lol xxx
Wow! Well, I bet you felt great when you climbed in bed tonight...clean house is so rewarding! On another note, tell your hubby you love him and are so greatful for all that he provides for your family and all the time away from the family he has to sacrifice in order to provide, but it would mean the world to you if he could arrange with his company/boss, a full week or so off, uninterrupted -to assist you with the new baby! Must be getting excited that you are so close to delivering!

I think I am getting anxcious now that I am getting close..

:wave: hi ladies glad to see youre all doing ok an not got long too go x

hope dorian is ok too xxx

afm in that dreaded 2ww again!!!!!! but otherwise im doing ok xxxx

hopefully you get a bfp! Im in the same boat. My goodness Mrs. kg...4 mc?
I'm so so sorry. I just mc for the first time and It was a terrible, horrible experience. I never could grasp the intensity of it until it happened to me.
I immediately felt such remorse for all my friends that had mc over the years...I felt as if I wasn't sensitive enough...I just didn't know the pain.
Anyhow, i hope they are all behind you and you will get a baby soon!

Sorry, I missed you Mrskg:dohh:
Welcome and I hope both you get your BFP's very, very soon.:hugs:
Hey ladies,

Future, you can come to my house and use up some of that nesting energy you have. LOL

Welcome, to all the new ladies I may have missed last time

AFM, doc appointment went well. Tentatively scheduled for May 8th. But that may change. We will know for sure in the next week or 2.
Hey ladies,

Future, you can come to my house and use up some of that nesting energy you have. LOL

Welcome, to all the new ladies I may have missed last time

AFM, doc appointment went well. Tentatively scheduled for May 8th. But that may change. We will know for sure in the next week or 2.

I would stop by but I think the feeling has passed.. I woke up this morning sore and tired..:coffee:

May 8th:happydance:
The three of us ( mum, myself and you) are very close in birth dates:happydance:

Do they plan on doing a c-section ?
thanks ladies xxx

mumof3girls im doing ok just waiting for that next bfp an praying its sticky id like to say patiently but that word seems to have gone from my vocablary lol xxx

sorry for your loss comet x yeah 4 awful number eh!!! hoping it sticks at that!!! having had 3 fairly uncomplicated successful pregnancies i never thought id be where i am now its been a long bumpy year xxx
thanks ladies xxx

mumof3girls im doing ok just waiting for that next bfp an praying its sticky id like to say patiently but that word seems to have gone from my vocablary lol xxx

sorry for your loss comet x yeah 4 awful number eh!!! hoping it sticks at that!!! having had 3 fairly uncomplicated successful pregnancies i never thought id be where i am now its been a long bumpy year xxx

I hear ya when it come to impatience. I had three girls in three years when I was younger.. then when we TTC Emily ( 17 yrs after my last daughter).. we finally turn to IUI after 15 months of TTC.. it took 2 attemps.. before our BFP
This time.. I had my IUD removed on Aug 2.. got pregnant Aug 17th:dohh:
I hope you get yours very soon.

I think little man is starting to settle in the pelvic area.. I have those groin cramps often and I feel alot of pressure when I stand..
I hope this isn't a sign he wants to come early.. I want him to wait till at least May 2nd
Oh my gosh future I think your little one may come before may 8th hun I think he's had enough :) yippee :) yeah ready they are doing a c-section now aren't they ?? Pretty sure they have to with your condition xx
Mrskg I understand too same as u and future I had 3 uncomplicated pregnancies then bam couldn't get pregnant and when I did I lost it :( totally sucked and then it took another 6 months of ttc and fertility drugs for 2 cycles to get my long awaited sticky bfp :) so 13 months all up :( and the worst part was thinking I had used up all my eggys and that I wouldn't be able to have anymore kids :( the cycle that we got our bfp the fs said to give up naturally because he thought we could only get pregnant by ivf and did we want to try next cycle as that cycle was a dud (he thought I didnt ov) but we said we would keep trying for 6 more months then we would start ivf but that cycle (where he thought we didn't ov) we got our bfp lol :) we saw our nice juicy eggy on the screen before we walked out of the office after insisting I was just about to ov and he said no I wasn't and I said it wouldn't hurt to just take a look so he did and there was our magic eggy and we went home dtd many times lol and 15 days or so later got our bfp lol silly fs dont know what they are talking about lol :)

35 weeks and 4 days....
4 weeks to go .... 28 days :) woohoo I have my growth scan in 3 days to find out if this little one will be coming early, and if my dreams come true and I have her on the 23rd of April Fxd coz that's only 9 days away woohoo :)
:dohh: geez, I hope he stays put for at least 2 1/2 weeks.. that way DH will be home... I'll have to have a talk with him tonight:growlmad:

I weighed myself tonight after getting out of the shower and I am down about 4lbs:dohh:
I don't understand how that can be since with Easter dinner left overs and chocolate, it has felt like I have done nothing but eat:shrug:
I noticed my rings aren't fitting.. I sure hope that's not another sign he is going to come earlier than expected:wacko:
Hey ladies,

I hope all is well. Yes it will be a c-section. I am so excited just thinking about the fact that I will be holding my little man really soon. My husband is on :cloud9: and it is so cute to see him that way. He is ex-millitary and it is not often he is like that.
Yay for u future :) and don't worry about weight loss as I have lost weight too and they don't seem too concerned about it so that's ok by me :) I don't even know how that's possible lol :)
Ready - oh good that they are doing a c-section thought they would have to because of the placenta xx do u have a date set yet??? You will have to let me know as soon as u know :) I'm nosy :) lol
Well not much going on today lol I have my growth scan in 2 days so looking forward to that :) and am I terrible for hoping she hasn't grown?? Lol I really want to see her sooner rather than later :) I'm impatient lol:) I know she isn't in any danger which is why I'm not worried :) but I kind of feel mean for wanting her out at 37 weeks when she is all snug in there !!!
Well here is my countdown..
35 weeks and 5 days ...
3 weeks and 6 days to go :) ...27 days to go woohoo :)
Finally can countdown in weeks and not months woohoo :)
Have a great day ladies xxx
Very quiet on here this morning??? Any babies born last night while I was sleeping??? Lol :) I hope so :)

Well tomorrow morning at 8am I'll be having my growth scan to see if bubs is growing and if I'll be having her earlier if she isn't !!! I'm scared and excited at the same time lol :) I hope so much that she hasnt grown coz at least she is healthy and doing well anyway so I'll be happy to have her anytime after a week and 1 day (37 weeks) I'm sure they would wait till then anyway so I'm kind of freaking out !!! Lol Fxd for me ladies :)
My countdown :)....
35 weeks and 6 days ...... Woohoo 36 weeks tomorrow :)
3 weeks and 5 days to go ....26 days :) yay :)Xxxxxxx
Sorry, I was MIA.. My internet was down all day..

DH went and picked up our travel trailer from storage yesterday:happydance:
I am so excited for camping season to start. We only bought this trailer last Oct. so only got to use it once before winter set in.
We also got a rare night out last night. We had tickets to a concert at a local casino to see CCR.
We are not gamblers but the casino as an amazing buffet dinner rest. which we enjoy.
I still have that awful groin pain, it's like a cramp or something..I am thinking maybe it's baby resting on a nerve :shrug:
I still haven't heard from my MW is I have made up my mind that if I happen to go into labour before the MW gets all the tests and home visit done. I will go to hospital to give birth.
I think since this is not my first birth, the MW is kinda lax. A home birth is not that important to me that I would put my baby or myself at any risk.

hubby has also decided not to take those extra two weeks away for work. He is seeing I need the help and he fears missing the birth.. all for a losy extra $ 200.
I said nothing and he came to that descion himself.
I know the money would be helpful my the selfish me is happy to have him home... so starting Tuesday, I am in full operation " get out, baby" mode.. if he arrives early, DH will have more time at home to help me before he heads back to his other job May 1st.
So, other than the standard.. DTD, walks, rasp. leaf tea.. what other proven methods is there is give lil' man the hint it is time ?
Geez what the hell happened to bnb ?? It's acting weird :( lol
Well Hun glad you had a great night :) I love date night :) and so glad your hubby isn't going to work so now it's operation get baby out lol :) well I used lavender oil in the bath at 37 weeks with #2 and had her 2 days later but went into labor the next morning lol try about 6 drops in bath water maybe 8 depending on how much water is in the bath :) and I just bought castor oil in case my lo doesn't come early :)
I am unwilling to go the castor oil route.. I have heard some horror stories !
I will take the gentle path.. if decides to stay put at the very least I tried..

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