Pregnant or ttc over 35 with teenagers?

Congratulations Ready!!

Welcome new Ladies.

How are you Mum??
I had a lovely Mothers Day Future, and you?

Mine started off with my traditional breakfast of strawberry and banana filled crepes, made by dh :thumbup: , darling homemade cards from the kids, a trip up the mountain a bit to one of our favorite was a gorgeous day too... came home and got some board game playing in with the kiddos..I love playing board games.
I had a lovely Mothers Day Future, and you?

Mine started off with my traditional breakfast of strawberry and banana filled crepes, made by dh :thumbup: , darling homemade cards from the kids, a trip up the mountain a bit to one of our favorite was a gorgeous day too... came home and got some board game playing in with the kiddos..I love playing board games.

Sunday was DH only day off so the morning was spent going to town for groceries ( since I haven't been brave enough to tackle that with the two kids)
I did get to have lunch with my 21 yr old DD ( met her at her work):happydance:
I had my mom over for dinner and DH BBQ'd .
It was a beautiful day in the mid 70's..which is rare at this time of year in Ontario.

How is Isisha, Dorian ?

I have been suffering from PP headaches..
I have never had any issues after birth with my other kids so this has kinda knocked me off my feet.
Hi ladies :) sorry I have been Mia lately but only got home from hospital yesterday so just trying to settle bubs in ;)
So... Ella Grace was born11/5/2012 at 4.26pm and weighed 6lbs,1oz :) she is tiny and has lost 10% of her birth weight so she is really tiny, I had a traumatic c-section which left me never ever wanting to do that again !!! But im really happy, Ella is an angel :) congrats on your little man ready ;) can't wait to see pics :)
Well I'll update my birth story hopefully tomorrow xxxx
Hi ladies :) sorry I have been Mia lately but only got home from hospital yesterday so just trying to settle bubs in ;)
So... Ella Grace was born11/5/2012 at 4.26pm and weighed 6lbs,1oz :) she is tiny and has lost 10% of her birth weight so she is really tiny, I had a traumatic c-section which left me never ever wanting to do that again !!! But im really happy, Ella is an angel :) congrats on your little man ready ;) can't wait to see pics :)
Well I'll update my birth story hopefully tomorrow xxxx

Ella must be the size of a whisper.. Harrison was born at 8lbs 6oz.. dropped to 7lbs 15oz ( the day we left the hospital) and was back up to 8lbs 12oz within three days of my milk coming in:dohh:

How are you feeling ?
I love the picks you posted on FB, esp, the one with your older daughter:hugs:

Ready, what did you name your lil' guy ?

Dorian, how is BF going now ?
I feel like a human cow. Harrison feeds every two hours ( from when I start not when I finish) and the cluster feeds in the evenings.. but he does sleep 3-4 hrs during the night.
I am having a hardtime balancing my toddler and the baby tho..
My headaches are making things even worst. I feel so guilty for Emily who seems to be the one who is getting the short end of the stick.
DH hasn't been much help since work has been so busy so he needs to work 6 days a week and 14 hr days.. so he is exhausted.
Hi future, yeah Ella is tiny, she has such a small head and body, she weighs about 5 pounds now and I'm struggling to get her to latch on properly :( I introduced a formula feed last night just before she went to bed, she had already had about 50mls of expressed milk which I have to do otherwise she can't latch on properly due to engorgement and she had both breasts completely drained and then had 30mls of formula (I made 60mls but she only drank 30mls) so a huge feed and 1/2 hr later she was hungry again :( and she had been in bed since 9.30pm and kept waking every 10-15mins so I finally got up at 12.30pm and she's asleep again but won't sleep in her bassinet only her swing in the lounge :( so no sleep for me tonight grrr!!! Everytime I feed her she throws it up (reflux?) so I think that's why she cries when I lay her flat because she sleeps beautifully on an angle but the nurse said I'm not allowed to prop her mattress up due to SIDS so I don't know how to help her :( any ideas?? I haven't had a reflux baby before :( xxx
massive congrats mum x my youngest daughter was the same weight as ella so tiny eh x sorry ive never dealt with reflux x hope you get some rest xxx
Emily had reflex and she slept in her bassinet on a wedge ( not sure what they are called there ) to keep her slightly elevated.. no one said anything to me about SIDS.. I think in hospital they are very square about rules.. you are the mother.. trust your instints..
Harrison hates his bassinet and after a week of him waking everytime we laided him in there.. I caved and let him sleep with me in my bed.. a big no no when you ask the nurse.. but after a week of no sleep.. I didn't see the nurse offering to stay up with the baby..
My personal opinion is heathcare has made us paronoid about SIDS and it prevention.
Emily hated being on her back.. so we laided her on her side.. Harrison hates being on his side so he is on his back..

I had a "bad mommy moment" this morning..
I fed Harrison then placed him in the swing so I could get Emily fed and dressed..
I had heard Harrison fuss for a minute but nothing drastic..
After I was finished with Emily I checked on Harrison ( the swing is in the kitchen / livingroom, our house is open concept)
I discovered Harrison had brought up all his breakfast all over himself..yet he was sleeping.. all soaking wet.. I felt awful..poor guy..
So he has had a bath and a super cuddle..
I feel guilty that there isn't enough of me to go around..
Hi ladies,

Future, I'm so sorry you are having headaches :( hope they go away soon. Isaiah is doing well. He's breast feeding like a pro now, with no help from the shield :thumbup: He, also, feeds every 2-3 hrs, but usually gives me at least one 4 hr stretch at night, sometimes 5 hrs. Awww, I'm sure Harrison will forgive you for making him sit in his swing wet. lol. It didn't hurt him. Isaiah also doesn't like to sleep in his crib or anywhere else except my arms. I co-sleep with him. I agree that the nurses/Drs are a bit too over the top when it comes to SIDS. Just use common sense.

Mum, so glad to hear from you! Aww, Ella is a little one, almost as small as Isaiah. I would prop her bed up a little bit, maybe put something under the matteress to do this. And lay her on her back. I doubt very seriously that would cause any problems! Thats how Isaiah's bed was in the NICU. I hope the reflux stops soon. Maybe you can pump a little bit before she feeds, so you aren't so engorged? Can't wait to see pictures!

You to Ready, we want to see pictures!!
To see a picture of Ella you can go on my journal just click the link as I can't seem to post pics on here :(
Well just spent 3 days and 2 nights in nicu :( Ella was losing too much weight and couldn't hold her temp so they put her into nicu and put her in the humnicrib (sp?) to keep her warm!! And we fed her huge amounts to get her to fatten up :) so she is now home as am I and after a horrible experience there we are happy with her progress :) my baby and I are home woohoo ;)

Once I have more time I'll chat some more ladies but for now I'll have to go see to Ella xxx
I am so glad Ella is home..I gathered from FB that the hospital was horrid for you:growlmad:

Harrison is two weeks today:happydance:

I broke down and went to my family DR yesterday about the headaches and he thinks I have suffered a strain injury ( something like whip lash) probably from pushing.
I was told there was nothing they could do and just have to ride it out:cry:
I am to take Advil every four hours night and day for another week then try to reduce it to every six hours.. if the headaches don't inprove within the next two weeks I need to go back and we can discuss other options:dohh:
Oh hun I'm sorry it must be horrible :( I hope they go away for you soon xx
The hospital was terrible so I'm so glad to be home :) Ella drank really well last night and slept for 3 and 1/2 hours from 5pm - 8.30pm then had a feed and then was awake and hungry and grumpy from then until 11pm (even after we fed her she still wanted more so we fed her more then she threw it all up and we managed to go through 5 sets of clothes between then ) lol and we tried to put her to bed but she won't sleep in there for some reason (I'm thinking maybe because the hospital is bright and noisy she doesn't like dark and quiet??) so my husband let me go to bed and he had her in the lounge where she slept for 4 hours lol then he went to put her to bed right on feeding time so she woke up for a feed (at 3am) lol so I got up and let him sleep and brought her in the lounge and fed,burped and changed her so now it's 5.30am and she is crashed in her bouncer and she will be due for another feed at 7am so I'm going to try and put her to bed and try to get a bit more sleep lol :) but bubs is doing good so I'm hoping we won't need to go to the hospital again for the weight problems Fxd!!
Well take care everyone xxxx
Harrison doesn't like sleeping in his bed ( bassinett) either.
I think he is becoming a little spoiled as I either cradle him in my arms or allow him to sleep me my bed with me:blush:
He is such a cuddle bug, how can I say no you have to stay in your bed.. last night he was up every 1 and 1/2 hours for a feed so I took him out to the livingroom to feed so DH could sleep since he had to work today.. Harrison and I slept in the recliner for most of the night.. not the most comfortable for me but at least I got some sleep.
This weekend is a long weekend here so at least DH will be home for two days staright so he can help me with the kids and I can get something done.
I attempted to take the tow kids out to the garden with me today ( while DH was at work) so I could weed... well that ended with me nursing Harrison in the garage while Emily played with her wagon.. in the garage:dohh:
Good morning,

Future, ugh on the headaches. Does Advil work better for you than Tylenol? Tylenol seems to work better for my headaches. Anyways, hope they go away soon. Isaiah, doesn't like to sleep in his crib either. So we co-sleep and I just hold him in my arms during the day. Sometimes I'll put him down for awhile, mostly though he wakes up after about 15 minutes. I think after his hernia op, he'll feel better and be more willing to sleep in his crib. I hope so, as much as I love holding him, it would be nice to put him down for a bit so I can get something done.

Mum, I'm glad your little one is out of the hospital and back home. Glad she didn't have to stay long.
Good morning,

Future, ugh on the headaches. Does Advil work better for you than Tylenol? Tylenol seems to work better for my headaches. Anyways, hope they go away soon. Isaiah, doesn't like to sleep in his crib either. So we co-sleep and I just hold him in my arms during the day. Sometimes I'll put him down for awhile, mostly though he wakes up after about 15 minutes. I think after his hernia op, he'll feel better and be more willing to sleep in his crib. I hope so, as much as I love holding him, it would be nice to put him down for a bit so I can get something done.

Mum, I'm glad your little one is out of the hospital and back home. Glad she didn't have to stay long.

Where is Isaiah's hernia ?

Harrison is swollen around the left side of his man bits and I worry that it might be a hernia ( have an appt Thursday to have it looked at)

I was told to take Advil as it act like a anti-inflamitory ( sp?)as well as a pain managment.
I'd prefer Tylenol since it doesn't bother my tummy as much and I find it works faster.
Future, Isaiah's hernia is to the left and up just a touch of his man bits. It's like a ball is under the skin, and if you gently push it, it will go back in. So that's one way you can tell if that is what Harrison has too. They want Isaiah to get a little bigger before they do surgery. But they might do it sooner now that it is bothering him so much.

OIC about the Advil.
Future, Isaiah's hernia is to the left and up just a touch of his man bits. It's like a ball is under the skin, and if you gently push it, it will go back in. So that's one way you can tell if that is what Harrison has too. They want Isaiah to get a little bigger before they do surgery. But they might do it sooner now that it is bothering him so much.

OIC about the Advil.

Harison's sounds simular but it doesn't seem to pain him.
I have gently touched it and he doesn't react.
I'm glad it's not hurting him Future. Isaiah's doesn't hurt if I touch it, but he is grumpy a lot and does a lot of comfort nursing. Especially if he is passing gas, it bothers him.

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