Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

Hey ladies,

I hope everyone is doing well. I have been working on an assignment for class. So I am trying to finish it this week. I finished one paper last night and trying to complete another.

I will check on you ladies tomorrow. I hope to hear from Dorian really soon.
Oh good I'm glad your ok ready :) u r game lol I need to do mine too but with bubs future up in the air I haven't had time and it's due on Wednesday grrr !!! I'll be postponing it I think lol what are u studying hun? I'm doing my diploma in management ;)
Oh good I'm glad your ok ready :) u r game lol I need to do mine too but with bubs future up in the air I haven't had time and it's due on Wednesday grrr !!! I'll be postponing it I think lol what are u studying hun? I'm doing my diploma in management ;)

My degree is human resource. My first degree is in business.
Omg gosh woman you are amazing :) well done :) I'm a huge believer in studying no matter what u study just as long as u keep your mind working :) I love it :) I have a trade in hairdressing and also a whole heap of certificates etc also have done my cert 3 and 4 in frontline management and now my diploma :) very proud of myself and hopefully by the time all my kids are at school (my last 2) I'll be ready for a job change and use the skills I have acquired in the meantime :) xx

Well today is the day I find out if my baby is still growing or not eeek so scared/excited :) I can't wait to see her :) I haven't seen her properly since my 20 week scan ;) I have seen quick looks but not for long so I'm looking forward to seeing her properly :) and kind of hoping she has stopped growing so that I can meet her early :) so Fxd and I'll update when I get back :) I have to leave in 45 mins eeek :)

36 weeks today.... Yay ;)
3 weeks and 4 days till I'm due :).....25 days :) xxxx
hello Ladies,

We are finally back home. It was a loooong 12 days in the NICU. Isaiah is fine now though, growing well and although we are having problems nursing, I pump and he is eating well.

Mum, you really don't want your baby born early! If baby is small, like Isaiah, then many times they need to spend time in the hospital. They don't have enough fat on them to regulate their body temp and keep up there energy levels to eat right. I am not sure what you mean when you say you hope your baby is done growing. At week 36 they should still have a lot of growing to do yet. Including their lungs. (sorry, I haven't read back any).
hello Ladies,

We are finally back home. It was a loooong 12 days in the NICU. Isaiah is fine now though, growing well and although we are having problems nursing, I pump and he is eating well.

Mum, you really don't want your baby born early! If baby is small, like Isaiah, then many times they need to spend time in the hospital. They don't have enough fat on them to regulate their body temp and keep up there energy levels to eat right. I am not sure what you mean when you say you hope your baby is done growing. At week 36 they should still have a lot of growing to do yet. Including their lungs. (sorry, I haven't read back any).

:hugs: 12 days in the NICU .. I am so happy lil' Isaiah is doing better. Did they have any reason on why he was having such a hard time ?
Is it because of the placenta ?
He was such a tiny lad, I hope he starts feeding a bit better now that he seems to be getting better.
How are you feeling ?
We were all so worried about you two. I am so happy to hear a update.
Please, just because lil' Isaiah has arrived don't forget to keep up our friendships and let us hear how he is doing !
Agreed future :) we missed u Dorian and I'm so glad your back :) and glad your bubs is good :) as for my bubs well they found out she wasn't growing anymore last week and hadn't for 3 weeks so had to have a scan today to measure growth and if she hadn't grown anymore they were going to take her out around 37 weeks or so which Is what I meant :) but honestly she was measuring about 32-33 weeks on all measurements but the u/s lady said the measurements seemed ok but that the obgyn will talk to me tomorrow about what will happen next??? So if it's ok why do they need to talk to me about what happens next ??? Coz normally nothing would happeni would just have her on the 11th of may?? Also my cervix is long and medium but 2 weeks ago it was long and firm/hard ??? What does that mean??? Very curious and would love some answers now!!! I don't want to wait till tomorrow :( lol oh well I'm glad your back Dorian and your bubs is good :) I hope u all have a wonderful day xxxx
Hello ladies,

Dorian, I am so glad that you and baby are doing well.

Mum, I hope all is well and you don't have to have your LO too early.

Future, how are you doing? Hope all is well with you.

For me I am doing well. Just get a little bored some days. But my baby shower is this coming weekend and I am excited about that.
I feel like Dora today ...:happydance: WE DID IT !:happydance:
Made it to 37 weeks.
I think the last few weeks are the longest:dohh:
DH extended his trip till Friday ( as of last night) so when he called we talked about the midwives and their lack of involvment about my concerns.
So we have decided to vito a home birth and will go to hospital to deliver.
Of, course I thought about it most of the night:dohh:

Ready,:happydance: YAH, for a baby shower.. you'll have to post pictures !!!
Ready - yeah please post some pictures if u can that would be awesome, I'm not having a baby shower this time so I have to live vicariously through u :) lol
Future - congratulations woohoo you made it to 37 weeks yippee :) I'm so happy for you :) I'm finally 36 weeks and 1 day and I'm happy lol only 6 more days and I'll be 37 weeks ;) yay :)
As for me I have my obgyn appointment to let me know what they have decided to do about bubs coming early after my scan yesterday eeek :) really want to see my baby but I'm happy to wait if it means she will grow more but if they don't think she will then hello baby here I come :) I'm so nervous coz I really want to see her soon but I still have lots more to do to be ready for her like clean the house again lol but if I do have to have her early then the hubby and the kids can get the house ready lol :) Fxd!!!!!
36 weeks and 1 day.....
3 weeks and 3 days to go ....24 days :) xxxx
I will post some pictures as soon as I can. I did post pictures of my work baby shower in my journal.
Is it because of the placenta ?
He was such a tiny lad, I hope he starts feeding a bit better now that he seems to be getting better.
How are you feeling ?
We were all so worried about you two. I am so happy to hear a update.
Please, just because lil' Isaiah has arrived don't forget to keep up our friendships and let us hear how he is doing ![/QUOTE]

Yes, the Dr thinks the placenta started abrupting around wk 36, when my bp started rising. So Isaiah just wasn't getting enough food. He is doing so much better now! Eats great, although we are still having latching issues..sigh~

I'm feeling fine, just tired and frustrated over the latching issues.

Thank you, I'll stick around. It's nice to remain friends and see our children grow.

Ok Mum, I understand now. I hope you got some answers to your questions. And hope your little one is doing ok.
Emily had a latching issue too so I understand the frustration.
I managed to solve our problem but giving her a small amount of expressed milk in a bottle as she was so hungry she was impatient.. then I switched to breast.. slowly I trained her to go only breast... but when she discovered solid foods that was the end of the breast feeding.. I expressed and gave it to her via a cup till 11 months... arg !
I am hoping this guy will be a little easier.
Hi ladies :) well I finally have some answers :) my lo is weighing 5lbs,7oz at the moment and looks as though if she makes it to 39 weeks she will be 6lbs,6oz approx :) so although she is a little small at the moment they think she will be ok as there is good flow to the placenta, phew :) so overall I'm happy she gets to hang out a little longer :) I did want her to come early if possible but since it's not I'm happy she will get a chance to grow some more :) plus really its only 3 weeks left !! I think I can handle that :) xxxx

36 weeks and 2 days....
3 weeks and 2 days to go:)..23 days :) woohoo :) won't be long now :) xxx
That's great news, mum:happydance:

I think lil' man is much heavier than that. I am really starting to notice the pressure on my hips while I lie down.:dohh:
I just hope he isn't heavier than his sister ( 9lbs 10oz)
Good deal Mum!

Thanks Future, it is so frustrating. He actually latched on last night once, but hasn't since. So we just keep trying. I give him some breast milk in a bottle, then try switching to breast. I pump a few minutes, then try to get him to latch on, I try when he is real hungry and when he is not so hungry.... sigh~ I hope I don't end up pumping for the next year. lol
I know my nephew who was hospitalized for a short amount of time when he was a few days old had been given a bottle to flush his system decided that bottle was easier.. so my SIL had a fight on her hands for a few weeks till she convinced him to take the breast.. but he finally did..
I hope the lil' guy takes the hint and co-operates..
Well I finally got to the MW today:happydance:
Everything looks good and I had my GBS test and bloods taken for iron levels.
Baby is engaged, which surprised me because he doesn't feel that low but it explains the groin cramps I have been having.
I asked about checking to see if I was dialated but the MW didn't want to check as it seemed unnessaray. As you could be dialed and effeced for weeks.
I told her about wanting to deliver in hospital and she was supportive. I also mentioned that I felt that the two MW seemed overwelmed with the third MW being out on Mat. leave.
She agreed and said that if there was two deiveries at the sametime, they are asking the mothers to go to hospital. There is a third MW starting May 5th so that will ease the tenson on the other two.
I have lost 2lbs but baby seems to be doing well. MW guessed he might be 7lbs .. which is good news to me since I dought he will gain 3lbs in 2 weeks.. so might be smaller than his sister.:thumbup:
Oh that's a relief future lol wouldn't want another big bubs Hun :) my first was 9lbs,6oz but the next 2 were in the 6's so not as bad lol and looks as though this one will be too :)
Dorian - I had probs with my 2nd child with latching issues too and spent 8 weeks at the breastfeeding clinic trying to make it work and we were both getting frustrated and bubs was losing weight very fast so ended up bottle feeding after that with expressed milk and doing top ups with formula until I switched to just formula, after a lot of flack from the nurses grrr but would never let that happen again!!! Next time if that happens I will just do what is best for me and the baby:)
Gosh I'm so bloody tired grrr been up since 2.30am and had a bad day yesterday with numbness and pains and a wierd mosaic kind of blueness in my eyes that was accompanied with dizziness it was horrible oh and headaches which I have had all day yesterday and all night and woke up with it at 2.30am have take panadol last night and this morning but it hasn't even touched the sides blurriness is gone though thankfully x

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