Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

Hi ladies,

Congrats on your little niece Mum.

Future, what about a little romance? That might help those waters break ;) lol

Ready and others, how are you doing?

Isaiah has been cluster feeding....I am SO tired! I'm glad though, that we have the breast shield, or I would never be able to keep up pumping.

I was silly enough to tell DH about my waters bulging so he won't even come near me for fear of him being the cause of my waters going, so DTD is out.
Cluster feeding can be brutal.
I think that is one of my fears of being able to cope with a toddler and an infant.
Hopefully, these feeding with even out for you soon.
Isaiah seems to be happy and gaining weight so all this effort is paying off :hugs:
I am 35 and have a 14 year old foster care son. (obviously there are reasons why he is not with his real parents). I have basically looked after him from birth every night and later on weekends and later when I got my own house, he moved in with us and we are a happy family.

I was very worried about telling him, as "our" family is very imporant to him and his first security he has ever had in his life.

But, big was my surprise when at first he did not believe. An hour later...he asked really?, then wanted to know if its a boy or girl...and gave a little smile.

The next evening..I was about 7 or 8 weeks along..I got home. He came to sit next to me...and he pushed his head against my stomach. I was like: HALLLOOO What you doing? and he said...I just want to hear the baby!

That was so special to me.

And so time went on and I thought I would update: Baby is here now and below is a picture. No need to say more. It all worked out perfectly!:happydance:

Awwww, that is so nice.
Having your older children accept and love your new bundle just makes your heart swell with pride.
That picture is so touching:hugs:
Hello ladies,

Mum, congrats on being an aunt. You will be single digits tomorrow.:happydance:

Future, sorry about no DTD for you. But men are such scary cats sometimes.

Mabythistime, welcome love your picture. Glad things worked out for you.

AFM, I am just waiting on Thursday to see when we will have our little man.
Oooh sooo exciting ready :) hopefully u will see your bubs really soon :) xxx
Owww future I know how u feel lol I think my time has come and gone for anymore dtd coz my hubby doesn't want our bubs to come early lol I have been having full on contractions today that went from 20 mins apart to 9 mins apart and then stopped grrr and they hurt like hell too so I thought they may have been for real, I'm going to try and get my hubby to dtd tonight to ripen that cervix as I'm pretty sure the contracting I had today would have ripened it some as they were really intense!!! I think it's bubs way of saying hey mum I won't be long :) and considering that I have never gone past 2cm dilation I figure that that is probably where I'm at since that is what happened to me the first 2 times I went into labor with my first 2 girls!! It was almost identical :) eeek won't be long either way :) single digits tomorrow so my bubs will be here very soon if not before :) xxx
Oh by the way even though I want to dtd tonight I know my hubby won't do it lol or he will he just won't do the part I need him to do to get things rolling lol :)
Hi ready, are you still on bedrest ??
What are they going to do, give you a c-section date ?

Mum, to be honest with you I don't even think I could force myself to DTD anyways. I cramp so bad afterwards it just doesn't seem worth it..
I am feeling so heavy and period like that just getting through the day and keeping up with my two year old is about all I can manage right now.. without dealing with bad cramps with no reward.
DH and I were in bed last night by 8:30pm . He was exhausted from the weekend and I am just exhausted so I got a head start on my sleepless night:haha:
Anyone find a good sleeping position ?
I try to keep on my sides with the help of pillows ( one behind my back and another between my knees) I also have a pillow that supports my takes five minutes to change positions in bed:dohh:
He is so low that I can fel eveything he does ( I am convinced he sucks his thumb) so I am actually sore from him trying to make room for himself..
I am a the whinning stage..:cry:
Know what u mean future (not about the cramps) but about the dtd, for me it's just hard work trying to find a comfy position, every way just feels awkward :( and by the way I fell asleep before dh came to bed anyway lol and when I felt him come into bed I thought can I be bothered/ and how do I feel?? And decided a/ no I can't be bothered and b/ I was having cramps anyway so I couldn't even imagine trying to get around them :( still feel crampy this morning :( luckily though I don't feel crampy normally after dtd :)
But at the moment ?? Grrr it hurts :( also still have back ache too so I think my body is gearing up :) woohoo about time :) also looks as though bubs has dropped again if that's even possible lol
Single digits today yay :) i have 9 days to go woohoo :) I'm so happy I'm almost at the end :)
38 weeks and 1 day.... 1 week and 2 days to go....9 days :) xxxx
Know what u mean future (not about the cramps) but about the dtd, for me it's just hard work trying to find a comfy position, every way just feels awkward :( and by the way I fell asleep before dh came to bed anyway lol and when I felt him come into bed I thought can I be bothered/ and how do I feel?? And decided a/ no I can't be bothered and b/ I was having cramps anyway so I couldn't even imagine trying to get around them :( still feel crampy this morning :( luckily though I don't feel crampy normally after dtd :)
But at the moment ?? Grrr it hurts :( also still have back ache too so I think my body is gearing up :) woohoo about time :) also looks as though bubs has dropped again if that's even possible lol
Single digits today yay :) i have 9 days to go woohoo :) I'm so happy I'm almost at the end :)
38 weeks and 1 day.... 1 week and 2 days to go....9 days :) xxxx

Life is full of sunshine
Hey ladies,

Future, I don't think there is a comfortable sleeping position. Yes they are suppose to give me a c section date this Thursdy.

Mum, due to my placenta previa I can't dtd if I wanted too.:nope:
Bummer ready lol :) yep I'm starting to realise that my dtd days are numbered lol but I can wait till after :) lol
Omg someone is letting off fireworks at 6pm at night it's not even completely dark yet grrr all the dogs are going nuts!!!! Idiots!!!
Only 8 more days as of the morning woohoo :) and so far so good the hospital hasn't rung yet to reschedule so touch wood they don't!!!! Coz I will be mighty pd off !!! Lol xxx
Well today is the day I was HOPEING to go into labor and have baby, since it is my beloved Grandma's birthday but nothing yet.. mind you it's only 5:30am:dohh:

I have been having the weirdest dreams lately.
I dreamt last night that my mom's father ( my Grampy, which passed away four years ago) was selling his beach front home.. he didn't own a beach front home.
Anyways, I went to visit him and to help him with an ofer that was coming in.. and all he could say to me was - 3228-
He kept repeating those numbers..
What the heck does that mean :shrug:

I also could have swore that DH got up out of bed and never came back but when I reached over he was still there :dohh:

Oh lordy, I am losing it.

DH and I were talking last night on how we will swing things once I have baby and am in hospital.
Here in Canada you only stay over night so I just said that once baby is born ( my mom is looking after Emily while I have baby) and DH and I have spent sometime bonding with baby. He can leave, go pick up Emily and bring her to the hospital to meet her brother. Of course it all depends on what time he decides to arrive.
I don't expect they will last long on the visit because she is only two.. so once she gets restless, he can leave with her and just come back when it is time for me to go home.
I had planned a homebirth all this time so I never even thought about the logistics when it come to me being in the hospital.

Also, DH suggested once I get home that he sleep in the spare room so he will be rested so he can look after Emily during the day.. that's big of him:haha:
I mentioned what was I suppose to do when he goes back to work and I will have a toddler, a newborn and daycare kids.. do I get to sleep in the spare room ?
He just said that WE will get through it !!
I love his train of thought.. it doesn't bother me but I just find it so funny.. I call it male logic ...
I am even surprised that he will take time off.. he is known for saying one thing and doing another.. so we will see..

What are other ppls plans for after the birth ?
I'm not sure tbh I'm too scared to find out lol but my husbands idea of time off and my idea are 2 different things lol my idea of it is taking a couple of weeks off lol his is take the days off and work the nights lol so I guess either way he will take off days :) but at least I know he will help me with the kids even if I take the baby and he takes our toddler lol that's if she wakes up because of the baby???
Well it's our 3rd wedding anniversary today woohoo :) ok bubs u can come anyday after today :) xxx
Happy Annivasary, Mum:hugs:

I must have a super water sac.. it's been a week and NOTHING:shrug:
I have a MW appt tomorrow afternoon so maybe they can tell me something.
I am so crampy at times but feel okay at other times:shrug:
The MW had asked me a while back if I would be interested in a sweep.
I had said no at the time but now that I am closing in on D day I am starting to consider it:dohh:
The weather here has been wacky, snow last week, heat wave this week:wacko:
I feel sorry for the women who are pregnant through summer.. I am a wuz and have only had my babies in the winter ( except this one)
Haha I brought my last baby home in over 40 degree heat lol this time it will probably be raining lol I had 1 winter baby, 2 summer babies and 1 autumn baby or fall I think u call it :)
Well get that sweep done she may even break your waters if u ask??? It may get things moving for you :)
I'm down to 1 week tomorrow woohoo :) can't wait :)

Well I'm off to our anniversary dinner :) just me and my husband can't wait :) xxxx
Hope you have a lovely anniversary xxx

Can't wait to meet all your babies xxx
Haha I brought my last baby home in over 40 degree heat lol this time it will probably be raining lol I had 1 winter baby, 2 summer babies and 1 autumn baby or fall I think u call it :)
Well get that sweep done she may even break your waters if u ask??? It may get things moving for you :)
I'm down to 1 week tomorrow woohoo :) can't wait :)

Well I'm off to our anniversary dinner :) just me and my husband can't wait :) xxxx

I have all winter babies so this is a first. I didn't plan on this heat in the clothing dept.
I am not sure what I want the MW to do. I had a heck of a night last night because of the cramping and a pain in my right hip.
I know it is only five days till my DD but I fear feeeling guily about forcing him out before he is ready:dohh:
Silliness , I know but with DH preaching about waiting till the due date makes me have second thoughts..
I will see what the MW has to say.
My appt is this afternoon and silly me thought I would try and kill two birds with on stone and take the dog to the vet for his shots too while in town:dohh:
So because of this heat I can't leave the dog in the car while I go to the MW so now I have to run and pick up my mom to go with me so she can stay in the car with it running while I do my appts.. some how I think this is a make work project:dohh:

Enjoy your dinner with hubby, mum:hugs:
It will be nice to have one last night out before baby.

Hope you have a lovely anniversary xxx

Can't wait to meet all your babies xxx

Mrskg, How are you ???
Hello all,
I know most of you are in your third trimester... I'm just at 5 weeks right now... my DD is 15yrs old so it's been awhile since I was pregnant. I don't remember any morning sickness with her, but this week has been hard on me. Did any of you have it? what did you find helped with it? and most importantly.... did it go away 2nd trimester like it's supposed to??
Thanks Ladies!
Welcome philomena :) congrats on getting to 5 weeks woohoo :) I was so proud of myself when I got to 5 weeks especially as I had a loss last pregnancy at almost 5 weeks so I celebrated it :) as for ms well this time around I have been pretty lucky and not really got it but the last 3 pregnancies I was sick as a dog ewwww lol it was messy lol couldn't keep my head out of a bucket lol also had bad dizzy spells too :( I lived on ginger cookies and ginger tablets which helped a bit have u tried them? I hope it goes away for u in the 2nd tri but unfortunately it doesn't always, with my last child it did at about then but my other 2 I was sick all the way through and funnily enough all of my healthy pregnancies have been girls even this one with no ms lol :)
Remember too u are always welcome on here even after we have had our babies and u can ask anything like :) xx
Future - wow your keen hun lol bugger that!!! Lol I can barely make it to my appointments without taking a dog with me for shots lol
Speaking of which I also have a obgyn appointment today woohoo last one before my c-section next week :) been having lots of contractions and back pain and period like pain :( hurts but as long as I know it's doing something I'll be ok with it??? So I'm going to ask them to check me today, I don't know if they will because of the fact I'm having a c-section but I'm going to ask anyway :)
Last night my husband took me to our favorite restaurant for dinner (the place we got married and have been on every anniversary since) it was lovely and he gave me a beautiful ring :) he picked it out himself and I love it :)
But had to come home a bit early due to bad back pain and period like cramps :( went to bed as soon as I got home :( and I don't feel any better this morning either :( but like I said I just hope it's doing something!!! Also my body has been having a clean out and I have un welcomed about 3 more hemmoroids Grrrr seems to be getting worse grrr!! Can't wait till they go away for good!!!
38 weeks and 3 days....
1 week exactly to go...7 days :) come on baby girl it's time to evacuate mummy's tummy!!! :) xxx
Hi mrskg :) we have missed u hun xxx won't be long now before me, future and ready have our babies :) sooo looking forward to it :) how are u doing hun? How's ttc going? I hope u get your bfp really really soon Hun xxxxx
Hello all,
I know most of you are in your third trimester... I'm just at 5 weeks right now... my DD is 15yrs old so it's been awhile since I was pregnant. I don't remember any morning sickness with her, but this week has been hard on me. Did any of you have it? what did you find helped with it? and most importantly.... did it go away 2nd trimester like it's supposed to??
Thanks Ladies!

There was 17 yrs between my last daughter and Emily so I understand.
I was lucky enough that I never suffered from MS till this pregnacy:dohh:
and sad it never really ended. I have also found alot of foods make me ill at the thought of eatting them ( meat esp)
I lost 13lbs at the begining and have only gained 10lbs back..
I hope you don't have to suffer long:hugs:

AFM, for the love of god what was I thinking trying to do all this stuff in one day:dohh:
It was HELL..
The MW wouldn't check me but said that if I don't go into labor by the time I am 10 days overdue she will induce..that's May 18th !!!!!!
Oh lordy:cry:
I have my daycare kids back on the 21st:dohh:
Please, please baby come this weekend..
My mom really wants to head to the cottage and is making me feel guilty by holding her back ( she is suppose to watch Emily while I deliver)
So I am trying to find someone else who can watch her for us.. either that I will just deliver baby alone at the hospital while DH stays with her..
I told my mom if I haven't had the baby by Sunday to just go..
It upsets me that she will jump for my brother but if I ask something of her she changes her mind if she finds something better to do..:growlmad:
My mum was exactly the same, she is with my brother and his new baby at the moment but I haven't seen her in 3 yrs anyway but she would have chosen him over me any and everyday Grrrr oh well her loss!!! I hope your lo comes soon hun xxx
Well I got checked at my appointment today and she couldn't reach my cervix so said it was probably closed but said I'm suffering from pubis symphis (sp?) and that it won't go until next week when I give birth grrr!!!
Well will talk to u tomorrow ladies night night xxx

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