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Pregnant with#1 I Love my bump buddies :)

so sorry for your loss GoingBananas hope every thing ll b fine for u n u ll join us soon..
i am super sleepy cant even keep my eyes open right now but m trying not to sleep bcoz i know i wont get a sleep at night which i dont normally get these days.
do u ladies still have any cramping??? i dont feel any just some twinges here n there. is it normal????
I am so tired, too! I just want to take a nap, but I can't because I'm working. Good thing I'm leaving early today:) No, I haven't had much cramping anymore. A little here and there, but mostly just pulling, stretching, and twinges. I'm pretty sure that's very normal.

Kaili, I love your letter:)

Wontgiveup, glad you're feeling better today and sounds like DH is great!

So, I'm thinking of telling my sister tomorrow. I'm 6 weeks today. When did you girls tell anyone? My sister has a 19 month old son. So, my plan was to make a hat and embroider "Big Cousin" on the front and give it to her as a belated "Christmas present." What do you think? It all depends if I can get it done on time. Guess I know what I'll be doing tonight :)
love your idea Amanda :) she ll defiantly b very happy for u.
i've just told my mum n my mother in law n ll wait few more weeks to tell friends n family but cant wait really.
by the way i had abt two hour nap already :)
I told the 3 ppl I talk to daily (DH of course, my oldest sister, and my grandma)... I am waiting til after my first appointment on the 25th to tell my parents and in laws. We have ordered infant onesies that say "I love my grandma!" for when that day comes. And for our friends, DH is going to post a comment that says "achievement unlocked: finally knocked up my wife. 100 pts" on my facebook wall
And as for the tiredness and napping, im not really tired, but I am napping anyway because its not the insomnia that keeps me up at night, its the urge to pee!!
nice ideas kaili for telling ur family n friends :)
is it ur first app wid midwife at 25?? n wen u booked it?
coz i've no idea when to book the app i wnt to doc yesterday n he gave me midwife number to book my first appointment but i was wondering if its to early to book???
Congrats all and what fun ideas on how to tell people. We are planning to tell my parents this weekend, but we want to let them know we would like them to keep it a secret until my first doctor appointment in a month. The risks are just too high right now for me to feel ready to tell everyone. I do not want to deal with telling people about a MC. I am only comfortable telling our parents and one of our siblings until we are almost out of the first trimester.
We are from a very small town, so I know that if I tell even a few people, it will spread like wildfire and everyone will know within a couple of days. I am not ready for that.

Everyone's situation is different. I know that for all of us, it is definitely a difficult secret to keep!
Good afternoon all!

So sorry bananas about your loss. We hope to see you back here soon seeing as everything else looked good! :)

We are going to tell DHs mom tonight I believe because he is SO EXCITED and just can't keep a secret to save his life. So I agreed. Then we will tell my parents tomorrow since I know they will be VERY upset if they find out his mom knew before them.

I literally just woke up from an on and off nap. I was so tired today and finally had some time to lay down. Then I could only nap in like 5 minute intervals. Boo! I'm still having the boob tenderness, slight cramps every now and then and a little bit of back pain. So far so good! :)
nice ideas kaili for telling ur family n friends :)
is it ur first app wid midwife at 25?? n wen u booked it?
coz i've no idea when to book the app i wnt to doc yesterday n he gave me midwife number to book my first appointment but i was wondering if its to early to book???

well I'm guessing you are in Europe, but I'm in America and our OB/GYNs won't see pregnant women for their first visit until 7 weeks after the start of your last menstrual cycle, I booked mine 4 days ago when I found out I was pregnant, and they scheduled it for the 25th (my 7 week mark)

the exception is if you have a history of problems, for me its my first pregnancy and I got my BFP after 3 months so they're not considering me a high risk and therefore won't see me immediately.

I'm fine with this though because I'd rather wait til 7 weeks because at least by then they can do blood tests and an u/s!
Everyone's situation is different. I know that for all of us, it is definitely a difficult secret to keep!

I don't know which is worse, the Two week wait or the 12 week wait to tell everyone we know!!!
I told my immediate family right away. My little sister knew first, then went from there. But I told them all not to tell anyone because I hadn't told anyone else. LOL! So they knew but didn't talk about it to each other. For the rest of my family, I bought a tshirt that said "I'm going to be a big brother" for my son to wear on Thanksgiving. So he wore that and it got a good response from my Aunt/Uncle. I told my coworkers after I had my ultrasound at 9 weeks. I had to see that heartbeat before I told anyone. Of course they were upset I waited so long but I had to be sure as I have had a loss before, even though it was 12 years ago, it's still fresh in my mind.
just out of curiosity... does anyone else notice their bump already? I'm naturally like 5ish pounds underweight, but I'm looking at my side profile right now, and I have to suck in to make it look like it normally looks.

I didn't think the bump became noticeable til a few more weeks in (I'm only at what I think is 4weeks today) or is it the bloating?

I'm going to go with bloating. My BFF was like twice as small as me when she got pregnant and the only things you could see was her bloat for quite some time. And she knew it was bloating because it would fluctuate.
thanx kiali for ur reply yes i am im UK n here we have to wait until at least 8 weeks to see a midwife. i ll give her a ring and find out abt it i am worried bcoz m going away on 23 jan n wont b back until April and wanted to see midwife before i fly away. hopefully every thing b ok for me.

and i think your bump would be bloating only coz m having the same thing. dont worry we will get actuall bumps soon:)

Is anybody having lots of cm ??? i m just keep getting it alot 2day(sorry tmi) and every time i think AF is here but it just cm????
Love all the ideas for sharing the wonderful news! I think I'm just going to tell my sister for now and then our parents in a week or 2. I'll wait until after my first appt to tell everyone else:) It's so hard to keep it a secret. But, I also think it will be weird to tell anyone since we've kept the whole ttc thing a secret.

DH came up with a new idea to tell his dad. He wants to wrap up the fruit or whatever is an example of the size of our baby at the time. When his dad asks what it is, he'll say "That's how big your grandchild is." This will be his first grandbaby, so I think he'll figure it out.

I agree the bump is probably just bloating, I've been getting that on and off too. For your first I think most don't start showing until the second trimest. Anyone know if that's right?

Miriam, I know what you mean about the cm feeling like af. I had that a few days ago and it drove me crazy!!! Much better today:)
Good afternoon all!

So sorry bananas about your loss. We hope to see you back here soon seeing as everything else looked good! :)

We are going to tell DHs mom tonight I believe because he is SO EXCITED and just can't keep a secret to save his life. So I agreed. Then we will tell my parents tomorrow since I know they will be VERY upset if they find out his mom knew before them.

I literally just woke up from an on and off nap. I was so tired today and finally had some time to lay down. Then I could only nap in like 5 minute intervals. Boo! I'm still having the boob tenderness, slight cramps every now and then and a little bit of back pain. So far so good! :)

How far along are you? You should create a ticker :) I know what you mean about family being upset that you told others first. I'm a little worried about that. We decided to tell my MIL last because we're not sure she'll be able to keep a secret. But, I think she'll be upset, especially since her and my FIL are divorced. Oh well, hopefully she'll get over it quickly :)
Good afternoon all!

So sorry bananas about your loss. We hope to see you back here soon seeing as everything else looked good! :)

We are going to tell DHs mom tonight I believe because he is SO EXCITED and just can't keep a secret to save his life. So I agreed. Then we will tell my parents tomorrow since I know they will be VERY upset if they find out his mom knew before them.

I literally just woke up from an on and off nap. I was so tired today and finally had some time to lay down. Then I could only nap in like 5 minute intervals. Boo! I'm still having the boob tenderness, slight cramps every now and then and a little bit of back pain. So far so good! :)

How far along are you? You should create a ticker :) I know what you mean about family being upset that you told others first. I'm a little worried about that. We decided to tell my MIL last because we're not sure she'll be able to keep a secret. But, I think she'll be upset, especially since her and my FIL are divorced. Oh well, hopefully she'll get over it quickly :)

I'm estimating I am just past 4 weeks. Next Friday I have my scan to tell just how far along I am. My last period was November 6 and I finished my last pack of birth control on December 1, with no bleeding afterwards. So we really don't know how far away I am. Based on my hcg numbers I'd say I'm in the beginning of my 4th week, but not certain.

Haha yea family can be so difficult at times, but I love them! I just worry that DH's family will spread the word and something awful happens. Ugh, I hate worrying!! My parents though, they are great at keeping secrets, so I know we will be good with that side of the family.

I'm sure your MIL will be more thrilled than upset and if she does get upset just point to your belly and say "baby!" and maybe she will forget it all! Hahaha!
Hmmm, that's tricky since you didn't have a period since being off bc. Maybe you'll get an early u/s so they can measure you better. Since I don't think I ovulated until cd24, my Dr mentioned doing that if I'm measuring smaller.

Agree, worrying is no fun :) I go in spurts where I'm worrying about everything and then other times I'm very content and excited! Such a rollercoaster, but I love it!

Very true, I'll have to keep that in mind, thanks for the advice!
Just wanted to show the progress of my strips, its what I hold onto until my first visit with the OB :)

Oh yes, my appointment with my Dr next Friday is for an U/S so they can see how far along I truly am. If I am as early as I think I am, I don't think there will be much to see, but I guess only time will tell!!

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