Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

Must be the stage we are at ,mum.
I wake up exhausted. I do home daycare several dats a week and yesterday I feel asleep sitting in a chair in the play room.. and it was only 11am !
So unlike me. I am starting to find I am short on energy and pateince.
So happy this was my last week look after the kids till after the baby comes ( May 21)
I went and picked up DH yesterday from his travels ( he uses their truck so I usually drop him off and pick him up since it is a 3hr commute) so he is home to stay and back at his regular job starting Monday.
So if I happen to go into labour he will be 45 mins away at most.
It's 4am here right now and I am fighting nausia. I have been for the last few days.
I can usually handle it but lately it's like I have had enough. I haven't even taken my pre-nat. vit. the last few days as I think they make me feel worst.
The MW suggested I take a gravol and tylonal before bed to try and get some sleep since it wakes me. I think I will pick up some gravol while I am in town tomorrow.
Glad your MW appt went well Future.

Hope the headaches go away soon Mum.
Good morning ladies well today my headaches have just about gone phew !!! I'm having a few period pain like cramps but other than that I'm feeling ok :) oh and a bit of pressure under my bump too :) well it's 2 days to go until the dreams I have been having about having bubs on the 23rd of april either come true or don't lol probably won't but a girl can hope can't she?? Lol my husband thinks she won't :( meany lol but that's ok if she doesn't coz I still only have exactly 3 weeks until she comes :)
Get some rest future any way u can hun it's your bodies way of saying it's tired!! Lol mine too as u know I sleep up to 3 times in the day sometimes lol
Anyway here is my countdown ...
36 weeks and 4 days...
3 weeks to go..21 days to go :) xxxx
ARG, these groin cramps are going to be the death of me..
DH took me shopping yesterday and these silly cramps flaired up while we were in the fruit dept.
Here I am grasping the cart trying to look normal so ppl don't think I am in labour or something.
MY dh was giggling at me too... he said he wasn't trying to be insensitive but it is funny watching my hunched over the cart holding my crotch all the while still thinking I am not being noticable:dohh:

I can hardly beleive it's only two weeks or so.. I am trying to resist the temptation to go through my hospital bag again.. to be sure I have everything.. I am famous for changing my mind on clothes.. I can't even go out for a evening with changing my clothes 3 or 4 times:haha:
Lol future I'm exactly the same lol I tend to change at least 3 times before I go out lol and now I'm heavily pregnant I'm even worse lol
Not sure if I mentioned it before so I'm sorry if I did but I spent another day in hospital on Saturday :( due to blurry vision etc I could see out of one eye for a couple of hours and it got me so upset :( so we rang the m/w at the hospital and she told us to come in to get bp and urine checked for pre e just in case and luckily it was all ok but about 1/2 hr after arriving my vision went ok and I ended up with the worst headache grrr so turns out it was pregnancy migraines :( the doc said they should go away after bubs is born but no guarantees grrr!!! Anyway all good now and I just have to take panadol and rest if it happens again (which it did yesterday) so this may end up being a very long couple of weeks lol

Today is the day (according to my dreams) that I would have my baby so if that's to happen my water needs to break coz that's the only way that will happen lol :)
36 weeks and 6 days.... Fullterm tomorrow woohoo :)
2 weeks and 4 days to go.... 18 days :) my tickers don't tick over until later this avo :( xxx I hope u are all well xxxx
((mum)) ouch on the migraines, I'm sorry!
Future, Isaiah is doing great!! He's gaining weight everyday, and finally starting to fill out just a little.

But unfortantely, we are still having bfing issues. Sigh~ I think I should get some breast sheilds. I read that if a baby is used to a bottle, many women have luck using the sheilds as they have the same taste/texture as a bottle nipple. So am going to ask my MW about those.
I have never heard of those, Dorian.
Are they like a bottle nipple that covers your nipple ?
Happy to hear he is gaining weight :)
They are great Dorian and they have a great success rate too :) future - they are kind of like a teet but they are on a wider surface so u can put it over your own nipple and bb, the baby doesn't know the difference between a bottle or the shield so it's great if u have issues b/f :) they are also used for inverted nipples too :)
Glad your bubs is doing well under the circumstances Dorian :) can't wait for it to be our turn :)
How are u doing ready? And future how are u feeling?

As for me I have been getting numb hands and face when I'm hungry but as soon as I eat it goes away ?? Weird!!! But other than that my baby is still tucked away in my belly and didn't make an appearance yesterday like my dreams said lol typical lol oh well at least I know my baby will be here soon :)

37 weeks today :) yippee fullterm :)
2 weeks and 3 days to go :).. 17 days :) xxx
Hello Ladies! I am 40years old with a DD15.... and just got my BFP for #2 (DH's #1)....
glad to see there is a forum for us!
Your little one will get here soon Mum, try to be patient. lol. I swear, the days are just FLYING by! That is weird about the numbness!!

Welcome and congrats Philomena!
Hey ladies,

Welcome, Philomena

I hope everyone is doing well. My baby shower was so much fun. I had a great time. I don't know if I told you ladies here but I know I posted it in my journal about how ugly my SIL was treating me because she wanted me to change my baby shower date and she wanted to run things. Well the :witch: did not even show up to the shower. My husband called her and she was like, "my friends drug me to Austin for my birthday, but I will call you tomorrow because I have some things for the baby." Of course she did not call but I not going to take her call if she does. My DH was disappointed and said,"Whoever does not support my wife does not support me!" So to rant but I am so upset as I have always been to everyone of their events.
I post pictures in my journal on two different pages of it. Let me know if you would like me to post some here.
Welcome philomena :)
And congratulations on your new bump :) yay :)
You look beautiful in that picture ready :) absolutely stunning hun !!! :) don't worry about sil mine is doing the same thing at the. Moment lol who cares !!! I have too much to worry about at the moment without her carry on lol :) well not much happening here :) lol pity though lol :) wouldn't mind some waters dropping in the middle of the supermarket right about now lol :) haha that's how bored and desperate im getting lol :) xxxx
Hey ladies,

Welcome, Philomena

I hope everyone is doing well. My baby shower was so much fun. I had a great time. I don't know if I told you ladies here but I know I posted it in my journal about how ugly my SIL was treating me because she wanted me to change my baby shower date and she wanted to run things. Well the :witch: did not even show up to the shower. My husband called her and she was like, "my friends drug me to Austin for my birthday, but I will call you tomorrow because I have some things for the baby." Of course she did not call but I not going to take her call if she does. My DH was disappointed and said,"Whoever does not support my wife does not support me!" So to rant but I am so upset as I have always been to everyone of their events.
I post pictures in my journal on two different pages of it. Let me know if you would like me to post some here.

First off Welcome, Philomena:hugs:

Yay, for your husband for being so supportive of his wife, Ready.
With age I have come to accept that we will never keep everybody happy so if the SIL didn't like the date, that's fine but she could have been more civil about it:dohh:
I am going to pop over to your journal next to take a boo..
Glad everything turned out good tho.. sound like it was fun.

Mum, I am the same as you. I am not bord but I am tired of being uncomfortable and it feels like I have been pregnant forever.. guess that's what happen when you discover your BFP really early.
The baby is so low that the pressure is starting to run down the inner thighs and bum.. which s causing my ol' friend roid to come back.. so not only is standing uncomfy so now is sitting:dohh:
I am now into the winning stage...
Poor DH got home last night with big tales of his first day back to work.. and I was too grumpy to listen..
I feel bad for Emily too because I can play with her like I used to so when daddy walks in the door she is off the walls excited to see him.. poor buggar'.
I have a MW appt tomorrow so I will take Emily to " play group" while in town so she can play with some other kids.. this is what sucks when you live in the country.
I am starting to have alot of baths now.. it seems like the bath tub is the only place I can get releif..
So come on baby:happydance:
Hi everyone, I'm currently 4 weeks 5 days pregnant, this will be my 4th pregnancy, but my husband's first. I have a 14 year old son who has Aspergers Syndrome so this has been a bit of news that he is still trying to get his head around....after all he has had me to himself all his life as my other pregnancies did not go to term. But after the initial upset/fears etc he seems to be slowly coming around to me being pregnant. He even offered to share his chocolate with me, which is almost a historic event of great significance, heh :)

Hope all you other mums are doing ok x
Welcome Taramum :) all you new ladies are very welcome on here :) I started this thread because I was pregnant and had 2 teenagers and a toddler and wanted to see if anyone else was in the same boat and I have been delighted to find some wonderful ladies on here who have been happy to share their journeys with me and I have been so grateful xxx but I will be keeping this forum alive even after we have all had our babies so we can still support each other with our newborns and also support anyone still going through or just starting pregnancy :) everyone is welcome :)
So congratulations to all the new people on here that are pregnant and we look forward to sharing your journey with you :) xxxx

Future - damn those stupid roids huh!!! My butt has not been the same since I got that last one grrr oh the joys of being heavily pregnant with a bowling ball lol crack open the Epsom salts again :) and congratulations on your 38th week woohoo :)
Ready - thankyou yes only 2 weeks to go woohoo :)
As for my countdown well here it is:)......
37 weeks and 1 day....
2 weeks and 2 days to go :)...16 days :) woohoo :) xxxx

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